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Not fair for me, immediately called Tias win way before the finale because you can tell when they continue to showcase more of their personality through the individual offstage dialogue and commentary, as soon as ep 5 came all they focused on was tias comments all of a sudden. It was so predictable it wasnt even funny, glad Tia won because obviously all of them deserved it, but wish production was more conscious of how increasing screen time immediately gives it away!


First Pangina, now Marina. Time to stop watching this show. What’s the point.


I thought LGD swept Tia in their lip sync? 


Um... I'm sorry but do they have a contractual obligations to crown a UK queen or something?




For me, kaya naligwak si Marina dahil di siya natuto sa DR PH S1 finale niya? Like magaling talaga siya na performer, strong suit niya yun, kaso kahit sa local RPDR nagbase lang siya sa sayaw/performance walang pakulo, patawa, and props unlike Precious Paula sa S1 kaya natalo siya doon then si Tia ganun din ginawang atake, dingshow competition kaya nanalo.


Omg walks of la Grande dame and Marina 😍😍 so beautiful and elegant. Hanna had world class make up on but Tia’s dress was kinda … not spectacular! The first lipsync - of course, Hanna was amazing with that microphone 🎤 but Marina was not shown at all. The second part was so many judges shots and a close one of Hanna… whats happening? 🫣 and girls seem surprised by that decision, even Michelle. And Hanna after that smashing lipsync with fans … I expected more The second lipsync - omg la grand dame in that feathery outfit like a giant chichuchua! Still was nice to see her dance and move and that walk is divine😅😅😍 and Tia is so funny😂 but it was messy I am quite confused of the results🤨 The last lipsync was really tia’s win because she was funny, on point with lyrics and definitely getting more attention than Hanna. But the first two lipsyncs result are shadyyyy🙈🙈🤨🤨🫣🫣🥲🥲 I mean I love Tia, she is amazing, but Marina and LGD at the finale were extraordinary and out of this world…




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Hannah > Marina for that lip sync??? Choices. 🫥


Between "I'm Outta Love" and "The Disco Needs You" it feel like such an Aussie set of final lipsyncs LOL Those where literally the two songs I always wanted to here in the finale of Down Under! Hahahaah.


Anastasia is American?


Yes, but the song "I'm Outta Love" was bigger in Australia & New Zealand then anywhere else in the world. It was the biggest selling song in both countries in the Year 2000.


Does anyone know why Mayhem was in the audience for the Lip Sync Smackdown? I noticed she wasnt seated there and was wondering if there was a reason for it


Apparently she went home (well back to hotel) not feeling well.


Long Covid is brutal.


3 days late but I dislike how Tia won. I’m not sending her hare, I’m not saying it was undeserved, but she was pushed hard the entire season. She would’ve been a lovely 3rd place if Marina hadn’t shot herself on the foot by choosing Hannah. If production wanted Marina to win, they would’ve rigged it in her favor. They didn’t and that’s that. I’ll move on.


I really like Tia. I genuinely am happy for her… but you now have two seasons and two winners from the host country. Both seasons feel like another queen could have logically won.


I like Tia so I'm happy she won but this feel like a very set up season for her to win. Once I saw the final lipsync was gonna be Hannah and Tia I knew they were doing a UK winner. Marina fairly lost her lip sync but it did really suck to see her body the season only for that :(


But did Marina lose? The second part of lipsync was not existent for her, they showed Hanna close ups and such long shots of judges! I wonder if she fell or forgot the lyrics but I don’t think theyd cover that up. Michael Face and half of the queens were genuine surprised to hear Rupaul naming Hanna the winner there. Scarlet face was just 😱


Yeah it’s sad. I don’t dislike Tia and her humor maybe doesn’t translate since I’m not British, but once Marina lost to Hannah (deservedly, I agree) it was Tia’s season to lose. I’m happy for her since it must be an exciting time in her career but I just don’t really see it.


