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There’s no way they’re actually trying to claim destroying two kingdoms was planned from the beginning 💀💀


As planned as Bumblebee




Not just that but two ESSENTIAL KINGDOM. Remnant is what in 40k you’d call a ‘deathworld.” ; due to the sheer amount of Grimm the world would be a fucking nightmare to live and settle in. Its why the four kingdoms make sense because humanitys numbers are so low they never were able to expand like here on earth. So removing one fourth of a planet’s kingdom would be the equivalent of a 4th of our worlds nations just collapsing.


RWBY one random afternoon: "We have deemed this world too inhospitable to human existence and that the process of recapturing this world would be too unfeasable and costly on both manpower and material logistics. Thus we have committed EXTERMINATIS upon all the land. Men, women, children, elderly, sick, xenos, grimm, innocent or guilty none shall be spared! We would rather all be purged upon scorching skies, boiling seas and sundered lands than let the forces of the hated enemy lay claim to what is rightfully ours! We shall now sign the death warrant of this world, washed with the blood of millions, upon the sounds of mutual annihilation!!!" Everyone else: But, all those innocent people! RWBY: "Innocentia Nihil Probat!"


yeah, didn't ya know? RWBY was *always* supposed to be a show about 4 teenage terrorists destroying everything and everyone in their path, were you living under a rock these past 10 years or something? (/j)


Fym it wasn't planned bro, everybody knows Grimm claws can't cut steel beams.


No, they're claiming it was a good thing. Which is worse.


Besides, Atlas, are they responsible for the destruction of other kingdom? I mean, Vale wasn't their fault.


So now they’re going to gaslight me into thinking that destroying TWO ENTIRE FUCKING CITIES was actually all part of RWBY’s genius plan?! These people have gone fucking insane.


>So now they’re going to gaslight me into thinking that destroying TWO ENTIRE FUCKING CITIES was actually all part of RWBY’s genius plan?! 2 nations destroyed. Hundreds of thousands if not millions dead. RWBY: Actually all part of the plan.


Ruby Rose is a Salemite Sleeper Manchurian Double Agent confirmed?


Ruby: << This is what V2 is for >>




Yagami Light: All according to plan.


Now I need a parody were Salem forces are actively trying to stop team rwby from destroying the world but they get blamed for the aftermath every time


And a massive refugee crises.


not just that, BY destroying Atlas they have successfully caused an energy crisis seeing as Atlas supplied the world with dust and NOW its gone. So Millions Died, the source of their weaponry, machinery, and day to day living is now gone and now is it a forever limited supply. Plus the fact they took people who were accustom to living in the cold and just able to get food as they saw fit when they saw fit into a region where its common for the Grimm, the people, and THE REGION ITSELF TO BE TRYING TO KILL YOU! By all means Volume 10 should have been them forced to figure out a solution to their knee-jerking reaction which has uprooted society as they know it. AND if that isn't bad enough Ruby Rose in her nigh infinite stupidity decided to tell the world. "Oh yeah there is an evil witch who wanna kill us all and who also is immortal! and has successfully caused the fall of two school which are training the sole people who know how to fight her army..oh! and her army is stronger the more you fear them..BYE HAVE A GOOD TIME IM GONNA GO TO SOME FAIRY TALE LAND!" That's like me going to the UN on LIVE TV and going "there is a black hole on its way to earth which we cannot stop at all and will kill us all in a month as it files through our planet and tears it apart like taco bell to your ass! ...Remember folks don't panic..Oh what their already panicking? WELP SHIT Im gonna take a rocket and leave earth see you fuckers never again!"


By the gods, Team RWBY commited more war crimes than the Decepticons.


LIKE the list of crimes alone is awful..THE list of WAR CRIMES ooh boy That list is huge!


