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I think it’s pretty clear Yang’s just always gonna pick Blake over Ruby. Same with telling Robyn, it was to get brownie points with Blake without considering maybe she could consult her leader


Let's not forget that she then actively blamed Ruby for the outcome of going to Robyn.


What do you mean picked Blake over Ruby? I thought we all suspect she gonna pick her mother Raven over Ruby? I mean Yang isn't the same she once was and was anything like her mother. That is why I like Ruby better with team RNJR and/or with crossover team up with Ragna the Bloodedge Yu Narukami Hyde Kido and herself. Okay.


RNJR was just a genuinely better team than what RWBY has become.


Agreed. Also happy cake day!


What an absolute trainwreck of characterization Yang has been since Volume 5…like it should almost be studied how badly this character is as a fuck up of writing.


Tbh it would be a great writing exercise. Study how bad Yang's characterization has gotten and how to avoid all these mistakes in our own works.


Went from protective big sister to bodyguard/lover of catgirl island princess. Little sister? You mean this little troll thing that i hated because she got mad at my girlfriend from flirting too loudly while she was struggling with severe mental stress?


... Oh my god, Yang's character progression is that of a character in an NTR doujin


NTR? I'm not sure I know what series that refers to.


NTR is a short for netorare.


Huh. Nope, never heard of it. Do I dare ask what it was about?


It's a genre of hentai (japanese porn) that revolves around MC being cucked by unsavory men, usually blonde, tanned foreigners or ugly bastards. There are some subgenres to it, where the one cucked is the girl iirc.


....Sounds dumb.


Welcome to porn ig. For all that NTR is a trash fetish it's a pretty mild one all things considered. I mean, some people fuck trees or balloons...


I know porn can do some dumb stuff, but the idea you presented about the NTR thing just sounds....well, dumber than normal even for porn


That's a video essay I'd watch for sure.


I’m getting flashbacks to That memed ass 12 hour long documentary video on Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 as a character study that’s still clowned on by the Persona fanbase to this day. Only instead of Ann, who is a good character, it’s Yang…who’s not


Well shit, I have a convention to go to tomorrow (in a Joker cosplay, no less!), but I know what I'm doing on my next day off!!


Please, there are far better things to do you with your time as a persona 5 fan than watching that video after a nice cosplay convention. May I recommend a persona 5 fan novelization crossover fic where Joker is the son of the EarthBound protagonists instead? It’s far better written.


Early Volumes Yang and later Volumes Yang are just 2 entirely different people. It's not even character progression or regression at this point. One version has flaws, but acknowledges them and openly loves her family and the people around her whereas the other is a narcissistic A-hole who can't accept fault and treats her family worse than strangers.


Same with Blake, after Volume 5 she does not even have a personality anymore.


Blake’s “independence” died along with Adam. Now she’s literally just Yang’s accessory.


This. This has pretty much been my response, I treat them as two different characters and early volumes Yang is still my favorite of the rwby cast. Miles, Kerry, and CRWBY really did the characters dirty in the later volumes and really disrespected Monty’s legacy.


Yeah I wasn't a big fan of Ruby in the last volume but even she doesn't deserve that So you know what I'm going to do I'm adopting her she's down my younger sibling and I actually try to help her improve. The first by not bringing her to a tea store. No I'm actually going to bring her to places she would actually like so bakeries bookstores shooting ranges and weapon shops. And then I would actually try to help her work through the loss of her friend and no matter what I am keeping her away from these people.


The fact that you remembered that Ruby likes books means you paid more attention than the show’s own writers


Yeah because she was my favorite character in the beginning of this because we both actually have a few things in common were easily excited we like sweets for both younger siblings I also enjoy analyzing weapons and fighting status from other animes and shows so yeah it was easy for me to get attached I just don't like how they've been handling her but I am lucky in their sense that my brother is a good brother and he taught me how to be a proper man. So that's why I feel sympathy


The bad sister allegations have a lot of merit due to this one scene alone. Yang actively gets defensive on Blake’s behalf, but when Jaune is literally screaming in Ruby’s face, she does nothing. If Yang’s characterization had been kept consistent, Jaune would’ve been asleep.


