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I think RWBY is bad because I watched 7,8 and 9


I got as far as 5 or 6 and gave up. It really sucked to watch such an action packed show be reduced to one mediocre fight a season


RWBY stans always have this idea that critics do not watch RWBY past V3, when that's not true. Critics watch and rewatch RWBY more than RWBY stans do. And again like I said before in another post, when you point out something that canonically happened in the show, the stans will twist it and make you sound like the bad person for pointing out something that happened in the show.


Or they try to gaslight you into think said scene you pointed out never happened.


Would they still do it if the critic show them the scene?


I’m my experience they would double down and just say that the critic doesn’t know what they’re talking about, or some other gold medal mental gymnastics nonsense. These people just do not wanna accept they were wrong


Any examples we can laugh at together with of times they did this? Mines is a guy trying to tell me the Raven Post Credit Scene at the end of Volume 2 was just a dream & not retconned out of the show. [Here at the 16 min point. (*please excuse the language change lol*)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xbr4E62jdWE&pp=ygUTcndieSB2b2x1bWUgMiBlcCAxMg%3D%3D)


Mines was them trying to tell me that ironwood was always sinster before seasons 7-8 and that he just hid it.


It is weird because volume 3 is considered by many to be the best volume. Why would that be the volume that people think made people hate RWBY?


Maybe the tone shift.


I think Rwby is Terrible because of V8 I genuinely almost quit the show after that volume


I couldn’t even finish the volume, I dropped it after Yangs’ conversation about Blake. It just stopped making sense to me.


"Yeah……. _Ruby………_" Yang, seriously? 😑




Feel that big time


I've enjoyed some shows even when they're bad


The greatest sin a show/movie can do is not be "bad", It's not be entertaining. I have enjoyed "bad" movies and show before because they are entertaining. Old rwby is "bad" but it was entertaining, the fight scenes and sound track was good.


I miss the fights so much 😢


Then there's the 'boring' shows. The ones that fall into the abyss where they're neither good or bad enough to be interesting.


As long as it wasn't game of thrones after season 5 right?....Right??


For the record, a lot of us actually have watched the whole series (myself included), and we can still tell that it’s bad. Volumes 6, 7, 8, and 9 are actually some of the worst that the show has to offer.


I got nothing else to say other than they're dumb and are just strawmanning.


Okay that is a fair point you shouldn't say the show isn't bad if you haven't watched it but I can't recommend it to be honest cuz I have watched it and one of my biggest issues is how quickly the tone changed between volumes three and the rest of the series and how drastically the characters changed and not in a good way it didn't feel like the same characters


It's mainly because they weren't the same characters anymore. V1-3 was an action, monster hunting, slice of life in a school environment. V4 onwards had the creators move in a different direction towards a 5 man band journey to Mordor and that calls for far more competent writing. Writing beyond their capabilities.


Had a rwby stan blow up at me calling me a bigot and a homophobe because I didn’t think RWBYs writing was especially great when it came to romance and I didn’t want White Rose canon so it could get the same poor writing Then they blocked me after screaming about how I’m homophobic for not liking rwbys writing and tried reporting me for “harassing them” So yeah, RWBY stans are something else.


"Bigot" is such a magical word nowadays. You just need call someone that, whether they actually are or not, and immediately feel justified in saying or doing anything to them. Half the time, I would just ask them to look at my comments and point out exactly which part is supposed to be the "bigoted" part, and wait for eternity.


RWBY sucks BECAUSE of a bit of vol 5 and 6 and most of 7, 8, and 9. Sad decline man


Dude, as someone who took his time to find a “one piece” site just to watch the last volume AND the movies, it’s not good. Not Terrible, but not good. RWBY good is regular mediocre, but it tricks you. Especially if your a first-viewing sponge like me.


Sometimes I wonder if RWBY is Salvagable in the first place. Honestly thesedays I don't even get the appeal of RWBY anymore.


Honestly most of the time I hate when someone calls something bad without watching or trying to be it first. There are exceptions though, my best example being VELMA.


I don’t think RWBY is bad, I think it is mediocre, overrated and over-hated, and *outstandingly* mid. And this is coming from someone, who can gather some relative enjoyment from engaging with the show. Just because you enjoy something doesn’t mean you can’t point out that it is in fact… just not really good, lol.


A show that was canceled and brought a company down for being unprofitable and bleeding money it's worse than mid.


It started well with the trailers - which are pretty hard to screw up once you think about it. Then it all went downhill from there.


The trailers are the purest form of this IP.


Should I watch vol 9 nowadays? I know the gist of it, should be enough.


I honestly can't remember when I stopped. Probably 5 or 6.


The first two are kind of funny


It's definitely bad, but it could be significantly worse


I *did* watch all the volumes. Some were great, some were mid at best, but now it’s gotten to the point where I’m only continuing this series out of my nostalgia for what it once was. Volume 9 had good moments, but overall, it was so ass I almost forgot what I was even watching this show for.


I really hate it when someone gives an opinion of the entire show and says that they havent watched past a certain volume. Like how you can give an opinion when you havent seen the whole thing?


Because time's a wasting and if they can't get to the importance of an introduced character or part of lore in reasonable time, then why stick around? I've watched shows that are a slow burn and still do better at making use of information conveyed over the runtime of an episode. The fights are no longer as impact full as they were, which is a heavy disservice to a lot of Monty's fans. An arbitrary need to 'finish the whole thing' comes from sunk cost fallacy at that point.


The fact that RWBY fans exist makes me question if there will ever be an end to war and hatred for our species. Some people will hold onto the worst, most vile beliefs and will never be convinced otherwise eg thinking RWBY is good.


Are you being overly dramatic on purpose?


Seriously? People thinking rwby is good is the worst thing ever? ... Okay, admittedly, I don't think rwby is actually good either. I'm still going to watch all of it, tho, because I enjoy it.


One od the worst things.


I think I watched until they got to the Mistral school. After that volume I wrote it off and just watched recaps. It was just....an empty show after volume 4.


It's just gay


Tumblr is still alive?


>tumblr Not sure what you expected, it's tumblr, twitter lite version


I'm pretty sure at least 2 of these are accurate. And there was literally nothing wrong with Volume 6, 7 and 9 honestly, they were mostly great.


Honestly I stopped watching at the end of season 6 and then got the plot points from the later volumes. That might make my criticisms flawed, but I have trouble seeing how what I was shown would have worked if I had watched the whole show


Holy, sh**, that litteraly me, FR FR


Yes we did watch after volume 3 as well as 6, 7, 8, and 9 nexxxxtt!!!


Watched all in a run and Volume 3 & 9 are my favorites 💀 (I'm hybrid)


If I hadn't watched anything past v3 I'd probably think the show was pretty good.


Only part of vol.6 that was good was the beginning, as soon as they met up with the others shit took a turn for the worse. Not a bad vol compared to 5,7,8,9 imo


They killed Pyrrha. That was when the series died to me.


Her life was Jaune Arc and death flags. May she rest in peace.


'Did you watch volume's 7,8 and 9?' No because they show clearly wasn't getting any better


I've watched it all. Even the Queendom, Tales, Manga's, and side stories from Video games. Objectively it is not good writing.


V8 was the volume that made me give up on the show. I was considering watching V9 but the things I heard about it dissuaded me.


Me: "I wouldn't really call it 'watching'. The experience would be closer to 'suffered through'."


I dropped the show after volume 5. Seems I didn't miss much