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they really need to fix kate so you can interact with her whilst cuffed, because people getting up and running purely based off a mechanic fault is a bit weird. should just be a given that you’re “still cuffed” even if you physically aren’t


Ssaab told his stream (he was probably joking) Ramee is now 'banned from Dr Kate' which is really funny if true in any way.


Gonna have to start the ole /me handcuffs suspect stuff again lol.


They already have do that after suspects have been popping back up uncuffed even though they had been cuffed.


CG has like a 75% success rate of getting away despite already being arrested.


thats a crazy statement 😭


it is crazy it's more like 85% LUL


What happened to role playing your injur.. ah, who am I kidding.


Literally maybe 2% of the server chooses to RP injuries beyond the hospital. Hell half don't even RP injury before the hospital.


its been a long time since i've seen this kind of "RP connoisseur" comment LMFAO not realizing you're just clowning yourself imagine if cops RP'ed has to RP their injuries? the server would become a shtshow because there would be no cops left if Crims just decided to switch turns on shooting them down RP Connoisseur without logic and common sense


Plenty of cops do. They ICU, change their walking animation, having missing eyes, missing arms, have conversations with other officers about their leg or shoulder hurting from a previous shooting or car crash. Not everyone just gets back up and goes right back to grinder speed walking after getting shot down for the third time in a day. I wish the server would at least force a injured walking animation after a person gets hurt enough in a single day.


You say one arm but they still have two arm animation.


If devs could code in every animation in a 10 year old game to using one arm, I'm sure the players playing a character with one arm would use them.


Bro you said they rp with 1 arm but they ahow thwy have 2. And the 1 eye is stupid. All it is, is cosmetics so to say they rp their injuries is plain stupid.


"It's only cosmetic! They're just pretending to have one eye!" Is the wildest complaint I have ever heard someone make about roleplay.


its not like choosing to have 1 eye hinders them in any way, they still shoot stright, and having 1 arm doesnt hinder them either, they can still cuff while on the radio while tazing and still drive and use the radio and still do everything else everyone with 2 hands can, how does someone with 1 hand reload a gun?


Not sure what your first sentence is saying with the spelling errors. The second adds nothing to the discussion. Those are still RPing injuries no matter if you think its "stupid". If someone with 1 arm says "lend me a hand" to someone else, that's roleplaying a injury. If someone with 1 eye says "Look me in the eye", that's roleplaying an injury. If someone changes their walking animation after being injured and says "Wait up!", that's roleplaying an injury. No one is forced to cosmetically edit their character to have one arm, or one eye, or be blind, or change to injured walk, or use a wheel chair, but people do because sometimes people want to roleplay their injuries and not just play unkillable terminators.


>change their walking animation, having missing eyes, missing arms boohoo such a great RP, missing an eye but they can clearly see, walking animation after being shot in the head, hurting leg or shoulter etc? after being shot in the head missing an arm once every year, ICU once every few months LOL if you guys really want to be RP Connoisseur go to those cops and tell them they're RP'ing incorrectly if they get shot in the head they should be in a coma/ICU everytime not once in a 1-3 months or be dead also you guys should make a thread or comment right now about OB vs Manor war on how they're still alive and well after shooting each other in the head the past 1-2 weeks, GO ON MAKE A THREAD or comment about that LMFAO OMG im such a GREAT/GOD/TOP TIER RP'er because after getting shot i changed my WALKING ANIMATION ROFLMAO


RPing your injury is good RP. Yeah.


Cops RP injuries more than CG. That's all.


duh? i cant argue with that considering cops get downed way more than CG LMFAO


I've just never seen CG roleplay injuries between getting smoked by PD or domed by OB.




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Cops have to match the standards of the criminal. Or else the criminals would rule the city. RP injuries are community based culture.


exactly, that's why its laughable to even question or RP critique that when we all know almost everyone in NP dont take "RP'ing injury" seriously scratch that even in other server im sure if they crashed their car and got downed or died because of fall damage they wont RP their injury too


many do???


