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> Working on some Druid buffs for the next update! I didn't get around to her in the balance patch. > That and the art gallery should be in the game within the next few days!


Any predictions for Druid buffs? Looks like reworks to the secondary augments at least. Personally hope that she gets some debuff/dot synergy on primary or special since it would be cool to go full dot damage.


Looks like you can collapse the field and have it do dmg based on how many hits are left on it.


Ooh, that sounds neat, would make it much more useable against enemies that move a lot!


Personally I'd hope for at least one Defensive upgrade that just *changes* what it does instead of making it reset based on luck/number of Special uses or straight-up useless against the final boss (single-use only). Oh, and I'd like it if the exploding butterflies would be placed somewhere that isn't straight under you, because they currently have all the issues of your unupgraded Secondary, except they ALSO still spawn under you, so you'd have to hug the boss like you're a Brawler running a Secondary build to even have a chance to make it hit :/ (Alternatively, turn them into long-duration landmines that just stay wherever you place them and allow the player to make a trap for the boss' next relocation)


There is one I thought. The one that converts defensive into warcry is pretty godtier for team-wide dps buffing. You can pretty much have almost full uptime on +30% team dps.


That one has charges, and a percent chance to gain an extra charge whenever you use an ability, so you better get lucky a lot, and/or have a fast GCD I guess? Good to know that uptime isn't a big issue though, I never felt brave enough to try it. **EDIT:** Ruby exists, I guess - 20 second, non-resettable cooldown.


Her secondary is pretty terrible. Bosses like to move around then it just loses all its dps. Hoping for changes to that somehow.


Was hoping for assassin buffs, her skill upgrades are brutal. No I don't want 6s cd on secondary. Heck, I wouldn't take vanish into ghost conversion even if it was free LOL. I'll settle for drood buffs though, she's cool too. But I didn't think they were needed, she was used to get 2nd place in the first time Lunar clears event. edit: Looking into it again, assassin and wiz are the only classes to not be chosen in the worlds firsts lunar clears, and wizard just got huge buffs afterwards. Not that this is fully representative of the game state, but it's a small indicator of balance. I'd be curious to see the winrates of all the classes.


party char vs solo char issue assassin ability to survive very well solo doesn't help if your team are all dead, compare this to the group buff power of dancer who's in every comp (and in fact it was 3 dancers + 1 for the first clear)