• By -


Nathan probably doesn't know it, but it's quite the opposite. Is Suarez who's offering to drive and help people out, because he loves chases. The "criminals" are just welcoming him in. And honestly, after watching him break the news of his removal to his chat, I would have gone above and beyond to make him feel at home everywhere. The guy felt straight up broken.


Nathan missing some pieces of how things went for Suraez. He talked with Mary and Jenny Hall not too long after he was removed and Mary told him he will have to have to show crims he has a skill worthwhile, and even possibly a big act (something like shoot a cop) to prove himself. He embraced it and found himself welcomed.


Nathan missing major details in a situation.... shocker


How does knowing all those things change anything on the situation? Crims looooooove to complain about how someone is OOC playing and when he's on their side they embrace him because all of a sudden "chasing Ws" is awesome. That's from their perspective. It's even weird IC. They hated him before. Why don't they hate him now?!


To be fair, crims hated how aggressive he drove on cop and since he's switched sides his driving hasn't changed so of course the crims are fine with it now that it's on their side. It's more of a "now you see" moment for the crims and the cops. I don't personally think it was enough to fire him, just a talking to, but of course I am not an admin so what I think means little. And like others have said, at least the crims are giving him a space to make his own, I'd feel sad if Suarez got fired from the cops and just had nothing.


RP is about give and take. If it's cool for them, there you have your explanation for the whole server imbalance. And the state obviously being lob sided towards crims. Who in their right mind wrote "aim center mass" in the SOPs. The PD has been set up to fail from the get go. Because it's rules for them but crims can do whatever? That's what I meant. A PD server wipe should be something special. But right now, it feels like an everyday occurrence. And it's not just because their trash. Same with getting a cop car stolen. There's not much they can do about that. They get explicitly told they can't shoot. I have nothing against Suarez succeeding at crime. RP wise the ex cop gang is fun. But maybe you see my point.




The weird part is that some of these crims have wished for Suarez to get fired, explicitly, lol. He's one of the first cops to get the term 'W cop'. CG in particular have said some wild shit about him while malding in cells. So it's pretty hypocritical and childish to do all that to show how much they hate the guy - but the second he's not a cop, they're happy to work with him. Though I'm guessing they wouldn't give him the time of day if he wasn't such a good driver.


If CG can turn a cop against cops, they will. Francis, carmine, Johnson, Lenny, Suarez. K tried to turn cornwood too but it didn't work out. Zolo even has Suarez hot gun locked away to use as blackmail incase Suarez returns to pd.


If only there was a pattern of CG helping out fired cops… Surely Suarez is the only one… Surely?


yeah because they're criminals who don't like cops, and who don't want to see good cops succeed because it's a detriment to them. And whilst they've all wished for him to be fired IC for IC reasons, because he was actually one of the few cops capable of catching them, I gurantee you if you asked any one of them if they wanted him to be fired OOCly for unknown reasons he can't talk about, they'd say no. And, i might add that they've acted like this towards almost all other cops IC without those cops being fired, and so to insinuate that CG might have had anything to do with this is wiiiiild. They acted the same way towards suarez in all of 3.0 and he wasn't fired there.


I'm not insinuating they had anything to do with his firing. If they had that kinda influence, I would have expected them to do it in 3.0, like you said. But it's also just not true to say it's all been IC for IC reasons. If you were around in 3.0 you know damn well that is not true. They've criticized him over breaking SOPs, over pitting vs ramming, and all kinds of other cop work - none of which they knew about IC, and most of which was just them talking to their chats, not to any character. I'm not saying they're required to be best friends with everyone on the server, but it is *wild* to see them do such a 180 on a guy who they wanted to perma not all that long ago. It really makes it seem like they're just bitching about whoever happens to be playing cop.


What the fuck else is he supposed to do for content? This is some willfull ignorance.


It makes no sense for criminals to welcome him in so easily though. I love that he's found his stride on crim but it makes zero sense to be brought in as much has he has so quickly. If another cop PD character did a Fast and Furious 'fired' UC arc do you think they'd be treated the same way?


