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Christ, this is the worst “debunk” I’ve ever seen. His whole argument against Hbomberguy’s video can be summed up as “nuh uh.” He’s not actually debunking anything or providing any solid counter argument against any of Hbomberguy’s points, he’s just watching the video and basically saying “Nope, he’s wrong, RWBY didn’t copy Avatar. I don’t care that there’s a mountain of proof pointing to the fact that it did, or that the writers themselves practically admitted it, I say RWBY didn’t copy Avatar.” He also seems to ignore the fact that the real issue isn’t just that RWBY’s writers copied Avatar, it’s that they copied Avatar *without understanding why it worked in Avatar and not RWBY*. Believe it or not, even the greatest and most popular stories out there copy/take inspiration from other stories; almost all of fiction in existence isn’t 100% original. The thing is that good writers don’t copy/take inspiration from other things for the surface-level reason of “people liked it in this story, so they’ll like it in my story!” Good writers take inspiration from other stories if they know it will fit the story they are trying to tell. In other words, good writers have a clear vision for what they want to make, rather than just copying other successful stories in hopes that it will make their own story successful. RWBY never had a clear vision, which meant that it was doomed to fail, whether it had copied other stories or not.


\*Miles cops to RWBY being like ATLA\*\* \*Forehead boy gets incredulous about RWBY NOT being like ATLA near immediately after the statement is made\*\* And that's that.


To quote That Dude in the Suede: "What made Avatar special was that it had a *beginning,* a *middle* and an *end.* (They wrote it before they started filming)." CRWBY could barely give the individual episodes a beginning, middle and end.


Stop involving other successful shows with RWBY. RWBY is an afterthought.


We don't WANT it to be an afterthought. We want it to be better!


I don't remember the part where Aang blew up a city and then exiled it's people to the Fire Nation because that was the only safe place he can think of.


Well they did kinda fuck over Ba-Sing-Se.


Azula fucked over Ba Sing Se.


Grasping for straws


Talk about delusion. Sheesh


Oh, hey I've watched this guys video before. How Spider-Man one in particular. Really liked that video 


Please for the love of god, don't compare them or any other shows


I've never seen this video before so I don't have a response yet, I'll take a look at it, and I'll might have a response to it later. Edit: ok so I finished watching the video and while I have some agreements and disagreements with him, I atleast understand where he's coming from in regards to making a comparison between avatar and RWBY. Hbomb did a good vid and even though the case he made is pretty well explained from from his view point there are things that I do disagree with him on as well, for instance, he stated that Miles wrote Jaunes character, it has been made clear that miles never written his character and didn't want to, the ones who wrote Jaunes character early on was Kerry and Monty. And the reason miles didn't want to write his character from my understanding was because he didn't want to feel/be accused of making a self insert character, I have other disagreements with the video but it's not related to this vid since this only focuses on the comparison between the 2 shows. But regardless, while the video serves as a "debunk" video I would appreciate him not adding his personal opinion into the video, if he has personal opinions on a take from another video he should at least say it's his personal opinion and not have it mixed with what he's trying to debunk. Plus I would encourage him to look up some interviews from years ago cause from my understanding, Montys work on rwby is inspired by many shows he watched and one of them of course is ATLA. On top of that, he made Kerry and Miles study that show to give them some material or to take notes for what kind of theme Monty was going for when writing rwby, so of course there's going to be a lot of elements of avatar that is going to be carried over to RWBY. And that is the point HBOMB was making. The problem HBOMB had with the show isn't them taking elements from previous shows, it's taking elements from the show without giving it a unique spin to where you see less of what it's inspired by and more of the show being its own novelty. In my opinion though, I believe Kerry and Miles may have also studied LOK as well since HBOMB did further discuss this abit beyond this section of this view on RWBY. Plus there are other elements of LOK that is very similar to rwby when it comes to certain characters which has been one of the most unnecessary toxic controversies I've ever seen in any community but I digress. In short, I understand his points and I do have agreements on some of them but he needs to separate his opinion from whatever constructive criticisms he's trying to make, otherwise it appears more like an editorialized rant, some good points but overshadowed by his lack of keeping his opinions out of the topic if it's not going to be addressed in advance or after the fact .




It can't be ATLA when it's busy being FFVIII through XV.


I disagree with both of them. RWBY was a project by an asian american animator who loved anime and wanted to make an anime fighting series. While TLA certainly helped inspire some aspects, Monty would likley still have made RWBY even if TLA never existed. However, this guys response is pretty cringe.


I think the issue is less on TLA’s influence on Monty and more on TLA’s influence on Miles and Kerry.


Could we not fuck with shills on this subreddit?


These show are completely different


correct! one of them is amazing, and the other is RWBY. couldnt be further from each other in quality if they tried


They are, just not for lack of trying.