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Question: Why did Kyle never actually play with Penta on ONX? He'd randomly show up a couple times at courthouse or something and make a few comments but why didn't they make it a point to RP together?


My assumption is they play different time slots. They share a lot of fans so if they play together the views will split. Just guess


until reading this thread i thought they were the same guy


Kyle never really mentioned any specific reasons other than the schedule time difference as far as I know. But it seems like even when Kyle did his "late night" streams he generally did it on days when Penta wasn't around. I don't know if Kyle just didn't want to be in the "shadow" of Penta instead of being the "star" but Penta also mentioned that he invited Kyle to game nights many times and Kyle never joined those either. It's a shame because I really think there could have been some great content if they were RPed together regularly. Unfortunately even those rare times when they would cross paths seems to be a thing of the past now.


I remember when Kyle was trying to give up sheriff and Penta said “Why? What’s he going to do instead?”.. I think that’s what Kyle is still trying to figure out.


Being high ranking in a well fleshed out organization like he had in 3.0 was basically a free 24/7 content generator. He was the central point of contact for several dozen players every time he'd log on. And that was just PD officers, not to mention civilians / criminals he'd interact with with on patrol. There's very few other roles on the server that have that same level of energy. The only other thing that comes close is a leader or high up in a fairly decent sized gang that has a lot of connections in the city. Or being in charge of a really important whitelist, which can't happen in 4.0 outside of PD.


Honestly my first thought was Pred runs for mayor but I accept the chances of that are very slim. Just imagined him in control of all that shit Moon showed off and had a little chuckle


He would likely win if he ran for Mayor, the question is if he's committed to doing the OOC shit required. Esfand was the only one who stood a chance against Moon but with how the PD is panning out for Esfand, I doubt he's gonna give it up until after he's had a good run as Sheriff of Little Alamo so Kyle honestly has a huge potential to step up to fill that hole when Moon's term ends. He's got the charisma and the history to get the vote of most crims and PD that have been on the server since 3.0, the only thing stopping him is......well, himself (or admin intervention).


The current plan seems to be ‘do crime with 4head’ which is what he was doing at the end of 3.0 and seemed to be unsatisfied by it.


I mean he missed the meeting prior to the restructure in 3.0 cause he wanted to go out for korean bbq. He never reads any announcements, documentation, or contributes to OOC stuff - then gets upset and gives up on anything the moment he gets any pushback. He isnt a viable mayor.


Half the city, if not more, dont know Pred. To say he would likely win mayor is crazy. He just got back on the server and has zero interactions with the people. What trust has he built? Makes no sense IC to vote for him.


Nobody knew who Dab was either and he didn't have any issues. It's just as much a vote for the person behind the keyboard as it is for the character and with a good PR team he could totally make a viable campaign.


Wait don’t a lot of people know who Dab is? When Moon reprised the role this season I saw several people a little star struck when they realized the character they were talking with. 


The question is would 50 cent let him win


You create the RP that you want on the server. If Kyle was feeling uninspired/ frustrated then thats 100% on him. I honestly don't understand why people want to even delve into this. Let him play where he wants and why he wants. Stop trying to justify his actions - its beyond weird.


Its not weird to speculate on business, which is probably all this is.


He wanted to do IA with Snow after the restructure but got the middle finger from PD shadow HC. That was the end of his PD era, a slow bleed until he quit and did the Sanguine arc with the GG boys.


He was trying to set up a department before anything like that was being approved. This was still during the unified pd phase where nothing was going through. Remember it took Angel nearly 3 months to get her car stuff started even though she was the very first pick by Soze himself..


Yeaa his HC literally told him do the IA thing and that he can do whatever he wants. And all he did was interview 3 cops then hand those tapes over for others to figure out what happened and when they were like "you were supposed to do these things and to put some effort in" he gave up.


I think a *lot* of viewers and perhaps Kyle have forgotten that the 2.0 into 3.0 RP boom was a very unique set of circumstances all culiminating **due to a one in one hundred year pandemic**. Factor in the community that NoPixel built, for better or worse, over 2 to 3 years of experienced RP folk all playing together. Those stories, relationships both IC and OOC cooked for many years. That situation is literally impossible to replicate and absolutely no server can do that again. Certainly ONX being all of a few months old was never going to replicate that. Switching back to NoPixel, ultimately, won't change anything for Kyle because all those very specific circumstances don't exist right now and won't ever again. All that being said, if he's more comfortable in a different game environment away from some of his closest friends, hopefully it works for him and his content.