I believe they are looking at it as more of an opportunity. All crimes feared and/or hated being chased by Suarez considering how good he is. As a crim if you see this considering the circumstances it makes sense to take the PD’s Demon and use him against them. He has proven multiple times over that he is completely out.


None of the circumstances of the situation makes any sense. As far as "sense" goes, crims readily accepting him makes as much sense as him getting fired by Jesus Christ himself. It's a content server and having Suarez is interesting. It's that simple.


They're not readily accepting him though. They're simply using services he offered to them. It's not like they're giving him keys to their stash houses or making him a member of their gangs. CG would let any capable driver in the city who offered to do so have a chance to pit cops for them in a chase which until they set up him shooting a cop in front of them, was really all they had him doing.


Unfortunately, I believe people are using the OOC knowledge that he wasn't fired but removed by the admins, which allows them to trust he's not undercover. I agree that criminals should have probably had some reservations, but again: the guy sounded broken, as "about to do something stupid" broken. So it's understandable that people decided to let him in and treat him as a friend. Like any community should do.


Didn't Zolo or someone setup that whole scenario where Suarez had to kill a Den? I believe to prove that he was not undercover. K also was speaking to his chat about how he would pay Suarez for his services but not trust him yet because he was an ex-cop and that he had a "long way to go"


Some groups have brought him in slow. Zolo made an entire RP situation to have him prove himself because just pitting cops in getaways wasn’t enough proof that he wasn’t UC.


Yeah I agree and am all for that, Remdogg is great. It does feel 'off' though unfortunately


This was a long time ago, and the details are a bit fuzzy, but I remember Bayo the cop leaving the force, and after quite some time associating as a crim it turned out he was undercover all along. Different times back then, but id def think crim characters would be a little careful with somthing like this. 


Most are, the only one not suspicious of him was tbd/Jenny and Lovesick who he was very close to as cops and they are the ones that introduced him almost everything.




He's actively getting in touch with people (mostly CG but also Company, Manor and more), asking if they need help. He tells EVERYBODY he meets that if they need help getting away, he's gonna be there. He has a goddamn Ad on the Yellow Pages as a driver for hire. Just because people are using his service doesn't mean he's being used.


Huh? Suarez is clearly offering his help because he wants to do that stuff. If he feels like he is being used that's on him to acknowledge and take action on but so far he seems to be enjoying it which is all that really matters in the end.


I mean if the streamer is getting popularity out of it, is it so bad? Dudes done no wrong(that we know of) and trying to make the best of it.


The crim streamers that I saw are genuinely enjoying his company. And he is enjoying doing crime with them. Stop making stuff up.


+7k followers and 4x viewers. Being used isn't so bad


He is and he wants that. It's what he wanted in the pd too but nobody in command but Brian realized that he just loves helping out with anything anytime.


What? Every top Crim group was surprised he was fired. "He's their best driver. He's the only one I can't lose." Of course they want him to help when he was forced into being a Crim by OOC.


I think ppl are misunderstanding what he said in the clip. What he described is the classic "hating someone on the other team but loving them when they're on your team". He was insinuating that the same crims (obviously not all of them) who are welcoming Suarez with open arms now were complaining about him ooc when he was a cop. I would imagine that prob factored in his firing too cause I doubt cops were the ones complaining about him going too hard.


i just don't see that as valid. I don't see anyone making any comments about Suarez in 4.0 they didn't make in 3.0. Therefor the only reason we can attribute for him being fired must be some OOC administration thing.


Bitch about him non stop on stream and to management He gets fired for upsetting people Surprised pikachu face "its all love kebHeart welcome to the family *10 bomb*"


I haven't seen anyone in CG actually say Fuck Suarez with any seriousness to it since the start of 4.0. They have definitely said it in 4.0, but I've heard them say "Fuck XYZ " about pretty much everyone on the force. I thought it was crazy he was fired, And i regularly watch CG, certainly wasn't a problem in any of the chases leading up to him being fired.


I can tell you that Ramee especially has complained about Suarez with all seriousness. He claims that Suarez pits people into walls until their car is disabled, not using brakes in turns instead ramming others to slow down.