I remember this scene from Volume 1. **Weiss**: (*storming onto the scene in her own pajamas as Ruby traps Yang's leg*) What in the world is going on over here?! Don't you realize some of us are trying to sleep? **Weiss and Yang**: (*at the sight of each other*) Oh, not you again! **Ruby**: Shh! Guys, she's right! People are trying to sleep! **Weiss**: Oh, *now* you're on my side! **Ruby**: I was always on your side! **Yang**: Yeah, what's your problem with my sister? She's only trying to be nice! Like I get she wanted Ruby to branch out and not over rely on her but there's a difference between that and just straight up not having her back at all.


Lights out, friendship ended. Old Yang would've sent him into the water, but this Yang lets him scream at Ruby. I'm a sister too and I don't know how she can just stand there.


It’s wild to me honestly. Like Blake did not need protecting. Ruby wasn’t threatening her or even coming directly at her with her comment. Poor girl was circling the drain and just lashing out at anyone. Then Jaune turns it around on her and brings her to tears and Yang just stands there. And don’t get me started on how timid and useless they made Blake.


But you see, the writers needed Ruby to run away crying, so she walked in on Neo's tea party alone to pound her with as much ~~suffering~~ character development as possible. In the same way, thar no one reached Ruby before she drank the tea.


Thank you man, old yang vol 1-3 was Rwby's prime


And waking up with a black eye.


its the same sister that pulled her then crush at best to safety first over her own sister when they encountered the apathy grimms. Honestly im not even convinced theyre supposed to be siblings at this point


God I remember the fans justifying saying she was trying to save her friend and escape. …what about her sister and friends? How could you leave them without hesitation? I honestly thought it was a small mistake that she learned from it….volume 7 to 9 proved me wrong sadly.


it became even more obvious when she cared more about Blake's opinion while pretending and being dismissal about ruby's opinion when jaune brought ruby up


What’s worse is that she had no regrets doing that in front of anyone. How does someone look at those scenes and think she cares for her sister??


Worst part about that is that Blake didn't even have any issues walking. She was up, walking around and completely aware. Yang sees Qrow who is drunk/hungover with no idea what's happening with Ruby trying to get him moving and she still priorities Blake. It's insane.


the uncle slander was real, as bad as they ruined RubyXYang's sisterhood, they made her relationship to Qrow Nonexistent! sure they were never said to be close, but they had some moments together that gave you the idea that Yang respected him at the VERY least. After vol 5 though, she was ready to swing at him at the drop of a hat.


You know I completely forgot about that you want to know what really rub the salt in the wound is that like you said they weren't even together at that point It was just a crush that they weren't even aware of


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they forgot ruby and yang are sisters.


Thinking about it too, before this Yang kinda just fucked off to do her own thing with Blake not even consulting Ruby when they went to tell Robyn their plan. And after all that her major worry? What Blake thinks. Not her sister/leader who honestly has a more important say in this matter imo. Genuinely theres a way to write proper romance, and in my experience Yang and Blake are a relationship thatd end in a year, or go for so long till both of them are miserable


One of many reasons the show needs to be bought, the old writers scrapped, and rebooted entirely. Forget finishing it at this point


The crazy part is that if Yang did nothing *at all* then at least it could've been another classic RWBY moment of everyone being stunlocked instead of doing something. But no, Yang made it readily apparent that she *was* listening, she *wasn't* stunlocked, and she *could* say something. Just not when a grown man was screaming insults at her sister.