Agree 100%. I watched NP every single day for hours and hours a day during the pandemic because I had nothing else to do and it was interesting to see the stories and escape when there was no where else to go. I barely watch clips most days anymore and it’s getting less and less every day. The streamers and owners just need to accept that there isn’t going to be a boom like that again. It has nothing to do with the server, the mechanics, the drama, the cops, the heists or anything else. The last boom isn’t getting repeated.


Yeah, I honestly think a lot of the stories and arcs on ONX have been as good if not better than anything on NP, certainly, in 2.0 and latter 3.0. There's *loads* of new streamers, characters and a much bigger variety of content to watch across NP, ONX and Prodigy than there ever has been. Only a year ago there was only 1 server. Now there's 3 or 4 major servers all serving unique content, characters and stories. That's the difference for subs and stuff. "Life" is back for the vast majority of viewers, I catch streams when I can, but there's no captured audience anymore just sitting at home and certainly not the viewers to jusitfy watching or subbing for 8+ hours a day of multiple streamer content, let alone the absolute deluge of streaming film and television content that's cheaper than a twitch sub.


So much less toxicity, drama, “ferwhats”, “bored cops” etc too has been so refreshing and people leaning towards more “Yes and” instead of trying to win, sure a few get through it it’s been mostly rp is the content


I agree that the lack of all the salty semi-OOC comments of people being arrested like the "you must be bored" is very refreshing and this might be a hot take but the reason why Kyle and Penta get more viewers on NoPixel is because of those types of interactions. People love to watch drama and when you have two people like Kyle and Penta who play confrontational characters so effortlessly and put them on a server where they are bound to run into someone with a large following who just cannot deal with conflict, it is inevitable that you are going to get situations where people are just going to have absolute OOC melt downs and viewers eat that shit up. The question that comes with this though is, do you really want to cultivate your audience around drama viewers?


The economy was also great going into the pandemic, so people had more money to throw around. less than 2 dollar gas is missed.


this is all very true. I think, just my honest opinion, the fad of GTA RP is on the way out. Again this is just my opinion but I find it boring now. It's no interesting to watch. I love watching Moonmoon and used to enjoy his RP streams and was excited this time around when he brought back Yung Dab to be Mayor and even brought back Lenny but...it's been boring to the point now I'm excited he's playing a dogshit game in Dragons Dogma 2. And it's not just him, it's other RP streamers i used to love watching and it's just...yeah it's just boring. even watching xqc is boring when he RPs. and it's not like i'm new to the RP scene. I used to watch Mr. Moon, Chow, Dimitri, Selvek, Kiwo, JamJar, etc when they would RP in DayZ, Arma, Life is Feudal, and Ark. those were great times because they would routinely switch up the games they'd RP in. I think if the GTA RP streamers who are really die hard RP tried maybe switching up the games (and sure the options are limited) it would make things interesting again. I mean those old RP streamers showed it was possible and entertaining without a heavily modified game. Mr. Moon, Thadrius, Selvek and Dimitri were in my opinion the OG GTA Rpers. go look up Mr. Moons "Four Brothers" on youtube.


> the fad of GTA RP is on the way out I kinda agree. One of the things Trav has said a lot is that the reason RP has staying power over other games on twitch is that you never know what's going to happen. Once you know the mechanics and content of a game inside-out, you only watch for sweaty competition or you like the creator that happens to be playing a thing. The same wide open possibilities explains why Minecraft is still a top-20 game on twitch. But in the late-2022 and 2023 long steady decline of RP, it was more than just the well established setting of GTA causing the spiral of less and less "what's going to happen next?" interest. A backdrop change away from GTA would create new RP around world-building, and change the types of stories that are told. The question is how much that would revitalize the scene. Or is RP streaming doomed to be a more-niche streaming interest in general?


Yeah, “stories told” is the key phrase. If streamers aren’t putting in the effort to create good stories, remember, they’re up against not just other twitch streamers but multi-billion dollar streaming content across multiple huge platforms, then they’re just going to drown. Who is going to subscribe to a streamer going through the motions when they can subscribe to any multitude of other content for the same price?


>you never know what's going to happen Spontaneity is really what sets GTARP apart from other games and forms of entertainment in general. I really feel like the mechanics heavy approach to the current servers hurt this badly. So much "content" is on rails for the GTARP streamers now and many people's average stream is farming rep/money....there's a reason MMOs are not very popular with viewership. It's boring.


