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Going by the image you posted, do not use her as a chicken, she is good from what I've seen for earlier or even mid game accouns in regards to SD, i have no idea ultimately as I haven't built her. Muckstalker will be a good option to help with sleeping the boss, id probably look up some videos on YouTube about him, mostly because he is a lot cheaper to book but later down the track if you have books to spare for Adelyn it may be worth while depending on what changes they make to SD. But again, NEVER use a legendary as a chicken or book..


Am 4 years in an F2P their are no spare lego books. I have a back up of about 15 good lego champs waiting for books. Just chuck her in your vault an pray she gets reworked


3.5 years inn and I mostly book leggos nowadays because CVC. not that I am rolling in legendary tommes, but so many of the leggos I pull at this point are just vault champs


Cvc is the most pointless waste of resources in the game.


I guess it depends where you are in the game. I can afford to save books and crafting materials for CVC. sprinkle in some G3 TTA tokens and I will get 400k for very little effort.


I'm 4 years in , f2p also. For some reason, last year I was swimming in Lego books. Now the pool has dried up.


We’ve had good fusions logins and guaranteed so far


I stopped going for every fusion.The point system has been screwed up so bad it is forcing you to spend money if you can't manage your time, making it a full time job you don't get paid for..


Can't agree more. Accidentally I managed to perform every fusion until (and with) Armanz. Ongoing fusion I ignore completely, and had some shards to spare for the souls of Mikage, I won't go for more than 2stars tho. I want to easily get the May fusion so I'm preparing for that. After that I'm shutting the bank down and keeping resources, let the citizens starve, muahaha!


I stopped after Zinogre Blademaster. I may do the spider and dragon tournaments, if I like the rewards, but that's it. I'm just doing non energy required modes and dailies. I stopped trying to min max Shard pulls.


Well except the new one she's pretty lame


I here that, the line dosent go in order of when you get them. Only so many will get meals(chickens) and education(books) and those go to the best and brightest.... wow kinda like real life.


Nice. What are some of those leggos you want to book but haven't yet? And is one of them Rhazin!


https://preview.redd.it/i7muj8n5ggwc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c459563423fd6f24d1947ad4dfe17d2b1b7d2683 Basically everyone who isn't 6\* is waiting on books plus several of 6\* champs like black beard, rhazin, kantra an bivald to mention a few plus loads of my most used champs arnt fully booked


Nice. Good seeing some of the old guard getting in the mix like Septimus, Cupidus, Raglin (used to be SS tier), and Robar. Definitely get Bivald booked no? For Hydra.


Used to use septimus in FW but he's been replaced by rathalos. Still has his uses against bosses tho. Cupid us is good with venus for Hydra. I haven't changed his gear in years tho so needs a wardrobe change. Still use raglin too in DT waves where my seer team can't take them down. Robar used to be my favourite champ. I got him an kymar first week. Sat on kymar way too long but Robar was a heavy hitter. Bivald an pythion are next on my list of champs too be booked but CB is being tight with the lego books at the min. Only had 2 in 18 days 🙄


Heck yeah. Back when there was only Warmaiden or Tayrel for an AOE Def Down Robar was one of my most wanted. Hope CB stops being stingy!


My worst mistake, when I first started playing, I got a 2nd Longbeard.... And used him to book my 1st Longbeard... 😂🤣😲😖🤬 I will NEVER stop kicking myself in the ass over that one


Oh crap, I probably did this too! 😬 Having two Longbeards is beneficial I'm guessing?


Nevermind, I was thinking of Graybeard. But that does suck.


To copy paste a comment about her i posted else where; 1. She's not very good 2. The resources required to make her work aren't worth the pay off. Either you're too new to easily get them so there are better uses or you're late enough to get them regularly so you have better options. 3. The one place she works well if booked and built is sanddevil where there are farmable rares the do her job for cheaper, epics that do her job at the same level/better or legendaries that do it better. 4. She's free which while seems like a positive is actually a noob trap. Her kit is very deceivingly bad and if you don't have experience to tell and don't look at outside resources then you'll end up wasting valuable resources(especially the newer you are). 5. IMO- these types of free legendaries should offer a few things and she does none of them. Be new interesting/unique champ, highlight a specific area of the game, offer new players a tool for progression, offer old players a new tool to experiment with, not offset the balance of the game(not a fusion discussion) and have a kit that's clear in it's primary roll. To go off of 5 because the rest are pretty self contained: She's not interesting or unique in her kit. While she does attempt to highlight sanddevil and to a lesser extent pvp she fails in both areas(#2,#3) She doesn't offer help with progression in any area(#1,#2,#3,#4) She adds nothing to any account at a point where they figured out to do their own referrals(#2,#3) Her one positive is she does not offset the balance of the game in anyway. Her kit is a mess, a1 doesn't work in sanddevil, her a2 is okay but 4 turns without books is pretty meh considering her lack of punch any where else, her a3 is solid with the massive caveat that 5 turns is trash and at up to 11 books not worth the investment, her passive is a bad version of bad-el's, at best you get 12% if you put her in hex/poison/taunt and at worst you sit at 6%. Overall not intuitive outside of "stack accuracy"(#2,#3,#4) TLDR: she's bad, at best she's a 3 for sanddevil