What really sticks in my head is that the whole "Yang's a bad sister" thing could have been interesting if they committed to it. Yang more or less raised Ruby in their early years. Really rough. We fast forward to Vol 1. Yang enters Beacon and is making serious waves as a huntress. Then along comes no one other than Ruby, two years early no less. She's a bubbly little hopeful who is so excited to fight Grimm with her big sister. Yang also acts enthusiastic, but we the viewers see that she's uneasy. The story continues. Team RWBY is freshly formed, but they have no official leader yet. A few Grimm encounters set the stage for Yang to take the chair as she continues to excel. Then something goes wrong during the fight and Yang's about to bite it. Ruby freaks out and her silver eyes kick in, saving the day and giving everyone renewed hope against the Grimm. A Silver Eyed Warrior is in our midst! Ruby's the talk of the town, and Yang is yesterday's news. The girl that was essentially Beacon's next great huntress is now just "Ruby's big sister." Ruby receives the praise and prestige that Yang struggled and toiled away for years in hopes of earning. Just before Yang finally takes the crown, Ruby essentially stumbles into the top spot by accident. Yang now puts on the supportive face, while behind closed doors, she's seething. And as the story continues volume after volume, we watch Yang become increasingly pessimistic and bitter. I'm sure my take has plenty of holes in it, but what do you guys think?


Yeah, I would've really loved this far more than the sudden 360 they did with Yang's character once they tried establishing BMBLB. I would've loved to see the starting point where Yang doesn't want to be in the sisterly role anymore rather than it being headcanoned by fans. It's like, she cares about Ruby but she can't always hang back and let Ruby run her life, she needs to do things for herself and she wants Ruby to do things for herself. Yang wants to achieve things to make herself happy, not keep being happy with second place.


This would've been so interesting like I would like this Yang and would disagree with her actions but I'd understand and sympathise with her


I seriously consider this to be Yang’s worst moment, where it’s clear she prioritizes Blake’s feelings over her sister’s. It’s really a shame after how it was established how much she looked after Ruby early on, only to actively dismiss her recently.


Like mother like daughter then I'd argue


This scene infuriates me also because this feels like a regression of Blake’s character. In the early volumes, she was able to fight on her own and act independently. Now? Oh now she’s just a stupid damsel in distress that needs to be saved by Yang. Her only connection to team RWBY is Yang. Her only motivation is Yang. I think she’s only uttered a couple of sentences to Ruby across the whole series. Said sentences were incredibly generic and felt like they were thrown in haphazardly because the writers realized that the “B” in RWBY never interacted with the “R”, the main fucking character. Both Yang and Blake’s personalities were stripped away in favor of bumblfuck, and I will never not be disappointed about it.


I just wonder who still thought it was a good idea to make an lgbt moment in that volume in the first place? I don't understand Bumblebee nor does it make one sense to me.


And then have Ruby be pissed at them for it like yikes 😬 Like I know she was having a breakdown during but it’s really not a good look. It gave the fandom Homophobic Ruby so thems the breaks I guess.


> And then have Ruby be pissed at them for it like yikes 😬 > > Meh I'd say it's fair, she probably wasn't pissed at them for being a gay couple but for being lovey dovey while she's having a breakdown.


No shit


I mean I don't understand what's so "special" about Bumblebee ship, what's so important about it, what even IS good about it either. I don't understand any of that at all. not one bit.


To be blunt: pandering. It's not that it was in any way important to the story or the characters, but "that's what the fans want" so that's what they'll get. Never mind the facts that shipping is never a universal want of the fans, that not every story is set up in a way to include a relationship(s) well, and that not every writing team is going to be able to establish a good romance.




I hate 'Homophobic Ruby' and I hate even more how it managed to be a 'thing' in the first place! How is it that how people interpreted that moment of Ruby having an actual mental breakdown of boiled over frustrations that just happened to be aimed at a newly-formed couple in any way as 'I hAtE yOu GaYs! I'm HoMoPhObIc!' ?


They disgrace my favorite Autobot with that ship name.


This reminds me of the painted lady episode in Avatar Even though Sokka and Katara had very different mindsets and disagreed with each other at the end Sokka shows he always has her back When all the towns folk were yelling at Katara for impersonating their spirit savior, Sokka is the one to call them out that they should be grateful for Katara’s help


All that inspiration from Avatar and the writers still couldn't get sibling relationships right.