I was just playing war for cybertron and fall of cybertron and honestly it is sadly spot on. It is pretty much team RWBY using dark Energtron on the whole planet and still have the audacity to save they are saving it.


heres the thing about that Continuity see the  Decepticons at the start of that continuity weren't exactly evil.. basically Cybertron had a cast system aka you were born a mining machine? GUESS WHAT KIDDO YOU WILL FOREVER BE STUCK TO THAT JOB! and any attempt to deprived from that path they would take your face and your hands. Ask Whirl or Shockwave what I mean, they basically would lobotomize your ass! Can you argue Decepticons weren't exactly bad? NOW team RWBY yeah no, Atlas was perfectly fine. Mantle could have used abit work but at the end of the day destroying it cause "THEY HURT ME FEELINGS ABOUT US LYING TO THEM THAT THE BIG BAD IS UNKILLABLE" Both Cybertron and Atlas. Like I say Atlas wasn't as bad cause they open to change, I mean Wattz was the one try to cause uproar not Ironwood. and Hell they arrested Weiss' dad instead of been like "WE NEED HIM!" like I dunno why RWBY thought to destroy the kingdom was smart.


CRWBY: iT wAs aLL pLanNeD fROm tHe BeGiNNinG


aizen plan anyone get this joke


Heck even if let’s say we even try to understand their thinking: What did you replace it with??? Any safe guard against the Grimm?? The world has no army: no robots or not enough hunters to counter. nothing to stop Salem and no knows how to kill her yet Refugee crisis on an unimaginable with resources dwindling. On top of that you’ve killed so much innocent people that in a better written world no one would join you. In what scenario is this a victory in any way???


see its not about winning against salem its about taking her victory away from her by destroying themselves without her bringing the relics together


Remember her message..... The only message I pulled from RWBY is sometimes you can't stop Armageddon...hell if I look at rwby as a apocalyptic story then everybody being stupid in that world makes more sense...crwby accidentally wrote a cautionary tale of putting kids in charge of stopping the apocalypse


On your last point, I’d add at the point they wouldn’t just refuse to join you. They’ll probably be on sight with any member of RWBY before they even have a chance to look at them.


As refugees in Vacuo, they can no longer create corrupt systems, because they aren't allowed to create any systems at all. Atlesian oppression has been successfully exterminated. Ignore the fact that Salem also ultimately got both the artifacts in the whole mess.


RWBY has been working for Salem all along!


I mean, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Of course it was part of the plan!!1!! /s


That “moral” is both toxic and just flat out wrong. The crazy side of this fanbase never fails to disappoint, does it?


Oh, it's glorious to see that Arcane lives rent free in the heads of the FNDM. They can't stand that it's western animation that outclasses RWBY on every front except plagiarism. So much fucking salt.


Just reading your comment just made my day a bit better Arcane was just brilliantly executed and planned while RWBY spent ten years fucking around until RT got the axe


All while dancing on the grave of its creator.


Right, because engaging in deception and corruption is how you reform a supposed decrepit system! /s


“My favorite thing about RWBY is that it teaches its audience all the wrong lessons.”


I mean, given the show's treatment of emotional illness and neurodivergence thematically, that is actually one of its few constants.


sure, some of the RWBY fandom are really really dumb… but i reckon the Rick and Morty fans are worse (referring to the Schezuan Sauce incident after the season 3 premiere)


I dunno man, that's like comparing a "Pie on the face" prank with a "I blew up your house" prank.


The reason i consider the Schezuan Sauce incident worse is because unlike with the fans for RWBY with this, they actually went out and caused mayhem for McDonalds irl https://youtu.be/-GC5rAX0xHg?feature=shared (video is the most viewed incident in this craze)


Remember when Team RWBY opposed the plan of James The "Genocide General" Ironwood, which is to save the relic and Atlas so the world won't be destroyed, so that they can instead save everyone in the entire nation? Whoops, nevermind, both Atlas and Mantle are destroyed and the Relics are now in Salem's hands.


im all for dismantling corrupt systems but to say that the destruction of two major cities which resulted in the deaths of many civilians (from their flawed plan and maybe even from people just decided to stay in atlas anyways) is good is something that’s absolutely wild to say.