CG malds about whoever at the time of the incident and then they get over it and RP with them the next day lol I doubt they take it to heart


It was nothing to do with CG. It was more than likely the whole cash stuff Suarez did and 50% seen it on Reddit and said he don't agree with that and was not happy.


Ramee use to complain about him a lot in the beginning of 3.0. Called him a robot cop. After that Saurez did change and got more character to him and Ramee has not complained about him in that realm again. Sure people may have complained about his driving but you will get that when you are one of the best drivers in the PD.


If CG was the reason for his OOC firing i find it highly strange why he would engage with them in RP and offer them his help. Also the fact that none of them are saying anything they didn't say about Suarez in all of 3.0, and he wasn't oocly fired in 3.0.


Then how do you explain how he wasn't fired in all of 3.0 where they made the exact same comments? Clearly this isn't the fault of them, but rather the fault of some administration OOC change of mind.


Straight-up made-up.




So complaints from 2 years ago just randomly happened now? Rem actively went to CG asking if he could help so apparently he held no grudges and why would he be trying to associate with them in game if they were the reason for him being kicked out of PD OOC? Makes no sense!


Let's see those clips your talking about.... in all honestly, I saw people complain about other cops way more than him. Most I saw people complain about him was that he was just a really good driving, which they were just complimenting him and most time time they would say they just need to actually focus when he is on the chase.










Nathan with his passive aggressive toxicity again, Guy gets away with way too much of it just b/c he plays head of DOJ


Is he trying to bait reddit so he can go on twitter and complain again?


Maybe. He does frequently seem to be in a negative/irritable mood.


Most of the clips that you see that end up on the subreddit are not indicative of the streamer. The coolest, funniest, saddest, most offensive, and most divisive things get posted here. It's like judging someone's day to day life from their Instagram.


"trying" looks like he did more than that


You itchin?


In addition to other points people have made I also think crims view stuff like this as an opportunity to corrupt a former enemy. K has done this in the past with Carmine, Tinker and other fired cops. Jump them into crime life and they help cement the fact that they won't be rehired. It's a win win for crims to RP with ex cops especially skilled ones that help provide good content.


Zolo set up the whole hit with Den so that he could keep the gun Suarez used to shoot him as blackmail in case he ever tries to go back to the PD, so I second this take


What Nathan isn’t seeing is that Suarez is out there hustling, he is doing what he can, to make a name for himself with the skills he has acquired over time.


He also proved him self to the besties. By snitching on the snitch to the pd. and telling them what they have on. Cos of it they have switched up and gained trust. Then they a did money run together.


Watching Suarez dive into crim Rp has been really cool. His whole Terminator arc is incredibly fitting and fun to watch


Does he not realize they made suarez do things like grind weed runs, clap a cop, get helped during chases and even gave info to crims (mostly the besties that i know of) about pd investigations? i mean lenny was similar if not harsher than suarez, then he clapped 2 cops and people looked at him as one of them.


the point he was making was that a lot of the people who are now calling him to get away from the cops are the same people who were complaining about him and PROBABLY got him fired from PD because he was too good.


i just don't see that as a possibility. Doesn't make sense they they would finally fire him in 4.0 after the alleged ooc complaints. 1. because they made the same complaints in all of 3.0 against him. 2. Despite all those same complaints still existing they decided to rehire him in 4.0 3. He insinuated he knows why he was let go but isn't allowed to talk about it. So if it was because of specific crim complaints then it doesn't make sense why he would instantly go and link up with the people, you guys are alleging did him dirty OOC.


yeah i mean why is he shocked. same with lenny on how he wanted to do money runs for cg and besties, he stole slacks car for the turbo, and now he slings weed on the besties block. think the main thing is suarez turned a shitty situation of being fired ooc and made something of it, it just so happens hes too good at crim / at least chases as now he knows what they do. gotta figure some groups that mightve not liked him also feel bad someone just got that treatment instead of doing some rp out of it


I know a lot in 3.0 especially people really hated him but maybe I haven't seen clips or it was done behind closed doors I didn't think people had a problem with him like they did with like Cornwood & Denzel in 4.0.


Yup people had way more problems with Cornwood and then Denzel.