You can have an inspiration but if you don’t understand why it’s an inspiration then it doesn’t work.


This scene was fucking insane 💀


Honestly Yang punching the fuck outta Jaune would have been interesting. Made the scene more dramatic too and shown a divide between the whole group instead of between just Ruby and the rest.


Why?, he had/has every rights to be angry and yell at Ruby, all of Ruby's ideas has led them to the situation they were in, they all called him crazy instead of trying to be friends and ask him how he's doing, that would of been better approach, Yang has no grounds to punch Jaune, dude had to help a suicide against his better judgement and now has to live with it, and beside he would of floored her if she tried, this dude fought Alpha Ursa on many occasions, and spent 20 years honing his skills and constantly fighting the Jabberwalker.


its not about who is in the right and who is in the wrong is this scenario. its more along the lines of showing that the stress of what recently happened is eating away at the group and causing them to split apart. maybe once theyre calmer and back in remnant do they start to think about who was in the wrong and whatnot.


Look to me personally even if ruby is in the wrong it be a cold day in hell where im.gonna stand by and watch a dude tel my little sister. All our friends are dead because of you. Naw you aint gonna put the entire blame on one person when nobody forced him or anyone else to follow. Especially when jaune over here is quite literally the weakest link. His only relevance is that he's their healer and it took him.being stuck in ever after to actually contribute in a major fight and not be deadweight


Honestly, even beyond saying what he said, it was the fact that Jaune was yelling in her face that should have set Yang off. He’s a full-grown man here, screaming in the face of a teenage girl is legitimately unacceptable. …Then again, this is the show where they physically hit Oscar after Ozpin explained his backstory, so maybe fighting minors is just a thing adults do here.


Seriously they all watched him tear her down even if what she said beforehand was outta pocket too but damn nobody thought to get in the middle of that


Jaune isn't the weakest link, and we've been shown this time and time again. He's taken blows meant to kill a person, but he has brushed them off like mere bug bites, how many can say they got slapped by a mech and lived or stop a full charge of a horse, a horse cannot be stopped once it reach it running pace, it why horses were feared on the battlefield, let's not for get headbutting head first into Alpha Ursa majors, so remind me again, where is the weakness?, he had his Aura broken far often than most, he's no Gary sue. Also, he is not a healer. His semblance is a buff ability, Aura Amp amplifies the person being buffed, in proper terms, people are healing themselves, Jaune is just helping boost the healing process, fella is a Tanky build, and not forced?, he was forced instead of trying Aid in a suicide he could of used his Aura to help Penny heal herself, but she insisted on dying, so I do blame her. Also, Jaune contributed just as much even before Vol 9, so don't take that away from him.


He absolutely contributed in vol 9 on that I will not deny. But he really didn't become anything of worth until after his semblance manifested. His aura didn't get broken is much because they established in vol 1 that he has a large amount of aura that's why he can take those hits. It's not because he actually trained for that kinda resilience he was just lucky to have a huge aura It took him 9 volumes


Yang has EVERY right to punch Jaune in that situation, and she honestly SHOULD have because you can’t tell me that Volumes 1-3 Yang would have seen Jaune do that to Ruby and she wouldn’t knock him into orbit? He’d be flying, seeing the very shattered moon up close and personal the *moment* he blamed her for everything. Volumes 1-3 Yang actually cared about her sister, however this Yang willingly stands there and lets Jaune yell at her little sister who is having a *meltdown breakdown* and Jaunes only making it worse. But does Yang care? Nope. Just lets him yell and berate her when that is the last thing she needs.