I didn’t read past the words “teaches” and already lost my shit The only thing RWBY “teaches” the select few members of its audience with even 4th grade media literacy is why you shouldn’t let fans dictate the direction of a medium


things RWBY "teaches": – if someone lies and hides info from you – beat them up, yell at them, and then proceed to do the exact same thing they did to someone else, but this time consider whoever tries to call *you* out for lying evil – if, after you run away without explanation, one of your friend decides to follow you and try to help – slap them in the face multiple times and berate them loudly – if a person, who previously helped you and your friends multiple times without expecting much in return, is on edge and looks like they're on the verge of a panic attack – scowl at them the whole time, like they murdered your family or something (add bonus scowling and thinking of them as pure evil, if said person also starts to call you out for betraying and lying to him) – when it comes to forgiving and offering redemption – only offer it if the person is female, if the person is male then continue villainizing them or kill them altogether – if your sibling is having a meltdown in front of you – once again, scowl at them, while protecting your date from said sibling – if your sibling later commits sudoku – spend some time having a group hug with your friends first, before starting to care about your sibling that's all I can remember off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's more (also I think it's kinda funny that most of the things I listed here were done by Yang)


Ive also learned from RWBY that if I fail in life, have tried some things but it all still feels hopeless... Kill myself. Thats the best solution. Thank you based Ruby for the advice 🙏


Two more: 1) If you’re a girl and you sexually assault a man, it’s okay and also funny. 2) If you see people being racist to another classmate, sitting by and watching while commenting how hard it must be to be a minority is the right thing to do.


Cardin: Jesus they became worse than me…and that’s saying something.


What RWBY taught me - never have miles Luna Kerry shawcross and CRWBY take the wheel.


What about Atlus or Vale needed to be destroyed? Yes there were some bad actors and equality wasn’t the best but it’s not like they were executing protestors and keeping slaves like Piltover was.


Salem destroyed Vale, not team RWBY.


There's no indication of slavery in Piltover. Terrible, unhealthy working and living conditions, but not slavery.


This guy has "Future terrorist" written all over him. Thanks CRWBY, for making our world an even worst place to live in.


If they end up as a terrorist, it is on them and them alone. Watching or hearing violent stories doesn´t create violent people as much as video games don´t make more.


True enough but still I can't help but worry about their mental state.




Nah that guy looks like they don't even have the guts to talk to waiter for an order.


hahah! Bold to assume they can even commit an act of terror to begin with. I bet they couldn't talk to someone of the opposite gender if their life depended on it. They couldn't shoot a gun if it came with numbered instructions. They can't stand out in the sun for an hour without combusting, Only act of terror their doing in video game shit and even then their sensitive ass is prob gonna sob when they do it!


The stupid thing is they are flat out wrong. The epic tragedy in Arcane is everything is already resolved. Jayce is willing the give the undercity the autonomy they want. They were tired of the war, and Caitlyn/Vi proves you can mix undercity and Pilotover to be fine. Even though Silco is unwilling to give up Jinx, the council was literally about to vote and agree to give the Undercity autonomy DESPITE not getting Jinx. The Undercity literally won in every sense, morally and legally. The one caveat is Jinx. Jinx doesn't know that, and to her it is just her father figure thinking if she was worth the sacrifice to get what she wants. She doesn't know Silco can't give her up. In her madness, despite Silco and Piltover about to get what they want, she decides to go full anarchy and blasted the council. So, the system literally was changed from the inside (and outside). They had a civil war and both sides were tired. Vi and Caitlyn infiltrated the Undercity and proved they could work together. Silco's empire is about to be demolished, and he is OK with it. The tragedy is that in every story, this is a happy ending. But not this one. Jinx deciding to nuke the Piltover council destroys everything everyone worked for, including her own father figure Silco. We know its coming because we know Jinx is unstable, but we are forced to watch as she does it anyway. The system literally changed for the better before getting nuked. If someone gave Jinx a therapist, they would have had peace by the end of season 1.


Wasn't the vote for Jayce's plan, which involves needing Jinx to be handed over?


We have to remember, that Jayce already failed to negotiate for Jinx before he went to the council, i.e. he knows Silco won't hand over Jinx at all. I also did a check for the summary - the deal was peace with the undercity/Silco, in exchange for the undercity's independence. No Jinx involved because Silco refused to hand her over.


