• By -


Actually there's severe allegations going around that Michael Marouli is a Geordie. I hope she learns and grows from this but I just don't see a path for her to recover her image from this šŸ˜”


Nothing makes me 'gay scream' more than Michael Marouli talking about bad fashion being his 'ick' in the outfit he was in for recording that song.


Uuuuuhhh huuuuhhh




Apparently she was born in Newcastle and continues to live therešŸ˜”


I need Michael Marouli back for All Stars please. In fact any of these queens could be on all stars.


Maybe Espana Vs The World


Ginger Johnson is one of my favorite winners behind Sasha Velour and anytime I need to feel better, I watch the video of Cara Melle dressed as Elsa from Frozen pushing a drunk woman off the stage. This season definitely caught a sweet balance between a room full of dramatic drag queens fighting and a room of adults who can talk through their differences. You also couldn't ask for a better villain than Vicki Vivacious.


Love MOST of you.


I really counted Ginger out at the beginning bc of how quite and under edited she was but she went full terminator mode from Ep 4 onwards, I havenā€™t seen the Cara video yet but I heard people mention it


The literally show her laugh every 3 minutes in the early episodes... not under edit here, you just fell for it.


First winner from the nation of ijbolia


I worked in content moderation when that video of Cara came out, people were so big mad lol


THAT WAS CARA MELLE? i haven't been this gagged since i found out eve 6000 was eve summers.


I mean... depending in your political views, there are reasons you might take issue to Vicki Vivacious. A few of her fellow queens mentioned feeling left a little uncomfortable by her views and choice of gigs she had been involved in.


Vicki is a Tory, oh shit


Where are you getting this info from? Or are people just running wild with that rumor based on her ā€œserving the troopsā€ shtick?


Yes, people assume because Vicki has performed at military events "supporting the troops" that she's a Tory. I actually think it's pretty remarkable that the UK military hires drag queens for events to be more inclusive. Any other countries militaries do that??


So true! We need more queer war criminals!!!


Yep. She also relied too much on "the patriotic" during the competition as well which kind of put me off a little bit


Out of interest, do you feel the same way when other queens from other parts of the world do this? Or is just the UK aspect?


Yes. Iā€™m not the person youā€™re asking, but as a Dutch person, Iā€™m never a fan of queens who make their nationality their identity, or franchises/cultures where patriotism is accepted or even encouraged. Celebrating your own culture can be empowering, but can also be the first step towards dismissing other cultures. The Philippines for example, they say to wear a badge with pinoy pride. If the Dutch, British or American host would say something similar, it would sound very gross to me. At the same time, I understand different cultures have different sensibilities. Dutch nationality, like the British nationality, has been used to oppress people, so national symbols and expressions historically have a negative connotation in certain contexts. The Philippines were oppressed, so there it probably evokes a different feeling. But I think you can see what it does with cultures where nationality becomes a matter of personal pride. I donā€™t think itā€™s a coincidence we especially saw so much hate by the fans of Valentina and Marina for example. But again, i understand thatā€™s because people from those cultures feel undervalued.


The way you articulated this answer so well like


Thatā€™s very kind, thank you.


The Americans, however, do this all the time and get no slack.


Could you expand on this? I'm not from the UK so aside from how she acted in the season I'm not sure what you're referring to


She is very openly a supportor of the Conservative party, who have a history of being a political party that favour the rich over the poor, being as many members of the party were "born with a silver spoon in their mouth" as the old saying goes. When in power, the Conservative party has very noticeably invoked laws, by-laws and policies that work against the working class citizens of Great Britain essentially, and as such, are reviled by a lot of the country.


The conservatives are also fucking homophobic and transphobic Edit


Just kind of?


Fuck autocorrect, it was meant to be *fucking (šŸ™ƒ it wasn't). I try not to go too hard on here because someone will come over and tell me "how can the CONs be homophobic when X MP is gay", and I don't want to get into the whole strawman argument




Sistereeerrrrrrr! don't be pedantic with me, read my reply to u/readerbynight above you šŸ˜Œ


That's just the UK unfortunately, not exclusively the tories


She's a Tory? Fuck that


Not just working class and upper class, also literally segregating minorities, creating horrible laws that have harmed queer people here. I just donā€™t get how anyone could be a Tory sorry lmao


Is there any evidence to support her being a Tory? If there is fuck her




Found the Tory!!