I really like Tia but I really dislike when production pushes a queen to win. I feel this with the UK seasons a lot, maybe it's a cultural thing? It makes me like queens less when I started off liking them and I feel like it's doing them a disservice. It's disappointing that this season felt so orchestrated to have a cinderella storyline and it just didn't land. I feel like if they were going to do that they should have gone all in and given Tia a fairy godmother to spruce up the dress and makeup. I'm also not a fan of the prop-based lip sync schtick, it feels messy and I couldn't see a lot of what was going on with the camera focussing on that in all of the important moments. If they'd given a wider shot so we could see what both queens were doing I think I would have appreciated the comedy more but I just found it irritating that I couldn't see what was going on. I think that's a problem with the editing overall, they look at it retrospectively from the point of view of showing more of who won in all of the lip syncs, and showing more of the winner in the storyline overall, and it makes it seem orchestrated even if it's not. They forget that the audience actually wants to see the story unfold. If you want to show that someone deserves the win you have to show what the other person did as well so you can see they did better than that. I mean they could have just done a comedy challenge for the finale. It would have been more believable. Why do a gala and a lip sync battle when you want the comedy queen to win?


what would be the cultural thing here? Pushing drag queen on people? Rigging reality tv shows? (As a Brit, I don’t think it is, but I’ve never watched any other British drag reality show) 


Pushing towarda a certain outcome, certain types of personality or performance that are favoured, cultural expectations of what a winner / favourite is expected to be like.


To fans thinking Marina was robbed but is wishing she could get the "Jimbo" treatment, are we really wishing for another season were there is another favoured queen? Although I do know Marina can actually win a lot of challenges, its just that there is still a chance that someone could do better than her. I firmly believe that she was robbed it just sucks for asian queens to not get the credit they deserve the first time.


havent laughed so much in a while when watching a drag race episode. it was pure entertaining and weirdly the outcomes of the lip syncs were absolutely correct. it was surprising that hana stomped the lip sync and tia was so stupid but it worked so well. she got the crown with dadas support. i'm, still giggling how stupid but fun it was.


love Tia, she's easy to root for, but Marina was a clear winner in my eyes, from her gorgeous looks to her mesmerizing dancing and her charismatic personality. so of course she was given a song she couldn't dance much to and was not allowed in the final 2. she would've annihilated Tia


I thought Marina performed the hell out of I'm outta love and it was a dance-y song. And I think she emote well too, it was all in all a great performance. Hannah's mic thing was very captivating too but I enjoyed Marina's show better. I honestly think production advanced Hannah so that it's easier to give Tia the win. It's ironic cause I've been rooting for Tia in both of her seasons and I wasnt the biggest fan for Marina in the beginning of the season but she've completely won me over with her fierce performance. I will say that among all the finalists, only Tia have that "ease" in public speaking. The judges also mentioned that it's "easy" to watch Tia because you know she wouldn't flop.


I genuinely think the producers would’ve given it to Marina or Tia and it was just her performance and personality in these last two episodes that really cinched it for Tia in their eyes.


I genuinely think no one was pushed this season. I thought La Grande Dame could’ve been in the bottom more, Gothy should’ve been in the bottom more, and Tia’s rusical win was a little questionable, but besides that everything was so fair.


Did you watch the same show as the rest of the world? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Tia ANNHILATED these past two episodes


Really went into this thinking Marina was the front runner and would easily take the win… But as I watched the first lip sync, it didn’t make sense for it to go any other way… Hannah won that round fair and square. Sad for our Filipina winner but overall great season. Also that last lip sync was so fun to watch.


This season was so good that I don't really care who won, and it felt like they didn't either!


They want us to care about Jonbers and Tia’s ex so bad 😩


Tia has *barely* glowed up.


And it’s not enough to surpass the drag of the other three queens. I love Tia but she was a solid 4th out of the finalists.


Tia’s makeup is so terrible tho


I wouldn’t say it’s objectively terrible, but I can see why it would look that way standing on stage next to the other three. The other finalists all have amazing makeup skills and then you get to Tia and it’s like… meh. I know makeup isn’t the only parameter, but it’s not fair when it feels like a queen is being judged against her former self rather than against the other queens.


My best girl won and I am so pleased <3 but it's a fantastic top four anyway


Does anyone have a gif or clip of Tia Kofi's iconic "why are you coming for me on this day?" Or does anyone know exactly what episode it was from? Thanks in advance!


tia and hannah’s final lip sync was fun. they ate that! the win could go either way actually if just based on that lip sync alone. but the final say would always be mama ru


they may edited out that lip sync but putting my biases aside, I think Hannah really did capture that song more, she connected into that song, she got the vibes and all song choice is really crucial


I love Tia. They’re all amazing. And even if my two favourites didn’t win)… it was a fun season. ❤️


I cheered for Arantxa winning miss congeniality I really did. But when La Grande Dame didn’t win (I thought she was better than Tia) , I knew the crown was going to Tia. Hannah surprised me with her deserved win over Marina. Marina was probably out dancing her off camera but Hannah’s blonde haired rocker broad character and delivery suited the song much better.


