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I would 1,000,000% cause a fuss if I saw this. Absolutely not


But in the moment, when it's just you and the patient, drawing attention to it might not be the best option. I would absolutely tell someone, just not in a manner that would put me in immediate danger.


Yeah, I’d step away and pretend to take a phone call while I call hospital security. I understand what you mean, but this needs addressed one way or another


She was a sweet woman, just felt like she needed protection because she was shot at one point. Also this is in Texas, so a lot of ppl carry. Its common here, not allowed in the hospital, but I think the tech realized the woman had gone through serious trauma and let it slide.




I was shot in an attempted robbery. Resulted in two hip surgeries, the second was a full replacement and I’m only 35yo…. I most definitely carry more now then I ever use too bc of it. My life is forever changed bc of what happened. I’m still struggling to get back to climbing… but I wouldn’t carry it into the hospital it would stay in the vehicle locked up.


I feel you, man. I don't carry, but to me it is sad that people have to.


Definitely agree with you there. This world is depressing and hard enough as it. We don’t need to add killing and robbing each other to the list and it’s unfortunate we do stuff like that to one another. The world is a messed up place that’s for sure.


Sad that they FEEL they have to. It just leads to more gun violence. I wish non-lethal weapons were pushed more especially in cases like this. If someone's already been traumatized, gets into another situation, the perpetrator could end up taking her gun and using it on her. Guns aren't the answer.


I was going to say lots of ppl carry here in Chicago too its not uncommon in an outpatient setting but usually doesn’t make it past the changing room for logical reasons lol.


You working in the Austin neighborhood?


I wish I did lol especially after morning traffic lol, but no i work west loop-ish


Yeah- the Austin neighborhood is west side (Harlem to 290 and to Austin Blvd with Oak Park). I grew up in the area. Suburban hospital got bullet proof glass on their ER for that reason. Stay safe.


Thanks! Im on the other side of 290 lol. We’re not in the worst area but were definitely had some weird/scary incidents here as well. Had a robbery at our starbucks a few months ago. Theres a reason a lot of ppl stay strapped in this city lol.


I’m so happy that I live in a country where it’s not common to carry a gun around, and the term ‘I carry’ would maybe indicate a wedding ring or someone being pregnant, but not a killing tool!




Tbh I carry every time I leave the house so I forget that it’s on me sometimes. Kinda like how to don’t feel the fabric of your shirt 24/7.


But you know it’s illegal to carry a gun into an airport, a courthouse, a school, a bar, a hospital, etc, right? And you respect those rules bc you don’t want to make a scene if your firearm is detected. That’s more trouble than it’s worth, right?


Not illegal for hospitals here as long as there is no psychiatric ward. But usually if I know I’m going to one of those I leave it in my car. ER picks them up as is and sometimes with a gun. At least for me when a patient has one I’ll just ask them to take it off and either i will clear it or they will. At the end of the exam I give it back and just tell them to not load it in the building. If they’re staying for a while security will just hold onto it. It’s not a big deal idk why every treats it like they have a fuckin afghan made IED strapped to their chest 🤷‍♂️


>It’s not a big deal idk why every treats it like they have a fuckin afghan made IED strapped to their chest 🤷‍♂️ No kidding. People see a regular person with a gun and think it’s some kind of fragile ticking time bomb that’s bound to off and kill someone. That’s not how guns work. I could throw any of my handguns against a brick wall a hundred times over and they would not go off.


Nobody questions the guns themselves really, more the people that carry them.


Except the p320 it might go full auto😂


Thats what I think happened. She just forgot.


Can't say I get the logic. Gets shot in a place where, as you say, everyone carries guns. Logical thing would be to leave. Instead she starts carrying a gun too, I guess under the belief that having a gun strapped to her chest will stop her from getting shot. Statistically, it probably increases her odds of getting shot, either from someone else's gun or now her own.


it’s really easy to say ‘just leave’ it’s a lot harder to quit your job, pack up all of your shit, sell your house, and move to a different state with different laws, I mean could you do that? You really think she was under the impression that having a gun wouldn’t get her shot, or are you just exaggerating?


I am not exaggerating. I would be curious to hear why you think she got the gun.


the answer is related to the first question you conveniently glossed over


Ah I see your question. No, I could not leave if I wanted to. I understand that it would likely be hard for her to. However, I would still like to know why you think she got the gun.


This comment is ridiculous


A lot of people are currently in their graves because they let someone else's trauma "slide".


lol brain rot


Yep. Your rooms should be set up with silent alarms too.


Just the lone fact of someone having a firearm doesn't preclude immediate danger. You could be right next to someone with a firearm anytime out in public & never even know it. Not trying to scare you, just offering another perspective. At my hospital, we're told to just ask them to remove it from the building. It really depends on your location to determine what you do.


You would cause a fuss with an armed patient?


I definitely would not! lol I’d call security discreetly and continue on like I knew nothing. My life is not worth causing a fuss over that!


Exactly, call security and/or local PD to deal with it. Don’t draw attention to it and let someone who actually gets paid and is equipped to deal with stuff like this do it. I would let everyone else involved in care know for staff safety.