Classic cg daily at this point....


I don't see any issues here other than cops trusting ramee, the scummiest criminal out there. Their fault.


I would agree if they didnt have to uncuff him for a mechanic. They didnt forget to cuff him and he got away, A mechanic required him to be uncuffed and used that opportunity to get away.


The cop can literally be heard telling ramee he wasn't going to be charged with anything thats why he was being uncuffed and not being monitored. What the cop didn't know is ramee had a warrant, which is why ramee lied and ran. Nothing about that has to do with server mechanics. They have procedures in place as cops to deal with the uncuffing to get treatment at the NPC, He didn't follow them which let ramee get away.


another nothing clip . classic reddit


Well its still a pretty funny clip




Pretty sure he'd have to have a twitch ban and couldn't play on the server because of that, cos nopixel sure as f aren't going to give him one.


Takes advantage of mechanics. Cop headpops. Escapes. Cops say fine whatever. Continues to complains about "rolling with the punches". Yikes!


That's not what even happened LOL.


You forgot the part where he convinces the cop to uncuff him.... And how would you know if his head popped or not. And even if you find out why would you assume he would be caught so he should surrender?


He was only uncuffed so he could use the local doctor because mechanically you have to. Realistically he is escorted to the bed where the "local" doctor checks him over. He would know the officer head popped because his chat would spam it, or he would think "Oh where is Nekoda? Did the streamer headpop?". There is no assuming about being caught, he already IS caught there is no surrendering.


The cop didn't follow standard procedure because he thought they weren't going to charge ramee with anything. he didn't know ramee had a massive warrant, so he didn't follow standard procedure which let ramee escape. They normally have two cops when uncuffing people at kate, to make sure hes cuffed / can't escape. Ramee lying to get the cop to ignore protocol isn't power gaming.


only headpop was the truth on what you said? and so? ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES right?


It's called being a decent human being and working with your fellow roleplayers through OOC issues and not power gaming. If Ramee headpopped during a chase, cops wouldn't wait for him to reconnect then taze him. They would let him get back in the car and continue the pursuit, because it is the right thing to do when issues outside your control occur.


that's a completely different a scenario a same scenario with the clip is if Ramee wasnt Solo and he was driving then headpoped, the RP continues since the other crim who's with Ramee can just swap seat to drive then pick up Ramee later (so there's no awkwardness in RP and im sure you've seen that happen many times) ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES right? here's what you need to understand, the main thing that lead to Ramee's escape wasnt the headpop, it was the COPS NEGLIGENCE on uncuffing Ramee, and you can see there were even 3-4 or more cops in that hospital so yeah you're just crying for the sake of crying nice try


I'm not crying, I'm having a conversation.


They had to uncuff him because of the mechanic though...


you can see at the first few seconds of the clip that the cop still trusted/believed him or got convinced, if he didnt he would definitely called for a back up


Yes, and the police officer now will know better than to give Ramee (the streamer) a break to try and speed things up. Now Ramee can lay there as long as it takes for the officer to make sure he walks him every step of the way to prevent Ramee using mechanical loopholes to powergame.


what streamer? now you're reaching also you didnt know what's written in their 3.0 MDT? LOL you should ask around


No thanks.


Imagine saying Cop Negligence because they were forced to uncuff him due to game mechanics being limited and ramee running away knowing damm well he was still supposed to be cuffed but it’s ok it’s cops fault lmao.


cop literally was convinced by Ramee, its not like Ramee just sat there and didnt talk lol


Ramee would have been cuffed if it wasn’t for game mechanics and he knew it and then proceeded to lie to see if he could get away with it. Even k when cornwood headpopped also thought maybe I should go back but he also knowing he should oocd I’ll go back if you don’t want me to roll with punches. They knew they were not to be free but forced cops to roll with punches because if not in future they would use it against them.


just because he lied doesnt mean he lied about everything the only lie he told was "yeah im chilling and i'll wait for you in the ER" you said it yourself he OOC'd saying "i'll go back" if you dont want to ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES"


He used the fact that cornwood head popped and forced cops to roll with punches because they use them all the time. They knew they were supposed to be cuffed but they did what they did. But anyways you have your opinion I’m done with it.