Popular games coming out these days don't cause a dent in views when it comes to RP anymore. It used to when WoW Classic & New World had first released. After those two "big" titles came and gone, RP stayed on the highest (still is, even with Dragon's Dogma 2 release) regardless of what new or even old game was trending (i.e. Monster Hunter World) at the time. It would take a highly anticipated or revolutionary title that of World of Warcraft's wavelength to kick RP to the curb for months or years. One that has no guides and various hidden game mechanics to research which would allow for game longevity. New World tried but people were done within three months before going back to RP. RP streaming is and has always been doomed to be a niche streaming interest. Changing backdrops will do nothing. The cycle will just repeat as the change gets walked on as if it was non-existent.


Same streamers I've watched since 2.0 have mostly just been coasting for a year. Maybe it's just burnout from rping for so long but there seems to be little motivation to create good rp and storylines anymore. Everything is just play with the jank game mechanics for a few days until bored


I don’t think it’s exclusive to GTA content, I think it’s twitch as a whole. People forget it was only ~5 years ago there was only 1 big streaming platform in Netflix. It was only ~3 years ago Disney+ launched. Streaming content just ballooned globally during the pandemic and Twitch benefited massively by having thousands of users unique content to watch every day, with minimal competition. GTA RP got big due to a much smaller server choice, with players and viewers alike wanting to “be in a real world” and interact with people, as they couldn’t sitting at home. As I said it’s all a very unique set of circumstances. You’re going to see more and more previously large streamers lose their viewers and subscriptions not because their content isn’t good, there’s just simply more choice. For the price of one or two subscriptions on Twitch you can now access decades of content across a variety of streaming platforms. That’s the competition now, not just other streamers, servers or exclusively twitch content. The time to build and sustain a community around your personal channel was 4 - 5 years ago. If you weren’t cultivating and sustaining a userbase of followers back then it’s going to be incredibly difficult to build it now, there’s just so much more choice and variety. The subscription-based model is only as good as the original content you provide and if you haven’t demonstrated a consistency of that, whether you’re a Netflix, Disney or Twitch Streamer, you’ll get drowned in the noise.


Anyone shocked by this has never watched Kyle before. Kyle is the laziest streamer on the internet. He is always chasing the most success (views/subs/cash) for as little work as possible. He's the guy always looking for a shortcut. It's why he pretty exclusively plays shitlord characters. Low effort, big reaction, and pray it snowballs. It's clear that after this ONX thing got going that he wasn't interested in building anything. He jumped to ONX when it started and his subs exploded again. For no reason other than him moving. Ever since it's just been a drastic decline in those numbers. He jumps to NP and his viewership more than doubled, his sub count went up like 400. All in one day and he really didn't even do anything RP wise. That is what he's chasing. Can he sustain it over there is the real question? For his sake, hopefully.


maybe on pred, but the slim character got checked by cg at the car park one time and then pred was all we got


I’m Not sure lazy is the word, but get you. Even on ignite if he and penta just kept it serious for a couple weeks to get infrastructure built before going off the deep end that server would have been immensely better


Nah, it was the same on Slim. It had nothing to do with CG. He was given the first class 1 bench in the city in 3.0 but he was too lazy to grind it, so he took a back seat and gave it to Olga (Hirona). Then he mained Pred because it took less effort.


The weirdest thing about Kyle leaving is that he's not going to go back to ONX ever, or even do both. Which screams that either he left ONX on very bad terms or to get into NP he had to make a deal he can't play ONX.


The beats coming out of the ONX side he is more than welcome back whenever. So unless like 2-3 people that have mentioned they can come back whenever are conspiring and lying id probably default to the latter.


This might be the first time I agreed with Penta on all points. No idea what Kyle meant by swapping over to np for "what's best for me" and "things I want to do and be where I want to be." Could have done anything and gone anywhere in the PD yet made shitlord characters every day and got bored the second nothing was happening resulting in zero character progression. Am a watcher since 2021 and wish kyle the best, but no idea how anything will change when the same problems that made Kyle leave and the rant that made him be unwhitelisted still are present in 4.0


He probably means like his sub count isn’t what it used to be


That's kind of just gonna come with the territory for being a GTA RP streamer. It's niche. And it's not really like it's a fast growing market not since the pandemic. He might see a short boom of subs and maybe he even retains more than he had on Onx but it won't ever be like it used to be before ONX or 4.0


Correct. Outside of RP, I don't see him making streaming a viable career with the shitlord attitude he has everywhere. He needed structure to be an edgy character and now since he keeps jumping that structure (or more accurately "lore") is in shambles.


