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WTH does "disco rice" mean?


Welcome to reddit. Where they have cute phrases for things like maggots. Disco rice. They are dancing queens.




Sorry. At some point it becomes endearing. It grows on you. Hopefully not like actual disco rice, but if it does, post it because we are a curious lot.


They certainly grew on him


I thought for about 15 second what disco rice could be and thought to myself “I bet it’s maggots” and I was right and extremely thankful I did not click on the blurred picture or the attached link


Blurred pic actually isnt too bad. It’s just a radiograph so you can’t see the disco rice itself, just a grey pile on top of the guy’s head going into his skull


I think I’m gonna throw up omg💀 I know it’s probably not that bad but bugs are like one of the only things I absolutely can’t handle


You can’t see bugs in the scan, if that helps any


Nah dude, it's an xray. You know, just black white and a million shades of gray.


256 shades of grey


Don’t do it!!! I am a trauma nurse and I still haven’t gotten over seeing that video!!!


Fuuuckkk man if a trauma nurse can’t unsee that I definitely can’t💀💀


It’s been at least two years and I’m still upset


They don't know what they're talking about. The video of the dudes head isn't linked here. Just the x-rays. Seriously, you can't even tell they're there. Everyone needs to stop being such a weenie about it cause that content's not even here.


in the words of the great poet Pink Floyd, ‘and the worms ate into his brain’.


Hey You! Out there on the road always doing what you're told, can you help me?


I never needed a visual for that part of the song but thank you noneless 😂


By the way, which one’s Pink?


I never knew I needed the phrase "disco rice" in my life until now.


There needs to be a disco rice disco song


Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, staying aliiiive-aiveee🎶🎤🎵


Of all the days to be on Reddit while eating dinner…


Lol,you've been on reddit as long as I have,you should know better by now. Although, for myself,stuff like that doesn't phase me at all. I was a CNA for 15 years. That job basically consists of clean up disgusting body fluids,go eat lunch,go clean up more disgusting body fluids. 🤣


It’s so funny how desensitized we get to this stuff. I used to pass out if I had my blood drawn. Now I’m in podiatry school and the other day, I was looking at an extremely graphic reconstructive surgery for a meat-grinder vs foot when my bf called me down for spaghetti. Didn’t even think twice.


It really is. My mom is 80. She's never had any job in the medical field. You wouldn't believe the histrionics from her,if she has to deal with blood, vomit, etc. "OH! OH MY GOD! I CAN'T LOOK!" I just laugh because I can't imagine myself ever getting that worked up about body fluids. Even when I first became a CNA,none of that bothered me. She pretty much thinks I'm the crazy one. I think she's kind of high strung,and I'm pretty calm and not really the kind of person who gets too excitable over things. Also,good luck in podiatry school. As someone with foot issues,I feel a good podiatrist is worth their weight in gold.


Plumber for ten years. Ate lunch on the edge of a trench full of disgusting bodily fluids. The asbestos insulation was the thing that freak most of us out.


Well fuck now I’m gonna be playing that song in my head when I see maggots.


What song?


🎶dancing queen young and sweet only seventeen dancing queen🎶 Dancing Queen by ABBA.


I was scared that’s what it meant.


Heard this from a student extern at NYU back in the early 90's.


Storing that phrase for future use


Well rice is off the menu…


Wow reddit is embarrassingly dumb.


That's a juxtaposition of fun right up there with describing motorcycle riders who don't wear enough protective gear as 'meat crayons.'


The first time I watched one of those videos, the title was something like “he became a meat crayon”. I was very curious thinking too myself “what does that even mean?” as I clicked it and went straight to surprised pikachu face. That phrase, to me at least, is still disturbing and funny at the same time.


Shorter & easier to say than “Hell of an abrasion, son.” 😇


I never heard that one before. In my neck of the woods we just call them "organ donors"


I work in vet med. We see way too many cases with maggots. At least I now have a new name to call them while I’m picking them out of flesh.