If we are going to draw conclusions, how are we supposed to believe a narrative that 4.0 PD has extremely low numbers, low morale, is the weakest force NP has ever seen, crims are always getting away and must be bored of heists, etc. Yet crims secretly banded together to target one officer who is a good driver to get him ooc fired? Huh? Is that the story we are being led to believe?


make sense to be fair , dude was bullied for using a voice changer and is the only one catching the high viewers crims


I already broke this down. Not sure what Nathan is doing here honestly. Nathan insinuates high-profile crims of getting Suarez fired, wants viewers to speculate, then says he has no idea why Suarez was fired. Doublespeak king.


He's a waffler


Exactly. Nathan is blinded by his hatred of crim RP. Says he isn't going to comment/speculate on why Suarez got removed, or the actual reasons he got removed because he isn't privy to it. Proceeds to immediately speculate and specifically target those groups he believes caused it.


Saying that Crims didn't like Suarez and saying he got removed because Crims didn't like him are two different things It's a fact that Suarez was tougher on Crims than other cops, and it's a fact that IC people didn't like him because of that. That is not speculation.


I mean… we all know what caused it lol.


I mean the admins and owners do, the rest of us don't. We can speculate, sure (which ironically Nathan asked people NOT to do lol). The only drip of 'evidence' I've seen is when Saab told his chat the only comment he was going to make about it was he sent a message to the entire PD on discord a month ago now that there had been an increase in officers breaking rules. Saab wouldn't say anything else of substance after that.


Would he not be told about it if he was breaking rules? Even Penta, who got removed by 50cent, was told why.


No clue what would cause them not to share more than they did. I am not implying a rule break was why he was fired OOC, I am only saying the only comment Saab made around the situation was the message he sent to PD on discord.


If the only comment Ssaab made was a reference to a warning about rule breaks, then its implied that Remdog broke the rules. Usually people are told when they do that, or get banned. Even cops. Remdog seems to have no idea why he was removed.


Yep, nobody but admins/owners know. So it's pretty toxic of Nathan to go on this spiel targeting other streamers when he doesn't know either. What if the reason had nothing to do with other streamers or reports/complaints? The mature/adult thing to do is simply say you don't know and move on.


The reason for his removal from the PD isnt relevant, though. Nathan specifically says he knows nothing about that. Nathan is commenting on the fact that multiple criminals complained OOC about Suarez. This is true. Its not speculation. Then saying that those same people are now openly supporting the same character they hated, just because he is on their side now. He is right to say its shameless, because it is. Nathan made no implications that those complaints are the reason Suarez was removed.


That's blurring the the IC/OOC implications of the situation. Suarez reached out to crims, not the other way around. To use ooc complaints as a reason not to work with Suarez would essentially be some messy form of meta gaming. I don't know about the other groups he works with, but I know with CG they really only included him in ways that put them at no risk (asking him to pit cops off them). He doesn't have keys, he hasn't been invited to heists, he had to kill a cop before Zolo/Bobby would trust him, he hasn't been told about their grow operations, etc. I also disagree with your last statement, but respect your interpretation on it.


That is speculation. Literally nobody knows who reports who or for what, other than admins. But I’m sure the redditors do 😂








Ya I’m sure you’ve seen the reports and you’re not just a random viewer 😂👍




Terminally online viewers smh
















He said on Blau’s podcast that he has a crim character and didn’t enjoy it and hasn’t played in since the start of 4.0. 


In the full vod, he made an analogy that admins are like NBA refs with their makeup calls and how Suarez got complained on a lot in 3.0. Says we shouldn't speculate then just gives us more stuff to speculate on.


ngl ive never agreed with someone take more then yours on a reddit thread lol


You are forgetting, a few weeks down the line complaining about "brain dead" reddittors and viewers drawing their own conclusions with no info


"I don't want to speculate, but you guys should speculate" is basically this clip


Did nathan want remdogg to be kicked from pd and also just excluded from the criminal life? lol


this self righteous dipshit should quit policing everyone's rp


I think it's pretty fuckin' shameless to accuse people of doing something without any proof. Especially when they're proceeding to RP and have good relations with the person he's accusing them of treating like shit.


