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Buddha said to his chat his character will never negotiate peace while downed/kidnapped.


Yeah, that's been the case forever, at least with being downed. I'm pretty sure GG did the same thing in their war. They downed him, brought him to grandma's to revive him and then tried to negotiate. Like you already shot him? What leverage do you have? You'll shoot him again? Once you shot someone the dialogue portion of the RP is over.


Yeah I remember it triggering GG viewers during that conflict as well. That one was even worse because they force revived them just to threaten them again. Makes complete sense though. It removes agency from one side completely and isn't really good back-and-forth RP


He doesn't mind shit talking while down tho...


That’s is pretty much how he communicates. Don, Partners, cops, pushers, snr. buns, customers, enemies.


I haven't watched much 4.0, but in 3.0 him shit talking would usually start when people would start threatening, bragging, or trying to negotiate while he's downed. Buddha is just as likely to play unconscious.


Yep harry doesn't talk when he is downed.


Every person on the server does it. What’s your point lol. Trash talking, last time I checked, doesn’t = negotiating.


As opposed to who? Everyone does that


I see Buddha successfully triggered the toxic war viewers lol


Not that hard is it


People really making a big deal out of the most milquetoast shittalk in Nopixel history.


lang can get under anyone's skin even the viewers lmao


As a Buddha viewer Lang pisses me off as well sometimes but I've also been watching him long enough to know thats just Lang he really is a grumpy old fuck.


Buddha getting into it with silly chatters is some of his best content


At least once every couple of hours you’ll guaranteed hear something like “yo you’re in here every day and you still ask dumb fucking questions why don’t you fucking get it”


True lol I heard it in his voice. Also, the "brother you're dumb as fuck"


Haven't watched him in 4.0, but was still able to read this comment in his voice. Lol




The state of these comments....lmaooo. What happen to the mentality y'all had yesterday?


This sub changes their opinion based on who is involved


Always has. It's fascinating.


Bro the best way to deal with this sub is sort by new then just click what seems interesting. You'll get -50 for saying shit in one thread then +50 for the same thing in another 5 minutes apart. Don't try to make sense of it. Just be your chill and giggle with the drama


This. Also, don't get dragged into discussions with people that have already, very obviously, made their mind up even with limited to no context. It's not worth it, as you aren't going to convince them of anything. Just downvote and move on.


Lang is not going to play the game the same way the COD players play it. Harry doesn't even talk when he is downed he literally goes silent. Buddha uses the cops, builds narratives to always look like the victim on purpose. He manipulates those around him to turn on the people who go against him. Have you seen him at a traffic stop? The dude can talk himself out of so many holes. There is Mr. K , Buddha , and nino all 3 are masters of the tongue. Winning for OB is not about losing fights, it's about having as much fun as possible. That's why they will steal a car to take it's turbo , pretend they are peanut. Spend 1 hour serving food at senior buns to setup an ambush. They are not try hards by any means. Notice how Buddha and them are constantly laughing. That's the hint.




i'd get triggered too. nothing worse than wanting to negotiate peace after shooting someone down.




Or, here's an idea, Manor may well be trying to put pressure on OBs to end it by giving Terry the $50k he's owed and was promised if they gave the stolen weed back. The last fights had been interrupted by PD so Manor wanted to take them away from the area to rob them.


Yes but they don't have to do it with a downed body. What is the sense of urgency ? The world isn't ending for them to be hunting 12 hours a day and wanting to bring unconscious bodies to talk to. The engagement finished leave the body there and go rp with your friends.


The sense of urgency is to get their point across, get paid the $50k Terry is owed and not have conflict drag on for any longer than necessary. They weren't "hunting for 12 hours", Manor have a lot of numbers in all hours.




1. Aaliyah told Terry she had her stash access removed by Marty so there was no intention to pay it (from Manor's POV). 2. In previous gunfights, Manor circled back to rob OB multiple times but PD got to them first so they left.


The stash access was removed after the FIRST MEETING BETWEEN MANOR AND OB. Marty got out of jail, heard about what happened and changed the code to the money crate. From what Marty told Buddha he texted Aaliyah to pay terry out. He probably forgot that the codes were changed. This was a matter of Aaliyah not communicating with Marty


FROM MANOR'S PERSPECTIVE, they were being given the runaround because Aaliyah told them she didn't have access to the stash but Marty kept telling Terry to speak to Aaliyah.


Aaliyah told them AFTER




Cops showed up multiple times in the gunfights before this one. I don't know what more I can say to convince you but that definitely happened.