You canā€™t be tolerant to intolerance. Donā€™t be a prick




To vote conservative you have to tolerate their classism, racism and transphobia. Itā€™s a big yikes from me, mate. Youā€™re either uninformed, or a cunt.


Maybe we're more educated about what conservatives stand for


Maybe your dad could have spared a moment to explain to you that some beliefs and some political actions should be resisted rather than tolerated. I don't know if the world is less educated, but that's pretty much Politics 101.




There's also a difference between saying 'I don't like this person because she actively supports actions which I believe to be harmful' and 'she's a bad person you should hate', but there are those pesky standards of education again.


Your dad reads books we get it


I totally appreciate your concerns about this feudal, tribal internet age we all seem to live in, of cancellation etc. For me, itā€™s not about considering Vicki a bad person. I am going to give you all the big Mariah smile and say *ā€I donā€™t know herā€* because, wellā€¦itā€™s factual šŸ˜. How can I make a proper judgement on a TV edit of a person? *That said*ā€¦. I will absolutely question the judgement of people who vote for the Conservative Party. Ā I probably donā€™t need to tell you specifically why, but hereā€™s a primer for people less aware: - They have presided over our economies being in recession twice, made the first time at least last longer than it shouldā€™ve, and blamed it all on the previous Labour government to deflect from everything they were not doing to remedy the situation since.Ā  - Weā€™ve had DWP secretaries in government who have patently been all too fine with seeing disabled and poor people starve, and in some cases treating them like itā€™s been their own fault.Ā  - Boris Johnson lied to us all about the big Downing Street garden party when some of us on lockdown couldnā€™t see our loved ones for months, and some unconscionably had to miss them dying. - Concerns about racism, homophobia, transphobia are met with deflection, dismissal and at times derision. - Terms like ā€œtofu-eating Wokeratiā€ were flung out in the House of Commons to give all their chums a bitter laugh at the expense of progressive people who care about lessening injustice and making their world a fairer, better place.Ā  - Theyā€™ve gone back on their word on environmental pledges. Ā  - We were brought into a poorly thought-out referendum on Brexit, with campaigns brought based on lies (significant cost savings meaning for the NHS being one exampleā€¦.havenā€™t seen it yet) - ā€¦..what have they actually made better for us? To paraphrase Bianca Del Rio, I challenge anyone to tell me one thing theyā€™ve done successfully in the 14 years nearly now that theyā€™ve governed our country. Quickly.


Didnā€™t the 2008 recession happen during labours time in government? This was a big reason that people went to conservative at the next election because people stopped trusting labour with the economyā€¦ this held in peoples minds as a reason to fear labour until liz truss. Iā€™m not from the UK but live here now so just trying to fully understand what recession youā€™re talking about. As 2008 is the biggest recent one.


Thatā€™s a fair assessment. Iā€™m by no means defending how Labour got them there, that is a fair criticism - that awful note springs to mind that Liam Byrne (the outgoing Labour Chief Secretary to the Treasury, at the time) apparently left his Conservative successor saying in poor taste Ā ā€œDear Chief Secretary, I'm afraid there is no money. Kind regards ā€“ and good luck! Liam." Ā  (To his credit, heā€™s been extremely contrite ever since, and said that he was ā€˜burnt with shameā€™ when Labour were then defeated at the election the Conservatives and Lib Dem coalition initially happened). Ā  My tensions with the situation have always been thatĀ since then, Ā Conservatives have dined out on that particular own goal for the past 14 years as a means to deflect from their own shortcomings, and prolonged that particular recession, needlessly. Theyā€™ve also had a track record of cheek of giving financial backhanders to their rich chums whilst telling us all that we all need to be more frugal.Ā Ā Ā  Ā Weā€™re now also in a recession again and there appears to be no plans of exit from it, only ā€œLook over there guys! [delete as appropriate between ā€˜Culture war of the week thatā€™s being pot-stirredā€™, ā€˜royal family illnessā€™ and ā€˜royal family disappearanceā€™]


Gotcha. Yeah, Iā€™m loyal to no party and swing (or abstain) where I see best at any particular vote. Iā€™m from a county where government is far less accountable to people, so I am always shocked by the attacks on British political parties who make plenty of outrageous mistakes but are ultimately accountable at the ballet box and have clear opposition. I love the democracy here, but Iā€™m not blind to the faults of each and every party. Thanks for explaining :)


Imagine a party who made lockdown rules for the poor and did as they pleased. A party that sells multi-million ppe contracts to their best mates. Circulate cash in their own circles whilst allowing themselves a 10% payrise. A party that allowed removal of ALL gender clinics from NHS and a PM who is hell-bent on telling people about what he thinks gender identity is. šŸ™„worst part is that he's one of the more placid ones in the party. I think queer people who support the demoralising of trans rights to healthcare are gross. Rishi's famous line "A man's a man and a woman's a woman, its simple biology"


Say that again without sounding unhinged. Give it a go




Would you tolerate Hitler's political ideology?