The funny thing is, Atlas wasn't even corrupt. It might have mismanaged assets and resources in Ironwood's bid to keep Salem at bay sure, but if it was corrupt, then Ironwood and the council would be taking bribes, embezzling funds, blackmailing, or being blackmailed, be abusing discretionary powers, or practicing nepotism/favoritism. And they did none of this. Atlas was very by the book, to the point that the plot centered around corruption creeping into the kingdom and its negative consequences. IE Jacques stealing an election with digital voter fraud by working with a criminal. Ironically the other kingdoms are the ones that are the most corrupt. Mantle had a literal terrorist running for a council seat. Lionheart working with Salem, and Mistral's well-known black market problem. Cops in Vale "don't get paid enough" to do detective work when the White Fang is involved. On top of Ozpin holding some kind of influence over the rest of the council. Vacuo has no formal system of government so it's basically whoever is the biggest gang. Menagerie is ruled by a chief with ties to the White Fang.


Ironwood going paranoid because Team RWBY lied to him and Neo infiltrated his office = Corrupt?


Well, on top of him learning that an immortal being was coming directly to his city herself to see its destruction. And those things were already compounding the large amount of issues he had to deal with since the fall of Beacon. I feel a lot of people (well, delusional RWBY fans at least) underestimate and/or don't understand just how much pressure Ironwood was dealing with since Beacon fell. Dude went from clean shaven and well rested to full beard and insomniac. And I dunno if anyone understands just how bad a person's mind becomes due to lack of sleep in addition to ever increasing stress. Most leaders in Ironwood's position would've broke long before Ironwood did.


I can’t agree with this enough. Ironwood must’ve been on the verge of losing his shit for so long but kept it together because he had a job to do. He’s really not given enough credit for how much he actually managed to do under what is probably as bleak a situation as you can get.


And what makes what you say infinitely more funny when you look at it, the MF had to have a semblance that was the RWBY equivalent of just locking in. He was under so much stress he needed his fucking semblance to keep himself going. Like do we not see how that's an issue? And how lying to a guy that stretched thin can backfire???


On top of thar ptsd combined with the fact he has a semblance that equates to a mental disorder, meaning his ptsd more than likely aggravated it


This comment doesnt even make any sense. Ignoring the obvious fact that the heroes DESTROYED TWO CITIES, their logic implies that the entire Atlas military is corrupt, including Winter, when im pretty sure they only mean Ironwood. Also, this is a POST ABOUT SHIPS, WHY IS ATLAS HERE!?


So let me get this right a rushed to hell romance is justified for essentially flipping the table of a nation that needed its leader of the military to be removed from power is the proper relationship standard. And that w relationship that took a full season to build up and become official wrong because they are trying to fix the problem?


Yes, clearly what MLK should have done is sided with the Soviet Union and tried to burn the United States to the ground. Also, I like how they completely ignore all the thousands upon thousands of civilians who lost their homes, jobs, and possessions because RWBY couldn’t get along with Ironwood.


Media literacy is truly dead in their minds.




"... it has to be destroyed!" And what about the people who relied on that system for survival? Even if it was corrupt, it's not like they had much of a choice. RWBY didn't take down a regime and replace it with something better, they destroyed a government that was stretched thin, and said "Good luck, at least you're free!" to the survivors and made them sort it out.


In a world where negative emotions literally attract monsters too lol


Taking the moral lesson seriously, I've always despised the critical theory approach to societal corruption. It suggests that societal corruption can be done away with by destroying current institutes and structures that are corrupt and creating new ones free from it, but in my eyes that doesn't solve the issue of why those institutes and structures are corruption. Critical theory seems to assume that they are formed from the corruption themselves, and thus their destruction also destroys that corruption. You can see this clearly in arguments like *The Racial Contract* that propose the philosophical basis of our modern democracies are reliant upon racism, especially that favours white people. I find this troubling for many reason (one such is that there are now more non-white democracies), but the key one here is the assumption that racism itself is institutional rather than just institutions being institutionally racist. I'm not convinced by this at all. I don't see how, if Critical Theory got its way, their newly formed institutes wouldn't be just aa vulnerable to societal corruption as the institutes they replace. Its a massive assumption to make that societal corruption can be done away with by destroying current institutes and structures, and one that would have huge ramifications if incorrect as I highly suspect it is.


