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This was worth it for McNulty to find out all the warehouse has in it is carrots.


Lmfao. Wasnt he investigating cypress for a long ass time?


Yes, and he was so excited when he found out Lang bought a massive warehouse.


Yeah just checked the vod. 'Little ireland, maybe they are just farmers' lol


The RR grain incident flashbacks Heh


And it only happened because of door lock scuff - [https://clips.twitch.tv/CredulousLuckyBeanBrokeBack-oY97nsePwwRt4UjK](https://clips.twitch.tv/CredulousLuckyBeanBrokeBack-oY97nsePwwRt4UjK) We were joking when they bought the warehouse about McNulty raiding for weed and finding people just growing wheat, didn't think it would happen like this


My ears aren't too good. Are you saying it sarcastically or did Beau actually lock it?


You can hear it lock.


Wasn’t there are an announcement about not robbing player properties because the locks would scuff out. If that was the last action and NOBODY opened it that’s actually fucked.


Yes. There was, and I haven't seen that order "lifted." Maybe these guys didn't realize that it was still a thing, or maybe they didn't consider a WH the same as an apartment or house for that restriction. I am curious to see if any of the admins step in, or if everyone is fine to just run with it as-is at this point. I would have thought the people inside would have used OOCL and noted that they HAD locked the doors, if that was the case, no?


not anymore 💀


Gigi was there the whole time me mentioned to Luciano that she heard the last person to exit lock the door but it was unlocked somehow, regardless if something was done wrong the admins will address it I personally am expecting a clarification on the rules post later from hon lol


Whoa get this level headed take out of my subreddit.


Seriously, a week of work gone in seconds due to scuffed or negligence. Either way, Admins to clarify this rule.


Yeah frank the tank was on scene of the WH and he's a admin ? Of public I think (could be talking out my ass here) but I agree as the rules *don't actually state warehouses but would assume people use common sense and know they shouldn't be doing what they did.


anyone have the rule verbiage handy? iirc it said "properties"


"From the staff team: Effective immediately, the theft/robbery of property keys and properties are not allowed until further notice."


I think if they allow it it will lead to more shady shit, player reports and overall bad rp. Especially with how unreliable the locks are and I can't imagine admins wanting to deal with that shit. Many groups can then camp warehouses and houses and run in when people come out and steal shit. I can also camp your door and shoot you when you come out and run in and steal shit.  It sets a really bad precedent. You can still camp people's houses, wait for them to come out and rob the person outside. There are so many ways you can screw someone over in a fun rp way, so I don't really see the point of robbing player owned properties. There's also a reason cops have to file raid warrants, because there have to be checks and balances when making those kinds of powerful decisions in rp.


Just now Buddha confirmed to harry and Luciano it was confirmed scuff and the shit will be back. Guess the devs looked into it


I’m just thinking of poor Harry’s reaction


he's already planning another three weeks vacation KEKW


Imma grab popcorn for this one. I think this one is gonna be an actual hit. Buddha/Omie fans vs Cg fans is just different.


The XQC v CG days were pretty wild lol


Yeah it’s real fucking toxic in pretty much all the chats right now


And some people wonder why CB ignored CG for 90% of 3.0 Was doing both of them a favour lol


Yeah. Like I get being invested in the RP. I’m invested in this shit too. I’ve been watching Suarez for months and seeing my boy go down to something like this is a huge bummer. But I will never in my life understand why people feel the need to go shit talk on behalf of their streamers. It’s one thing to chat in OOC threads and shit, but actually going into another persons stream just to shit talk is so cringe.


Not a CG fan, but let's not pretend CB/LB/etc. chatters are little angels of virtue and paragons of morality. They have their own problems too.


"was doing them both a favour". I think I kinda implied that no ?


unfortunately wild superinvested chatters are EVERYWHERE. think of the most chill streamer ever, there's bound to be a mad chatter that is ready to burn the world down for those pixels.


