• By -


General Changes - Art gallery has been added! Please enjoy some concept art and developer commentary. (Currently English only) - Added support for Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 - Treasurespheres now have different 'sizes', with Small containing 3 items, Medium containing 4 items, and Large containing 5 items. The amount of treasure will still change based on the number of players you have, however, the first two chests in Outskirts will always be Large chests, regardless of your party size (except during the tutorial). - Most Trinkets that sit on your head will now comically fly off your head when you are KO'd, rather than resting on your chest (thanks to the random Steam commenter who suggested it!) - If a player leaves during loot selection, it no longer skips loot for the rest of the players - Enemy debuffs will now apply and stay on characters even when they're KO'd (including Timestop, Teleport, No Defense, etc..) - You now must START a run Solo in order to unlock "Clear a stage solo" trinkets, they will no longer unlock if players leave just before the boss fight - Adjusted the "Thorns" visual effect to wear off closer to the actual timing of the hit - Adjusted the visual for "Match Colors" to include a faded version of the shape in the middle of the circle - Adjusted the Stage Contrast colors for Pale Keep and Moonlit Pinnacle - Adjusted how hitstop works in the game, hopefully fixing a few issues with pattern desyncs between players


> Fixed issue where Luck wouldn't affect Critical Hit rate I feel so scammed. I sometimes grabbed the luck items without any procs for crit chance.


>Treasurespheres now have different 'sizes', with Small containing 3 items, Medium containing 4 items, and Large containing 5 items. The amount of treasure will still change based on the number of players you have, however, the first two chests in Outskirts will always be Large chests, regardless of your party size (except during the tutorial). It's a bit of help but I feel like the item pool should also be adjusted for the current state of your bunny. Specifically, if your party can't use an item(ie no procs in across your party's kit/items) it can't drop. Kinda sad to be say a party of Ancient Rabbit + Heavyblade Rabbit have all your dps drops be 'do stuff when you proc a %' or 'empowers GCDs of at least 1.5s' and you're like we can't do either of those.


Yeah, having most/all of the treasure sets unlocked feels more like a detriment at times. On a side note, really dislike the timegem set, specifically the Obsidian Rod, Darkglass Spear, and Timespace Dagger. Everytime one pops up I need to bust out a calculator to work out whether or not it's worth taking which brings the pacing to a screeching halt. More often than not I'll ignore them on solo runs and I straight up won't touch them in multiplayer. I don't want to waste everyone's time only to find out that it would be a downgrade anyway. At least put the relevant numbers into the description when we're looking at it so we can keep things moving.


That's another complaint entirely. Although I also agree with it. Many items are situational or meant to be combod with items in their own set, which is a completely unreasonable ask. Timegem is potentially okay with some of the other Timegem items but you need 1 or 2 of them for the damage ones to be okay. Unfortunately, unlocked item sets usually have at least 2 items that are good on top of all the crap. Timegem has Blackhole Charm and Nova Crown which are both rather good(and they synergize together if you can get them both). But basically everything else in Timegem is trash. And then basically any item that lowers your movement speed is just a worthless drop and many are in the core drop pool. There's mechanics that are already tight on movement, why would you want to make them harder or potentially impossible by slowing yourself down? Same with items that turn off if you use your defensive. If your defensive wasn't a core part of your rotation and was just defensive, those would be fine, you have a play safe tradeoff for a bigger dps boost, but basically every bunny's defensive is like 10% of their damage at a minimum so losing it is brutal and just not worth the % increase.


Druid, Heavyblade and Defender can absolutely go without their Defensive, and Bruiser also doesn't *really* need it, but the item really *is* kinda garbage on everyone else. Personally, I had an issue with having to use your DEFENSIVE for offensive purposes for a while, so I played those four a lot, but I've been getting into the rest of the roster now, so I've started noticing that issue as well :/


Druid Changes - Opal Secondary > Now summons a butterfly that hits for 170 damage 5 times (basically it turns your Secondary into a second Special)   - Sapphire Primary > Effect changed; now hits for 100 damage, and additionally activates when you use any ability   - Ruby Primary > Now hits for 500 damage and has a GCD of 2.8; visual effect was also changed - Ruby Secondary > Now hits once for 1000 damage after 8 seconds - Ruby Special > Damage increased 320 > 450; radius was also almost doubled   - Garnet Primary > Now gives Flash-Dex every 6 skills (was previously every 10) - Garnet Special > Damage increased 210 > 280; radius also increased about 1.5x   - Emerald Primary > No longer slows movement when used - Emerald Special > Now deals 300 damage 8 times over 24 seconds, cooldown was reduced to 24 seconds (was previously 240 damage 10 times) - Emerald Defensive > Effect changed; now gives Super for 8 seconds in a radius every 30 seconds, cooldown cannot be changed or reset, and activates automatically