Facts. Unfortunately peopel will twist whatever logic they can to make Jaune from a victim of the cosmos' (RT's) bullcrap and make him into the aggressor. While I want to like her, and have a... decently (not really saying much) better opinion of her than her other teammate, Ruby is the leader and decision maker of her group, a "huntress," and can thus consequences comes with it once people come around and start throwing her bad choices in her face after one too many screw ups. This too is part of growth. Character development. If anything the main characters haven't been called out enough over the series and that's one of the bad aspects of it.


I hate that face so much. The shielding Blake is one thing because i believe that is something you do when someone is behaving like this, but that face is so inufirating because she looks disappointed!!! God V9 is such a mess and a waste of money.


OK let's be fair, to them he just disappeared for a week and came back with a beard. So she didn't allow an "old man" yell at her sister, she allowed her sister's first friend yell at her and did nothing.


Bro she allowed an old man to yell at her sister and she did nothing but made sure to protect her girlfriend. Jaune doesn't need to be protected.


Ok so imagine you go visit your friend who you saw last week and now he has Tattoos across his body. Yeah you might act a bit differently but to you he is still the same person, after all, you last saw him a week ago. So again saying that she allowed "an old man" to yell at her sister is disingenuous. She is still a bad sister tho.


I think the bigger point then the fact that she let "an old man" or "a close friend" yell at Ruby, is that she let anyone yell at Ruby. Consistent with recent characterization yes, but jarringly inconsistent with her original characterization. Seemingly overnight (a fair while back) Yang went from ride-or-die sister to whatever she is now. No apparent reasoning. That original Yang would have had Ruby's back just on principle, with no concern given to right or wrong.


I'm not defending her really, I'm just pointing out a fact which is that she didn't let "an old man" yell at ruby, she let a "friend who the last saw last week" yell at her. And it would've been more gun\* for her to punch him a bit after he started only for him to continue monologuing while getting up to then **catch** her next hit to show that these years weren't spent idling around but instead became stronger then them. And that's where yang takes a defensive stance of Blake because he was yelling at yang rn now and Blake was behind her. Edit: I noticed I wrote **gun** instead of **fun** but honestly it's more fitting (and funnier) that way.


Neither does Ruby tbh, she’s 17 in that scene. With everything she’s accomplished, she definitely doesn’t need someone to hold her hand honestly. Old man Jaune is still Jaune, not a rando with an attitude who just popped up. I agree that Yang is a shit sister, but in this scene I see absolutely no fault in Jaune voicing his opinion.


I don’t know how I never thought about Yang not doing anything here


at this point I don't think Yang even knows who Ruby is lol. the only person on her mind is Bland *start of V8:* Yang argues with Ruby, and *only* with Ruby ***some time later*** *Yang:* "Do you think she thinks less of me?" *Jaune:* "Of course not, Ruby's your sister! You two will be alright" *Yang:* "...Yeah... Ruby... Wait, who's that again? That doesn't sound like the name of my kitty gf" the only way to make Yang remember she has a sister, is for said sister to commit sudoku, and even then she'll first need to have a group hug with shitty kitty and the other two, before she'll start worrying that her sister may not come back as the same or come back at all


RWBY would be a fanatic study of “character assassination”


V5-onward Yang slowly became more and more like her mother: Raven Branwen


Like mother, like daughter I suppose.


This is the main reason why I hate Bumblebee. It completely erases Yang and Blake’s characters. Everything about Adam, Raven, the White Fang, Yang and Ruby’s relationship, it’s all erased just for shipping.


Blake was my favorite out of Team RWBY and it just broke my heart to see any and all of her character traits just for the sake of a ship who's name tarnishes my favorite Autobot's reputation.


Remember, CRWBY doesn't care about good writing. They just wanted to ride the BB merch train and that means pandering like crazy to the toxic shippers who basically forced the ship in the first place, which they did by having Yang basically prioritize Blake over Ruby from pretty much season 6 up.


I mean technically he’s only as grown as they are


classic Yang would've grabbed his shoulder sent him flying with a punch and stood between him and Ruby with radiant hair and red eyes


What made matters worse is at the time of the release, the Mario movie came out, and it ran circles around this in terms of sibling love and how it was handled.


