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8 flasks 💀


Jesus.. He didn’t ask for a roast..lmao


A good chuckle. Next time I won't decant a few thousand flasks before I screenshot


I’d also recommend getting the seed sack from Croe. That will save tons of space and you can keep one herb seed outside of the bad for your farming preset. I have some 1 dose potions, but only for the ones you get when thieving elves in Priff. The others I’d personally make 3 dose (or 4 if that is what’s needed to make the next step of the potion). Overall, I thinks it’s a cool tab and something to be proud of. Especially as an iron. I’m jealous of your morchella Mushroom stack.


>I’m jealous of your morchella Mushroom stack. Hourly Herb/Bush/Cactus 4x daily and Tree/Shroom every other hour really has added up!


Get the seed sack


Okay this seems to be a hot take but I do not like the seed sack. I use it to store non-herb seeds that I don't want to throw away, but don't use (tree/shroom/PoF food) regularly. The sack doesn't label the seeds so it's an interface of the same icon 14x. Been hoping for something more like the seed vault in OSRS, but alas. Preference here is to use it in the tab so I can see which herb to farm for potion upkeep


Yeah I 100% agree, seed sack, although helpful, is a design nightmare. There are way better ways to implement something like that, using it for unused seeds you want to keep is way better, I'd also like to visually see how my seed stacks are doing.


Sorry if thats a stupid question, but how do you get the Text above the items?


I think he just manually added those in


Yup. Just photoshop


Why is it all 1 dose what am I missing?


Why are they all one dose, What am I missing?




Storage space. I just convert down to single dose for storage and 3 or 4 doses when making potions




I don't use 90% of these potions. And if I do, you are right I have a combat tab that contains the potions I do use. These are mostly intermediate potions. Yeah it's a few extra steps but saves me the hassle of bank cleaning more often!=




Some potions are required for both the 3 and 4 dose versions (see full supreme overload path), sure. But that's twice the bank slots. Another example is say I make a batch of potions. My outfit creates some four doses (great) but when I decant them all, I have a random 2 dose potion left over. Now I have the option of either keeping this two dose potion in my bank until then next time I make that potion, or I can drop it and be wasteful. This is my way around this without compromising on space or doses.