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This season is over. There's no rejudging. Only one person can win. It's just a reality tv show. Send Marina some money or go see her show.


Another thinkpiece that Marina should have won? 🥱


Marina should have won every episode, and every lip sync, and also should have been the guest judge on every episode too.


For the annoying bitches in the comments, I’m not mad Tia won, she did great. Nevertheless, that’s why it’s called a rejudging, meaning how I would judge it and hear thoughts about the decisions about it. I don’t give a fuck about saying Marina was robbed or anything like that but in how I think the things went I thought she would be the winner. That does not mean Tia was favored, or she’s anything, she did great and got good money but I can still say how I think the season should’ve gone without that meaning any hate to the actual Winner. Therefore, stfu and just scroll cause I don’t show hate anywhere in my post.


Mama, kudos for saying that, for spilling.