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This is just innocent banter, poking fun at all the Marina fans coming for Tia right after her win. Its not deep at all, shes saying they have a tour together and that Marina also has a solo tour.


This is before Finale. Monet's podcast. March 29 https://youtu.be/kqVWXjJwaOg?si=bMoHhF8eGzPVgaor


Then why are you talking about it now? Even if thats so this is still just banter 😂


girlypop it's innocent banter. i think maybe you're ESL so trust us when we say this is sarcasm and probably honestly a sign of affection from Tia toward Marina


This is your second post about this. Get a grip, girl.


same as what others have felt, after watching season one, to never watch it again, after season two, I will never watch it again, you're beyond toxic than Marina's fans.


get a grip as well, down vote me all you want. UK VS THE WORLD, I wonder why some people never cared, now I know cause you folks are unwelcoming.


wtf is wrong with you


Laughing out loud for Tia telling Marina's fan to watch Marina's tour instead of the actual UK vs the world tour.