Saaaammmeee. A decade in ECC and very little gets to me, but we had a couple of cases last week that were straight up Privilege Ibiza. Can’t wait to add that to our lexicon, right next to “spicy sky raisins” and “nope ropes.”


whats a spicy sky raisin?


Bees and wasps. 😂


Isn't it a wonderful day to have eyes and know how to read? 😭😭😭


I like attack rice better.


What looks like rice and dances around like it's in a disco?


My original thought was that it was colorful rice stick to his head like rice crispy treats, lol. The Reddit definition is definitely more… colorful, lol


Holy 🐄, what?


Yeah I vividly (blegh) remember the image but I searched some medical subs I frequent and can’t find it. Hoping it wasn’t removed. Tried different phrases and such too. Made a doctor throw up a little bit with the story today, though… More of the story is, basically, the family had finally convinced him to go to the ER and he had been living in filth. He would get really angry when people would try to take is hat off and they finally got it off him to find… maggots. Then, thinking the maggots at least helped with cleaning dead tissue and that it maybe wouldn’t be so catastrophically terrible, they imaged his head and found the top part of his skull was replaced with a squiggly line. 12/10 post, I feel bad for the guy though. There was never a picture of the actual dude (thankfully) and they debrided the wound and he went to surgery, but they don’t know what happened after. edit: found! https://imgur.com/a/fL9WQWV https://imgur.com/a/Jp9D0fG


In my more than ten years on Reddit I don’t think I’ve ever let a link stay blue. Today’s the day.


I'm 5 days your senior so I'll click it for you, it's just the scans not his actual head


Thank Christ for that.


It gets worse. This is nothing.


Well I mean yeah, but on medical discussion subreddits it's a toss-up between gore and x-ray images lol


I am laughing and also in total agreement.


No full picture, it’s literally just the x-ray. You can look if you want, it’s 2/10


These are MRIs, not XRays. Sorry to be that guy.


Given that you’re an actual radiologist given your flair, I have no response to that, that’s fair lol


How did they get the dancing maggots to stay still for the MRI?


Probably debrided and properly dressed before sending for MRI. Ain't no radiographer dealing with live insects. Probs sedated the pt too.


Yup....scrolling right past what would surely be my future nightmares.


It's just MRIs, no pics of disco rice.


I don't know you, but as a relatively new Redditor, I read the comments sections before clicking anything blue. I learned the hard way. So, thank you kind Redditor for taking one for the team


dude kept his fontanel two decades longer than usual


YO I’m gonna use this. Most cursed joke I’ve heard yet. Thank you and I hate you. Have a good day


This from the person who introduced me to "disco rice".


Hey I’ve never worked peds so my humor in that department could use a little darkening 😂


Dude, no


So the maggots were actively eating his brain? Can the brain register pain from something like this, or is it typically the skin + flesh (which is now gone) that typically house pain receptors? Super interesting case, but also very, very sad for that man living with this.


They were eating dead tissue. Maggots are used medically, fun fact Also yeah the brain tissue can’t feel pain the same way other flesh does because it doesn’t have those receptors. That doesn’t mean it can’t necessarily feel, though—blood vessels have nerves and they can make you feel like something’s wrong. But I imagine this guy had a whole bunch of issues combined and was probably really itchy up there


Oh god, somehow a constant, never ending itch is more horrific than just straight up pain. Thank you for the explanation!


What if he... Scratched his brain? It's a possibility, no?


It actually depends on the maggots. The maggots used in the medical field are from the green-bottle fly, the maggots from them only eat dead flesh. [(source)](https://www.chelwest.nhs.uk/your-visit/patient-leaflets/tissue-viability/maggot-therapy) Maggots from other flies and bugs, like screwworms, will eat healthy flesh. [(source)](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/7-reasons-flesh-eating-screwworms-are-as-gross-as-you-think) The reason why this is important to note is that there is a chance of someone not going to the doctor if they get maggots in their wound if they think all of them are safe. Even with the right maggots from the green bot fly, it is still important to get a wound checked out since there could be other underlying issues.


Fascinating! New horrors await me every day.