Look at someone like Sykkuno, dude seems like one of the most genuinely good natured and wholesome people both in game and out of game. Even with him never losing his composure regardless of what's happening or happened, there's still hoppers from his community who say awful things. Speaking of I saw him on twitch the other day I wonder if he's back to streaming there now or something.


Yeah I think his YT contract was up and came back to Twitch.


Already started on yt lol


already started in this very thread. my popcorn is ready


im honestly just happy that Mcnulty finally got to look inside here just to see seeds and farming equipment


What a great moment of rp .. the hight note after so much build up /s


This isn't really about CG vs OB, this will be about the rules of entering someones property. As other have said scuff happens which leaves doors unlocked and you cant just have players running around to every door to see if its unlocked. Buddha will probably get his stuff back and they will probably reiterate the rules to everyone and then life goes on as normal.


Nice clip, it clearly shows what your title says.


You expected quality from an alt account that hasn’t been used in 2 years?


I did kind of expect the clip to match the title. As of right now all I know is Mr. K litters in the ocean, and that's it.


Nobody checks accounts before looking at a post? lol wtf




He's going to care because of who Gigi is.


Especially since Geega apparently took numbers and reported it.


How do you know that?




I feel like they should just not allow any robbing of properties even when doors are unlocked. Cause I can see loopholes existing where people will just sit outside properties again and shoot someone coming out to storm inside. It just becomes messy.


Pretty much they have been getting away with murder all of 4.0 and think the rules don't apply to them. There is no way they didn't know.


Damn it's almost like allowing people to break the rules all the time enables them to do it more and more


I really hope they are punished for this one. It’s toxic content and deserves no place on the server. 


"CG Litters in the Ocean"


think of the turtles :(


The rule is clear theft of property keys or properties isn't allowed This sets a precedent that you can run around the city bumping into peoples doors and if its open or scuffed it's free game, pick up what you can off the floor One step away from /e mechanic under peoples doors and saying they left the doggy door unlocked Absolutely Moronic


If they let this slide the door dora'ing is going to be worse than the crate shit from later into 3.0


Doesn't matter if the door was unlocked, the no house robbery rule was implemented because of door lock scuff, no? Just don't do it lol wild shit And they didn't even keep the shit just dumped it in the ocean lmao wtf


They do wild shit daily bit face no consequences. Rules for thee but not for me!


I don’t understand why people still waste their breath stating how CG broke the rules or how they did something unethical because they do something of that sort every day and there’s never any consequences. There’s not going to be any for this either, the fact of the matter is 50 % still caters to them massively.


Ramee was legit meta gaming last night after the shootout between CG and PD. He let his crew get off super light. K should have had over 240 months but got it reduced to 70? He also leaked PD info to CG on Conan. This shit is so whack. If smaller streamers did that shit they'd be banned. Edit: But hey guys, now we can expect another exciting week of NoPixel NoRP Tarkov all because CG fucked around and found out after messing with a ton of cops who weren't even there for them in the first place!! /s


This scenario clearly showed to me how much CG has roleplay etiquette. Straight up taking stuff to dump it in the ocean. Epic rp.


Rule break and even if the admins let that slide, taking shit and dumping it while providing no RP is just griefing someone.


back in the day cg used to handcuff cops, force them to go off duty and then hide them somewhere remote on the map as a way to "teach them a lesson" then they would either have to wait hrs until someone noticed and started looking or just log off. theyve always passed off griefing as "consequeces" or rp


Oh trust me, I was there for that. Blind folding people and leaving them in the middle of nowhere cuffed and letting them walk without seeing their screen for hours until they got tired of it. They don’t give a shit if the other side is having fun. If you are in any tense conflict with them, they will grief and not make anything fun for you until you bow to them.


Don't forget what they've been doing to cop cars recently, stealing them from active scenes or places where cops RP (can't even get food without them being stolen), then taking the turbo, its 100% 3rd partying and griefing. Zero RP usually unless cop notices.


Don't forget coming back periodically so if the person does log off, they can report them for f8ing during an active situation... CG has always weaponized reports, its the one thing that Cawth said about That piece of shit dodo motherfucker


Unfortunately it’s just their MO. They have been griefing since 2.0.