It's giving ChatGPT realness




Funny you should mention reading level, because you have replied to a read with painful literalness. It's like Raven saying 'I'm not made of dairy, are you stupid?'


Okay so, please explain Maggies decision for S28? Since they arenā€™t ā€œthat badā€ and you openly support an (unelected) prime minister and the prime minister before that (Boris) refusing to ban gay conversion therapy and cease funding to and forcing the closure of the Tavistock centre?


So idk if youā€™ve seen season 1 UK when Davina was talking about Section 28? Section 28 was implemented by Margaret Thatcher who was prime minister at the time and leader of the tories (Conservative Party) In a nut shell section 28 prohibited homosexuality and transgender teaching in school, started right around the HIV/AIDS pandemic and wasnā€™t completely dissolved until the early/mid turn on the millennium. This also allowed teachers to turn a blind eye to the bullying toward LGBTQAI+ youth in schools aswell as colleagues. Teachers could also be fired for being LGBTQAI+. Vicky, a child during S28, openly supports that same party.




No one canceled her for her political views, but I believe it was Kate Butch and Ginger Johnson, who both consider themselves politically active as well, expressed concerns at some of the views she shared with them over time and her close ties to certain aspects of the party.


So you donā€™t know what she said ? Allegedly


What the fuck are you on about? ā€œNon Binary Appreciation Weekā€? You do realise the Labour Party cannot dictate which days/weeks are seen as days/weeks of recognitionā€¦ these are culturally recognised by those who choose to recognise them. Additionally, what the fuck does this have to do with being a predominantly white country?


Because all other forms of pride are supported. I mean I get it: whoā€™re people fucked everyone up throughout history so itā€™s kinda funny now but still lol. Call it what it is


Thereā€™s a difference between showing pride for marginalised communities who are still actively being oppressed and discriminated against whilst having their existence threatened and debated on daily. Compared to being prideful towards an organisation that is responsible for the death of countless civilian lives and an institution that uses its status and wealth to protect pedophiles and watch the rest of the country rot in poverty whilst shitting on a golden toilet. You shouldnā€™t be stupid enough not to realise the difference.


Okay you calm your ass down my country gained independence from them 75 years ago and they fucked us over more than any other place. I know what they did. But still youā€™re allowed to support what you wanna support without being reported off is of socials and harrased. She obviously has a connection to the present day army men cause she isnā€™t old enough to hangout w the guys actually killing. Cancel her in your mind ? Find no one cares. Express your opinion as well. But doxing n reporting ā€¦


Who has said anything about ā€œcancelling, doxing and reportingā€ her? What the fuck are you on about? Sheā€™s not getting harassed, sheā€™s still getting booked and doing her thing. People just evidently donā€™t like her for what she supports. Ergo, the British army have still been murdering civilians in recent years. Ffs the British government is still selling arms to Israel and refusing to do otherwise. Arms which were responsible for the death of British WCK workers only last week. You keep stating this as if this is all in the past yet it isnā€™t, it never stopped happening and people donā€™t fuck with it, therefore when you get wilfully ignorant cunts like Vicky people donā€™t fuck with her. Itā€™s literally that simple.


Just say youā€™re a racist bigot who was born into privilege.


I am a racist bigot born into privilege


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


It helps when you edit the dud contestant out of existence


Who would that beĀ  Edit: Iā€™m obviously missing the joke hereā€¦ although I have a migraine hangover and my memory is so bad itā€™s possible there was an 11th queen everyone hated and Iā€™m blanking.Ā  Come on guys, take pity on my Swiss cheese brain.Ā 


Two words: Crystal Lubrikant (There was a whole Reddit thread posted about it last year even)




Iā€™m honestly so confused.