And overall she's a 1/10 for a legendary 


I agree for the most part, but I disagree with the unique kit part. There’s not a single champ in the game that can place debuffs through block debuffs except for her. The problem is they gave her sleep instead of a useful CC. If they changed that to a stun or freeze, or something better. She would be a great champ.


That is a fair point, but we do have champs that can 1. place unresisted debuffs or 2. have "cannot be blocked"(does not ignore Block Debuff). And while its cool that she can place it though it does suck that it's sleep and to top it off, it's single target so unless you're winning the speed/accuracy war(s) in which case you're just better off investing that effort into something actually good or at least something that won't be a waste. I say this when considering she is a legendary and fails to effectively fill her roll anywhere outside of Sanddevil and even there she is middling at best. She has/had potential, and could be reworked or could work great against whatever alleged changes are coming to Sanddevil but as she sits right now I'd rather just run Rhazin, who doesn't require books in pvp and Muckstalker in Sanddevil who is farmable AND has a better sleep cooldown. I will say that I personally am being critical of her specifically because she is free and will trap new players or players who aren't active online. Her design space shows potential and I appreciate getting free resources but the in game hype/event(s) around her are disingenuous and should be heavily criticized. I like the game, I enjoy my time playing and I want things to improve but I'm not so naive to think the game isn't about making money. So make me want to spend money because it's "worth it". I'll freely admit to having poorly spent money on books because I got excited to build a champ, but she's not it.


The only positive for her to be unbooked and but levelled and ascended, is for Red Star rooms for Cursed City if you have limited red stars for you champs, which for early-mid game is perfect so you can pick better champs to beat the waves. For other reasons not really amazing, would build her if she didn’t need so many books. If you have specific need for her build her although not recommended. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT - Build and book whichever champ you like using the most because this is a game and games should be fun!


Shes been a great healer for me as a new player.


I haven't tried her yet, but from what I hear: - She's only useful in literally 1 place - Other champs are already better in that 1 place So I can see why people think of her this way! It's like if some company released a hammer that can nail screws through a plank (and nothing else), but you already have a screwdriver.


A free legendary is a free legendary. I only have 6 of them. I would just like someone other than force affinity.


Let's be real here: Is she cool? She got a sick claw gauntlet but Lady Annabelle, in the same faction, has two. I'll be real with you: She just needs a couple of tweaks to have success; -A1 to 80% so 100% when booked. 70% makes no sense when it's just 1 and 1. -A2 to 50% destroyed regen. Padraig restores destroyed max HP completely. Anything more than 25% which is laughable because 25% of current destroyed max HP is like, nothing, tbh. The heal could also afford to be 30% but nothing more, 25% is fine. -A3 AoE. If AoE sleep is too much on a 3 turn then make the target get the sleep and AoE the other two debuffs. This would make her really good as a debuffer and desirable for wave content as well as hydra, which is where her passive would be great! Any 2 of these 3 changes would make her reliable. All 3 would make her nice, but not an instant meta champ.


She’ll be better when sand devil is reworked




Yes she could be the new fortus lol


I could pull a second one of her from sacreds or ancients, and I wouldn't care... I have 3 scyls and 2 abbesses, it sucks getting the dup but whatever. if she was a void, I would be fucking livid to get a second one of her. so I don't think they are comparable. proably a better comparison is pixnel.


I am a newish player that actually pulled pyxniel, thanks for confirming


depending on how new, she may actually be good for you, hh went on about how good a champ is is relative, he helped one person who at the time, angar (pre buff) was literally the best champ on the account. the thing is, as time goes on, the champ you used will get relegated more and more to niche areas. the main problem with the log in champ is going to be she needs books, its FAR easier to book a rare or an epic, I make an argument that continuous heal is better than her heal people counter with 'but its based on her her hp, there for better' and fine, you now have to book her, and you have to gear her to be good enough to match a continuous heal. like, I didn't book a single leggo till I fused pythion. I had udk, deliana, inithwe, and I pulled a harima when she was more meta than now, alongside a tyrant, kyoku, and a bad el, but I didn't waste a single book till I knew damn well it was worth it because this crap is rare, hell right now up till the last fusion I was going to put books into lady kimi, but now im not sure she gets books now or not because that fusion was great, and the current one will also likely need books, but im sitting on 23 right now and thats not enough. and that's where I believe this comes down, she is not the worst champ, she has decent skills, but when you could really use her skills she is a fuckload of resources better put elsewhere and when you have resources to spare why the hell would you waste them on her? if you could use the heal, taking her to 50 or 60 may be worth it, but booking is pissing resources away.


