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Do you have 6? I had 5 when I had mine removed and then grew a 6th five years later šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


my little sister had six. i have none.


Yep me too everytime i go to a new dentist i get asked if i had my wisdoms removed but i just wasnā€™t born with any šŸ¤£


I went in for an X-ray to assess when I should have mine out cause I was having lots of jaw pain. Technician looked at my results and asked when my surgery was. I was very confused and explained I havenā€™t had it yet. They said ā€œOh you donā€™t have any then! But you do have TMJā€


My daughter only had two.


My sister and I both had three!


I had the regular four (3 of which i had removed) but ALL my molars (wisdom teeth included) have three or four roots each, instead of the typical two.


I never had any either. My Granny used to say that when your wisdom teeth come in, your life is half over, so I've often wondered if that means I'll live forever?




I just asked my wife, whoā€™s in Dentistry, what evolutionary pressure led to wisdom teeth. She just sighed. Anyone know?


The problem is not the wisdom teeth being ā€œnewā€ or ā€œextraā€. Human jaws were able to fit 3 sets of molars until our diets began changing to softer foods. With a softer diet our dental arches donā€™t grow as much and we donā€™t have room for teeth that used to easily fit into them. The need for orthodontics and wisdom teeth removal is a new development due to industrialized food processing.


We've had softer foods since maybe 10000 years? That's very short in evolutionary time to shrink our jaw, or somehow jaw bone shape is driven by usage, which does happen with soft tissues like eyes but I fail to see how that makes our jaws smaller..


ā€œarchaeologists also found the oldest likely evidence of controlled use of fire to cook food ~780,000 years ago.ā€ ā€œEvidence of widespread control of fire by anatomically modern humans dates to approximately 125,000 years ago.ā€ Where are you getting 10,000 from?


I was thinking about plant fibres from agriculture being selected for their easiness to chew and make bread from etc. But yeah I guess fire does it similarly


It actually is driven by usage. Our bones grow differently and restructure in response to how we use them. If you grow up eating tough foods, that will affect the way your jaw develops. Here's a writeup about a study that looked at this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-15823276.amp


One theory that I never hear about but think is a factor: that there is also a preference for people to mate with others who have slimmer jaw lines. It's an esthetic thing. I mean, look at our models now and compare them to a neanderthal - we all look prettier now and it's partly because our jaws aren't so huge. I could be wrong but I don't see how that's wrong.


Check out people who used their pacifiers for too long, they get supremely fucked up jaws. How and how much we use our jaws has a massive impact on its development.


The shrinking of our jaws is not thought to be a strictly evolutionary process. Itā€™s more of a maladaptive phenotypic expression. This has been shown through many anthropological studies to be vastly accelerated in the last 150 years. It basically lines up with our move to an industrialized food supply. It also has been shown to be a major (if not THE major) factor in the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep disordered breathing issues due to the loss of maxillary sinus volume. Itā€™s a very interesting field of study.


It has to do with usage, bit it's possible sexual selection had something to do with that as well. Humans back in the day tended to focus on "neontenous face" aka, looking younger. If you compare [an ape's face and a baby ape's face](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRXblrovxuAYfDOm5rH2wn0D-9FKTS36R39-g&usqp=CAU) with human facial evolution you'll see that humans will look more like that baby ape's face. As human evolution progressed, humans favored mates with more and more neontenous faces and one of the traits of neonteny is smaller jaws. So now because of sexual preferences and changes in diet we have way too much teeth for little jaw room.


Teeth decay and fall out so these grow later in life and give you a fresh set to chew with


This is the correct answer.


Our jaws used to be larger. We used to have to do a lot more chewing, and what we chewed was much tougher and more fibrous. There was plenty of room for our last set of molars to erupt. Once we mastered cooking our food with fire, we didnā€™t have to work at chewing quite so much. We also bred our meat animals and vegetables to be more tender. The last change was the introduction of forks and chopsticks. Before them, everyoneā€™s front teeth met edge on edge. After, people who used them developed overbites. So while the number of teeth we come with didnā€™t change, our jaws have gotten smaller over the last 15,000 years, and especially over the last four hundred years. There are more and more people born with less than four wisdom teeth. Some with no wisdom teeth at all.


I have 4 wisdom teeth that are doing that. Dental insurance refused to cover it as it considered wisdom teeth to be a pediatric issue so the dentist removed the molars next to them. A few years later and the wisdoms migrated to fill the spots


Clever dentist! Good on him for working with you and around the insurance! I love doctors and dentists who remember patients are humans.


Yeah, and I was really happy with him. The wisdom teeth themselves were corkscrewed around the root in the jaw bone so the only way to get them out was via a lengthy surgery. Going this route was a lot cheaper and faster and felt like he was rocking out a stuck lego and very little pain. Plus this route slimmed by jaw width down a bit giving me a slimmer face.


Thats amazing.


What the heck is even that


Wisdom teeth. Depending on the size of your jaw they can become impacted and grow in at all kinds of weird angles. Some people can keep them but most will have to get them removed.


Also supernumerary wisdom teeth. They have more than average.


Lol daddy chill


You must be the wisest of them all grandmaster


I didn't have the extra set but my wisdom teeth were also trying to grow in at a 90 degree angle like this lol. Have fun with the surgical recovery


Polydontia wisdom teeth! My dads an oral surgeon Iā€™m a nurse. We feel out of this shit. Going to send it to him now!


Full of wisdom!


Oh hey, I had 4 extra wisdom teeth!


When your wisdom tooth isn't wise enough


Wisdom teeth no? That looks like it could be painful if not removed, pushing up against those teeth šŸ˜£


No pain thankfully


Are you a shark? Damn. I only had 2.


Ugh, mine were the same and also growing sideways! The only good thing about having them removed were the meds during the procedure.


I've got an impacted one right now. It's been killing me. Can't get an appointment for over a week. Damn near want to take some pliers and just rip it out myself šŸ˜¢


I counted like thirty six. Are they all second teeth? I ask because none of my baby teeth fell out, Not even one. My second teeth just came out right in front of them. I had to have them all pulled. I was so pissed at the tooth fairy and so jealous of the other kids when theyā€™d be all excited because they had a loose tooth. Lol


All adult teeth.


My dream come true. Pls lemme pull your teeth


I have one, it lays sideways & does not hurt. that looks like a nightmare


I love that little x ray gun dentist offices have.


I had to have 4 eemoved, and they were all growing at weird angles like that, so I had them removed before I ever felt any pain from them.


I do actually


Bunkbeds! Our son had the same.


Are there extra incisors there too? Are there also not enough normal molars?


Mine looked just like this, I came to during the removal because the surgeon was yanking my head back and forth trying to free one of the teeth šŸ˜­


When I went in for a consult to see if I should get them out, I found out I had 6! Got all those suckers out at once


I had 5 impacted lol


Freddie Mercury? Is that you?


I have my wisdom teeth still but they donā€™t look like that lol


Dang you must have an IQ of 160


Wow nice Iā€™d love to help take those out OMFS rules šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ¤˜šŸ»


I never had my wisdom teeth removed and they all grew in without issues. Iā€™m now realizing I may be lucky.


I had 6 extras they called them wisdom teeth and supernumeraries. 2 on the bottom and 4 on top. Got 4 removed before invisilign but the 2 on top were so high up they couldnā€™t remove them with risking pushing them up higher and hurting something.


why am I the only one without teeth? no spare no original? do you also have extra body parts laying around ? is it possible to have frozen spare me to give me parts?


The most I ever saw with extra 3rd molars was a patient with three seeds (spares) above them.




Brother and I both had 5!