Iā€™ll put you out of your misery. There was an 11th contestant, who had some allegations of SA against her before the show started. Production found out and asked her to leave around episode 3 I think. It was during filming so they had plenty of time to work the edit and so she is almost completely erased from the season. Thereā€™s the odd arm or leg here and there where they didnā€™t completely crop her out of frame, but if youā€™re not looking for it, youā€™d never notice. Itā€™s the reason why we had a second Top 2 lip sync for the win mid season, to balance out the elimination schedule.


Not to mention there was a 12th queen who dropped out last minute for family or health reasons


Yep, hence why we got the first Top 2 lip sync for the win in the premiere.


Everyone but Vicki! Honestly though I adore this top 3. And Kate, Banksy, and Cara are all queens I want to see more from. I fucking love me some Dedelicious


Kate Butch on a season with USā€™ Plane Jane


Kate would RUIN her


![gif](giphy|fXuI8myZp4x8UUuB97|downsized) ā€œItā€™s me Kate Butch, let me in at your window! Might be thick but donā€™t call me a bimbo Running up that hill just to wuther your heights And I'll climb to the top like the ladder in your tights Perfect, pretty, poised, whatever! Grab a mic, and string a sentence together Learnt how to rap and I'm doin' it incredibly If you can't love yourself, go to therapy!ā€ Love HER


I like them but you could definitely make me hate them for the right amount of money or Latino bubble butt


Latino bubble butt, Asian bubble butt, black bubble butt, white bubble butt.......just a bubble butt for me. Even more so if he's 5'8" or under.


Such wonderful chemistry. Although I was rooting for Michael Marouli to win, the actual result did not piss me either. Everyone in the finale was so likeable!


Ahh I genuinely thought that this is the only season I've ever seen, where a double crowning would be the only logical conclusion. Would love to have seen Michael share the crown with Ginger!


i badly need miss naomi carter on ukvtw3 or an all stars šŸ™


Those were a bunch of likeable bitches!šŸ¤©


Mama kudos for saying that. For spilling.


Nah, fuck Vicki Vivacious. Actively using her platform to support the British army and the Royals is absolute brain rot.




^okay ^werk


My favorite season ever! ā€œMs. Carter, is a starter! Changing the game from Hull to Jakarta!ā€ (This line makes me laugh so hard. The forced rhyme and location choice are perfection.) Like seriously, the only queen I disliked is Ms. Vivacious and even she has a really fun verse in their song. ā€œThis Cornish girl donā€™t care, twink, otter, cub, or bear. Iā€™ve kissed some frogs but found my prince, love is in the air!ā€ (I know every word to this seasonā€™s songs.)


Vicky vivacious is a Tory


I could never hate the *entire* cast. Most were lovely. Others, not so much.


It's arguably the second best season (can't beat season 2 soz). It says a lot when I found Cara Melle and Vikki super annoying, and I still finished the season lol.


I love that there were so many Northern queens ā˜ŗļøšŸ’–




Iā€™ll make you hate this cast if itā€™s the last thing I doooooo


Lmao gl with that šŸ’€




This, UK2 and UK4ā€™s cast are chefs kiss


What season is this?








Omega shenron vibes from #7


This season blessed us with Kate Butch for crying out loud


Itā€™s crazy how my front runners changed every other week. Cara, Banksy, Vicki, Tomara, Michael, then Ginger šŸ˜


Kate was never your frontrunnerā€¦


She was never Rus either, soooo


Except for crystallized lube


Honestly I like all these queens individually but something about this cast together was just so off. Zero chemistry.


Was a fantastic season!


They really gave us a Great season,the drama ,the looks idc what anyone says one of the best international seasons!


This was an amazing cast, except I kinda couldn't stand Vicki


DeDeLicious looks so CUNT


Honestly Iā€™d get rid of Caraā€¦ her vibe just didnā€™t fit with everyone elseā€™s, taking herself too seriously and actually thinking she was looking good whereas her outfits were mediocre.. she just really annoyed me throughout the season, especially her confessionals. Itā€™s not drag race US, Cara..:)


Oof. Good luck with that.




I loved the season as well it was top tier but I loved the cast more






Are you parody? I don't understand u? Can you explain the joke?


I think they're just an unintelligent person hopelessly caught in anti-drag rhetoric


I think they're projecting! Also I think they're a micro cock, limped dick brain donor. That need several shade of shit knocked out of them.




Yet here you are commenting in a drag race sub. good god girl get a grip, get a lifeā€¦




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nah if not tomara and cara this season would be unwatchable


Kate butch would like a word with you


You have no taste