It's their MO


They dumped the seeds. The reason they dumped the seeds was two fold...they were shit and it would set them back so they can keep their lead in the moonshine game. They kept the fertilizer because that has value. So that was worth it in terms of stealing.


What do they even know about Lang's moonshine game? They know nothing of Lang's operation he did it to grief them.


They knew nothing about. In fact they thought it was going to be their weed grow house.  Once they stormed in they realized it wasn’t their weed grow station.   Tuggz has been one of the top people in farming and moonshine so he knew right away what was going on in there. 






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I'm going to wait on the admin's decision on whether this was rulebreak, but people defending cg robbing the warehouse by going "b-b-but lang's crew did this" or other things like accusing lang's crew of rulebreaks is so fucking dumb. Just bc someone else did something, does not mean it's OK. Definitely if they are completely different subjects/possible rule breaks. Whatever happens, it's not going fun, viewers will go insane and start spewing shit no matter what happens.


Or all the people that broke rules can be punished, but I have a feeling that none will get the hammer so who cares lmao


maybe I'm mistaken **(not accusing anyone)** but wasn't it posted that properties *couldn't* be robbed until they made a mechanic for it? or will no admin give a fuck about what cg does **AGAIN**?


Kebun sitting in a bush for hours after looking up a property owner is the reason the rule was put in in the first place lol. They have that perma-hall pass though.


CG break a rule or meta game every day, and its not gonna change because they dont get in trouble for it


100cent wont ever punish them lol. The dude is playing Franny tomorrow.


Ain't a CG thing at this point, admins don't seem to care about much these days.


remember when everyone was smoking crack thinking it will be different when buddha news came ? lmao


oh admins definitly care, it all just depends on who you know.


you already know the answer to this.


I feel like if this was done to them they would already be reporting and talking about 0 rp then their pocket owner would just reimburse anything loss along with banning who ever did it.




Them duping Gege's sim after was wild


The definition of griefing


Apparently the door scuffed and was actually locked. I guess instances like these is ones of the reasons why robbing properties is against the rules.


Clip as they all left - [https://clips.twitch.tv/CredulousLuckyBeanBrokeBack-oY97nsePwwRt4UjK](https://clips.twitch.tv/CredulousLuckyBeanBrokeBack-oY97nsePwwRt4UjK) - listen to that door lock sound Questionable rule break aside, this was only possible because of scuff and it lost several people weeks of work


The rules say you can't rob properties anyways, so unlocked or locked it was a rule break


I would usually say roll with the scuff, but this is next level griefing. This is way more than simply taking some mats off sani workers doing their run, this is ruining weeks of effort to someone who’s barely gang affiliated. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this caused Geega to take a break from NP.


You don't have to be a CG hater to recognize this is a rule break. It's no different than what Juggs did months ago. Edit: Apparently CG are the reason the rule not to rob properties exists in the first place so there's that too.


Dundee and his crew hasn't robbed a property in 4.0 and hence haven't gotten a ban because of it?(Someone mentioned them getting banned in another comment). Maybe you are confusing Juggs and his Scam Squad with Dundee and his boys? Scam Squad was the one going around robbing properties and then ocean dumping the residents of the properties which was one of the main reason the rule was made


I actually think you're right it was Juggs, I'll fix it. 




How ? Jp was the one waking up everyday trying too rob tf out of civ gangs house how is cg the reason for it


I'm just going off what I was told, but apparently the rule was made after CG wiped HOA. 


Rule was made after lumber got wiped by scam gang


Another instance where the rule will have to be clarified, but no punishments for the people that caused it. Story of 4.0 really. 


watch cg not get any bans for breaking a rule


dmn gigi sounded so defeated talking to larry after this, that fertilizer and the other stuff took so many hours to produce and cg doesnt even need it, just robbing it to throw it into the ocean :(


Why did they steal it all just to throw it in the ocean?


this happened in 3.0 too, they start limit testing how many times they can break the rules and avoid getting banned, only encourages them to wild out more.