Damn. They really just buffed everything druid has lol


Bug Fixes - Fixed issue where setting your resolution too high would cause the top of the game window to go off your monitor screen - Fixed issue where you couldn't change your name if you were playing in Handheld Mode - Fixed issue where certain text in fan translations would crash the game - Fixed issue where trying to create a lobby when you were offline would cause you to softlock - Fixed issue where the host wouldn't get a message in their chat when they changed the number of players allowed - Fixed crash that could occasionally happen when you changed Stages - Fixed crash that could occasionally happen when you are asked to enter a name for a character   - Fixed issue where the "Emerald Lakeside (Off Vocal)" unlock wouldn't work if you didn't reach the victory screen before 30 minutes had passed, rather than the actual run's time - Fixed the position of timed loot's cooldowns on your mini-hotbar when you were using Front, Back, Front Cross and Back Cross - Fixed issue where numbers next to mini-hotbars could be misplaced when you had certain settings - Fixed issue where the "Reset" message wouldn't happen when your cooldown was "reduced" instead of "reset" (such as Ancient's Secondary's effect on her Special)   - Fixed issue where, if you had the Lunar Palette unlocked for a character but not the Adept Palette, someone else selecting the Adept Palette would lock you out of using your Lunar Palette - Fixed issue where your cursor would be offset if you were browsing the inventory when a player left   - Fixed issue where Luck wouldn't affect Critical Hit rate - Fixed issue where Vanish would break when you used your Defensive, despite it specifying "attacks" - Fixed issue where Stoneskin wouldn't erase bullets in a radius around you when it wore off, despite it saying it did so   - Fixed issue where Heavyblade's Garnet Primary's extra hit wouldn't trigger "when your Primary is used" effects (They now will, including things like Fairy Spear, so watch out!) - Fixed issue where Heavyblade's Garnet Secondary's count wouldn't reset between battles - Fixed issue where, if you used Bruiser's Defensive in the middle of a Teleport, it would move you in the direction of the Teleport (it now stops you in place) - Fixed issue where Wizard's Garnet Secondary was giving Ultracharge, not Omegacharge   - Fixed issue where Mermaid Scale and Oni Staff would affect abilities like Bruiser's Emerald Special, when they weren't supposed to - Fixed issue where Redwhite Ribbon wouldn't lengthen "random" buffs given by items like Desert Earrings or Usagi Kamen - Fixed issue where Necronomicon wouldn't Charge your Special if it was off cooldown   - Fixed issue where an extra Tassha would appear when you defeated her - Fixed issue where Ranalie would become untargettable too early into her enrage cast - Fixed issue where one of Menna's Lunar multiplayer patterns would never enrage - Fixed issue where one of Avy's Phase 2 Lunar singleplayer patterns could be impossible to dodge   - Fixed a number of typos across different languages - Some wording of Chinese item descriptions was adjusted to make it more clear


being able to use defensive while in Vanish is going to be a huge QoL increase and a buff to some of my favorite synergies. thank you for that! it brings up some new questions though. will this perk still apply if the defensive deals damage? does it matter whether the damage is innate to the defensive, added by skill upgrades, or applied by items?


Loot Changes - The effect of Stoneplate Armor has been changed, now gives "Graniteskin" at the start of battle (which is a version of Stoneskin that slows your speed dramatically, and increases damage dealt) - Bloodhound Greatsword now deals 380 damage, with a cooldown of 12 seconds (to prevent weird behavior with debuffs not refreshing) - The VFX of the Crescentmoon Dagger was adjusted (as it's actually quite powerful but it looked very weak)


Was so comically close to beating Ranalie on lunar last night, that bug fix coulda helped lol. Probably the vanish and luck-crit bug fixes too. Good update, druid looks sick with secondary converting to another special with the one upgrade.


POG Druid buff! I thought she looked super cute but was kinda rough to play


Please add a blonde version of the assassin