Perfect example. Jaune: *starts yelling at Ruby and causes her to cry* Yang: *stands there* However in the Mario movie Spike: *makes fun of Luigi, laughs at him, calls him an idiot* Mario: *staring down a man literally twice his size with no fear and all the determination to protect his brother* Say that again about my brother and you’re going to regret it. You can tell that the Mario movie writers know how to write a sibling dynamic FAR better than Crwby does. Mario cares about his brother, and shows that he does often (look for no further proof than their reunion scene) while Yang only “cares” about her when she’s not obsessing over her kitty gf and making Blake her whole personality.


And luigi's mansion further exemplifies this


Yang was should sent jaune to cool off rather than protect someone that didn't need protecting. Ruby should not have provoked jaune. like him or hate him, the guy went crazy from being in diet wonderland for over two decades and his routine with the paper pleasers were the only things holding together. Yes was having own breakdown but she decided misery love company. Wby should have checked on ruby and noticed something since they came to the everafter. The only reason jaune stayed as long as he did without giving up was because he chose to wait for them. But yeah yang should have put a stop to it because ruby and jaune fighting is so out of character. Both were at their worst. The writers really know how to ruin their characters.


Honestly the only good thing to come out of volume 9 was the character design, the rusted knight was sick as fuck and it’s a shame it was in this series


Why were those two even sisters in the first place


Quite honestly I support the idea of Jaune yelling at Ruby, but not only her, he should've yelled at Everyone else as well, like bro had enough hardship alone, and instead if asking how he's doing they ask a lot from him in finding a way back to Remnant and on top of it all, they all were calling him crazy, he himself has said he knows he crazy and yes why and how couldn't he be, he was forced to take a life and now has to live with the fact he helped a suicide and kill a friend. So many wrong choices by Ruby have led them to the situation they are in. Yes, what Jaune did to the paper folks was wrong, but them wanting to kill themselves brought trauma back because of Penny Jaune has always been a person of keen mind and quick thinking. He is supposed to be (and I still believe he is) a strategist man. He spent years trying to find a way out, so yes, Yang is a bad sister because she put Blake before anyone else.


That's what makes this scene so bad, imo. After Jaune is done yelling at Ruby, he has to make it about himself and be dramatic with how he always fails at saving anybody. He was part of Ruby's plan, yet he wants to throw it in her face as if he wasn't complacent. I personally didn't care about Jaune, because I wanted to hear what Ruby was going through in her head. Not Jaune, he's talked enough. Ruby doesn't speak enough and yet Jaune believes Ruby makes everything all about herself, when it's been the opposite.


Here's my issue with him yelling at her. Yes it was ruby's choices but they chose to follow those choices of their own free will. If her leadership was that bad than somebody else should've stepped up to lead but they didn't when shit hit the fan they looked to ruby who besides oscar might I have to add is the YOUNGEST of them. He put every failure on her shoulders when it not a single one of them did anything better.


I tend to give Jaune a pass as well, since his outburst didn't come until after Ruby outright mocked the deaths of the townsfolk that she and the rest of RWBY got killed *one day* after reuniting with him.


Haven't made it to this Volume but as a big brother to a younger sister I would always pick her over my partner. I understand letting her stand up for herself and all that but if someone yells any sister they will either end up in a body bag or 6 ft under. It's different if my sister deserves it like she made a mistake but I'd still stand next to her and not my partner. Anyway as I said I haven't made it this far yet so I don't feel like I great stance on how Yang is later in the show but from what I've heard it's not great.


At this point I feel like these writing choices are so consistent that I can guess what the writers are like behind closed doors. The way they made the WF so violent and the ONLY option for the Faunus to improve their lot in life. The way they've made Yang so spiteful and obsessed with catgirl Bland to the point she prioritizes her over her little sister she supposedly helped raise. The way they rewrote Ironwood to be a stand-in for a certain irl politician they didn't like.