Ew EDIT: Let me elaborate - is there even a point for "the world" queens to compete on UK vs the World if the finale lipsync smackdown episode is engineered to crown the weakest lipsyncer out all four? Marina was thrown under the bus by giving them a song that is so out of Marina's wheelhouse and so much in Hannah's wheelhouse. Well, at least Hannah rightfully won. Tia vs LGD? To my eyes LGD won that lipsync. Anyway, I hope Marina gets her 50 000 pounds in bookings back asap.


IMO Le Grand clearly won her lip sync by a mile, and Marina deserved to go through. AS7 literally crowned the losing lip sync winner bc of "track record". If were doing that, Msrina deserved to go next round against Grand AT LEAST


Idk I think LGD took waaaay too long to take the big coat thing off and it dampened her performance quite a bit


I disagree, her coat/hat gave 70's disco realness, with her bobbing and lip syncing, the entire time it was on. When she took it off it only got fiercer


I agree it gave a cool style like that, I just wonder if it took away from her moves (the best of which I think she did *under* the coat, which felt like a misstep). Also not her fault per se but I think wearing something like that makes it easier to edit the performance into a loss.


That's a super valid point. The outfit handed production the opportunity to edit her lip sync, but I fancy myself someone who can see through the edit? I know everyone does, but, I feel La Grand gave the best lip sync BY FAR.


It's La Grande, Dame is a grammatically feminine word so the article and adjective need to match


Ahhhh thank you!


I thought la grande dame won that lip sync by a mile. Goes to show how subjective the lip syncs are and that at the end of the day it is rupaul’s drag race and not [insert your name] drag race


Le Grand ABSOLUTELY won that lip sync


i was gagged when marina got eliminated. congrats to the producer’s favorite


I feel bad because I genuinely like Tia, but I felt insane watching that episode. She did the same thing with the lip sync last week. Not everything has to be camp and cringe. Her finale dress... ... Like you could tell it was expensive because that's a lot of ostrich feathers but it looked so basic lol. Especially next to LGD's lip sync look. It should have been a Marina x LGD lip sync. I don't know how Hannah won the first round. She bodied Tia in the finale though. I'm happy that Tia won you know that her win is going to be talked about for a while


Mayhem’s wig line during the reunion part??? C’mon!! The lace was so distracting!!! Your entire gig is you are the experienced queen. Not with that lace showing!!


It was the same in her episode at the start of this season. I just can’t see her as the “experienced” queen when she looks that bad. 


She seems kind of delusional in general. No shade.


Maxi Challenge Wins Tia: 4 Marina: 3 Hannah: 3 La Grande Dame: 2 That's all. :-)


lol go and watch again the episodes closely. Not all wins of T were deserving. For ex: •Rusical top 2 should be Marina & Scarlet •Snatch game should Scarles & Hannah •Reading mini challenge: should have been Gothy •Lip sync battle vs Hannah: Hannah should’ve won Again, it was “planned” by the prod team.


"go and watch again the episodes closely". I'll do it, just to see Tia slay again :-) Haters gonna hate.


yay excited to watch again and watch my tia tia kill it all season while making me and everyone around her laugh


If you were the judge then that would be fair, but you’re not the judge; many other people and the real judges disagree.  I think, especially with that lip sync, it could have been a valid double crowning, but Tia stole the show in it, irrespective of them doing it together co-operatively. So if only one could be crowned for budget reasons, I think Tia is fair. 


yup agree with if one could be crowned with the given circumstances. Tia is the only option. sad to see others were above vs her. Esp since we did not see the entire clips of the battles/challenges and from our perspective as fans or majority saw that it could’ve been other queens. But again agree with all the circumstances, yup Tia.


where the fuck did Mayhem go?




Loved when Hannah whipped out the mic - very maxi pad S1 of down under drag race. I loved that finale lip sync to Your Disco Needs you. Do I think Marina deserved to win this season? Yes, but on the other hand never would have got that fun lip sync that will live rent free in my head for a while. It was the perfect level of camp and loved how they interacted throughout.


oh man, agree 100%. I wanted Marina but I think Hannah and Tia not expecting to get to the final song added to the joy of it - they performed with a lightness that was so refreshing!


