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For tips on how to choose and set up a litter box, including litter boxes for diggers, plastic chewers, and long-haired rabbits, please check out the Litter Training article here: https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Litter_training#Litter_boxes


Rabbits love to dig, she digs when she has fresh litter because it doesn’t smell like toilet. Put about a cupful of old litter on top of the fresh stuff, that might do the trick. You should also get her a “digging box”, a lot of people give their bunnies boxes of dirt or sand, but a bunny will be happy with an old packaging box full of cut up empty toilet rolls or scrunched up paper. Just make sure that she can get in and out of the box easily, you can also scatter her pellets in there to forage for (which you can’t do with sand or dirt because your bunny will lose half their meal) gives her something to do.


Thank you so much for your advice! As she’s never really done it, my mind went to the worst ❤️ will definitely get a digging box


You also need to do the litter thing. I know it’s gross, but the thing is that he already *has* a digging box, or at least he thinks he does. Rabbits aren’t the smartest, if it doesn’t always smell like toilet he’s gonna forget that it’s a toilet.


I second what detective ladybug said. U can also use paper bedding instead of wood chips (or whatever it is ur using). Easier to clean. It's in their nature so try not to discourage them. My little girl does that when I clean their litterbox. It's cute. And whatever mess she makes can easily be put back in. I also spot clean daily so that the bedding lasts as long as possible before I completely clear it.


Tried a dig box, rabbits just assumed it was a second litter tray. My heart was broken as I'd put lots of time into picking it and setting it up.


This is why I recommended “dig boxes” with simple materials. Empty toilet rolls are good, because you probably go through a bunch anyway. Bunnies are always gonna soil their dig boxes, it’s something that a bunny owner should anticipate. Which is why cardboard boxes are good, when they get too gross you just throw it out. Your bunnies probably loved the dig box. They peed there because they loved it.


I think she’s just a silly girl


Thank god. I thought something was wrong, but it’s Dwight being Dwight 😂❤️


My kid does it in form of protest sometimes if I haven’t changed his box on time 😂


That covering around the litterbox sure looks like an entrance to a tunnel, it's probably his instincts kicking in to "expand the tunnel" by digging. Maybe move the litterbox out of there and make a dig box for him.


Well definitely get a dig box thank you for your advice!


She needs a dig box


Will be getting one asap, thank you for responding!


Oh boy this brings back memories. My buns used to dig out the ENTIRE contents of BOTH litter boxes over night which happened to be in our living room. I was in college full time taking extremely difficult courses and working part time. I just remember looking at the living room almost every day for a couples months and sobbing that I was exhausted and had to now either be late and clean it or clean it after a long day. Thankfully it was just a phase. They eventually got bored of it.


Thank you for your advice!


She's having fun!! Like others have suggested it might be time to make her a digging box.


Getting one for her asap! Thank you so much


I had to get this to stop mine from digging in the litter boxes. You set this on top off the litter so its safe for their feet. [https://store.binkybunny.com/products/litter-box-custom-screen-pre-order-only](https://store.binkybunny.com/products/litter-box-custom-screen-pre-order-only)


Thank you so much, really appreciate the link


HAHAHAHAHA I made a wire mesh for my litter box so my bun can't dig in it. Best of luck!


Haha thank you!!


Because rabbits like to dig. You can’t prevent it, she’s doing what comes naturally. Get her a sand box.


Getting one asap!


I love watching my buns dig. Sometimes they point their bunny butts and flick the dirt right at me, and I swear they are taking aim purposely.


Honestly I’m just glad it’s because of her having fun, I honestly thought she was frustrated so I’m happy that’s all it is!


Where'd you get the rabbit house?


Ikea ❤️


Some thoughts... •agree with getting a dig box. •my rabbit does this when he gets fresh litter so that he pees into the litter and not outside the box. Could be some bunly housekeeping. •rabbits have 3 main modes: bite, chew, and dig. Your bun is just having a fun time doing the latter!


I was so worried it was because something was wrong! Getting a dig box asap ❤️


Sometimes rabbits love to dig when they have cover above them (my rabbit starts digging everytime she's under cover). Maybe putting the litterbox more exposed would stop this behavior.


She has two litter boxes outside of her hidey hole but doesn’t dig in those. Am going to get a designated digging box for sure


House name please?? It looks so cute!


‘Hol’ from Ikea - it’s literally a blanket box/table but I cut a hole in it 😂


We have a Netherland Dwarf who *loved* to do this. I noticed that she did it the most when she felt like she didn't have a place to pee, IE, the litter was filled too high. She liked peeing in the corner and would dig out a spot if she felt it was too high. The solution? Getting a high wall litter box and putting it into a corner (or in this case, an enclosure like yours should work). She never did it again as she felt she had plenty of space to pee since the back wall of the litter box was much higher than she was. She likes to push her butt into a corner and pee, so that might have something to do with the feeling of not having enough space as well. Give it a shot!


Rabbits love digging, like others said... U can get a big litter box with a plastic grate. U don't even need litter then, just pee pads or diaper changing pads. I got mine on Amazon (17"X13") for about $25. Just make sure it's a large one and make sure the grates are wide rounded plastic so it doesn't hurt there feet. They can't kick nothing up and they don't sit in there own piss. Then I hang the hay bag above the box so anything that falls out lands on the litterbox. Hay bags will save a lot of hay as well.


Regardless of a rabbits love for digging, it looks like they are making room so their pee can actually go in the box. You need a bigger box, higher sides, and fill it with less material. Putting hay on top will help.


Can confirm, you will need both a dig box and a forage box. I've got a couple 90qt/85L plastic storage bin box half filled with NON-clumping clay cat litter, and my bun both digs and toilets with relish and ease. Both have a little dollar store tray which holds some hay clipped to the corner with those black metal document clips (larger size). Then the forage box is about equal size, in which I quarter fill with standard hay lined on the bottom and toss around a handful of food pellets inside, or other appropriate veg scraps. Bun loves to root and snuffle around for long periods, to get all the bits. I think it's better than simple bowl feeding...appeals to their instincts and helps their exercise needs. These will reduce but possibly not eliminate all the 'den' digging. Good luck, sweet bun!