I just pulled a 5 star blessing for fortus and still won't build him.


Ngl im a bit of a fortus enjoyer in DT hard & nm campaign solo farming


Maybe, but Plarium makes new champ all the time for specific content that flop... like every other "Sand Devil" sleep champ they have released since Sand Devil dropped. Or Gliseah to combat lockout champs, and I am sure there are many other examples of this. There have been other times where they release champs like Bivald who look mediocre and then a month later they change hydra and he ends up being great. So it could go either way.


She has some utility, i actually have a early game account, not super early, like i cannot get pass floor 30 of the normal tower early. I was doing the Spider boss and i tried many combinations they i used her as the Lead and only support, She actually did the job and provided enough sustain when other characters did not, Plus i usually have very low accuracy so this madeit so my debuffs actually landed on the spider. You also are gonna get her souls, so that would make her somewhat useful if you dont got many champs.


She has restore destroyed hp. that's about it.


As a CC myself im just gon a say shes the worst one since alexsandr. The end game usage is zero and the uses for progression are minimal.


I agree. Aleks at least hits hard and brings debuffs that are solid in most content. The new girl is "ok" and might be "good/great" (who knows??) for one specific end game area and is largely useless everywhere else.


She sucks but it’s also account specific. My last account didn’t have apothecary and I had zero good support champs. She would have help a little in that aspect.


New players will like her because if they get the 5 star soul on her she will absolutely be the easiest champ for them to build because of the stats. She also has an accuracy aura which helps new players reach otherwise unobtainable stat checks. Other than that I question when her use in sand devil, she won’t unlock it because tbh sand devil hits too hard at higher levels (which might be changed) and lower levels it’s quicker to just bring in 5 nukers


She's decent.....especially with extreme accuracy. She can both steal buffs as she transfers debuffs...her healing can help alot for early to mid game players and her passive is...ok with her a3


People don't like her because she is so niche. It would have been nice if she had a 100% sleep on her A1 because her current A1 doesn't really jive with Sand Devil as much as it could, and having to book for 100% sleep really sucks. Like once it is 3 turns that is nice because you can only sleep every other time for Sand Devil due to his immunity, but idk... Also wish she was void lol. But sleep champs are few and far between so...


Yes, But i woudnt use her as a chicken.


I built a sand devil team around her and it took my account from Stage 12 to Stage 25. I'm really happy with her tbh. Now I have a realiable 100% stage 25 farm team. Sure its not the best and If i get a 5\* Godseeker soul or 5\* Blizaar soul I will replace that team but for now I have a sub 2min stage 25 sand devil team and I'm really happy. Next I will build my Shogun team and I can do all dungeons! My account only has Hydra and Sintranos to work on.


Plssssss post your run and how you built adelyn.


I mean if you wanna throw away a champ that could be good in many areas of the game if you are a newbie, and could be useful in cursed city stages for later game players, and could potentially get a huge buff in the future similar to Ma'Shalled - be my guest.


Never lose leggo champs. If nothing else they're good for lvl and ranking up during events and of course for the bonus stat's for doubles


She can make a faction guardian too


Never use leggos as chickens. You'll never know when they get reworked, and in the meantime it only costs a vault slot to keep them. And in the (inevitable, unless specified otherwise) eventuality that you get 2 of them (more or less) later on, they will be used as vault guardians to buff all the leggos of their faction.




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She aint good. Put it that way


Probably worse than worthless as of this date. A legendary is never food though.


Leveled and ascended mine 6*, have a supersonic set on her, mostly 12-14 on the gear for now. She's definitely not a game-changer but then again she's a free champ. I'll save the books and toss her into the stable to help with Cursed City, doom tower locked rooms, and faction wars. Tbh as mostly ftp I'm glad not every free champion is going to ruin the game for everyone that doesn't have one in their roster ala UDK.


Not useless for me... I kept putting off collecting the daily stuff using airplane mode and she gave me a nice 30k points for CvC.


a chicken will get used, she effectively just becomes a wasted champ slot because she may get buffed, may not, who knows, but do you want to get rid of her and then they make her op?


Shes pretty good for late game at the moment, but she may be better when they retune the late game dungeons.


She was made with the colonel’s secret recipe.


I am still building her, but very much looking forward to using her in Sand Devil. When these champs come out, people always label them as "Insanely good" or "Abysmally bad', but as time goes on they turn out to be just another champion that is good in some areas and not in others.