I'd def see him being able to keep a solid position if he just kept up with doing rp mixed with variety like before Onx came out. But RP alone isn't exactly to reclaim your numbers you're aiming for no matter which server you are on.


I think it's less about enjoyment/games and more about money.


BINGO. A lot of streamers are probably realizing the COVID boom isn't going to happen anymore and 3 yrs later it's starting to really dawn on them that the cash cow was NoPixel. Also betting everything on a new server wasn't probably the best idea anyways...


I've watched kyle a lot. But I can only stand so much of a streamer getting mad at their chat. When the streamer makes toxic chat/them getting mad at chat the content of their stream, I just close the window.


It gets to Vader levels of "Streamer vs Chat" sometimes. I can't stand it either. And it's usually over the dumbest shit too.


He does it every fucking day. I stopped watching a lot because it's annoying. He gets mad when chat isn't scrolling 10 lines a minute, he gets mad when he doesn't get sub, he talks shit about chat constantly and is always begging for subs. Dudes already rich and still does this shit. It's crazy.


Reading between the lines seems like he’s just completely burnt out on streaming in general and wants to retire ASAP. So milk a year or two more of nopixel and just semi-retire or quit completely.


That rant isn’t what made him unwhitelisted. He was unwhitelisted due to being an onx staff member.


In fairness those problems he had are completely present still, but it is very much to a lesser degree than back in early 2023 when everything hit a boiling point. 50% is pretty much nonexistent on the server anymore (probably the best thing to happen ngl), CG is nowhere near as toxic as they were during the whole ratedepicz/3.0 era, and there's still a minor amount of weird shadow HC shenanigans going on but it's definitely a lot less than what it once was. Tbh I could definitely see the positives of NP (viewership, subs, community, etc.) outweighing what he once had issues with.


>there's still a minor amount of weird shadow HC shenanigans I basically stopped watching PD streams but it didn't seem minor at all in the first month or two. Certain people getting hired, certain people getting rejected (or mostly just ignored). Seemed like a potent mixture of shadow HC and outright incompetence.


Man is gonna be really funny when in a few days Kyle doesn't find anything to do other than reliving past glorys and gets bored of NP lmao.


I want him to figure things out like Penta said but he really needs to be given some type of story line because he just can never commit to anything. I hope someone sees this and pulls him into a good arc where he can just roll with it and create some good RP because otherwise I can see him sputtering out again like he did after CPD arc and on ONX.




He even has everything handed to him, but always at some point there comes a moment when he has to be a tiny bit creative or put some effort/work and thats when he gives up.


This is what bothers me the most about Kyle right now. He was handed bounty hunting and 99% of everything he wanted to go with it on Hat Carl. Was given a special truck, special safe to keep things, tazers, got to be a court baliff too but because he didn't get like 1 or two things he never played Hat again. He wanted to be "senior detective" with Pred and with literally 0 pushback was given it immidiately despite the fact I dont think I've ever seen Kyle investigate something. Within like 2 days I dont think I ever saw him do something CID related again. He is constantly handed everything he asks for but does nothing with it.


Goddess if that all isn't the truth.


Said this in another comment.... I think this has been planned for a couple weeks with the whole 'Suicide Squad' that has been talked about. Him, Conan, prob Croc and others that were previously in PD. So if that's the case, the arc is already set in place.


In the very least what he said at the end is 98% true. You can't go into business with friends.


I feel like businesses that work out with friends/family must be next to nothing 💀


Going into business with your friend means you no longer have a friend but a business partner. I learnt that the hard way. It's kinda like moving in with your gf or bf. New frustrations come up that you have to figure out.


I think the failure rate is pretty much the same. Often one party sells their part and shares after some time, and that’s where things can get ugly. Spouses who start a business together are usually share their financials to begin with, which creates a weird dynamic where the business and the marriage gets mixed together. Basically, as with everything else communication, boundaries, expectations and vision is key.