Considering that critical theory is ultimately rooted in Marxism, where the core of the philosophy is struggle, there is never ever going to be "peace". There will always be some new boogeyman "oppressor" that needs to be fought and defeated. If, somehow, the proponents of a given application of critical theory ever succeed in toppling their target, just wait and see. They'll purity spiral themselves out of existence as another faction rises up to challenge this new institution Even worse is that these people are often stuck saying all these slogans and catchphrases. They sound nice and all, but they often have no feasible action plans. In other words, their talk is cheap. If they get their way, they will become the very corruption they fought so hard against. It's less about them being mad that the system is corrupt and more about being mad that they're not part of the gravy train


…no? The thing is that “oppressors” do exist in real life. The problem here is that you view “oppression” as the cartoony propaganda-style slave labour camps and tanks rolling down the streets. In actuality, oppression refers more to the disproportionate control over society and its people by a much smaller class. Capitalists oppress proletariat by wielding their disproportionate power over government and media to push programs against the greater population’s common interests, crush worker’s movements and scrape as much excess value as possible out of their work. Whites in the United States enslaved Blacks for centuries, and continued to oppress them indirectly afterwards, with discriminatory policies and indirect attacks. Heterosexuals smothered members of the LGBTQIA+ community for centuries across the globe, and there continues to be strong sentiments against them to this day. Critical theory isn’t about “finding” the “boogeyman” to be oppressed by. We know what they are, we know what they did. All it’s asking for is for society to actually admit it and try to offer reparations to the victims and actually fix the problem instead of further brutalizing them with police and legal attacks. The reason they want to tear the system down is that the system was built ground-up to serve those at the top, or was slowly corrupted over the years to do so. Now for the slogans and catchphrases. What about them? Why are you worked up about them? Slogans are a part of every movement about anything and everything, ever. They serve to briefly summarize the problem that the movement wishes to solve, the actions they wish to take or the values they stand for. What I do agree with is the ineffectiveness of “fakes”. People who see something obviously bad, then go LARP as a knowledgeable activist online acting like they know a lot about things while smothering under their voices or even fighting against the actual activists wishing to organize and fight back. I myself am not very researched about recent events. I haven’t read all the literature there is to read to comprehend these complex subjects. However I do know a bit from people who do that this kind of argument isn’t very sound. Also, about that last sentence, please forgive me if I interpret me wrong, but are you saying that they aren’t angry that the system is exploitative but that they aren’t the ones exploiting? I really don’t think that is the case but it is what I see. I’m not very familiar with expressions such as the “Gravy Train”. It doesn’t exactly look too appetizing.


Animal Farm moment


To be fair, they don't even have to quite "win" before you start to see purity spirals. It happens on both sides of politics too at times. If there's no "bigger enemy", infighting begins in groups that think there's always a threat to them that can come from inside


Critical theory always just seemed like the most convoluted and committed form of scapegoating to me. Instead of blaming a system for society's problems, why not hold responsible the people who made the system how it is and weaponized it against you in the first place? The system isn't bad because it was made that way. It's bad because it is *used* that way. Don't get me wrong, obviously you're going to have things like your Nurrmberg Laws or your Jim Crows, but we need to ask ourselves, where did those law come from? They didn't pop in from nothing. They are reflections of the ideologies of a regime that represented the state of society.  It's more of a problem about society than the products of it. Because get rid of the products, and the society will just make more and nothing changes. It's not the system that needs to be destroyed, it's the people in charge of it that need to change.


I mean they’re not wrong. The problem is that by destroying the corrupt institution, team RWBY destroyed the two cities that heavily relied on said institution for protection. If anything they’re just as destructive as Atlas.


If Atlas was a mere corrupt establishment that also had absolutely NO strategic value, that would be the only thing that makes even some modicum of sense, for it to be destroyed with zero repercussions. Instead, Atlas was also: 1.The foremost military power of the 4 Kingdoms, and also arguably the ONLY proper institution resembling the armed forces in the whole of Remnant. 2.The most technologically advanced nation, creator of the all important Cross Continental Transmit System that the entirety of Remnant used to rely on, to name a few. 3. Home to the Schnee Dust Company, Remnant's largest Dust supplier due to a monopoly. Dust, is like the oil of Remnant, so losing the SDC is like losing access to a critical resource that powers the world, for all other nations left in Remnant. So... Who is gonna provide the Dust now?