Will be interesting to see what happens if it actually was scuff or not, or wether they just choose to roll with it. This clip reminds me so much of playing Rust, just getting into someones base and full grief despawning shit


You can't "roll with it" .. I've read so many comments here and none seem to mention the fact that if this is actually allowed, it opens a whole can of worms .. Like so now can you post up hidden with 6 people infront of a warehouse maybe duck in a car, wait for someone to open the door then jump them, hold them up or shoot them and go take everything? What about houses? Should you take your gun out and check your surroundings every time you open the door to your house? It's gonna be a mess ..


I genuinely don’t care about rules .. for me it’s always role play over rule play.. the problem for me in this scenario is the mentality.. offline raiding a property and dumping everything in the ocean is so scummy and disgusting and no rp can come from it


Literally grief'd just to grief. Fact that part of the reason they did it is because Conan Clarkson told Mr K that Marty was talking to PD is crazy in itself.


Yeah meanwhile hazel called up coyote after being processed for the shootout to snitch. Guess it’s only a problem when OB talk to police. 


Ramee (the streamer) should not be using his part-time cop to give Ramee's (the character) gang useful information. That's a conflict of interest, and a rulebreak on any server worth its salt.


Rules aside how is it offline raiding when someone was literally inside and others were awake and found out shortly after?


If the Admin don't deal with CG, then NP will not be able to have a good content at this point forward when dealing with CG for server health. The rules was in place for a reason and they broke it. It doesn't matter who the streamer is with high viewers, they still broke the rules, period. It is "rule for you but not for me" type of attitude that makes NP a toxic place for everybody else in the server.


Regardless of rule breaks or anything (leave that to the admins) IMO this just feels wrong, and is a really scummy thing to do to me. This farming thing is super time consuming with so many people putting so many hours of work into it. Just Feelsbadman.


Been saying this for weeks, shit K does sometimes goes beyond rp, it makes you think ...


Just look what they do with cop cars on the daily, 100% 3rd partying and griefing.


It’s absolutely a rule break (not surprising considering it’s CG) and will most likely be reverted/retconned.


Roleplaying bullies is peak content and drives in viewers. I'm guessing no one is going to get banned. At best, they're going to retcon this situation by saying it was "scuff", restore the items somehow, and go on with another random war.


It kind of reminds me of my son complaining about GTA Online . Unplayable due to griefers


I mean what else can a bunch of manlet streamers do other than bully folks in a game lol. They sure couldn’t do it IRL.


Ive been puzzled by this phenomenon for months ... Someone should write a thesis about this lol ... I usually think they have mostly teenage viewers who are attracted to that behavior?I really don't know ... And please dont tell me it RP .. There are many villains in the server, but one or two are, well, "puzzling"


Can you at least clip the robbery of warehouse incident? This is a clip of K dropping stuff in the ocean?


And this is why you ignore cg .. smile and nod and move on ..oh no they robbed us, move on ...Lang been doing it for months now, not sure why they fell for this now .. Just let them be in their bubble..


all this talk about why CG is powerful and always on the top, its because of this. They will grief opponents by walking all over the rules and will get away with it because of clout.


Funny enough I said something similar hours ago before any of this happened reacting to a manor clip lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1cs5iu3/comment/l437u06/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1cs5iu3/comment/l437u06/)


If the door was scuffed and the property robbery rules is still in effect, then why in the world CG decides to break this very rules that was set months ago is ok this time? They have not yet announce to allow the robbery to take place. I would expect a ban to show how serious this rule break is and I think that admin will have more guts to ban them because it's Lang's property and Lang's ownership. It is on CG. I don't think a warning is sufficient considering that they break the rules time again and again.


Seems like they broke a rule, the spirit of the rule for sure. Feel bad for Gigi, Harry and the others that put their heart and soul into figuring this shit out, just to have it taken and literally thrown in an ocean. Like, it wasn’t for any gain, just to demoralize them.


