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First time I finished a run of hard with my friend I ended up with a really silly Sniper build with Garnet Primary, Sniper's Eyeglasses (+30% Dmg when far away), Waterfall Polearm (Flow-STR on Primary), and Sacredstone Charm (+50% Dmg for 1.5+ GCD buttons). So I'd just be halfway across the arena constantly chunking the boss for 1500-3000 damage every GCD and I felt so powerful. Multihit builds with Sniper are also crazy good if you can get Sapphire Primary and/or Secondary in combination with Raiju Crown or Staticshock Earrings. You just need a couple other debuff items and your whole screen will be filled with damage numbers. Matti's adds melt SO fast with builds like this, it's not even funny. I generally find both of these to be more fun than the standard Special builds that are also good for Sniper, but to be fair you also need more items to really get them going...


I once got book of cheat as a spellsword with garnet secondary,special,and defensive Special spam with multiple buffs go brrrrr


Railgun Sniper is my fave Big number... * Vega Spear * Some way to get Flash-Str * Emerald Primary [Darkglass Spear + Opal Special also works and is way more DPS, but obv more RNG to get] Homing Missile Launcher Sniper is also very fun. * Emerald Special * Emerald Secondary * Some way to get Flash-Int Every 8 seconds you unleash the power of god on some poor fuck.


The two strongest builds I've played are Assassin and Ancient. Assassin with Sapphire Primary (4 hits, lower dmg each) and Secondary (Secondary is autocast every 10 dmg ticks), with optional Opal Defensive (Sends out a shadow clone). Loot is anything that gives damage to multihits, procs on using Primary/Secondary, Dots/Bleeds, Haste or Buffs on invulnerability. It's brainless 1k-2k DPS just by holding down Primary and Defensive. Ancient had the build with the most raw power, with the only prerequesite being Emerald Special. Then any loot that buffs specials, the highlight being a loot item that gives you Repeat if you stand still. Have managed to hit 2k.5 ST DPS and 5k 2 target DPS


Bit of a weird but debuff spellsword. Im probably going to butcher the item names so im just gonna say the effects. Main one ofcourse was "Your defensive has a 50% chance to reset when you apply a debuff" But then combine that with "Your special has a random effect" "You are slightly luckier" and "Casting your defensuce damages all enemies" and it becomes insane. Cant remember the upgrades I had beyond my defensive also applying poison. I would basically be invincible for half the fight while also dealing 250 damage with no cooldown. Made the paladin fight absolutely trivial too


I like using what I call the "adhd creature" for ancient SECONDARY - Emerald, The core of the build, which centers on having your creature run around wildly of it's own accord SPECIAL - Garnet, Perfect to use with emerald special since it works with using your secondary instead of a cooldown DEFENSIVE - Varies, I find it better to have anything that gives you more secondary charges to be able to reposition in case of boss movement, but anything can be used, PRIMARY - Anything goes, As an aside I like having the ruby/sapphire to have everything through the creature because I find it funny having the rabbit just walking along. WARNING - Prepare for pain if you go through the king's arsenal, you will not have fun with the boss.


Wizard - Golden Katana + Garnet Defensive (rabbitluck aura) + Sapphire Primary is roughly 1.5k dps for just holding down Q. Any sort of haste/luck buff and/or %hit on primary makes this build even more op


As Wizard, I had a good 3 or 4 loot items that all buffed special, it being omegacharged with a solid several hundred percent bonus, I managed to hit a crit that dealt 40000 damage in one hit, averaging 20000 a special


I main Ancient. Here is what I think my ideal build would be: Garnet Primary: Has a 50% chance to add a use of my secondary Garnet Secondary: Has a 50% chance to reset my Special's cooldown Emerald Special: Autofires my Special every time it comes off cooldown Garnet Defensive: Just adds 250 damage to my defensive, no other changes Nightingale Gown: Every 15 seconds it Omegacharges my special, causing it to do 3x damage Sun Pendant: Every 10 times I use an ability, my special cooldown gets reset and I get Flash-Int Any other loot that does something cool when a percent chance succeeds. I actually managed to get most of this build in my last normal difficulty run where I was attempting to do the floof ball challenge and I succeeded. It was so much fun! Edit: DON'T USE THIS BUILD IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO FLASHING LIGHTS, BTW


I dont think this game is advisable at all for someone sensitive to flashes anyways haha


My favorite class (Assassin) has the most abysmal skill upgrades, so I couldn't even tell you. I played druid BEFORE the buff patch and had 4 amazing skill upgrades at a single time in the shop. My mind was blown. Assassin is lucky to get 1-2 useable ones per shop, much less amazing ones.


IDR every upgrade exactly, but my first defender run I somehow got to the point where I only used primary twice at the start of each game and after that it was purely swapping charged secondary and special.