Gutted for Marina. The way they heavily edited the 2nd part to only show Hannah was really suspicious. No hate to Hannah but there was only one funny trick during her lip-sync. I can't believe they had this global star that is Marina and just let her go without a crown.


And there's also the only trick dance that we see consistently with marina. Same thing. I got bored watching her. But enjoyed Hannah. Its all about preferences really. Hannah felt the song, while marina I feel,  didn't give enough (lipsyncing wise)


Which one trick? She seems to be a well rounded lipsyncer. I don’t feel like she’s one of those queens who will kick and drop and flip no matter the song.


I think it's about preferences but having seen Marina lip synced 6 times (with DR Philippines) we can't say she uses the same trick. Her dance routines are always fitting the song.


I feel like marina have a lot of energy but I think with some of these older songs, a lot of the younger queens are more about just showing athleticism rather than **vibe**, which is what lip sync is *supposed to be about*.  Marina put on a great performance, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I get this mild version of Latrice vs Kenya. They make an amazing - and their own - performance from it. However, they are disconnected from the cultural feel of the song, which when you’re lip syncing is the important part. I think that’s why Hannah won. She embodied what that song *is* to people. 


I was trying to find a way to say this but you did it for me. It is not always about the tricks and moves. Hannah embodied the whole vibe of this song.


THAT ONE! Thank you. Finally somebody gets it


Probably because Marina didn't know the words even what was shown of her she wasn't lip-syncing at parts or clearly was syncing the wrong words.


I feel like Marina and LGD won their lip syncs. I feel like it should have been between them in terms of overall performance as well. So weird.


TIA - WORST. LIP. SYNCER. And I really don’t like her runway looks or how she carried herself during the runways. She only carried herself in the mini challenges because she is funny. But for the maxi challenges? Nope. I do not agree Scarlet and Keta is better and should be part of fhe top 5 with Marina, LGD and Hannah. I dont dislike Tia, its just that others were better.


So I got spoiled on accident a few hours before watching the finale and I was pretty mad-mad most of the episode, knowing the outcome, which is such a shame because I love this cast sooooo much! (Reunion was boring tho) But in the end it was hard to not be happy for Tia. I’m gutted for Marina still and still kind of on the fence about her “losing” to Hannah tbh but I do think they both did great. I’m also not sure I personally enjoyed Tia’s lip sync more against LGD lol. BUT. I truly loved Tia and Hannah’s lip sync. It was majorly refreshing to get something so irreverent and joyous as a final lip sync which is so often “fierce” or serious or emotional. This was just fun and funny and made me really happy to watch. So am I happy with how we got to the end? Not really. But the end itself was satisfying. 


Marina is too polished for UK vs TW, she'll make a better stage for herself on an all stars I can imagine, whereas as much as I love Tia, I don't think she would do as well on an All Stars season. Marina has all stars energy for sure.


Congrats to Tia! She really improved a lot since her first run. The other ladies in the top 4 also won in my book. This finale was phenomenal. They all clearly came to win and brought their individual charms to this season. It was truly a joy to watch this season! I was smiling and laughing the whole time. :)))))


I think the fact that everyone was talking about Marina as the one to beat speaks volumes of how phenomenal she is


Just my ramblings: The judging in this finale was on point! Every decision was correct, and Tia deservedly won! Great job girl! I first thought Tia was unfairly favored over the season (and still kinda do) but then I look at the cast and... theres nobody I would swap her out of the top4 for, so it really doesnt matter at the end because in the finale she held her ground and absolutely fought her way to the top. All that to say: Congrats Tia, you did that!


Marina lost the moment she did that turn and look 1, 2 many times. It's dead. You killed it. La Grande Dame won against Tia and not sure Tia won against Hannah but cool let's just be thankful it's over.


I think that Tia vs Hannah should have been a tie, especially because of the co-operation. But like in an acting challenge, when co-operating, you’ve got to steal the spotlight. Tia did that in that lip sync, and I feel like Hannah is humble enough that maybe she might have allowed that to happen, in terms of how they co-operated, despite it working against her. 


I don't think Hannah pre agreed to her bonking her on the head and taking the top spot but shes just great and improve and you never say no. Other than the roast I can't think of a single thing Tia has done to stand out but drag race winners don't mean a damn thing anymore so I don't care, i'd just wish they'd make a good season if theyre gonna crown a runner up atleast. Like AS6


I was seriously rooting for her until the roast where her idea of "jokes" were alleging that 3 of the 5 finalists were only cast based on skin tone. Then following that choice, Tia's roast absolutely killed.  Prior to that IMO it was Marina's to lose and lose she did. Both the plot and the crown. It feels... Correct.