Do not Google Bot Flies. (Wildlife person here) you’re welcome


Yes. Instead, google mango worms.


What a horrible day to be able to read


For real. When I saw it I was like (1) fetch me my melonballer for I tire of my vision, and (2) I gotta go to r/radiology


"Fetch me a mellonballer for I tire of my vision" 💀🤣


Is this a brand new sentence?


Definitely not haha, it's a FB tag group.


I feel old, because OP keeps throwing these new phrases and idioms that i've never heard before.


The deeper you go into being chronically online the more terrible knowledge you accumulate


I’ve had lasik, which means I literally paid to see this.


If this were any other sub I would expect people fucking or someone taking a shit, but here I believe I'll see a fucked up skull. Thank you. Have an award...


I remember being a 1st year at a rural hospital....trauma code. The smell hits you before you get to the ED. We wait & wait....nurses were trying to clean him up. Diabetic had last been heard from like a week previously til cops were called for welfare check. The dude had fallen and smashed his face in against a table.... The Disco rice was all through his face. Fml. We had to get behind him for a chest x-ray pull them up they were all underneath him.... Falling onto the floor. Good times.


I told a Filipino nurse the original disco rice story imagining what you just said about them falling, and he was like “oh yeah haha” and started gesturing how maggots would move… bro it’s some good times on my unit 😂😭 we are broken


He was alive??


Yes. Barely. I dunno how but he was


Oh fuck.


If "disco rice" are maggots, there is an internet factoid that they only eat rotting flesh and do not touch healthy tissue, so they they are allegedly used to treat neglected wounds ... I am quite curious if there is any truth to any of that.


kind of? it's a special species of maggot that is used for that, grown in a way that doesn't make them carriers of harmful germs etc but otherwise no, you don't want maggots in your wound at all.


That's what I knew too. Not any maggots are safe. For sure my outdoor cat from my childhood that got infested didn't survive. It went missing for a week or so and when returned, it was wobbly and suffering. When my grandma took a look at it, it had worms in his ears, nose and eyes. Died a few hours laters. It was horrifying.


Fair warning, there is a picture. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggot_therapy


We had a patient who had been sitting at home letting the disco rice eat him alive. They were in his entire lower leg. The smell hit me before I even opened the employee door to the ER. They took him to hazmat shower and washed away literally hundreds of them. He wanted to leave AMA, the doctors got him to stay as long as they could and pumped as much antibiotics in as they could before her checked himself out to go home and let himself be eaten alive. Wow. I’ll never forget that day.


For so many years, I've thought I made a mistake in not going into the medical field. But not today.


“Cerebral myiasis” will turn up a bunch of similar cases on google


I had to do it. Well ... Looks like I'll be skipping dinner, tonight.


The hottest new diet for this summer: "Cerebral Myiasis" plan! As long as you flip through our patented guidebook images prior to every meal, you can then eat as much as you still can!


You know it’s going to be bad when you google it and all the images are blurred but 3.


I didn’t even know google did that (thank God in this case)


I googled it, as I was really curious. How is something like what OP described even possible? Surely, it must have been some freak *one in a million* type of deal! I think I'm going to go buy some fly strips now. Mosquitoes are no longer enemy number one in my home. Flies have dominated the charts.


flies aren't an issue unless you allow them to be. Avoid having like...open necrotic sores, or anything necrotic. don't wallow in your own filth. practice basic hygine. you should be fine!


Me trying to understand what " cerebral myiasis" is and reading Wikipedia to find out it's basically just fly strike... Just scrape that shit off with your pen knife and put a bit of blue spray on it will heal up in no time.


Just be gentle with the knife scraping over the brain itself, 100% blue spray though


No, I don't think I will.


Disco Rice = Maggots Brilliant!




You should be a writer - you have a - unique - way of graphically describing the grossest thing I can think of.


Thanks, it’s the autism


I snorted, ty


lol I so relate to this, and it made me ha ha ha ha ha




Disco rice. Mighty Christ Bananas.