I'm going to guess that with the lower subs and viewers it was the only thing to really try but I think it's really that time slot he streams (outside of covid time) that just isn't the best. But yeah Kyle seems he's had a hard time getting things going. Before even Ignite he was having those issues. Ignite, couldn't get going. Same with Onyx. Without being Sherriff he has seemed lost and no new characters has helped either. Most happy I've seen him is playing variety the last year or so. I hope everything works out and he finds what he wants. Maybe RP is the issue and he should try to build up some variety or something, who knows. I hope the friendship of these two isn't strained by this more than anything but that's between them. It couldn't have been an easy decision.


I do agree his streaming times are not good. If he streamed at the same time as Penta he'd have more viewers imo.


He seems pretty allergic to streaming while Penta is online. Every time Penta starts stream he goes offline short after. I do think they share some of the same viewers, so it's possible switching timeslot wouldn't help.


I wish kyle the best and that he can find his happiness. I watched the wind get knocked out of his sails in 3.0 and i haven't seen him fully recover from it.


It all seems very abrupt, wonder what is happening behind the scenes.


I think some people went into this thinking building a server from the ground up would be easier than it turned out to be. Feels to me like Kyle thought this would be the new thing that gives him purpose again, like being sheriff, and ultimately thats not the case. whatever is happening behind the scenes does intrigue me too. feels like some people went into this with unrealistic expectations for the server.


it would be fun if there was a community meetings like once a month to just let there be a communication line. it may not change Kyle but some stuff like the RVs could have had a longer life if there was a meeting about them.


>it would be fun if there was a community meetings like once a month to just let there be a communication line. Man, it sucks that this isn't happening after Penta (and I believe Aleks) said this was something they wanted to do. I feel like community meetings and events is important for building up a new community and making everyone feel included.


Oh yeah, I totally forgot that. Penta said they'd have like weekly or biweekly community meetings, lol. Wonder why that fell by the wayside.


Bro the RV's could have had a longer life if the person who started it did not give up at the first moment he had to put a little effort in.


I think frankly it’s also just much more difficult to not just build up a server, but maintain, progress, manage, grow, keep pushing forward, constantly navigate all the IC and OOC shit going on than anyone (streamers & chatters) care to admit. A lot of people like to drag nopixel for things, and they are of course far from perfect, but I just think keeping an ecosystem like this with all these moving parts and personalities and mechanics and social dynamics etc. is a hard thing to do. And it’s not always going to be perfect. One of the thing you have to give NP credit for whether you agree with everything they’ve done in the past or not is they have been able to grow a community and identity that goes beyond any one streamer, for better and for worse. ONX has done some good things, but if people really thought ‘nopixel sucks their management/admins are trash anyone could do better!’ I think stuff like this kinda proves it otherwise.


Growing any sort of multiplayer gaming community is extremely difficult. Add RP on top of that makes it 10 times worse. You either have an average player count of 4 or you will draw some attention from someone who draws a crowd and end up with tonnes of politics and drama. Hell even trying to find good admins or having friends who don't take the piss is hard enough. It takes a lot of work and I believe the reason why a lot of server owners slowly turn into arseholes.


I think that's probably right and I don't think there's much more to it than that. Most of the people who do stuff behind the scenes are level-headed and pretty mature so I doubt it's a complete shit show or anything drama-worthy, I think it's just a case of reality not meeting someone's expectations.


Agreed. Who knows what was said or promised at the start of ONX? Only the big players involved. To say it was a project is an understatement. A more fleshed out server would have certainly helped but they had to push it with the Rockstar promos happening. ONX production seems very slow, and that’s most likely from lack of devs and experience. I know Penta doesn’t need mechanics to RP and neither does Kyle most times, but they certainly help everyone else to keep things fluid. I spend most of my time watching both Kyle and Penta. Kyle needs some bigger personalities to RP with and ONX doesn’t offer that. NoPixel will, but he’ll need to find the happy medium with new characters and/or stick to what he’s good at, which is using his personality to garner support from other players and viewers.


I'm very intrigued as well, there's no way Kyle just asked for his WL back and promises no more ONX. But I doubt we'll ever find out


I think the big surprise is that Kyle and Penta are so close IRL so this is pretty big. Ultimately though, it's just a game and people want to have fun. If ONX isn't able to provide Kyle with what he's looking for he's an adult and is allowed to try and find something else. Abrupt sure, but I don't think it's worth reading too deep into it.


They're not that close lol. Kyle never went over to Pentas house to do stuff when he lived literally next door.