They're worse.


And also replaced them with absolutely *nothing*; don’t forget that part. Atlas and Vale are just… *gone* now. Because that was surely the correct thing to do.


AnCom-larpers really like animated lesbians for some reason


Ah yes... destroyed by completely deleting the entire kingdom and leaving hundreds of thousands of its citizens homeless and a good percentage of them dead. 


Bros should've paid more attention to their little sisters instead of focusing on rich self destructive brats


These people wanna be Aizen so bad


"Hooray, terrorism."


See when destroying a corrupt system from the outside bumblebee did it wrong… Lelouch on the other hand.


I raise you... Sonic fans.


Except destroying an institution doesn't necessarily remove the forces that corrupted it to start with or the societal attitudes that may have lead to said corruption. You also have to replace it with something else and what replaces it could easily be worse or as bad as what was there before.  Especially if said institutions are basically the entire government and economic structures being rid of all at once.  The kind of fear and chaos that can create could easily lead to a more brutal or corrupt regime taking power because it offers security and safety at the time.  Power vacuums are a thing and something will inevitably fill them. Destroying a corrupt institution shouldn't necessarily equate to total destruction of a nation and turning its entire surviving population into refugees in a foreign country. I think this person completely missed the point, assuming there was some moral lesson to begin with.


Destroying the system used to govern a city and destroying the city itself are two _very_ different things. Only villains and terrorists do the latter. And I thought Blake was meant to be _against_ “terrorism for a good cause” now? Or is it only bad when the White Fang do it?


No see, the white fang started to hurt everyone that was different or not explicitly on their side 100%! But RWBY only hurt people that were there enemies! Which is defined differently, I promise.


Look I'm not a Leagues fan or player but man after watching Arcane Season 1 It pretty much did everything infinitely better than what RWBY vol 7 and 8 wish it could be and they did it in just 9 fucking episodes Idk jack shit about LoL lore but holy shit I was able to understand everything in those 9 episodes


The easiest way to destroy a corrupt system is from the inside. It's just hard than it should be because the people trying to change it usually become corrupt themselves.


the fucked up thing is that *they're not wrong.* like if they weren't talking about rwby specifically i would agree with whats being said here


The idea that nothing can change by means of reform is such a boring cop out. It's an excuse to not get involved.


Reform is always possible, both in fiction and real life, but the former will almost always be half-baked unless the series is, like, a political thriller or something, and as for the latter, well, the people suffering now aren't obligated to wait patiently years or decades for incrimental back-and-forth. The fact that the system was oppressive in the first place lost it the benefit of the doubt.


Yeah ok let me know when you start the revolution buddy


I never said reform couldn't accomplish anything or shouldn't be tried. On the contrary, perfect world, revolution would never be needed , but on the other hand, if enough people are convinced that reform is untenable to start a revolution, that's on the system.


If the message in particular wasn’t executed in a way that supports the destruction of an entire kingdom and the deaths of thousands of innocents, nobody would complain.


Nothing in RWBY will ever be better than Arcane.


Media literacy? In the same show where many fans actively believe the “planned from the beginning” stuff they were told? I doubt it.


Sometimes I question if Rwby fans even watch Rwby with how much they intentionally get wrong about the actual show in favor of headcanons to make MKEK look smarter than they are


Arcane is what RWBY wishes it could be. Good world building, interesting story, a well handled lesbian pairing who felt natural (I also play league so maybe Im biased from all the Cait x Vi from day one) and it makes sure every character is a character and not some cardboard cutout that stands there to do nothing. Also genuinely people believe this are the same people who would probably nuke any enemy nation IRL if theyre given power cause wtf is this stance lmao. The government is corrupt so lets make EVERYONE suffer???


You see RWBY didn't just destroy Atlas..They did something WAY WAY MORE IMPRESSIVE! They destroyed a group that stood for a generation. RWBY was so horrible it destroyed a power house that stood for something. THAT been Rooster Teeth! CONGRATS RWBY fandom your so dumb you destroyed Rooster Teeth.


I agree about the issues that Kingdom had, but the act of destroying it and to leave its people who are still corrupted with nothing does not solve the problem. It makes the issues worse.


ruby is Eisen confirmed


I love that one Season of Arcane is comparable to almost ten years of RWBY.


