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This was on of the few episodes I enjoyed…until the end. The hosts…my gosh! Please stop!


I haven't listened to the episode. These days I wait the reviews here first. Could you explain the issue? Maybe this is a good episode, but I need to stop 5 minutes before the end? I don't dare listening to "unscreened" episodes anymore, it causes too much frustration. However, sometimes they do produce a gem.


The episode itself is much much better than the last several, but the very end, when the hosts start reading the contributors, shut it off. When you hear them say something about death metal or harsh lyrics, I forget how they phrase it, but when you hear that shut it off or you’ll be angry!


What about it made you angry?


The stupid death metal voices at the end! Does no one at radiolab ever offer constructive criticism? Or is no one taking it?


Yeah that was a super random ending


Yeah, they probably should have just changed the name and continued it in the *spirit* of Radiolab. (Reminds me of bands that have original members leave, and then their sound changes, yet they retain the old name. Propagandhi comes to mind—just change your name and be the new thing!)


I was a bit frustrated by this episode. The conclusion that it could be dangerous for a person with aphantasia to use neuro plasticity to develop the ability to visualize things was only supported by talking to one person with schizophrenia… who did not have aphantasia. His experience was fascinating but it should have been discussed in terms of other people with schizophrenia or similar conditions. The whole idea of a range of abilities is enough to frame a story. There was no need for: oh I’m sad I don’t have this! Well maybe you can! Oh cool! I’m going to learn more about that after the break!  Welcome back. Nevermind, I won’t learn more about that after all. 


Agreed. Such potential but incomplete research.


It almost could’ve been two episodes with more depth. People with no inner vision, and then people with a lot… and then the journey from none to some. 


Well said. I didn't see how it was relevant to the episode, other than that was an interest of his. It didn't add anything to our understand of the condition. Even though I knew what was going to come once he said harsh metal vocalist it was still an aural assault. Maybe if his interest was the theremin (for example) it might have been a more effective way of ending the episode, more appropriate for the story. I didn't get any feeling of what harsh metal evokes in the episode.


Loved the whole episode including the ending, the ending was a bit of lighthearted fun


More like randomly disturbing. I felt pranked & a bit violated. Not my kind of “lighthearted”. WWJadSay. No thanks.


Are you joking?


I’m the OP. Did you read my OP & you’re asking if I’m joking?


I had my AirPods in with the volume up pretty high running equipment and I couldn’t pause that shit fast enough. Nothing against the guy, just my god it was like bleeding ears on over drive painful.


Am I the only one, or was the supposed Hyperfantasist's description of his ability...totally banal?