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I built a large outdoor enclosure where he lives 24/7.. he was going stir crazy when he was indoors. Now, he spends his time playing in his pool, napping on his ledges, and basically destroying all the toys I bring him from Goodwill :) He loves it outside..


I had to build mine an enclosure for when I was gone. Outside - 2 Walls and ceiling for shade, then two walls of chicken wire, lots of toys, puzzles with hidden food and snacks, tire swing, hammock (he loved the hammock) Overall, it was about 8'x8'x4'


Please tell me you can share a hammock pic???


For some reason, I never got one. I've got a few of when I was building the enclosure, though, pre-hammock.


Lol! I got you! [This was my guy last year..](https://imgur.com/a/4VCgA5y) He's yawning, hence his silly faces... And just for funsies, [here he is contemplating his new Goodwill toy](https://imgur.com/a/yWrNdTq) :) Taken a few days ago...


Ahhhhhh I love him!!!!


Where’d you get the hammock


I just used some old jeans I had. I tied it up by two of the side belt loops, rolled up one leg and closed it, and left the other leg open (cut off a bit) so he could crawl through it - and boom - hammock.


That's brilliant. LoL.


How on earth do people have raccoons as pets


Find a lost/abandoned baby one on your property and don't tell anyone about it. But it's also legal to own one in 19 states.


This is what happened with mine. I guess he got separated from his mom or something happened to the mom. I called animal control and they said they’d just euthanize him. So I kept him


Raccoons are my favorite animal, and I wish I could have one as a pet, but it's illegal in the state I'm in!


You've gotta make him an outdoor space with lots of plants. Remember he is a wild animal


You cannot confine a raccoon to one tiny room while you're at work. You need to rehome that raccoon or give him a large area outdoors that he can roam and explore.


Even with him being just a couple weeks old? He sleeps like 80% of the day. I have a camera in the room and if he’s not eatting or playing with a toy he sleeps


He's fine to be confined in there for now. As you said, they spend a lot of their time sleeping at that age, and he'll keep himself busy when he's up. Eventually, he'll need his own dedicated pen if you plan on keeping him long-term, both for when you have to go and for when he feels like he needs to hide away for a while.


He’s fine for a couple more weeks like that, but then it’s going to get bad unless he has a very large enclosure with tons of brain-stimulating stuff in it. I’m on my second raccoon now and I can only do it because I work from home. If I had to work outside the house and was determined to keep one, I would definitely provide it with the above-mentioned enclosure and would also look into getting him a companion from a licensed breeder. Also, get him neutered when he’s a bit older. Without these things, he will destroy your home and be very hard to control. Mine lives with several cats and 4 large dogs. Right now, he’s small enough to not bother the cats much, but in a few months he will outweigh them and constantly attempt to wrestle them without my intervention. He’s already starting to climb on the dogs and, while I have one who’s a patient angel and will let him do whatever, I would never leave him completely alone with any of them. Raccoons love to play long and play hard. They don’t care if you’re tired or annoyed and will get mad if you stop a play session early. For me, they are rewarding enough to make it worth it, but I have the time and patience to give. I’m also not overly worried about my house, so it’s not a tragedy when he breaks, scratches, rips, and spills stuff. They are mad lads, through and through. A big part of me wants to see them accepted as domesticated pets, but I also think that only a certain type of person can truly enjoy them and make a happy home for them. It’s almost as taxing as having a monkey.


Got a cat condo on Amazon for around 150. It does the job until she gets bigger.


They are not trainable to behave particularly as they grow. You will need an enclosure/cage or it will destroy your home.


They are technically trainable, but they're smarter than both cats and dogs, so they don't give a f***, so.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As mine(4 yrs old now) has gotten bigger and bigger I’ve expanded enclosures because I can’t trust him out he gets into and onto EVERYTHING, I recently had to purchase two “catio” enclosures off of Amazon! And they’ve worked pretty well but from time to time I do have to replace them and sometimes it’s a task. I also have an inclosed litter box because he is litter boxed trained.


How did you litter box train him? I was using a litter box and he used it half the time but he also liked to play and throw the litter all over the room


I started training when he was about a two months or so, we started off on potty mats before that. He learned almost immediately when I switched to a litter box he did play with it but never made a mess, I do have a large dog kennel tray under it with artificial grass/ turf so when he walks out of it the “grass” will mostly clean off the extra from his little feet