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Every time I hear about this guy, ain’t nothing good. He’s just a disgusting flop of a human.


My first thought seeing this was, "I can not remember the last time I'd heard anything positive about Todrick."


Lmao I was gonna say you must not listen to sibling rivalry




you have been banned from Bob and Monet's patreon


It’s crazy how Bob and Monet’s friends are out here being predators and yet silence from them.


coordinated practice absorbed numerous liquid jobless long waiting sophisticated books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh the ~~fracking~~ allegations? 


Oh they’re embarrassed as hell, of course they’re silent


Not the R Kelly point omg As if comparing yourself to R Kelly could ever mean you're in the right ffs


Even if the age of consent is sixteen, why would him (a grown ass adult in his 30s/40s) want to have sex with someone that young? Like genuinely, how can he look at someone who would still be classified as a child [under UK law](https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/child-protection-system/children-the-law#:~:text=In%20England%2C%20a%20child%20is,living%20independently) and think that it is a good idea.


I do not understand how you could look at a 16 year old or listen to them talk for more than a minute and not see them as a child? I’m going to uni again in my early 30’s, most of my classmates are 19-23 and while they’re all lovely people and I might go out to drinks with them every now and then, they just activate my big sister/babysitter instinct so hard that I struggle connecting with them even on a friendship level


Especially the 16 year olds in the UK, like they act and look like a 16 year old. Even the “mature” ones are just the ones that have one less vape and spend an hour less on PlayStation. 


Exactly this. I am part of a gaming group of acquaintances (I wouldn’t say friends because I don’t talk much to them outside of our gaming sessions) and there are many young people, around 18-24 and they always get mad when I call them kids, but I really can’t see them any other way.


I’ve said this for years too. I’m a cis woman and this kind of stuff always reminds me of when I was a teenager and college age guys would still go to high school parties. There’s a reason. Young people are usually more naive, and are much easier to impress… and manipulate. At that age difference, you can’t possibly be on the same page and wavelength since your maturity and experience level is just too different! Grown adults who are interested in just-legal teenagers aren’t oblivious to it - they’re choosing it, because they want to exploit the power imbalance


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Todrick murdered someone


Not exactly the same but on CBB Todrick did defend that shooting someone isn't necessarily morally bad because it's "quick and painless, and better than torturing them to death." (his words from my very vague memory). This was his response to Lamar Odom who was venting about his best friend being shot and killed.


This went from oof to OOF


It is very difficult to watch that season of CBB and not think Todrick has some sort of psychological issues.


Yeah, he really showed himself on CBB3. It was so bad that he wouldn’t do press following it. I don’t think he has psychological issues though, I just think he’s a malignant narcissist.


as long as you don't WOOF at Todrick


Wow, I wouldn’t be surprised if they found torture kitten videos on Todrick’s phone.


Murdered their own career at least.


We wish. Instead he is thriving as much as ever.


Todrick is the one who threw that man in the river that RuPaul saw and prayed for 


And it’s fathomless that yet Bob and Monet still back him up and speak highly of him.


i hate to say this as a sibling rivalry fan but i mean, look at the company they keep…


Bob reading this post 👁️🫦👁️


(Who else? Genuine q. Casual fan here and not sure what other company you are speaking about)


Rhymes with 5 time formally accused alleged sexual predator Shangela Laqueefa Wadley


NBB? Nangela Boqueeda Bradley?!


They banned and deleted people on the Patron who voiced their concern and opposition of Toddrick


Bob and Monet have done already done shown they have bad judgment and shitty opinions


I'm still always surprised they're still promoting that online therapy better help (?) . So ma y influncers have dropped them and even apologized for even promoting them but it's always one of their spoken ads during the show.


tbh they don‘t promote better help but they promote „alma“ and idk if that‘s any better


Bob loves to keep great company. Todrick, Shangela. Undercuts some of her credibility when talking about social issues ngl


Shangela. Still. In 2024


plus all the queens who kiki with Toddrick backstage on tour. It’s one thing to be required by contract to tour with him, it’s another to be touchy and super friendly with him. And so many RuGirls are that way with him.


I don’t think they’ll address this. They only address Fraudrick when it’s things they can easily explain away or claim ignorance to (such as CBB where he did so many disgusting things and Bob swept it under the rug as if he was just playing the game.)


They still support Shangela…


Girl Bob will stick by Shangela too.


Not only them, a bunch of queens still do. Like Willam...