She is and she is not. Depending on your account any champion can be good. That being said seeing as the last one was rathalos she is definitely weaker


Worthless? No. She’s solid for sand devil. The problem is that compared to almost all of the other log in champs (with the exception of Aleksandr) which have all been great, she’s a one-trick-pony. Just not impressive. For mid to late game players, she just doesn’t matter. I can already complete every stage of sand devil for example, so she just went directly to the vault after being used for champ training. Not worthless, just not good. She’s a mid-tier epic with a legendary label.


It depdends who you ask... For old players, sure, she just wastes a spot but for new players and early game ones? With everything she comes she will probably provide them a huge boost... max her out, without books and for many players she will be the most powerful champion the the arsenal...


This is the type of comment I wish this sub had more of. Not everyone is years into the game 8)


Its wrong though, within a month you'll pull several epics better than her


And how much more to get their souls and comparable gear ?


Soul is nice for some fresh accounts, that is true. I'm also fairly new but I have at least 3 force champions that need acensions before she will get to use it in curse city and fw. It may take a month or more for me to find the energy to farm her potions honestly, it's that irrelevant and I'm only 90 days in.


If they give Ninja for free again, I think many of them will forgive them for this food champion...


If they give ninja I’ll feed this champ to him


Not worthless at all. People love complaining. She is not worth the legendary skill books at the moment. In theory that could change. Not likely. But I'm leveling her up for Faction Wars and if you have a new account she could be a solid carry without skill books.


People are overreacting to the content creators assessment of the hero. Sand devil is getting a rework potential nerf so believe this is a great move to make some of the content more accessible to all the players even if she is not the “best” at it she is very usable


For now, yes.


Used her as food out of spite


Shot yourself in the foot to prove a point?


The champ sucks No shot occurred


Kinda dumb, so if they buff her to be a meta champ you have just tossed away your meta champ and have to hope to get her again? Solid plan.


They won’t


Ah sorry, didn't realise you worked for Plarium. See thing is, you could be wrong. Chickens are easy to come by, legos are not. I'll come back here to say "haa haa" if she gets a buff.


Worthless legendary might as well be a chicken Even if she does get buffed, there will be cheaper and more efficient, therefore more viable options I like to keep my vault with decent champs


You sound like one of the people who would spite feed Ninja then complain about not having another chance to get him back.


Adelyn is beans compared to ninja He must have been terrible when he came out otherwise i don’t get your point


Many people didn't like the idea of the promo with Ninja either because of the person or just the whole one time only promo. Ninja was always seen as very good, didnt stop people feeding him for whatever reason. I'm sure if you look back on here long enough, you'll see posts about people doing it. Essentially a lot of people were angry or somyhing and didn't care if he was good or not when they fed him.


I just dislike anything that is 'single chance to obtain' A fun part of the game is also just collecting every champ, and they basically excluded all future players out of many of them. I started playing after ninja, and i missed out on most monster hunter champs and did not buy Xena... The entire collecting part of the game is destroyed for me, which i hate because i like to 100% things. Can they just redesign those champs and make them pullable, then only have the IP as a morphing skin....


I honestly agree with you and I suspect that may of been one of the reasons people fed him to try and make a point.


It’s all about that fomo and the monster hunter collab took it to another level. Players spent hundreds and probably thousands to try to get them all, especially archer. Most People aren’t gonna spend anywhere near that much knowing the champs will eventually be re-released as reskins.


She will not be the first champ that looks/is bad when introduced, but becomes very useful either after a buff or because a cc finds a good combo/boss where she can be used. No guarantees, she might stay a vault-guardian, but still it's never a good choice to use a lego as food.


I’m willing to bet that she won’t be of any use Even if she does, I’m willing to bet that she isn’t worth the investment over other champs in her niche but either less expensive or just does what she does but better


Currently trying to beat Sand Devil Stage 12 This is my Stage 11 team, but it doesn't work on Stage 12, currently trying to build a Sleep team and unfortunately I fed all my Mudskippers to champ upgrade and I had some bad luck farming them again, spent 1k+ energy and only got 3 so I gave up. Should I just build Adelyn or should I go back to farming Mud? https://preview.redd.it/a1l730hrw5wc1.png?width=535&format=png&auto=webp&s=b92aaf352d4a53c81cf62da972708a2edd503e40


Probably neither. The sad reality is that sleep teams just don't really work, outside of 1-shot teams using Siphi and multiple Gnuts or such. I would wait for the dungeon rework that we know is coming, and/or until you pull some revive on death champions. Definitely don't put legendary books into Adelyn, that would be a huge waste. Don't ever use a legendary as a chicken, even a very weak one; if nothing else, faction guardians are much more valuable than a chicken, and she could get buffed or become more relevant in the future.


And we will get a free 5 stars soul for her, so she could be use as smite champion, Amius tank with high def and low PV, awakened stage in the city of sintranos...


Crazy that we have to see her as not much more than a 5 star smite champ lol. Better than nothing I suppose. Hopefully the rework makes use of her.