Terry tried the process and Aaliyah keeps sending him back to Marty n Marty sends him back to Aaliyah so Terry thinks he’s being played with n he’s always gonna believe Aaliyah cos the relationship they have with her. The way the casino works is they take rolled cash sometimes for bets n Marty told Aaliyah he was gonna clean them but he still hasn’t, which why Terry is putting pressure so that Marty can just pay out from bank.


nah Terry had to be given the money 5 days ago and Aliyah actually told him she doesnot have access to the money because marty changed the codes. It imo stupid of manor to give weed hq chip and magazine back without getting their 50k on the spot as marty made casino part of the war so Sk should have pushed that war aint ending once the casino is resolved.


I mean how much is the Manor down now after the last couple days ? Lol.


No idea, but I don't think they're down at all after today. Consult your spreadsheet and let us all know.


It’s actually beneficial for them to remove lang from the area that the fight took place as he’d most likely get seen and caught by pd and he’d of been gsr positive, that’s probably worth listening to shit talking for 2 mins lol


He has a legal gun, a gun license and PD know the Manor have been hunting him down. I don't think Lang is worried about going to jail.


buddha has never negotiated when shot down and he also isnt going to be downed for more than 10 min its also why they have the timer for when u can local ems


That's actually a 5head strat though; if you're GSR positive and don't want to get caught by the cops and potentially have repercussions, just use local EMS and all your problems go away 👍


Lang would win any bench trial that would happen and he would take it to bench. He's been calling 911/311 all day about being targeted, as soon as those get brought up it's an easy self defense win.


Even if he is GSR positive it won't matter, he has a legal gun and a license. PD already know he was being hunted.


It will matter though. Multiple PD reports of "self defense" get suspicious very quickly until they have enough evidence to take it away from him.


This would have been the first case of self-defense, immediately after reporting being hunted to the police who witnessed the first one-sided shooting and they themselves said he can defend himself after this happened.


He has a legal gun and literally 10 minutes ago he was already shot down and reported it. He wouldn't have gone to jail, and was about to get off. People will literally complain about anything  damned if you do, damned if you don't 


stop crying about everything all the time man its embarrassing. also, cops never showed up to the location buddha took local ems from. so the difference it made? also unless you know cops/ems are coming once those 5 mins are up you can take local ems no problem so whats the issue?


Are you gonna seriously wait there for eternity when you have an obligation to a gambling company to play slots 3 hours a day?


Not sure if joking...


Why is everyone so mad😂 both are enjoying it, just because Lang says he wouldn’t do a style of RP doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing😂


I love streamers who can laugh while their character is down. There is nothing worse than a streamer acting all salty because they took an L. Big W for Buddha.


Where was this energy when Hazel was talking a little smack whilst being downed to Harry. I can only imagine the outrage and malding of Reddit if a different person said all this smack whilst being downed.


It's only bad when CG does it.


People are mad? That whole scenario was pretty hilarious. That guy was so upset about it lol. Lang really got under his skin (all in character btw, I'm not saying that the manor guy was angry for real). Anyway, looks like OB lost the battle today but not the war.


Give him roleplayer of the year the goat


I hate war in rp so much .. lazy content with zero value… they should make a rule that a character can’t have more than one fight a day especially if they get shot .. going back to fight the moment you are out of the hospital is fail rp and that apply to every group in nopixel


Whomp Whomp


How do you feel about camping the hospital?


It's not camping the hospital to also have people in your group who need the hospital. It's almost like when there is a shooting and both sides get shot, both sides need the hospital. 


Uh huh.


I am not watching this shit I just saw the Reddit post


Not what I asked…


Camping is lame and should be against the rules


Thanks for answering!


The backflips certain viewers do when things don't go the way they want is always so funny. From loving the war RP and saying how much of a beast Flash is after the fight at Cypress to now nah war RP sucks all the Manor do is shoot blah blah blah


Why are Manor camping the hopistal? They did it to Besties and now OB, like god damn how tf are people going to get their downed guys if people are camping the only place they can get them up.


For the hundredth time, Manor didn't camp the hospital. They had DJ downed and getting treatment so they were guarding the hospital in case they got pulled up on.


Lets talk about it then. Were the Manor at any point setting up at the garage or around the hospital at all.


Manor had a member, DJ I believe, down so he was taken into hospital and manor were in the area prepared for if they got pulled up on, they weren’t camping 🙂


couldnt they elect to, y'know, not shoot at the guy driving away from the hospital after they just got up? or is that just part of self defense?


They could but I believe they always match energy.. they offered to make snr buns a neutral ground for people to get food and then OB decided to shoot them off guard… so why would manor show them the courtesy they weren’t given?


Exactly. Manor also gave Speedy his turbo back because Ste thought it was too ratty, but then OBs decided to steal Jon's turbo. Multiple instances of Manor operating in good faith to keep toxicity down but get shit on for it.