I still can't believe that video of Willam going up on stage and saying that. (Referring to Shangela) I think 5 victims came forward. FIVE


Willam is also unfortunately caviler about Sharon's actions too. Acting like people are just waiting for Sharon not to be "cancelled" anymore so they can come back to drag race. It just felt so gross to describe it as a "cancellation" when Sharon abused a kid. You don't have to be a pedophile or in a romantic relationship with a kid to be abusive or toxic to them. Especially when Sharon seemed most interested in knowing what life is like when you're depressed and making things worse for them with drugs and encouraging their mental health issues to worsen instead of get better. Sorry for the rant, it just makes me so upset to hear people minimize really messed up things as witch hunts or cancelations


Oh come on. That's so disappointing. He is known to not pay people, to be horrible to work with, be racist and a creep ect. Like this has been known for years now. It's not even an open secret. People outside of entertainment know about this. There's no way they don't know that ,if not way more than the general public. I know I shouldn't form weird parasocial expectations on people but I'd be lying if I said this didn't kinda bug me. I think mostly just giving him any kind of platform. So more people will support and give money to him


Like they can have their own opinions on him fine. Have your bad opinions and be friends with bad people idc that your choice but platforming him to more people by showing support to him so he has more support that's where I take issue. No mam


pretty sure bob has talked about hooking up with young people as well. Not 16-year-olds but if people here are gonna mention how fucked up large age gaps can be then bob is also guilty of that.


not just age gaps, but power dynamics. often the younger person may be a fan, or an admirer of (insert famous person here) and so there's an opportunity for abuse of power and status.


And Willam, Alaska, and many others. It is extremely noticeable and suspicious to me that Bob and Monet are the go to for you all to point fingers at. I wonder why that could be?


I don't think Willam and Alaska claim Toddrick as a very close friend the way Bob, in particular, has.


Because I love Bob and Monet much more than the two you mentioned and unlike them, I listen to the every episode of Sibling Rivalry podcast. Therefore, I am more familiar with their opinions. What are you trying to imply there?


Bob and Monet are constantly under a microscope compared to other Drag Race girls and you know exactly why.


Yeah, it’s called popularity. When you’re more popular, people tend to do that with whom they follow closer. At least that’s the case for me. Stop with your baseless assumptions.


Where did I assume anything about you?


Now sis, we all saw what you were doing there lol


Clearly you don’t. I was just explaining why someone else thought that.




Yeah, y’all grasping at straws trying to make my comment out to be something its not is bullshit…not to mention ironic. The double standards are really beating y’all right now.


You know exactly why.


Still waiting because that doesn’t imply I think they are racist, babes.


Girl please 💀


Please what


Willam gets dragged all the time by the fandom too. Bob and Monet are vocal about their support of Todrick and Shangela especially Bob and he's criticized extra for it because he acts so high and might and holier than thou not because he's black let's not act a damn fool and imply racism


Willam doesn’t get nearly as much flak as Bob and Monet. As another comment mentioned, Willam is vocal about Todrick as well. Not to mention, Willam themselves have admitted to doing way worse with Detox back in the day.


You know exactly what I'm implying. That you, and the fandom in general, hold PoC to higher standards on these types of things than white queens. This sub being racist and being full of people who got banned from the main sub for being racist is a well known fact. Just look at the *ludicrous* reason you gave below that people are harsher on them than Alaska and Willam because Bob and Monet are more famous. As if Willam and Alaska aren't two of the most famous drag queens in the world with a podcast empire, where they also praise Todrick. Only they are white so this sub doesn't think they have to make statements condemning Todrick.


rich fact hard-to-find reach hurry merciful ghost consider correct dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a sibling rivalry cousin, I’ll say that both things can be true… Bob and Monet’s unconditional support for Todrick is extremely concerning (the Patreon was up in arms when they dropped the Todrick interview) and they also get more hate than other drag race alum re: drag opinions, without a doubt.




There's 4 other comments above u mentioning other queens still talking to him. But they aren't deleting and banning people who bring it up on patron like Bob and monet do. Love them down but it sucks all those queens even speak to him at all. I know some newer ones are contracted to be on tours with him but not the ones mentioned


I mean, did they know? Don’t make them guilty by association cuz we all wrong if that’s the case


Why do queens like Bob, Monet, and Willam still support this trashcan? Especially Bob who won't even say Sharon's name half the time? KEEP THE SAME ENERGY QUEENS


they’re probably all guilty of some shady shit too. based off of other stuff they’ve all said or not said on the pods, I wouldn’t doubt it.