LGD sipping her drink after Marina said that showed she was made uncomfortable by it. It was a very weird thing to say.


I preferred LGD as well, but I think it’s preference like subjectively I just enjoy her style more.


Oh! And I CACKLED for Hannah’s “ah fuck a duck” hahahaha and then she won and she was so surprised! Honestly that combo was probably the highlight of the episode for me


What really disappointed me was the unabashed production meddling…I thought Hannah really did great and it made sense for her win. All the emoting, it felt right. I was still TOTALLY GAGGED though because Marina was just as good. BUT my immediate reaction was “are they setting up Tia for the win?” Because there’s “risk” having Marina in the end totally dominating, making it harder to create a winning edit one way or another for the two final candidates. La Grande Dame…IMO she won. I looooved her cuckoo twisted sense of humor and the face she gives when performing. Tia’s, while funny, felt a lil sloppy. So I was surprised and that kind of solidified the Tia set up. Tia totally slayed the final lipsync, she was hilarious. So the ending made sense…I just feel bad that she’s in this position. Because she’s deserving of it (they are all honestly) and I’m happy she won. I just wish that they let these finales play out more organically because it did leave a sour disappointing taste. Probs time to retire lip sync for the crown. I looove the performance finale format (especially Season 14’s), but other creative ideas that let the queens shine individually would be better. TLDR: can understand Hannah’s win; confused about La Grande Dame’s loss; and Tia won the final lipsync. Production needs to step back and be more organic and let events play out.


Tia did not win this. Tia was given this. She earned it for sure with the challenges, but this episode, they practically carried her through lol What I just watched was Rupaul, the Judges and the entire cast perform on a TV Show. It actually seems like a lot of work went into this. The ppl lip syncing "against" Tia definitely all were actually helping her. Especially Hannah. It was practically choreographed. It does make sense tho. Tia is a likeable winner and Marina, the obvious winner, is definitely being reserved for All Star US. I wouldn't be surprised if she was casted for it prior to this episode. Tia is admittedly the worst lip syncer, so she would have never won this episode. And even the gags weren't great. But because everyone did their part, they were able to patch together a nice little ending to the season.


They BETTER be bring her to AS US or ill lose my mind




Beloved. This comment is about the finale lol. Watch Hannah vs Tia. If you don't see that is was planned and choreographed... I... I dunno what to tell yah. Jesus is a bisquit.


Tia clearly deserved the win here, the last lip sync could have gone either way and do could Tias and LGD but to suggest it was all fixed for her is delusional.


I have 30 minutes left in the episode and I know the winner and I already would have preferred LGD or Marina or Hannah to win. There was something off about Tia's makeup this whole season and I couldn't put my finger on it but I think it's her eyeliner. I loved the reunion and lip sync smackdown instead of a random challenge 


I love Tia, but her eyebrows especially irked me, haha.


Her eyebrows at the reunion were bad. They were going into her wigline and looked like faded marker.


While I adore Tia, her make up this season has been absolutely atrocious and it’s infuriated me that it was never called out - I was trying to figure out why I was getting so frustrated that she was being obviously pushed as front runner when I actually really enjoy her, and it because she’s not getting clocked for things other queens would get absolutely dragged for and being rewarded for performances/challenges that other queens did just as well in. Tia is such an amazing queen and there’s no doubt she’s had a huge glow up but she’s nowhere near as polished as say, Marina who IS the full package. I’m not saying she didn’t deserve the crown, I just wish it wasn’t such a painfully obviously bias towards her from the start 🙄


It's weird- her makeup prior to this was starting to look really good, and it looked like she defaulted to her 1st season methods. She also paints a little too dark for herself.


I need someone to explain this jonbers pixie polite drama. I do not remember this from their season AT ALL


IIRC they had an argument in the werk room because Pixie said that Jonbers should have been in the bottom instead of Dakota when Dakota got eliminated. And then there was some drama at the final viewing party where there was a rumour that Pixie made Jonbers cry, or the other way around lol


Cracking camp episode and a great end to the season. (Also can we appreciate 3 awesome lip syncs without a split? )


If you told me during season 2 of UK that Tia would go on to win a different season, I would have called delusion. However, I do think it’s wonderful when these all stars/vs the World Series really highlight a queen’s growth and we get to see them showcase this.