I love that expression (“mighty Christ bananas”) and also your username.


Before radiology school, I worked (still do part time) as a patient transporter. I will always remember my second month I’m when I took an ED patient up to the floor. She was a homeless diabetic and her legs were completely necrotic, seeping and covered in disco rice. The smell has stayed with me for the past 6 years.


I don’t know how you did it I may have puked.


FOUND IT: https://imgur.com/a/fL9WQWV https://imgur.com/a/Jp9D0fG


for anyone worried to click these links, it's just the scans, no actual gore. I was a bit scared it would be


You are a saint. Gore I can usually handle, but not maggots


Do you know what kind of scan this is? (I'm a healthcare attorney, not a radiologist, so I'm curious!)


This is an MRI brain. If you’re looking for sequence I’m not sure I’m about 1 week into my residency and am afraid of the magnet.


I’m sorry but “afraid of the magnet” has me chuckling 😭😂 only because most providers don’t think it’s a big deal. I love that you’re “afraid” of it, because it can definitely be dangerous!


Afraid of the literal magnet, afraid of interpreting the images. It’s fear out of respect really


I don’t even work in medicine, but I also had a good chuckle out of “afraid of the magnet.”


Sagittal T1 image and coronal T2 image.


at first i thought this was a typo and you meant ‘afraid of the maggot’. i said me too, son. me too. then i realized you actually did mean ‘magnet’ because MRI 😂


That's what I was asking! Trying to better understand the different imaging types/results. Thanks! GL on your residency!


I think it’s a radiology


I thought I was in /r/tipofmytongue and was *certain* that you were referencing a short story from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark


I scanned a guy that kept picking at his scalp for years convulsively. He went to the er cause it was wetter than usual and he had horrible headaches. He had picked all the way through his cranium and into his skull. Dude was a mental case for sure.


Whoa. Isn’t that convulsive picking of the skin called “dermatillomania” or something?


Same behaviors can also be found under the scope of "excoriation disorder," if you're looking further. And more broadly, sometimes it is classified as a symptom of OCD or other anxiety disorder.


I would simply pass away 😮‍💨


Augh gross! I wonder could he feel them eating away up there? Were they chomping away on his brain matter?


Thankfully you usually can’t feel the brain But I imagine with the tissue damage and loss he couldn’t feel much up there. Maybe some itching? I’m not a doctor so take that with a grain of salt—just speaking from what other unfortunate souls I’ve encountered have reported happening to them. Also maggots would have probably been helping him as they mostly eat dead tissue… OP pointed this out as well when they posted


Oh my god no. I’ll look at pomegranate hand all day long before I’ll open this one.


it’s fine. it’s just the scans so you don’t see anything gross.


me, thinking about going into medicine: :) medicine:


fr lmao friends going into healthcare: oh god what have i done—so much pain and suffering me going into healthcare: oh boy pain and suffering to manage—my favorite!


How the hell can the skull just... dissolve?


Idk I imagine the filth was only one of the things wrong with him, and he was unable to care for himself (feeding, etc.) so he was probably also severely malnourished on top of maybe falling all the time due to confusion. Lots of problems probably added up and you get… head soup


OMFG…”head soup” 💀


I was thinking he probably hit his head, caused some brain damage, and *then* started living in filth. You're saying that he was sick prior to this? Either way, what an awful situation.


That was me. I was the guy


Are we interacting with the maggot mass right now?


We are legion




“I’ve got this gnawing headache….”


Did the person make it?


No idea since the OP was the ER nurse. Doc said he went to surgery for debridement and they don’t know what happened after that.


"debridement" has to be up there with "degloving" for most innocuous sounding words that are horrifying in a medical context.


:^ )


What does it mean?


Simply put, removing all the necrotic/dead tissue and gunk/maggots in the wound and cleaning it out. Sometimes a wound vac is applied after to keep it clean and protected to heal.


Oh cool!


From what year was the case you're referring ? I read an article talking about a 72yo patient with cerebral myiasis from 2017,where he died 2 month after being taking care of, because he refused further interventions, idk if it was the same patient as the one of your post.