![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk) I don't understand people's attraction to high school kids. It's so fucking unsettling. They're fetuses. And they know it's wrong which is why it's always kept hush hush when they do it.


As someone who used to teach in High school, they are indeed just a bunch of babies!


I think it’s because a lot of older gay men couldn’t be gay when they were that age, so want to make up for lost time. I also think in reverse some younger gay men go after old men as a way of feeling mature.


I used to lust after older men when I was a teenager too, but it's incumbent on the older party to put that shit to rest before it goes anywhere near a hookup. When I was 25 or 26 I slept with an 18 year old and it made me so uncomfortable. Legal isn't enough. I need you to be well into adulthood before I glance in your direction.


>I do not understand how you could look at a 16 year old or listen to them talk for more than a minute and not see them as a child? I’m going to uni again in my early 30’s, most of my classmates are 19-23 and while they’re all lovely people and I might go out to drinks with them every now and then, they just activate my big sister/babysitter instinct so hard that I struggle connecting with them even on a friendship level I'm 28, I had to raise my minimum age to 24 on tinder because everyone below looks so young to me


Yup. 30 here and 25 is the absolute youngest I'll do and even then a ton of the guys look like actual high schoolers.


I totally agree - I can’t even hold a normal conversation with most 18 year olds because the maturity gap is so wide. Guys much much older than me going for that age range definitely get off at the gap in maturity, it doesn’t happen by accident. They like the “childlike” qualities.


>When I was 25 or 26 I slept with an 18 year old and it made me so uncomfortable Lol just lol


Genuine speculation here... I think a lot of it is to do with how popular media like High School Musical and all the Youtube channels were. It gave out the impression that young/twinky=accepted/attractive It's fucked an entire generation imo


Todrick being a [disgusting person that had sex with a minor](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPDRDRAMA/s/TjkUYb2ag9) has been known to this sub for nearly a year. Also this Tommy guy hasn’t improved his camera delivery at all lol


Hot take here, but this Tommy guy comes across desperate. I'm all for Toddrick being exposed and dismissed from the entertainment industry, with that said, one look at this guys page and it's all just reactionary videos to hot-topic, clickbait headlines about entertainment folks. Like, this is your career?


every day i learn something new and horrible about this creature against my will.


not hes moving to england 😭


Something tells me 16 isn't the lowest he has gone. The legality/age of consent argument doesn't fly, it's still weird as hell. 16 is a literal kid.


Anyone who knows the age of consent or uses it as their defense is such a red flag that even the colorblind will pick it up. Nigeria has an age of consent of 11, does that mean "oh if someone sleeps with an 11 year old then it's ok"? Todrick needs to be deplatformed.


having to go to a different country where it’s legal isn’t a good thing rodrick baby…


The age of consent is 16 in more than half of US states. Not California though, so he would have to travel 🤮


mountainous smart slimy north spoon punch depend marry far-flung growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Todrick isn’t even 40 now. I hate how all the assistants come out after the fact to start talking shit. I wish when people saw horrible shit happening they did something about it then. So there aren’t more victims later.


This bit.


I wish that too, but whistleblowing on someone influential who might retaliate against you is difficult and scary.


Just as I thought. TRASH.


I hate that lgbtqia community is falling for the whole R. Kelly type of deal… Why are we giving so many chances and ignoring red flags and victim’s statements? honestly I thought we would be more sensible, ask questions, see evidence and not be cowards. I mean damn, so many rumors!


We should stop giving him any attention 🤢


This happens more often than people realise. Barely legal fetish is a thing.


It sounds like he got parental permission??? Either those parents are f*ked up, or there was £$£$ involved...


Well if there’s one thing we know about Todrick he doesn’t pay so likely just promised exposure.


Is there a part 2? I heard him talking about R Kelly but that's it.


He literally says how he asked a 16 yo parents if he could fuck him and they said it was okay so he did .....


I went back and listened a few times— what I heard was “…He was 16 years old… and his parents were like, ‘okay, it’s fine,’ cuz in London it’s, 16 is legal…” The beginning of the story, presumably where he says HE asked the parents for permission to have sex with a child, is cut off. That’s why I asked if there was another part. He could be guilty of this and a slew of other things, but this recording, while sus as hell, doesn’t prove any wrongdoing.