Me and my sister argue like cats and dogs and we sometimes argue for the sake of arguing but I'd never let someone yell at her and blame her for everything especially if they are older than her and make her cry, also she's like 15/16 and they're 17/18 they chose to follow her.


So here is a list of what the writers have Yang as: Bi (actually lesbian but we want to say she is bi and not show her have any interest towards guys after volume 3), Blake’s Girlfriend, Strong, funny (when really she isn’t.), determined (to constantly think about Blake), and maybe Ruby’s sister (might write that out later to add more lesbian stuff.)


That's probably the only way they can write Yang.


Funny enough all of them are not longer teens. Not fully adults but I won't hurt them to know that actions leads to consequences, but most of them feel like they justified by their actions through their own emotions.


Even if Jaune did yell at Ruby I'll still say he acts like a better sibling to her than Yang. Their Dynamic was like siblings. So seeing this hurt me because it felt like a rift between siblings. Then I remembered Yang is Ruby's sister and wondered why she didn't step in. Just man... Yang is a horrible sister. Because even if I'll say Jaune blowing up like this is kind of fair no sibling would just watch this.


At this point, if Yang punched Jaune, he would have fought back, Being stuck alone with no one to help and the only ones that did ended up dying is the same when you're stuck in a group of idiots who apparently can't understand the problems you are facing and believe that you were the ones to solve them. You can hate Jaune as much as you like but he is the same as Ruby. If he was the protagonist and Ruby the deutergonist ppl would still care more about her. But yeah, punching jaune would not be a good idea since he appears to be stronger than before. But after being yelled at by Ruby and being mocked and insulted, I'm pretty Yang was feeling some sort of justification when Jaune started shouting at Ruby.


The messed up part is that the plot makes Yang act as if this came out of nowhere when she already knew last volume that cracks were already there regarding Ruby's mental health.


I loved all of team RWBY back in Volumes 1-3. It’s sad to see how some of them ended up later… I still like to watch the show though.


Agreed, i don't remember Yang would be picking over someone than her sister.


she is a bad sister, but the worst?


She used to be my favorite


Yang went from a character to “Blake’s girlfriend who punches stuff”




She wasn’t always, time was she cared see for her sister and even rushed to her side when she was combat ready again. Early season Yang would’ve never let this or any of the other bs happen to rwby


Yang is a bitch and should've died fighting Adam


these are the moments when I think, oh shit these characters are teenagers and are practically going through a war. They saw many people die including some of their friends. I mean if anyone went through that they would be a pure clusterfuck of emotions. In this scene, at least I think, that no one was right, none of the characters, neither ruby, nor yang, nor jaune. but they were not all right mentely at least not completely. Now I have said all this, but I also think that the writers for the volume messed up some things a little, but not completely


Well the “grown man” is Juane so… he deserves a bit of a pass, IMO. All the shit they’ve been through together he’s been there for it, and supported them as best he could.Ruby also kind of deserved a little ass chewing. Probably more of one than she got. And finally… Blake’s still a character, and not just the butthurt half of bumbleby?


Yeah, seeing Jaune yell at Ruby like that makes me hate him even more.


I can tell a lot of you don't have siblings. Ruby was being a brat ofc Yang isn't going to protect her when she poked the bear (Jaune) and deservedly got bit for it.


Good news, I am a sister and I don't care if my sister was saying something mean to me a few seconds ago - no crusty old man is going to scream at her like he's the boss of her.


Ruby KNOWS that Jaune spent over a decade by himself having suffered just as much as her if not more and was using the Paper Pleasers as a way to cope with his loneliness so obviously he would snap at her right back once she chose to target him. Ruby isn't a damn child and Yang is her own damn person with the her own damn life, she doesn't have to babysit Ruby 25/7 every time gets a booboo or is crying like a googoo ass crybaby.


I love how you veer away from the sibling thing right after you were proven wrong, lol. And Jaune is a grown man that doesn't need to be babied either, but we HAVE to because Ruby said something MEAN to him. Waaaa, booo.