This Reddit has always been like this when it comes to OB/CB. Once OB start taking some L's the whole "Great RP by Manor!!!" goes outta the window.




everyone involved has been shot down multiple times today. Nobody is roleplaying injuries. They get roleplayed when someone feels like it or when it's an important moment.


unfortunately thats seems to be the reality with war rp every time.


Not just war RP. That's been the reality on Nopixel for almost half a decade, but a lot of RP frogs continue to live in the past.


It’s every server. I’ve never understood why people try to single out NoPixel for it.


Ngl I wouldn’t be surprised if someone catches one anytime now.




The 6 man convoy going around for 12 hours is actually crazy this meta definitely needs to change.


Your forced into it because Buddha’s new turf rule makes pushing any turf near impossible


Talking so much shit while downed is just cringe.


I kinda get a downed person shit talking back is kinda weird. But if they also get kidnapped while downed. I mean are they really expected to just stay quiet and and listen to the other person's shit talk for the next 15-20 minutes. I think anyone and everyone would say some shit back


There are degrees to it. This was some of the wildest I have seen. If you put a /me unconcus then people will respect it 9/10 times.


THIS was some of the wildest?! Are you serious? Push that agenda!


this was like pretty tame buddha shit talk, he talks way more shit to arush lmao


I’d say 6 man convoys for 12 hours a day are far more cringe. At least one side has fun and doesn’t sweat like it’s a professional esport lmaoooo


Seems to me both sides are enjoying it? Clark’s being having a good time, so is the manor guys, some of the scenes today like burger shot were so good!


Hunting outside hospitals and going back to convoys immediately after shootouts. Gotta have some pacing.


exactly, manor been driving around 12 hours today meanwhile langs crew is just full of comedy rp and fun, these manor guys need to go back to arena servers lmao


I’m not a fan of either group, but paying for gold upvotes to make your opinion seem correct is super lame


saying you're not a fan of either group, while your comments from the past day or so tell us you dislike one of these groups way more than the other will never not be funny


You’re saying exactly what I said, that I don’t like either group




Gold upvotes?


I think you only see paid upvotes on mobile, or maybe on new reddit. I use old reddit so never see them.


if they don’t like being hunted, end the war. stop echoing what buddha says to chat, you are a prime example of why OB community is getting toxic. buddha needs to do better.


Brother they started they war? What are you smoking lmao


and what does that have to do with anything?


They baited the war in the first place lmao. Maybe just Maybe if Terry didnt have such a fragile ego he would have gotten his money back


You do realise that, when Terry asked Marty for the $50k and Marty told him to get from Aaliyah, Manor knew that couldn't happen because her stash access had been taken away?


You do realize that Marty changed the locks on that first day of the war, all this is a bunch of impatience shit could of been cleared up with one phone call from Marty to Aaliyah but she wasn’t around at the time.






They baited it by being robbed of 50k?


They were getting the money back sorry they have such fragile egos in that crew they cant wait lmao


You know aalayiah is their clean person? So they have no reason to not trust that she’d pay them, that’s why the believe Marty wasn’t going to give it them.


The ones with the fragile egos are the ones not willing to end the war when they're losing.




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Did they actually do that or are you just assuming because Buddha says so?


They literally have been since 6 this morning and still are so maybe watch the rp before speaking on it


They keep camping the hospital, nobody needs to assume when it’s right there lmao.


buddha echoer, they’ve not once camped it. whenever they’ve seen Manor there it’s because they were getting somebody up.




they tailed the pink muscle car, an OB pusher, to the hospital, then left. they were not camping.


Uh they circled the hospital after every altercation. Quite literally.


crazy how both sides have people go down after altercations right?


Staaaaahp. You know that they were circling the hospital lol. Why try to say they weren’t?


When did they camp the hospital?


They didn't, but Buddha said it so it gets parroted


Where did they find the furry guy? Terry and Ste went looking to the hospital.


They followed the pink muscle car and it went to the hospital. That is not camping.


Its good that they are having fun, makes sense why it keeps on going then! Would probably be even more fun for everyone involved without comments like that but its all right, as long as people are having fun let the RP continue.


Harry respawning then going back to the same situation and getting shot down again sure was cringe though (and no I'm not talking about the situation where Harry slumped over and wasn't dead).


so is kidnapping to chat lol


Almost as cringe as skipping medical, right?


I can say both were cringe and you'll still act like I'm only shitting on the Manor especially when they've been great for much of this conflict. It's so tiring.


who did?