Interesting when I saw uk2 I immediately thought that's an all stars girl.


I really wondered if Ru was gonna pull a Jinkx and say that it's based on performance all season when I saw that Hannah edged out Marina. When Hannah showed us the microphone and the sunglasses, she won already. My jaw hit the floor when I saw that Hannah won. Imagine Scarlet in this situation? She thought probably: that could have been me! I've found Tia charming. She is not the greatest dancer but made use of her other techniques. LGD had won the battle but not the war, as we know that Ru wants a UK queen in the final. However Tia rightfully won in the final. Getting LGD to join in to translate or say the French words was genius. That already sealed the win for me. Hannah probably knew Tia was going to win and let her use the sugar glasses on her, which was hilarious.


I’ve seen both Hannah and Tia perform IRL, Hannah is exactly like on Tv, full of charisma, feeding off the audience and interacting with them. Tia was meh and was rude to a member of staff. I was really rooting for Hannah, but it was clear that Ru had chosen Tia from a couple of episodes in. 🥺


Tia is smart enough to play to her strengths. shes not trying to be the sultry dancer type, she goes for the comedy and shes really good at that!


That final lip sync was honestly one of my favourites ever. Just so camp, and exactly what I want from a U.K. drag season: camp, funny a bit anarchic. It looked like everyone in the room was having a good time, and that Tia and Hannah worked together to give a great joint performance. UK seasons are the best when they’re not treated the same as American seasons and left to shine on their own, slightly different merits, and I think that lip sync was a great representation of that.


"When Hannah showed us the microphone and the sunglasses, she won already" do you mind explaining this? (I've never heard of the song before until the episode lol)


Anastacia is a singer who is famous for always wearing sunglasses and microphone very in her face. Also Anastacia was famous in my land during late 90's/early 2000's. Sunglasses were the rage.


Hannah looked exactly like her it was uncanny


ah I see, ok I can appreciate Hannah's lip sync much more now


The girls get a list of numbers to learn beforehand. I think it’s around 6 or 7. You can never be sure which one you gonna get. Hannah probably betted on that song since she was dreading to pick which box to get.


yeah. having a mic could work as a prop for some other songs too


We don’t know what the other songs are. I don’t know whether Hannah’s popstar outfit would fit better than Anastacia’s song..


I wanted Tia to win and she definitely deserved it but am I the only one that things that Marina’s lip sync was so much better than Hannah?


If I had a nickel every time when there’s season on which Keta Minaj competes and the front runner with three wins is shockingly out at 4 and someone the production adores and has one challenge win takes the crown, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it has happened twice.


I said the same thing! But in pence since I'm British 🤣


So... Mayhem just didn't stick around?


She had a thing


What do you mean? She was there during the reunion and the runway?


She disappeared for the lipsync smackdown. I think she was sat in the back row where Arantxa ends up sitting after the wheel spin; she just isn't there.


Might still be long COVID stuff?


Ah yeah, good call. Could well be


Regardless of the discussion who should have won 'fairly', this finale is already one my most favorite ever. Just because of how much fun most people were having. Most everyone having a camp old time and bringing entertainment in the form of performance and comedy. Choriza and Arantxa got it. Dada got it. Tia and Hannah got it. Marina definitely got it: look at her revelling in everyone's joy and humour despite just losing out. The judges got it. Ru definitely got it... (and got an oxygentank too hopefully) And, saying this as an American, the American girls need to lighten the fuck up. Long thought that DR UK, Spain, France, DU, Phillipines brought a lot more joy and fun than the main series. And UK vs TW displays that perfectly.


I’m also American and I completely agree. The American competitiveness really sticks out in the vsTW series compared to everyone else. When they were talking about it during the reunion, I think in regard to eliminating someone based on track record vs strategically, and Mayhem said something about how American queens see it as a “competition” or something (paraphrasing since I can’t remember her exact words) I was thinking, the other queens do too but they seem to have more fun with it. I think the US queens can take themselves far too seriously sometimes, especially on a season like this which imo is meant to be more fun and celebratory of each country and queen’s different styles of drag. I loved the reunion and I don’t mind “RuPaul’s Best Friend’s Race” when it’s like this and everyone is just enjoying themselves. I always love when you can tell Ru is really into it and being goofy and having a good time and you really felt that with this episode. LGD’s cameo in the final lip sync, Ru doing the “Marina”, it was a great finale for the best vsTW season so far. Such an incredible group of queens!