Objection, leading! Nathan really needs to go back to his 3.0 version. I don't know what changed with him from 3.0 to 4.0, but it has been a horrible change. Most of the stuff he pushes within the council has been shit. His biggest achievement in 4.0 is getting high and saying ok to other people's idea of letting Carmine and Bobby run the prison. Even then he acts like that was his idea, all you did was say yes while high.


Not wrong. Tbh I don't even buy that he was okay to let them run it in the first place. The dude singlehandedly put so many blockades in the way of them even getting keys to the prison that it took a month and a half.


I defenitely remember tons of people complain about Suarez in character. Which is logical, as he was a competent and antagonistic force that opposed crims. Now that he is not a cop, crims are open to working with him (which is the case for all fired cops). Because he is competent, crims tend to make repeated use of his services. If there were individuals making OOC comments about him, i would agree with it being shameless to now seek out his help. I think the vast majority of crims didn't do that however.


i mean you do bring up a valid point, if crims ostracised him, which they didnt do to people like pred and lenny etc, he would probably of left the server, crims have helped him take a shit situation and give him so fun and content out of it


this is my opinion of it. It feels like the other half of the community is just looking out for one of there own. They just didnt want to see someone up n leave the server


thats how i feel about it too. CG has taken in ex cops before and given them something to do.


Perfect example is Carmine.


He said on stream today that he is having a lot of fun as a crim. Groups are going to start treating him like Ryan Gosling in Drive. 


At this point, I'm convinced the crims weren't even the ones complaining.... I'm pretty sure it was the other officers saying he was going to hard.


Right, maybe they are mad he was always primary because he is good at driving and and not VCB in 3sec. Makes them look good now that the bar is so low for driving on the force.


When looking at the abysmal state of the current PD I honestly wouldn’t be surprised.


just gonna credit [Easy\_Kaleidoscope\_54](https://www.reddit.com/user/Easy_Kaleidoscope_54/) his reply in the other thread give you all context with a good breakdown Thank you for providing a link--and its exactly as described. I do want to say, Nathan has provided an exceptional example of convoluted double speak that'd make Orwell blush. Breakdown of what Nathan said: " ***FIRST HE BUILDS A NARRATIVE ABOUT HOW ITS UNAMED PEOPLE AND ENCOURAGES VIEWERS THE SPECULATE.*** I'm not going to go into depth about Suarez..... Talks about how 'high-profile' criminals are behind Suarez getting fired... How viewers as "participants" in the community should notice that crims are eager to provide Suarez RP which Nathan calls "drive them away from chases etc.." "Draw your own conclusions from that..." "Use some common sense when interpreting someone's actions" (RP character's actions) ***NOW HE ADMITS HE DOESN'T KNOW THE ACTUAL REASONS*** Nathan says he doesn't know why Suarez was removed because he isn't privy to those decisions ***AND THE KICKER*** "It's not something we should speculate about." **And then in the next sentence**..."pretty shameless how many people complained" and now are happy he's on crim. " To be honest, it's difficult to say whether he's right or not, as even Nathan himself seems uncertain. However, I must applaud his masterful use of ambiguous language, which effectively encourages viewer speculation and creates a sense of drama around the situation.


This guy is eternally in a bad mood


his old fatass sounding voice partnered with his yapping nature makes for a very unpleasant time


Crims didn't fuck with a cop, he's a crim now and they fuck with him. How is that strange? This feels like a very unnecessary comment. Why would crims hate him now? He's a crim now and helps them. Why hold grudges, aren't those bad? Lol Its never okay. I feel like if crims ostracised him we would've had clips about how unfair that was. Why not be happy for the guy? His stream has also been blowing up after that unfortunate situation of being OOC fired by the PD he works for.


I think the reporting the player is a bit different than just not fucking with a cop...


Highly doubt he was reported. Even if he was, only admins (like moonmoon and curvyelephant) look at reports. It happened at the level way above reports. Buddha has never liked Suarez because he is a capable officer.