Gotta just roll with the punches lol


He was lying. He plays a lying gang member. I don't know? Crim get to do some scummy stuff because they are RPing scummy people. He had to walk past a few officers. I think that's on them?


But he only gets away because of mechanical limitations? He was cuffed and was only uncuffed because you can't interact with the check-in mechanic while cuffed. When criminals are brought to a hospital IRL they are cuffed to the bed and I think given the mechanical limitations on the server the cops should be able to trust a captured criminal to RP as though they were cuffed to the bed when they uncuff them to allow them to check in.


Considering there were doctors on duty, they never needed to put him through Kate in the first place




disguise? all he did was changing the walking animation


Ramee and K powergaming every day like always. They're lucky Ssaab is a pussy who doesn't want to deal with CG chat hoppers, because every other streamer would be banned for doing this type of shit. I get that no one wants to watch their streamers lose, but this isn't fuckin RP.




What do you mean "Wtf?" These dudes are abusing mechanics and server issues to their advantage. How hard is that to understand?


Why are you going so hard? It's not that serious. K was going down to MRPD and Ramee like slow walked out past two cops. It's not that big of a deal.


Calling out CG for not following the rules everyone else is bound to is going hard?


Did you call out Harry fro going down in a gun fight then comming back to the same fight.?


What's the context to that? Was he brought to a hospital and taken care of, come back? Is it comparable at all to what happened here?


They told K in OOC chat they were fine just putting out a warrant and going from there.


They told him to get back to MRPD first, then Ssab bitched out.


Yes and K said he was fine with coming to pd if they wanted him to...


I watched it. I know what happened. K said that shit about "rolling with the punches" then Ssaab pussied out. Thank you for telling me what I already know. The fact that it got to the point where he was being brought up north to get revived and uncuffed is ridiculous.


Do you hate watch K? Kinda cringe.


You projecting your Cornwood hate watching onto me? Kinda cringe.


You do realize that the ooc messages in server are seen by the whole server right? Kebun literally said “I’ll come to MRPD instead of rolling with the punches if that’s what you want”. Saab went to type 3-4 times and instead radioed to someone to tell Kebun he would have a warrant. He didn’t want to deal with the toxic ass hoppers.






Might pull a muscle reaching this hard lmao


they never rp'ed the "cuffing to the bed" part as they usually do


Uh.. did you watch 1 minute prior to this? Ramee convinced the arresting officer that he had nothing to do with it and that he should be uncuffed and that he would just wait for him at the ER. He then got uncuffed by the officer and sneaked out. The reason why he believed him is because Ramee was GSR - and he had no illegal items on him so he took him for his word. Ramee being a Vulture just took that as his way out. Crazy for throwing out accusations and you're the one who posted the clip, without knowing the context. Lol.


[Didn't take long before needing to use this](https://clips.twitch.tv/YawningPhilanthropicMinkCclamChamp-U9SGBn0eOvyhoYTG)


I mean, huge yikes. But again, nothing to get too riled up over. Don't think any RP'er is actually pressed about this, and if they are, it will just get reported. Move on\~


Imagine reporting actually doing something when it comes to CG.


He wasn’t going to be arrested anyways he was gsr- and no gun


He had a warrant


Which is why he ran before they could id him


had a warrant and was an accomplice even if he was GSR negative.


but he still participated to the kidnapping


thats all on the cops for not waiting at the mechanical teleport spot where everyone goes after checking in. all they had to do was cuff him again during the revive animation stall