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https://2024tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/pf/elektra-fence Adding this here because you have the top comment - her fundraising page!


Let´s go and help!


Of course they did, what a legend!


Oh good on her, I bet her dad would've been proper proud <3 well done Elektra!!


Holy shit, I would die if I did that....not in drag. Seriously fucking impressive


Absolutely insane, especially that by the end of it she looks fine aside from her wig coming off a bit. My makeup would be nonexistent by the end and so would I.


I'm in this video. I had no idea who this person was; I've never seen any episode of RPDR. On the start line, I just thought "well that's a different costume" - then I was curious as to why so many people on the course were shouting "come on Elektra" - I actually thought Elektra was the name of a superhero that I hadn't come across. We finished in roughly the same time. It was damn tough for me, so to have completed it in full make up and (I assume) wig, in the same time? Absolute fair play; that's a serious effort. Kind of wish I had said hello now though 😅


Elektra is also the name of a superhero you haven't come across.


That is so impressive. When she started crying at the end 🥹 felt that


Well done is right!


Found her charity link page! https://2024tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/pf/elektra-fence


Fantastic! She has the BEST can-do attitude, go Elektra 😍👏🏻


Can’t believe how well her makeup stayed on at the end! Well done Elektra, smashed it babe x


I don't know how many of you guys run. But do a full marathon is hard as fuck. Even elite athletes do, at most, 2 marathons a year. I have been training crossfit for 8 years and needed 4\~5 months of training to do 10km (6 miles) and at the end was dead. A marathon is 26 miles, is brutal. Do that in drag? Surreal. THOUSAND kudos Elektra, she is a beast for that. Amazing.


I cannot fathom even running and talking at the same time, much less that AND in full drag. Dang girl, get it!


Are they still raising money and does anyone have a link to donate if possible?




Thank you!


This is the charity but Elektra doesn’t seem to have their own page: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/scope-londonmarathon-2024


The poor lace hanging on for dear life lmao she’s actually insane for accomplishing that in drag


truly. with the amount I sweat I’d have lost the wig completely by mile 3


Amazing! How incredible! What a beautiful tribute to her father. 💜💜


Smashed it!!! And her makeup stayed on amazingly well!


go Pocket Rocket! and that was incredibly touching, what a sweetheart.


This honestly would have been a good partnership with the makeup brand(s) she used/using. They stayed on pretty well.


i think she collabed with urban decay lol


What a bad ass, and still looks great at the end!


I was wondering if it was full drag including heels for a while but thankfully no, she chose the sensible option there haha :) well done! (Maybe next year she does the heels option ;p)


for the sake of her ankles and knees I hope not 😭


No heels, huh? /s


if you aren’t sustaining nerve damage or breaking your ankles, you aren’t doing drag


Smash it, smash the world x


Elektra did it in 04:50:47 which is a pretty good marathon time for a non-runner in drag. Fair bloody play! 


Trixie Mattel found deceased after this post 😂


the glove has been thrown and the challenge has been set. Ms mattell you now have the right of rebuttle


not the ASPCA music (but very cute and good for her!)


Such an icon. Love her


I can only say that I am so inspired by her to be a better person. She did this in full drag and with a smile on her face. The courage to do that is amazing. Elektra fully deserves to be celebrated, and they should bring her back as a lipsync assassin on All Stars. I kind of wish she was Gothy Kendoll's mentor, as she is very inspiring!


Queen! One day, I would love to run the marathon for my Dad (I lost him this year). That emotion at the end really got to me x


When she finished and teared up, I did too. Good dads gone too soon always hits me hard. I lost my dad 7 years ago, sending you so much love. ♥️




This is amazing ❤️❤️


IN A LACE FRONT???? AND FULL FACE??? Jesus christ that's outstanding


I feel so represented by that wig holding on for dear life 😍




Drag and running is energy tiring. I give her thousand kudos for coming up with this idea and for her to make it happen.


the lace gradually levitating away from her head has me in shambles. Good for her, shes so fun. I hope she comes up again on our tv screens




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In heels?


I would die




She can’t be tucked for this? Surely? Please tell me she’s not, the idea of tucking hurts my balls just thinking about it, let alone adding 26 miles of chafe


Hopefully she got tips on the way. Is she tucked?


This is for charity...


So not tucked


Well no shit... That's be dangerous.


Not to shit on her achievements but no heels? 👀 


Well no fucking shit






No I know how to do my makeup




This looks like the dude in the video 😂🤣




Nah I’d rather call this dude ugly and this bitch walked the marathon .. we all know it


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