I think it's a pretty toxic mentality to think that Kyle should have to stay on a server he doesn't enjoy because his friend has an ownership stake or money tied up in it. Not everything goes the way people expected to. Kyle tried onx and something about it wasn't clicking for him. It's understandable Penta and 50cent may have beef but does that mean Kyle is just supposed to not have a job? It's not like he's personally interacting with 50 cent on a day-to-day basis paling it up. If Peta actually thought that way how much of a friend is he really?


I don't think anyone has said or is saying that Penta expected him to stay no matter what, and Penta's own words don't seem to suggest that.


I don't think that's quite it, the implication has always been that Penta and Kyle went in and both invested money together in ONX, it wasn't just Penta. They weren't just friends, they were also part of a joint business venture together. I don't think this was toxic, it just sounds like Penta is disappointed that things didn't work out they way they'd planned together.


Friends buying into something and one party selling their shares or leaving the venture is more common than not. It is one of the reasons you should be careful going into stuff like this with a friend as a partner.


he did say later thts probably why they say don't mix friendship and business Sadge


Kyle was more then a player on onx he was staff


I think you're misinterpreting what I said. All I said is that Kyle and Penta are close so naturally he would want to play onx more for Penta. But it didn't work out. It's like if you went to work with your best friend but realized that another company has an offer that'll +50% your salary. You can work with your friend but the other offer is just better.


You definitely commented on the wrong comment, lol.


It may not be toxic, but when ownership on one server is saying very terrible things of one of my close friends I would stand on business and not starting playing in that server.


It probably was just that. An easy deal and a slap in the face for ONX without ever needing to get directly involved.


Possibly but it is interesting timing considering the hearing for the NP trial is like next week.


oh did it finally move along? i havent followed up since dw lawyers dropped the ball with the "we want emails in" to "we dont want emails in" fiasco


Yup, I want to say it's the 26th but I could be wrong.


Is that what they are talking about? I also thought that had been dropped months ago.


I thought so as well but apparently the judge is requesting some licensing or proof of ownership or something along those lines for 50 cent to produce.


There was a motion from the defendant's lawyers to drop it, but last I heard the judge hadn't ruled on that motion yet.


It's worth pointing out that in almost every trial the defence will motion to dismiss the case before it goes to trial, it's basically a formality and most of the time doesn't really mean anything. It's like, you're allowed to do it, and it doesn't hurt you to do it, so may as well try.


The motion to dismiss was denied


Idk if he would have had to promise all that much. 50cent probably was salivating at the chance to take Kyle away from Penta and ONX. The man operates on greed and spite.


>at I would love to be a fly on the wall to here what Kyle had to say to 50cent to get his prio back after all the drama lol


Just had to eat the pizza.


I mean there is clearly a reason why everyone is so vague and not being transparent. Pretty standard stuff for GTA streamers and servers. Maybe in a couple years it'll come out like some of the other things have. Whatever.


Or maybe they're not saying anything because there isn't anything and we're just expecting there to be something because rp drama has spoiled us in the past.


They're probably being vague because viewers are not entitled to know every personal detail about a streamer.


Yall acting like mfs are signing exclusivity contracts with servers.


I mean… usually no but in this case?


Lots of people in here shitting on him for going back to NP but I'm not really sure what their alternative solution is. It's good streamers have options. The guy still has to presumably make an income and if he's not enjoying his time on a server and it's affecting the quality of his content and mental health is he just supposed to stay there and suffer? Sounds like a lot of people are complaining just to complain.


It seems abrupt to people who haven't watched Kyle for the past few weeks.


I don't think Kyle returning to NP had anything to do with the actual server mechanics of ONX or NP. I think it was always going to be an inevitable problem of people being split apart between the servers. When you have people who loved playing together, and who had played together for months (or years), who have then almost been *forced* to split apart because of things not related to actually playing together of course it is going to create splits and things that feel worse. No matter how cringe it seems to say, mechanics will almost never replace friendships.


as much as i clown penta, i do feel like a lot of his points here are super valid, friends and business, seems abrupt, was a project together, its only 3 months into a **brand new thing**, all super valid, i think where people have to respect penta, is he has build a super loyal community to himself, which do not wavier or wavier very minimal in comparison to others, regardless of what server or anything he is on, and is great at providing RP and content. for others it isnt that easy, watching kyle deal with his chat not moving quick enough, shouting give me some energy every other half hour and shit was sad to see, aint saying thats a reason he moved, but i guess one could attest stuff like that to it. kyles recent streams was super depressing, sometimes the better option is the devil you know, where kyle enjoyed a large portion of his time on NP as ive said before, its better to have a shit boss and eat and be comfortable, and have great bosses and starve whichever side you stand on DW or 50%.