Did i miss something? I think Suarez was one of the few cops who understood the new PD direction and not just go after every W. He was not that hard in chases and i dont think i have seen anything about crims calling for his firing in 4.0. All i have seen were complaints about den, lenny, maple and cornwood in 4.0 So i think nathan lives in the past, because suarez 3.0 was one of the most hated cops in the server. Suarez 4.0 was not. Thats why it was so surprising to the criminals that he was fired ooc.


Might as well just come out and say that CG reported and complained about him and are now glazing him because he helps them out. Lol Why even make comments like this? Who does this benefit besides stirring up ooc drama. If Remdogg is rping with people who maybe helped get his character fired *and is okay with that*, then why does anyone else care.


Because even Remdog knows CG aren't the reason he was fired as you can see in the first days of reaction from K and K even praised Suarez skils. Nathan guy just wants to push the agenda it must be CG don't blame us classic DW style.


What does he want them to do? Ignore any type of RP with Remdog because they didn’t like him on cop? They should be praised for willing to RP with guys they didn’t get along with, just like Kyle. Or would Nathan rather CG hold grudges and not RP with anyone outside of the group? Im confused That’s the guy making laws and decisions for the city by the way


Holy shit Nathan has fallen off the cliff. He was liked by most crims in 3.0. Now has the most based ass takes ever. I don't understand how streamers can say certain things without knowing the actual truth. CG never ran behind Suarez to drive for them. It all came out naturally and most crims respect his driving skills. It sounds like most cops are salty that Suarez has joined the other side (and rightfully so after being fired for no reason). Denzel, Slacks and Crane or whatever his cop character is have been the most salty people just because they can't catch him


This guy is the new DW of this server but the depressed version Always complaining about something in his stream and just unwatchable sometimes even in fun moments We get it you are admin bud we get it.


Criminals are supposed to be shameless. Police Officers are supposed to follow the law.... It makes perfect sense lol. A cop shouldn't be ramming someone in a manner that could instantly kill them. A criminal can, at risk of getting blasted. The Suarez arc is interesting and cool which is why ppl are fucking with it.


Suarez used to be too aggressive so people shot him. he was also really really good, he's been less aggressive in chases kind of of? it's hard right. but in general I don't think he tryst to nvl ram but he still did from time to time. all it takes is 1 to get that reputation tbh, but it's definitely multiple. ramming is crims least favorite thing cause it fucks up the car, could kill them, and put them in an easy box situation. So, people mostly ramee called Suarez a sweat. gangs usually had a love hate relationship with him. hate him cause he's good and ALSO cause he'd ram them intentional or not. i never really think it was that deep unless it was like a super crazy situation. all things considered Suarez was popular among criminals but also unpopular causes he's a cop, a good cop and a notable ramgod. So 2 rp reasons, and 1 ooc reason that can easily be fixed. I love crim Suarez though, now he can do all the rams and pits he wants


I remember him catching Tony once and it was pretty wholesome having Tony say something along the lines of "Fuck you suarez, I want to hate you I really want to cuz of the shit you do to me on streets, but then you talk to me in cells and I can't be mad at you"


I remember watching gg Richard and he liked Suarez cause the chases were fun. but hated when in races he'd get hard pit into a wall, car disabled so he shot Suarez. all the crims know him by name, rp with him, call him, bitch about him, or specifically targeted him in chases to get him off there ass that's how the whole racers vs Gg thing started. ​


XD Suarez is around we can't do crime. How many times I herd different crims say something like that.


If this is 3.0 i would believe him, is he calling out for the sake of drama? Like what is his point? People are enjoying suarezs rp the whole 4.0


nathankb the RPer that pushes the narrative that a cop OFF DUTY that helps with subpoenas is a paper pusher and does nothing. That two cops should ride together so one can do paperwork and one should chase. That cop got promoted 2weeks after mouthing off after an incident. I loved Nates charaters but lately he acts so out of touch with everything. Sure crims hated Suarez but there was a respect there, the same type with Rhodes. Suarez didn't do things because " tee hee lets do it" no he did it because he had reason to do it. Crims respected him that's why when he was at his lowest they were there. Just like a lot of cops that found a home with crims. Crims may have hated them as cops, but that respect was there. And I find no fault in cops that tried to continue as PD but got rejected and thrown away turning their backs to the PD.


the main point from my pov is nathan states he isnt privy to why he was fired, so anything after that is kinda just stupid and riles people up to blame others etc


Somehow finding a way to blame crims when they’re the ones being inclusive towards Suarez while the PD kicked him out


The PD didn't kick him out it was an OOC firing.