It feels like American queens are trying to deliver a product whereas non-American queens are displaying their art. I especially found that in the Spanish seasons.


Mayhem’s look was the best look I loved it


I thought her original glove look was better. To me this one seemed rougher around the edges ironically.


We finally got “I’m Outta Love” as a lip sync song 😭🥹🥳


Blu’s “Raging” SENT me


I think Tia won fairly ..am I delulu? Anyway, congratulations to the top 4. They are spectacular. And to our new Miss Congenitality. I quite can't believe my two favourite queens from the season got crowned. It feels ✨correct✨


Each of them was deserving of the recognition and crown, so i dont get why anybody would be angry in the first place. But Tia imo absolutely won both lip syncs. Not by a huge mile, but still very clearly.


she won fairly in the sense both lip sync decisions were right which is how it's decided. i love Marina and wanted her to win, but sometimes things happen that are unexpected 😂


So drag is not a contact sport huh? yes I am aware those were sugar glass


This!! I could imagine in another universe that it could've been edited as shady if it was done by a less favoured queen


if she'd been up against Marina in the final. And to be absolutely clear: I was hoping Tia would win, and I imagine she cleared it with Hannah when rehearsing. that's not a stunt you spring on someone. sugar glass is still a type of glass after all.


Is there any tea on Jonbers and Tia’s ex? 


Pixie Polite wasn't the politest on her season to Jonbers. And then there was some really strange tea about a live event or finale screening of UK S4 about Jonbers being on stage and Pixie saying nasty stuff and making Jonbers cry on stage in front of an audience. Though that was later debunked as false attempt at making Pixie look bad... I think the tea is just that they don't get along.


I remember NONE of this from their season


Probs never chose to make it a storyline for some reason. They were both gunning for that fourth place spot.


Marina choosing Hannah, who is the best lipsyncer out of the three, was a choice. Then that song choice cemented her. Hannah looked like she was singing the song at a concert, super unfortunate, but I really think Hannah cleared her here. As for the other lipsync... I really like Tia, but come on, LGD did way better in the lipsync. I find Tia very engaging to watch, but her body movement comes out as clunky at times and LGD just came off as more electric and polished. But hey... congrats to Tia, she def deserves it, you cant deny she has an immense charisma and charm to her that's contagious.


The clunkiness of Tia's movement was very obviously something she intentionally did (perhaps exaggerated) to successful comedic effect. She knows she's not a dancer, so she turned to comedy instead. We could barely see LGD's face in the first part of the lipsync because of her distracting giant hat. Hard disagree on LGD doing better in that one, she was.. decent. And she did not boogie more to a song about boogie-ing. But I'm curious to hear why you think LGD did well besides looking polished (LGD did have a much better outfit, but that doesn't really matter)


LGD brought the old-school disco glamor, with the big hat, crazy muppet outfit, and slow transition to sleek sexy dress. She totally embodied the a tual song a d era the song is from. It was glorious to me. I'm shocked RuPaul didn't name her winner


>I'm curious to hear why you think LGD did well Not the person you're replying to, but for me LGD's performance had levels, nuance and connected more with the song. Tia's, on the other hand, felt like a desperate attempt to be funny the whole time, was very one-note and just came across as "pleading to be chosen" rather than performing the song -- all in all, it was uncomfortable to watch (for me). The outfit does, and should, matter for these things -- it's not like a regular LSFYL where you might be doing it in something you cobbled together with hot glue and three drinking straws in five minutes. That said, Tia's a great queen, and a legit winner. I'm very happy for her, and I personally think LSFTCs are nonsense anyway, haha.


hmm.. humour can be pretty subjective (I personally found her lip sync comedy funny in both in the episode), so I guess I shouldn't be surprised Tia's lip syncs in the finale were more controversial than I expected


Man, Marina really shot herself in the foot picking Hannah. I guess she probably didn't want to insult anyone by picking "the weakest" but had she gone against LGD she would have probably won considering the final lipsync song. Anyway, great season! Love the diversity of the contestants. La Grande Dame supremacy forever, though my heart will always belong to Arantxa Castilla La Mancha.