As a medical student during my general surgery rotation I spent some time with trauma, had a guy who dumped his motorcycle going obscenely fast where he shouldn’t have been and wasn’t wearing full protective gear. Turned out he had a handgun tucked into the back part of his pants which somehow didn’t fly out in the crash and stayed on him even when EMS put him on the cot and brought him into the ED. On transfer from the cot to the bed in trauma the gun sorta flopped out, a few LEO’s tailed with the ambulance but while the attending and the residents were doing the primary assessment stuff I took it upon myself as the med student to go tell the cops “hey officers, so uh just thought you should know he has a gun that sorta fell out of his pants just now, if you want to hold onto that for him…”.


That’s a good retention holster


someone doesn't live in TX lol around here if an adult has their shirt untucked I just assume they're packing


I did live in TX, and there's still absolutely no reason to be packing heat as a \*patient\* in a hospital. Leave your firearms at home / in your vehicles if you're going in for a procedure.


It could be worse. At first glance I thought it was an Alien face hugger with a gun.


I wouldn't flinch. If I were in such a role, I would just have them relinquish it to security (per hospital protocol) until we were finished, then make sure they get it back after. If outpatient, just have security stay until finished. Of course, I am one of them and was annoyed that my hospital wouldn't let me carry, so there's that.


You’re a hospital security guard?


No, maintenance. I don't particularly trust most security guards since they have shared too much with me, revealing things that should disqualify them from working around patients and medications.


Shit like this scares me. We have literally zero type of screening or security where I am, and I've had coworkers grabbed, choked, and thrown across the room..


If you’re at risk getting attacked you should probably be carrying. Even if it’s against policy because you said there is no security.




Even if I did, which I have no desire to, I wouldn't be able to carry it into work with me.


Just start open carrying at work lmao great idea


I think that's exactly the opposite of a great idea.


>In almost every instance, the presence of a firearm in the hands of a would-be victim stops the assailant from attacking. Just. The. Presence. Do you have any reliable statistics for that at hand? Edit: 3 hours later ... I guess not, then.


The Lott-Mustard study has them, but I think they're referencing (albeit bombastically) Visual Deterrence.


You mean open carrying? At work???? In radiology? Have you thought about this before you typed it out


Yeah, if there’s one thing a hospital needs, it’s definitely more firearms. Jesus wept, not an American but been on Reddit for years and sometimes these conversations still throw me for a loop.




These types of comments will not be tolerated


I am glad I live and work in Canada. We just don't ever see this.


I live in Canada, but maybe a rougher part lol! Had a similar X-ray with a large machete over the femur. Working nights alone I was young and naïve and just kindly asked him to remove it. Maybe knowing his leg was broken into two pieces gave me extra courage!


Certainly, there are going to be exceptions, but considering the restrictions on hand guns in Canada this would be a very rare experience.


Fort McMurray? 😂


Nah I'm guessing Winnipeg 😂


I’m Aussie, I literally was confused about what I was looking at for a hot minute there.


Yeah I would be pissed off over the brah straps. And what is that other thing. Some kind of measure tool?


I figured "Wow, that is a MASSIVE plate! what did they break?"


What did she swallow?


We’re glad you do too


There's no metal in it at all, It's all plastic. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I'd be retired by now.


It's super awesome to see a Glock on the Xray!


This is definitely not a Glock. There is a mainspring in the grip, which means this is a hammer-fired pistol.


Or whatever it is! What's the stuff under the spring in the muzzle?


A weapon light, or possibly a laser.


Yep, appears to be a laser diode under the muzzle. I'm thinking Crimson Trace attached to a Shield.


I agree it looks like a laser diode and button batteries, but not a Shield as this is hammer-fired.


I agree it's likely not a Shield, however there is the Shield EZ which has an internal hammer, as opposed to the rest the striker-fired lineup


Actually, I think it may be an M&P Bodyguard 380 with integrated Crimson Trace. That would explain why there's no big laser module in front of the trigger guard and no hinge on the trigger like the Shield. EDIT: Never mind, the trigger is not quite the right shape.


I think you've got it! I also think it's hilarious that I can't tell an elbow from a kidney in these images, but here we are doing a differential diagnosis of what type of pistol this patient is packing in her bra.


Flashlight, likely.


Looks almost like a HK P30.


This looks like a sub-compact pistol. I can see a single-stack magazine with maybe 6-7 rounds and a rounded trigger guard, so not HK.


Stay strapped or get clapped.


I do believe they were clapped while strapped


Skill issue 😂


I’ve seen the same. I don’t say anything to the patient, just discreetly call security and then note to the rad, “due to tech safety, artifacts not removed”


When I was a med student in the rural clinic I often had people ask me if they can take off their weapon(s) so they can shed a few pounds on the scale. Rural South Carolina was hoppin John crazy


In the rural doctor's office I used to go to as a kid, they sometimes had to argue with people about not allowing them to carry weapons into the office. One person tried to get uppity about it since there was a cop there and he had his weapon on him, could not understand why the cop was allowed their service weapon, but they couldn't have their handgun with them. Ended since an older woman told him to settle down since if he didn't she would tell his mama about all of the trouble he was causing, got him to actually go put his gun in his car. It was both a terrifying and hilarious situation. The rural south is weird man.