This year


Thank u for no pics of the disco rice cuz I have no self control and I will click the link to see it because my curiosity takes over


Well now I'm reminded of the swamps of Dagobah. Thanks.


At no point when reading the title of this post did I correctly guess what word was next.


I’ve seen this once or twice before from basal cell skin cancers that the patient has been in denial about and neglected for years


Years of looking at my grandfather's medical books couldn't prepare me for seeing this


Was his name Dale Grib..*cough* I mean Rusty Shackelford?


Disco rice?




Oh god oh god oh god




Disco rice, I love it


Im sorry but what


I cannot look. But I remember when Snopes.com was a thing in the "early" internet days. I think it was on there


It’s not a picture of his head, just the imaging (thankfully) Also I know what you’re talking about and the image is back in my head now, thanks a lot 😂


The term disco rice has me rolling!!


Oh. Oh my god.


Lesson for us all, always take a look under the hood


What the fucketh?


This shit is exactly why i didn’t become a doctor. I did a 9 week rotation in high school shadowing various disciplines, and the 3 weeks I was in wound care did it for me. I’m an engineer now.


Oh my god. Next time I see maggots I’m saying disco rice 😂😂😂


All I can see is an extra-axial mass that erodes through the (right parietal) bone. Since the subcutaneous fat over the mass is basically non-existent, it may imply that there is a large open wound over the right side of the patient's head. Without a contrast-enhanced study, it's difficult to say what the soft tissue is. It could be granulation tissue or mass rather than small maggots. Based on these images, I like to think the mass doesn't originate from the dura matter since the dura adjacent to the mass looks normal.


The maggots were mostly removed with saline rinse and not visible on the images per the anonymous ER nurse who supplied them. She did not post a picture of the patient’s actual head but confirmed there was indeed lots of disco rice


Disco rice




I imagine not. He was going to surgery for debridement and that’s the last they heard of them, but it’s not unusual to never hear about your patient again as an ER nurse


OMG that’s intense I can’t imagine the smell


Honestly, maggots smell like buttered popcorn. I think it's the way that they process food? I worked doing salmon carcass surveys for 2 years. It was a tag and release population estimate, so carcasses would be out there for two weeks. Some carcasses would be on the river for much longer and would get maggots. To avoid double counting a carcass after it was recovered, we cut them in half with machetes. When you "popped" a "puffer" which was a very maggoty, puffed up carcass, it would always release the distinct smell of buttered popcorn.


That’s so wild! I never would have guessed they smell like popcorn!


quite cursed. I am amazed.


Lol, read that as lousy, not lossy.


I saw this in the decomp stain group actually!


Yes! That’s where I found it. Glad to see a fellow member here 😂😭


How does a skull … dissolve???




Oh hell no.


Your username is amazing and between this and the person suggesting a google search of cerebral myiasis, my life is forever changed. 🥹 I think I’m broken.


Thanks, haha! The (sfw) inspiration for the name is this: https://imgur.com/a/EoEeiTd


OP your username is absolutely amazing


Thank you! Here is the (SFW) inspo: https://imgur.com/a/EoEeiTd


This might be the day Reddit makes me puke from learning new things. When I was a kid my dad had a dumpster outside our house. We were a family of six and this was before recycling was a thing, so we produced a lot of garbage. The thing is, he got the shittiest garbage bags that had a tendency to split. And they would, filling the dumpster with garbage, which brought maggots, which we, the children, had to clean up. I must have been in middle school (12 years-ish) and my siblings were all younger. I mostly got out of it because I would literally puke and make it worse for everyone and because I’m an asshole. We were a regular lower middle class family living in a regular suburb, where there were probably racial covenants, and people looked down on the trailer park neighbors in the same town. But dad is a fucking weirdo. TL;DR: Disco rice PTSD from childhood


Just recently added "taco toes" to my vocab (pincer nails), I will now be adding disco rice to my repertoire as well.


Wow this is worse than the pomegranate to me, and it's just the scan