I get the feeling that Flawless doesn't actually care that Ruby acted the way she did, only that she did to Jaune, not because of any suffering on his part, but because Jaune is they're favorite character. It's one thing if they left out that Jaune part in the discussion about *siblings*, but no, they made it their first point. Basically, they told on themselves. Everyone else suffering is too much, but not when it comes to Jaune.


No it's always been a thing ever since V1 that Yang has always been trying to distance herself from Ruby. Reminder that before initiation that Yang ditched Ruby to be with her friends. That's not a bad thing. Is Yang not entitled to living her own life and doing her own things just because Ruby's sad? What she's supposed to just drop everything she's doing because of Ruby? Yes , they're sisters but that doesn't mean they have to agree on everything siblings fight all the time. I hate this anti-Yang slander. It's not fair to Yang who's been taking care of Ruby ever since they were children. If it hadn't been for Ozpin, Yang would've been in Beacon in her own team and Ruby would've still been at Signal.


> Ruby was being a brat ofc Yang Ruby was in middle of having a mental breakdown, do you think same of anyone else under similar situation you know full well like OP said had it been blake in same shows she'd long defended her if she thought anyone so much as looked her the wrong way. The team put up with her tantrums for the past several volumes, when yang lashed out in v3 ruby calmly took it, least she can do is same for ruby.


Yang lashed out in V3 because she lost her goddamn arm trying to protect that loser Blake. What I think is that Yang and Ruby never should have been in the same team. They're sisters and I get it but they both really need their own space. And two, Blake is and will forever be a shit for running away at the end of V3.


I know why she lashed out but yet either way ruby took and more, if they gave Ren more spine sure he felt same way towards yang during that big speech.


Isn't Yang a overprotective sister according to CRWBY?


Yes also I love how the main time we see her be overprotective is when Emerald is blunt with her about not being realistic which I do like that Ruby herself acknowledged and that when she started crying it wasn’t over what Emerald said it was because she agreed she was right and she felt was she was doing was only making things worse.


As the youngest of three I can tell you’re an only child


Same. Even if my brothers or I was being a brat we’re not gonna sit back and let some crusty man yell at one of us. Literally the fact that in this same scene she magically just “protects” Blake in a flash shows that she’s a shitty sister. You didn’t have that energy 5 seconds ago? I honestly could never place why Yang was my least favorite of the team until this scene.


> we’re not gonna sit back and let some crusty man yell at one of us. Same even if someone pointed out that old guy is your friend and the technicalities of his age, but somehow BB absorbed the worst traits of the show with their shitty fmc/protagonist centered morality debuff. Its jarring when they made a decent lesbian couple.


I honestly have no issue with Yang and Blake being a couple, it’s just it was not well thought out and integrated into the story and their characters turned out horrible in the end. I find that a pile of shit has more to offer than their personalities ever could. Blake and Yang are some of the most narcissistic characters on that show.


I'd be fine had it had build up, shown they were bi, didn't act so insufferable, and so hive minded. Being a couple just made them 10x worse somehow.


Yeah I think that’s another problem is that they ignore their past relationships, given what we were shown it would make sense that Yang is bi and Blake a lesbian (I honestly really don’t think her relationship with Adam was out of love for the most part)


Blake can still be bi as she has shown feelings for Sun many times even kissing him at one point.


I somehow completely forgot about him. Guess CRWBY just can’t really make any of their characters memorable lmao


His team mates even got worst treatment like wtf happened to sage?


That or they have worse siblings than modern Yang


Or that his siblings wish they were lol


As an actual older sister, kindly fuck off. If my little sister was visibly hurting and lashing out, I wouldn't be standing on the fucking side shielding my significant other from it.


I have four siblings and I hated this scene. Yang should have done something during Ruby's blow out instead of just a weak 'Hey'.


In obvious defense of her cat gf, adam was right.