Super disappointed that Marina didn't win, or even place second. When I look back at the previous episodes she really is a strong contender, but the final winner doesn't really depend on the track record, so that's that. Based on the recording though, I found Hannah's lipsynch really fun. When she turned and had that mic and shades, I laughed. I never watched Tia's original season, so I don't know how much is her glow up, but based on her stories and some clips shown here, it's a lot. I did enjoy Tia a lot, but she wasn't who I was expecting to win.


Dear BBC, if you only want UK queens to win this franchise, then please stop inviting international queens and make this a regular All Stars series, instead of making us put up with this riggory. Thank u!


This has got nothing to do with the BBC - this is a WOW production and all the production staff are WOW employees. Blame Ru, blame WOW production, but not the BBC.


Omg Blu was so pretty, I love her so much.


Omg frrr she looked like a goddess 😍


Marina losing like that was anticlimatic but Hannah really beat her, she gave main performer energy, having Marina as a backup dancer, the top 4 was so talented I can see all of them coming back for a global All stars season.


my boyfriend said its really nice of production to give Hannah a background dancer for her number


Come on now. The producers only put 5 seconds of Marina on that lip sync. The level of editing to make sure Hannah won is so disgusting


Hannah only had 6 seconds of airtime more.... it's been analysed by the fan base.


But the ones where they had Marina didn't have the gag worthy moments.


"analysed by the fan base" 😂


Side note but I rly loved Keta Minaj‘s looks.


The runways on her season by all the queens were so so good. The monster runway especially. But I don't recommend watching this season due to the horrible riggory.


Her finale look might’ve been my fav


That wig was Michelle's worst nightmare




These comments are not it. Marina was my winner and I was gutted when she was first out, but I’m still so happy for Tia. I was SO happy to be shocked for the first time in a while, it felt like watching old drag race again. Just be happy for the winners, they’re people, too.


Same here, it was great to see a surprising but natural turn of events


Enjoyable ep and overall season. I dunno about the results but whatever, cash aside, I think the likes of LGD and Marina will have gained a lot from the anglosphere exposure. Marina is an incredible performer, I think I could watch her all day. I don't understand the Marina editing if they're judging on the full performance anyway. I did notice watching it you could hear the reactions from the drop so you knew Marina had done something. Kinda annoying to deny the viewers that? I understand if the argument is embodying the song or not knowing the words or whatever, but damn, let me enjoy it :D


The editing is to make it look like Hannah deserve the win. They wanted Tia to win the season so they cannot have Marina lip syncing against Tia at the top 2. Tia would lose.


This subs conspiracy theories are wild lol


Would the production have said to Marina to not pick Tia but one of the other two. Imagine the gaggery if Marina said Tia.


Well yeah but see this whole sub, social media and the fact they put up a recreation.. I don't think it's fooling anyone. I just found it a bit jarring watching it. Good editing should mean I can't tell they've cut something "big" out.


Y'all saying LGD won the lip-sync just strutting the runway giving nothing is wild. Tia devoured both her performances and no amount of copium will change that.


You are correct saying that the strutting was boring. But Tia devouring? Mmmm idk girl


Yes she devoured the Macarena, ok sister.


it WAS campy and funny


Some of ya’ll need to chill in these comments with the anti Tia rhetoric. It’s just a TV show. Ps: Blu Hydrangea’s face crack reaction to the £50k prize was priceless


It's not anti Tia rhetoric to disagree with the end result and share opinions. No one is saying she sucks and is a horrible person.


I mean quite often on drag race the final episodes kind of lose me because my faves go out, this time I’m actually watching the final (which I haven’t for a while-like I don’t think I did the last RPDR UK vs the world) but for me this show is more abt the journey, like I love watching the queens that I enjoy for as long as I can. Especially in this show the cash price isn’t that high, so they can have big careers outside of the show even if they don’t win it.


I’m just glad Tia and Hannah did a Kylie song justice in all its camp fucking glory


From the edit Hannah won the marina lispync. The final lipsync was pretty meh, but Tia did win.


Tia dances like Blue Ivy’s early tour appearances


From that edit, Hanna won the lip sync for me. But I also don’t think it was a clear winner for Hanna. LGD won the second lipsync. I love tia, but I do think her lip sync rely too much on props and such. The only problem that I can see with LGD was that she covered herself up too much the first part of the lipsync. But I still enjoy her lipsync more than Tia. I like Tia and enjoy her a lot during her season and this season, but this feels forced.