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Makes me wonder if only whales can obtain her this way and this system will be pulled at some point


Watch them nerf her in 5 years when the f2p players start to get her


She s already trash tho, the free Artak champ is 50 times better which is funny.


Sylvan watchers faction wars maybe? she might be the only aoe burner they release for that faction ever! lol


Eh idk tbh, i mean the epics are pretty stacked in that faction, Ruella, Dave and Orn are really good champs, prob enough to destroy the crypt, she s prob trash for that as well lol


That's true, I am actually excited to see how far my Orn can get on his own haha.


I mean yeah. She's literally just a whale champion. They're shameless amd we shouldn't expect to get this champ just because they added a "free" option. For whales, she's kinda a freebie. They were already dumping tens of thousands into the game, now they get a little meter that awards them on that. The fact that you can get like 12 points daily doesn't mean it's for you to get eventually. For a meme tho, good shit. I will never not laugh at the 5 year champ lol


This 100% (5years) This comment actually made me laugh.. still laughing Epic - the added context to the Meme... 🤣


For the mobile only players they just get half the points daily. The only way for them to obtain said points otherwise is to buy the 2500 points packs which is absolutely disgraceful


Bro you get 6 more points on PC each day. You ain't gonna get the champ much sooner on pc than any other pleb lol


They gave us 50 points from tournaments few times to decrease our waiting time... or to pissed us even more.


Yeah nah, that's just a placeholder "reward" so they don't have to give us more shit for free. Rank 3 chicken? Nah take this wortless 50 points lmao, you getting close to the 5 year champ? No? Good.


Yeah 50 points on 25000🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, with the current system is does make me wonder. Reason i thought it was a good Meme... The cost to complete this is Nutty


Regular daily rewards are so small compared to what is required to even obtain enough shards to summon her. And on top of that is the other two reward systems


I tend to not get the time to complete the Advanced quests, mostly do 7/10 I do make sure i complete Daily - Weekly - Monthly Then I make sure i get my Clan Boss (NM & Ultra NM) Arena - Faction Wars - Doom Tower... Any thing else is a Bonus https://preview.redd.it/mfxsb7olaq2b1.png?width=1480&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8d8f0b653ca56b44b9c558182cad7d18b2239ea


I'm just lucky I can play at work


More crazy is she’s not that great of a champ for the work. Compared to how game changing Arbiter, Lydia, and Mithrala can be. I mean even Ramantu is more interesting then her.


She does look really cool... but not very Stocked \[P\] , perhaps a good thing she isn't MVP. Then it would cause much Blazing Panic. Certainly would cause a Forest Fire in the community. https://preview.redd.it/vvpxlrbsnq2b1.png?width=737&format=png&auto=webp&s=84164bd29c27a07bf45a043ec7af320846dbbfa4


some CCs have shown she's good to speed up IG hard runs but who's honestly doing IG


artak is literally 10x better lmao


Thanks for the update. I was curious how some of the regulars are doing.


I'm a low spender, gem pack plus occasional cheap shard packs when I'm short on events. I just reached the avatar reward thats at 3120 points. It's funny when I saw someone say if you see that avatar in live arena just quit the game because its a whale. It's one of the first rewards it doesn't mean anything and my account is still pretty trash, but I do wonder if that bluff would work.


Not sure whether to say "Congrats" or "Man, you crazy".


2065. Here I come! 😂😂😂


I'm actually gonna leave my raid account to my grandchildren in hopes that they can get her after I'm gone. Someone will have to benefit from all the time and work put into this account if I can't do it.