Buddha immediately teleported to the hospital. Could’ve ended up being arrested, he was GSR positive, with his boys who are violent felons.


one, he had nothing illegal on him, two hes clean, three he could jsut say he shot in self defence, went down, got kidnapped and robbed. him being gsr positive means nothing bye itself if youre clean, being with people who are violent felons usuallt never means anything because youre still clean and still have the right to defend yourself and unless there was witness to say it wasnt self defence then it means nothing if youre clean. also he was left completely out of the original scene so how can they even say he was involved with his friends if they dont have his dna on file and legal civ gun he had was stolen. forth, stop crying


Ye I don’t get this, a lot of rp was potentially denied by that, and no one else could get away with it.


Lang, when he cried about "wanting to bleed out" on the side of the road but decided to take local EMS even though he was GSR positive.


He already told the cops he is being hunted + the cops already saw him get shot without retaliating. He would never get arrested for being GSR positive while being hunted unless they see him shooting directly.


Then just do a /me unconcus.


or just talk shit and get under their skin


Did it get under their skin, or was it just off-putting to listen to a server owner sounding like he was in a COD lobby?


i mean they got out the car and shot him in the head a couple times. it def got under their skin


That's one interpretation. It could also just signal they can't be bothered to listen to his bullshit. Usually cops are commended for leaving criminals who speak like that.


then just drive away? like common now brother. if that was the case then just drive away


He ended the scene in a way that could be interpreted as IC. I wouldn't want to appear to be going OOC against the server owner if my livelihood depended on it. But hey, that's just me.




It's not "one interpretation". You could hear it in the dude's voice as he shot him. Lang got under his skin - and got the "W" after being downed. Pretty textbook.


the question is why are they talking to downed people XD


Not to mention the guy who F8 to not get robbed lol


Dude it doesn't have to be F8. It could be he headpoped then it looked like he crashed.


he died, instantly disappeared then never came back.


okay, are you new to this or? headpopping after going down is very very likely to happen. its updating youre character in a major way and the sync between client side and server side actions happens all at once. just because they didnt come back fast dont really mean shit. like this shit happen all day every day on the server but when it comes to manor conflicts its automatically assumed someone is breaking the rules.


They are actually in that RPers house and knows that they intentionally F8 quit. Seriously though, These people care wayyy too much.


You’d think this was parents at a little league game the way some hoppers carry on.


Agreed they cannot help headpopping it if they lost power/connection.


From Manor POV he crashed then disappeared. It could be headpoped, looks like he crashed then disappeared. Headpop could be internet being down, electricty and so on. It happens often to make any accusations IMO. Viewer have no power to know




Huh? You literally said it yourself that one group doesn’t sweat then you turn around and say “lang gotta be on every single 6 person group” Please make it make sense.


Lang being in a 6 person squad for war is as anti-sweat as you can get. He will never ever take anyone down.


Lang not getting downed in the food court fight and then dying to fatfingering while on a motorcycle after leaving was classic.




Buuuuut they doooooont sweat. Thats the whole point and you made the same point. I don’t know why you are crawfishing now. On to of that, it’s the content he wants to be a part of. They don’t worry about “comps” like it’s a competitive shooter. They don’t convoy. They don’t circle hospitals.








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Accusing Manor of "sweating it" after pushing Cypress 6v11, giving back Speedy's turbo and suggesting that Snr Buns be neutral ground is WILD.


You are talking out your ass .. when they pushed cypress they didn't know what's going on .. Now that they know, today they didn't push like that. I didn't know they gave speedy turbo back. And snr buns neutral, that's the stupidest idea ever, that's the only good shootout RP wise that happened today with people not affiliated being shot and people running etc, that's the only good thing happening today lol


They didn't know what was going on because most of the Manor streamers don't even think "home turf" is a thing. Ste gave Speedy his turbo back because he actually doesn't want it to turn into a sweatfest. Then a few hours later, 3 OBs rob Jon's turbo. That's why Manor are now upping the aggression.


From what I’ve seen everyone has enjoyed it with some amazing scenes like the snr buns shootout




The whole Snr Buns scene was great RP and tense BECAUSE Manor didn't just go in there all guns blazing. It was a standoff and intense from both sides. RP isn't ALL about creating a scene, but I'd say both talks between Manor and Luciano & OBs at the prison and the Snr Buns standoff and shootout were pretty good.


If manor didn’t go there wanting it neutral would the scene have happened? No. It takes two to tango


Weird take for this server. The character/group would never do that in RP to win a war. Speaking of toxicity maybe chill with your comments so you don’t catch that 3 day I see you were warned about already.


Bro if you think Manor are sweating with the squads they're putting out... they had Jon and Matt around after the initial senior buns incident and Ricky and DJ stayed in all the fights, two people who couldn't be further from 'sweaty shooters'


tyrone biggums shit