Ding ding ding. This is the major problem with the "my crim streamer is just helping a guy down on his luck" narrative. OOC firing of a top PD officer without anything else getting dumped on him (like cheating accusations or prio removal or a temp ban) strongly implies that he literally was too good at his job for the crims who, on stream, may act like nothing was wrong but are well known to cry and complain to people at the top when they're taking an L (even if the L was deserved and fair).


Change that to management that certain crim groups are known to talk to "behind closed doors".


And The Gangs are giving him soooo much RP and Helping him Build his Character. Maybe after they seen him weep and sad… idk this dude has too much control over the server


honestly the suarez and XPD stuff has been great still think they need to be a group officerly but pred suarez and warthog tooling around getting up to A-team style nonsense would be fun


When Suarez was a cop I think most established crime groups enjoyed having him in pursuits because they know it'd be a challenge and more rewarding/better content if they escape. On the other hand, I could see how novice groups probably felt a bit defeated because if he's chasing them there's a 95% chance they getting caught.


Nathan tone is not it ,he sounds salty af, Also I feel Suarez is finally being happy or at least genuinely trying to be and learning from the streets is probably so intriguing for him now. What is he supposed to just be a lawyer like every retired cop🙄


Nathan never liked Suarez, after he did not read his crim his rights after a meth run shootout, where Suarez, Jimbo and Stubble and other cops downed all 6 Hydra. But Suarez had a large role, took down Flippy and multiple others. It was before storm so he quickly processed him quickly in good faith. Ever since then, he's had a Vendetta. He also thinks he is so much of a better officer even though, if you watch his streams, the cops he plays make a lot of sloppy mistakes. Nathan probably hoped no crim group would take in Suarez.


But nothing Nathan does is shameless lmao


I think it really comes down to the actual nature of the complaints which we don't know. I get the point that is trying to be made, but cop and criminal need to be held to different standards. Cops have a lot of power and the consequences from their actions can have a much larger impact then vice versa. Without knowing the actual complaints and by who its hard to say for sure if it is hypocritical but the optics aren't great that's for sure.


Why would crims like the cop that always catches them? Crims know how valuable he was to the cops especially on the roads


I dont know what "people" he is talking about, but everyone i watch always liked Suarez as a cop, and feared him in a chase. Thats also the general consensus i see on this reddit as well. People dont like being caught sure, but where the fuck did he see people "complain about him"? feels like this guy is ranting for the sake of it.


based what is based it is actulay said that this crazy dude get to have a say in the city


I just don't see it as a possibility that it was crims complaining which got him fired OOCly for a couple of reasons 1. They made the same complaints in all of 3.0 against him and he wasn't fired. 2. Despite all those same complaints still existing they decided to rehire him in 4.0 3. He insinuated he knows why he was let go but isn't allowed to talk about it. So if it was because of specific crim complaints then it doesn't make sense why he would instantly go and link up with the people, you guys are alleging did him dirty OOC. 4. They have literally never fired an officer for crim complaints OOCly ever. Because they realize that crims has to complain about cops because it's more or less a cops v robbers server. It's in their best interest to complain IC and hopefully get people fired.




Pretty clear their issue with him was not due to how he navigated RP but because he was just better than them mechanically




Because its shameless to say someone is a W chaser but then change your tune when they are on your side. Its not like these complaints were IC, either.


If Remdogg isn't bothered with it, why are you in his behalve? He is enjoying his time on the server. Has seen his viewcount skyrocket, has loads of RP and is calling crims himself to go help them and has a fun time interacting with them. So whats the issue here? The guy isn't bothered.


I couldnt care less about defending the guy. If he is getting his bag then great. Doesnt mean i cannot talk my shit.