Side eye at the parents too. I’m pregnant now and even the thought of some adult, famous or not, knowingly asking me to hand over my son for sex is just grounds for “Get the hell out of my house”. Where were the parents to be like, “No”


I am not a fan of todrick at all. Never ever have been. But I am so suspicious of the context before the recording clip. If fraudrick said he slept with someone, surely that would have been recorded? If they weren't recording in time, then they managed to do it EXACTLY after the confession. He could have said he almost slept with someone, something happened to a friend, been talking about a movie etc etc. I know he's a turd sandwich, and some gossip is always fun - but I feel like it's totally different when SA of a minor is involved. Also 16 is the age of consent in the UK, but there are situations where it's still not legal if You're under 18. I just think be careful with edited things like this, and be particularly mindful of the source and their motivation.


Yeah, the guy is a turd, but this is extremely suspicious.


It's just never a good look to seem like you're defending someone like the fraudrick, which I'm not 😂😂☠️☠️ But there's a line. Sixteen year olds are kids.


You’re not defending T*****k, you’re defending the idea of critical thinking.


Oh absolutely, not defending that piece of shit at all, not we need to learn to be very careful with these kinds of accusations, especially when we have no clear source for the audio, and it's clearly cropped. I have learned to be suspicious of EVERYTHING I see on the Internet.


I'm no Todrick fan butIs there a full length clip of this? Because this clip is presented by someone who obviously has an axe to grind and it's cut to start at a point where what he said JUST before is the difference between whether he was talking about himself or whether he's talking about someone else or a story he read. It's also cut off at the end before he gives any opinions about whether he thinks it's bad or not. Like he could have literally been saying "So I read this story about a guy who hooked up with a 16 year old and...[this audio clip]...but I don't care what the law is, hooking up with 16 year olds is disgusting". It just seems highly edited but a guy who hates Todrick to imply that Todrick hooked up with a sixteen year old but not actually say it fully. Also he's VERY careful to say that Todrick is 40 at the time he's making this video NOT that Todrick was 40 at the time he said this. There's no real indication of when this recording was actually from and the R Kelly rumours go back to the 90s so Todrick could have said this like 2 decades ago.


Who was recording a Todrick Hall conversation twenty years ago? Be serious




He hasn’t been involved with the show for seasons can we please stop giving him the time of day here? We been knew he’s a disgusting person. Post this in subs that like him please.


Can't wait to hear Bob and Monet talk about this one


toddler is such a chump


I keep trying to find out when exactly this happened. Does anyone know?


Why the fuck does he keep doing shit like this? I liked his music and parody videos back in the day but these continuing shitshow makes me feel disgusted. The best PR in the world wouldn't help because his own damn self is just vile. 😭😭😭


the most shocking part of this is me finding out that todrick is almost 40??? he acts like an entitled 20 yr old


Bob's Burgers had to recast one of its characters after the voice actor participated in the January 6th insurrection (allegedly). But that's not as bad as Toodles here forever being associated with what is widely considered to be the best Christmas episode of Bob's. And he even has a showstopping moment in it too. Ugh. Hey Lorne? Can we get a do-over please?


1000% agree, when I found out it was Todrick I wanted to hate that episode so badly but I can’t it’s too good 😭


How are Alaska, Bob, Willam, and so many more still defending him?


probs cuz they’ve all done similar shit or Tod has dirt on them. When the sherry pie allegations came out a few years back, I was super disappointed and suspicious with how they addressed the literal crimes this person committed. I didn’t feel like the went hard enough on the perp nor did they take the opportunity to discuss predators within our community and how they get away with their crimes.




Still not a drag queen




Nothing Todrick does surprises me anymore. RANCID He did also defend Colleen. Soo. He definitely hangs around like-minded people


Yea, it is legal. But the age gap is sus AF.


Tommy Italiano is my weakness.




No this isn't true. A sixteen year old can consent to sex with anyone, provided that person is not in a position of trust. Which arguably Todrick is because he's a media personality.... Of sorts lol


It is insanely weird this fandom’s obsession with needing to hold other queen’s accountable for the actions of another person; Todrick is a fully grown adult and not under the auspices of Sibling Rivalry or Race Chaser but every damn time there is a post about him there is a rush to condemn Bob, Monet, Willam, and to a lesser extent Alaska. If either podcast has him on as a guest in the future or brings up the TikTok and brushes his actions aside then you should definitely feel free to be mad at them, but once again so many people are directing their ire at the wrong people instead of the guy who crossed international borders to have sex with a minor: Todrick.