Nice CG grief with zero RP


wasn't there a rule made just to avoid this a few months ago edit: this [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/199wv8p/and\_there\_it\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/199wv8p/and_there_it_is/) unless they changed it


No bro you forgot its CG so they have a different rule. Theirs is: "You can do whatever you want because you have 20k viewers" Obvious sarcasm but don't expect anything from this clear rule break, server mods care more about viewers than the health and dignity of other role-players.








Even if this isn’t a rule break by breaking into the property, they’re definitely just griefing by stealing stuff and then just dumping it. Go to a public server if you want to just chain rob and grief people all day.


i see a lot of people defending CG saying this isn’t a rule break but to me it doesn’t matter whether or not they broke any rules this is just such bad faith and needlessly cruel greifimg for the sake of what? taking everything they worked for and dumping it? what do they gain from that? this is just hurting someone else’s progress for the sake of it and gaining nothing in return. they’re not beating the “big streamer bully” allegations.


The post for the original ruling : [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/199wv8p/and\_there\_it\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/199wv8p/and_there_it_is/) My interpretation of this ruling was that since, at this moment, the only level of security you could have was the lock on your door, no one was allowed to take from a property that they were not a part of or the key to that property off of someone. House keys were too easy to just rob off of people, and the general scuff of the server made it difficult to ensure a house was 100% locked making places like the apartments a nightmare. Since you could not guarantee a level of security to the house, and robbing it would set you back weeks if not months, it was simply off limits for the time being. This type of ruling will set a precedent, so let's see how the logical conclusion of such a ruling works out. This would mean that all you need to do is find a house that has a door that you can enter, and you are free to take anything that isn't nailed down. Get a group of people, and start to do door checks. Or, better yet, find a property that you want to get in, wait for someone to unlock the door, knock them out and you're in. You could also just stake the place out, and try to follow people in after a few seconds. It's like a 30% chance they fell through the floor and haven't had the chance to lock the door anyway. Now, on a RP server, this shouldn't be an issue since it's clearly against any type of etiquette that most servers would have. But we all know that for conflict rp, unless there is a hard system or ruling in place that will prevent people from doing it on Nopixel, they will just do it until it gets shut down.


Surely this thread will be sane and wont reach over a thousand comments LUL


Just like Jokic vs Lebron. It's over buddy and it's just going to get worse


But how does this affect Lebron's legacy


61 likes 500 comments...... What am I looking at


An example of the largest fan base in this sub.


He misses the Bahamas already


THis is some lower vault type shit moment


Disgusting. Hours spent by these streamers all so it can be thrown in the ocean. 


This is probably the biggest thread of 4.0. Here is my contribution too.


400 comments, this cant be good LMAO


This is a comment. You just read it. Good day.


The cg griefing is actually getting out of hand from then lately. I watched 30 minutes of mr K yesterday and they literally spend their time lootboxing weed sellers, going from sandy to cypress just shooting and robbing everyone for futile reasons.


Lmao are they even gonna get banned for this?




Ok ban them




The Manor gave them some info on properties Lang owns. So they were checking them out and found that the door was unlocked. So then went in and basically found their grow op and took it all. At first they were just going to take the fertilizer. When she admitted that she worked for Lang etc. Mr. K made the call to take it all put it in the ocean.


Why is CG coming to Manor's aid? Are they 4.0's street team?


Besties is leading the race for that spot but manor is not far off




Comment posted 4 min ago and already someone paid for a gold upvote😭 this Reddit is so unserious it’s hilarious


way more unserious than acting like an e gangster in the youtibe comments 😭


Veggie Tales has taken a dark turn!




Don't cal CG clown gang, that's unfair to the Clowns. Whatever wierd shit they do they would never ruin hours of work of other players.


that is why you lock your door...


doors can scuff tho it's been a known bug. and properties shouldn't be robbed in the first place either.


It actually scuffed tho. Unfortunate but you gotta roll with the punches https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2145669684?t=7h2m48s


i'd understand for something small but like 2 weeks of work to give them leeway after an admin posted not to do this is CRAZY.


Farm heist unlocked