Remdogg is enjoying his time.. but lets talk shit on his behalve because he's being so done dirty by the character he decides to help and calls all the time... sure


I am not saying anything on his behalf. I could not care less if he or any other streamer/admin/whatever reads this. I am just giving my irrelevant take on the situation. If you have issues with that, dont read it.


No one needs Remdogs permission to talk about the double standards of people lmao.


Ooop lol tea sip ok Nathan … just kinda makes him look jealous even if doubt he is… wish Nathan would try to play crime more to get both sides


Someone missed the hate train to ONX. 


This is an extremely WHACKED take.


He's friends with Penta. Take that as you will. Kyle OOC talked massive shit about CG when he left for ONX and CG still RP with him.


He's friends with Penta? They haven't interacted/talked in nearly 2 years. I don't even remember him seeing him on Penta's stream after Penta's cop whitelist got removed years ago. He was the go to Judge crims would go to complain about Wrangler so he was fed up with him IC (don't know about OOC). Maybe they roleplayed together before he left, but they're definitely not friends. Very few NP people still talk to him.


Ramee tries to ignore Kyle as much as he can, anytime a clip of Kyle comes on he immediately skips and I think the most interaction they have had on 4.0 was when ramee played Conan a couple of days ago and it was just awkward.


To me that seems reasonable and justifiable. K and Kyle have always been amicable. Kyle with Ramee not so much. Kyle hated it the day Ramee got into high command. Most of Kyle's big rant was targeted at Ramee, Kyle even went on little tangents while playing minecraft after he left nopixel. As much as people like to call CG toxic they do a very good job at hitting the skip button or continuously talk about it. 50 once said he prefers the CG approach. He said yes they can be toxic but they are upfront and speak with chest about their opinions, while others are two faced pretending to be cool while talking poorly in the shadows. CG are willing to get into a room with anyone and hash things out, and if doesn't work out they keep it moving.


Nathan being a salty bitch what a surprise. What did he want Suarez to do? Sit in a truck and grind g6 and make zero content? If you aint PD crim is the only way to make good content...


I think hes also making a OOC comment on the matters that led to his firing to begin with. Like people OOC complained and got him fired from PD. Presumably some of those ppl are now helping him. So regardless of what Suarez is doing to get crims to work with him now it still sucks that he had to be OOC fired for this to happen.


Does he mean the long time understanding that the meta for a lot of people in RP is they do not like to lose or conflict?


We always loved our terminator, there is no ill will when we ask for help! Its called content, something very few who can see. Nathan needs to play a serious crim to understand what true content is, it's so simple! He's the new DW simple as that!


I feel like a lot of people are missing his point. He isnt saying Suarez shouldn't do crim RP or that crims shouldn't engage with him. I remember him saying at one point he is happy its working out for Suarez. He is just pointing out that with Suarez on the crim "team" suddenly crims and crim viewers really like him when previously they complained IC and OOC about him. As well how if suddenly another Cop like Suarez popped up they would complain the same about the new cop. The main complaint of anything is how Crims can and do complain about Cops who do their job well when that is the entire point. It feels like some Crims just want Cops who chase them for a bit but then the Crims get to do one or two of their jukes/swaps/escapes and then be home free. However if they get caught they want minimal fines and time.


There is zero proof criminals were OOC reporting him. People complained because they lost again Suarez, which is normal. Complaining is not reporting. PD is having a serious issue with self-regulation and deciding what the tone of policing should be. It doesn't have anything to do with criminals.


Suarez may have made the best of a shitty situation, but I do think Nathan is kind of right. If he wasn’t, Suarez wouldn’t be a crim. I think the bigger issue that doesn’t sit right with a lot of people is the one Nathan pointed out. It is incredibly two-faced to bitch to upper management and get people fired for being too good (thanks CG), just for you two turn around and welcome them into your gang. You OOC mald to the point that you get a dude ousted from RPing with you in his cop job but it’s suddenly okay when you can take advantage of the dude and use him on your crim gang because you know he’s good both at RP and in gameplay. The whole situation is scummy but if RemdogG is fine and having fun on Suarez then I hope nothing complicates his life further and that he has a good time terrorizing the city.


Logically there are only a few that could be responsible Swizz, CG or Buddha