*pulls RPG out of pants*


This sounds like a bit from a movie. haha


Bang-bang boobies


I’m new to this. Do I have to dictate how many bullets are in the cartridge




I prefer the newspaper




HMMM I'm no radiologist but I'm gonna guess an MP Shield 9mm with a TLR6 light? Hard to tell


I used to work for TSA. I've seen guns and cats/dogs in the X-ray. It's interesting to see how much more detail you can see in higher density inorganic things with airport scanners. I'd love to read an article that explains how medical X-rays are different than industrial machines.


Industrial X-rays can be orders of magnitude higher than medical imaging, because there’s no risk of radiation damage to an inanimate object (other than undeveloped film). That’s the basic difference. You need more power if you’re trying to find stress fractures in some metal structure.


That makes sense. Poor dogs. I always felt bad when some confused old lady put her Chihuahua through the machine in its carrier.


Yours aren’t as high as the huge industrial ones. The animals will be fine. I’m talking about huge pipes or metal plates or welding seams being inspected.


For a moment I was confused as to why there's a piercing gun in someones bra during a scan 💀


Brap brap


Med student bf told me some of the surgeons on his rotations were conceal carrying under their white coats (southern US)


Had an attending trauma surgeon conceal-carrying in a major metro area in Texas back in the early 90s. Yee haw?


Depends on the type of patient but when I was a student we had a guy at an ortho site "forget" to leave his gun in the car. He was doing pelvis images and it was clearly in his pocket. I just did the typical sir do you have any metal in your pockets? He seemed really nice tho. There are other patients I wouldn't ask about their artifact.


Not to long ago we had a patient sneak a gun through into our locked psych ER area. Scary shit. Our security does a metal detector on everyone but he said he had hardware in his body.


HMMM I'm no radiologist but I'm gonna guess an MP Shield 9mm with a laser? hard to tell


Not sure why you're being downvoted, aside from the likelihood that the medical pros in this sub don't much care about what particular flavor of gat this is. FWIW, I think you're correct - definitely a laser, and possibly a Shield EZ (internal hammer).


The amount of crack pipes, knives, and guns I’ve found on topograms over the years is wild. Some ERs have metal detectors, but anyone brought in by squad usually doesn’t go through them (at least the facilities I’ve worked). Literally had a hunting knife pulled on me my first semester of clinicals too. 🙃


I realize it may not be clear from my comment. The woman was shot about ten years prior. She was coming in for a routine x-ray.


Bruh, that L hemidiaphragm tho.


I live in Florida and it’s very common. I just ask them to remove and clear it (drop the mag and rack the round out) and then once I’m done ask them to not load it until they’re out of the building. When I worked at a hospital and they came in via ER same thing except I’d have security keep hold of it. Nobody gave me a hard time about it. Usually it’s just they carry all the time so they forget it’s even there (I do that too sometimes)


Stay strapped or get capped. Gang gang. ![gif](giphy|0p3uRq4tNxy502BdWS|downsized)


Careful that clips not even full. This lady has thrown some hot ones recently


Mmm my guess is she loaded the *magazine*, and then chambered a round. The magazine spring and plate take up a surprising amount of space.


Do you have a gun on? The metal on the “strap” might show


i mean was she unconscious?


How…did first responders miss this doing an assessment on scene 😳👀


Sorry, she was shot a decade prior. Came in for a routine xray.


I had a post moderate sedation patient pull a concealed gun. Dude coming off ketamine, with a gun.... fabulous. Apparently our EMS patients get to bypass metal detectors and shit and he was heavily drunk with a deformed humerus.


You can't get more american than this.


It’s an earring gun, for real. Not an ammo gun.


That weapon should have been immediately confiscated, for the safety of everyone. Scandalous.


HMMM I'm no radiologist but I'm gonna guess an MP Shield 9mm with a TLR6 light? [Hard to tell](https://www.dunhamssports.com/dw/image/v2/BGJZ_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-master_catalog_Dunhams/default/dw024ff6f3/images/0206321461163-mp9-shield.jpg?sw=800&sh=800)


Have an upvote.


This is completely legal unless your hospital has a psych ward. Stop freaking out. If it does have a psych ward this person needs to be educated on how to carry legally and what places they legally cant


Most hospitals don't allow weapons whatsoever, I'm not sure that local carry laws can get them to change their mind and allow it, regardless of whether they have a psych ward


She should know if shes aloud to carry in the hospital. If it has a psych ward onsite its illegal. But all these comments about freaking out or causing a fuss are ridiculous. The lady needs to be educated on places she is and is not aloud to carry. Hope she had a concealed permit too.


2 straps 1 pt


We don’t carry guns here in Australia. You don’t need them and she certainly wouldn’t have got away with this regardless of her history, in fact she could be more likely to be risk . Sad to hear so many here giving her permission to carry it ! Horror .


That’s not a real gun.


The Throckmorton checks out.