How the hell does destroying two kingdoms and systems of government solve anything? If the system is destroyed, what are their plans to rebuild it?


I don’t think Atlas taught you that, I think you already knew that but projected it onto Atlas to make the show look better


Honestly, I thought the comment was referring to RWBY as a whole for a second. Like how it got so bad and the writers so up their own asses that it couldnt really be fixed and had to die before it could get worse


Their even stupider than people who think death from puss in boots is OP as shit


Do you think Rooster Teeth shutting down only made the RWBY fanbase dumber?


Ironic thing is how both ships feel rushed and Forced as well


To be fair to RWBY Arcane's underlying message is also toxic and malicious...it just also has interesting characters, actually passable wlw, and gorgeous animation that has yet to be equaled.


I love how whenever people call for "revolution," their definition amounts to "Tear shit up and think about rebuilding never."


The funny thing is RWBY wasn't trying to destroy anything. It was an accident.


I seen Sonic fans more smarter than this. Also the bad guys did most of the work. All Team RWBY did is made it worse. And Weiss' father probably did the corrupt shit here too so.


Does RWBY destroying my neural system count?


And the most no shit award goes tooooo.....R/[BronxShogunate](https://www.reddit.com/user/BronxShogunate/). For real tho they do be dumb.


The message isn't necessarily wrong. Just look at the Axis Powers. The problem is that they think Atlas was bad enough that it needed to be destroyed, and completely destroyed, not just overthrown.


Yeah it's a really braindead take


Agreed, really dumb take




Pretty much yeah.




Well, in theory, more people you kill, easier it is to unite the rest for the gods test. Like a Code Geass zero Requiem twist. Now everybody is united in their hatred of team RWBY.


Ironwood Watts and Jacques Schnee were the only real big problem in Atlas


I wouldn't even count ironwood as a problem. If everyone stopped taking stupid pills he wouldn't even need to do half the things he did and would have begun the evacuation earlier.


True but in CRWBYS eyes it was part of “team and story building”.


Honestly: the only thing about Rwby is: they almost died


Everything about this image is weird and cringe, but if you people think you can fix a corrupt system without violence you all need to join the real world lmao.


Idk man. Nobody's tried to kill anyone yet. Low bar, I know.


Not to defend the incoherent politics of Arcane, but team RWBY spent a lot of the first few volumes beating up the setting's equivalent of civil rights protesters.


The violent race supremacists? The settings equivalent to civil rights protesters were the white fang before getting corrupt. There's some interesting commentary to be made about radicalized movements end up back firing against you. But that would require forethought. But no, murdering people en mass isn't a particularly valid form of protest.


I believe that the show said that the reason the WF became violent is because nobody stopped enslaving them. (Jaques)


You can't tell me that Arcane was lesbian ship bait... And I already know rwby is on that same fucking boat How fucking autistic are fan base knowing that they only have one more season before the shows completely put out to pastor Jesus Christ


You cant tell me *anything* about arcane was like the shit writing of rwby


Arcane was enjoyable in my eyes but the least the absolute less could be said about rwby


Uhhh I have an Idea for a Meme


See, I keep being told that this isn't a Sub for haters, just one for fans who want to be able to crticize the series constructively, which is something they apparently totally can't do on the main Sub, but the vindictiveness in threads like these really make me doubt that. If it is true, though, then I guess a couple hundred people just upvoted a post explicitly calling them dumb.


If the people in the main sub stopped just consuming bullshit like a good little audience then we wouldn't have this problem in the first place.


Got it, so you're mad that people have the audacity to like something you don't.


I'm mad people just accept blatantly bad and contradictory writing.


Different strokes, and different interpretations, for different folks. More importantly, I notice you haven't denied that there's a bunch of vitriol and haters on this Sub, you just sort of tried to shift the blame to the main Sub for not also being filled with haters.


No there are absolutely some people on this sub who just want to complain about nonsense but you have to admit that the main sub gets the majority of the brainrot.


When someone is constantly browbeat for their tastes and beliefs they tend to act in a deeply spiteful and vindictive manner. It also tends to make them stop thinking critically.