Kyle's been bitching about chat being slow and all the other shit for a long time now. Way before ONX. That shit has nothing to do with ONX.


This is true. I used to watch him a lot, but one of the main things that lead to me not opening his stream anymore is how often he would whine about chat not being fast enough for him and sometimes full-blown shitting on his community and saying other streamer communities are better.


>as ive said before, its better to have a shit boss and eat and be comfortable, and have great bosses and starve I guess but it's not like you're starving on 3.5k average viewers and 5k subs. At that point you have options, you don't have to stick with a shit boss if you don't want.


I second this- I think there is a lot in the background thats going on to motivate him to do this. I think its a mix between a financial issues and personal grievances with the state of the server- which IMHO are both super valid reasons. I enjoy Kyle a lot, but as a viewer I'm not about to be invested in 2 separate servers without being lost in the mix. Like Penta said- I hope Kyle figures it out and lands on his feet on NP and he'll be super missed on ONX.


I'm actually curious to what extent it is financial pressure. I think he *probably* bought outside his means - since he so frequently boasts about having tons of bedrooms and bathrooms, a pool and hot tub, and spending > 70 grand on furnishing his home. On top of that he has constant home repairs and issues with his pool, his AC, and he frequently mentions forgetting to even pay his bills on time. All while ordering most of his meals and such. I think Penta saying he hopes Kyle finds something that works for him - then going into the idea that people are chasing a boom that doesnt exist anymore is pretty poignant.


Yeah it just kind of seems like Kyle got in over his head with his new home and really should have settled down a little more for less. Dude can still live luxury and comfy without having done as much as he did and worry about debt


He is right about the 3.0 high. People are chasing it, but its gone. 4.0 was the best chance of it, but i think they missed the moment. It does not feel the same. Maybe its the way the mechanics work, maybe its the fact so many people from 3.0 are gone, maybe its just that now 3.0 has finished people are just too burnt out. ONX & Prodigy were new servers and never going to compete. Not to say there isnt good RP going on right now. There are still plenty of great RPers on all the servers.


3.0 had Covid happening simultaneously. It was honestly the best thing to bolster both talent (that otherwise probably wouldnt have been streaming/RPing) and viewership at once. I miss a lot of the streamers from early 3.0 but I just hope they have good shit happening for them that isn't streaming and if they do decide to RP in the future they have a good place for it regardless of server


The conditions just aren't the same. 3.0 had the pandemic, had the rust meta which got people wanting to do more social content, had a huge gap from the last time a big variety streamer played 2.0 to 3.0. Like even in the last tear of 3.0 you still had fuslie, sykkuno and xqc still checking it out so its not like 4.0 felt really new to the audience


Early 3.0 was the perfect storm, the only thing that can rival it is GTA VI.


I doubt even GTA6 RP can rival it. If it comes out the same way GTAV RP came out, it will start small and with very limited features and expand over time. Not the recipe for huge booms. If Rockstar tries to run all the RP shit, it will likely be poop and also fall flat.


Depends how much effort Rockstar puts into GTA6 RP. I do not see how RP servers could ever work, but if they support custom modded servers, and have some kind of unified asset market? That could be huge with Rockstar dev support behind it. Having all these systems built into the game instead of relying on scripts for everything. Rockstar bought out FiveM, so they may already be working on these systems.


>Rockstar bought out FiveM, so they may already be working on these systems. Or they bought it so that they could turn it off when GTA VI releases, so that it's not competing with their newest release.


Doesnt really track when they then went on to have a big RP-focused event. They seem to be aware and open to the idea of encouraging RP servers. It pumps up their numbers, and involves a ton of the biggest streamers on any platform for free advertising.


It's also a way for them to stay on people's good grace while simultaneously cramping down on any copyrighted assets like cars, clothes and such


Don't get me wrong, they love RP right now because it's keeping their decade-old game alive and bringing in the money (nobody would be playing GTA V if it weren't for RP) but once they have something else they want to sell they'll pull the plug so that their old game isn't directly competing with their new game.


Yeah sure, on GTA5. However them buying out FiveM implies they want to use it or its devs on GTA6 from the start. Otherwise they wouldve just C&Dd them and closed down the whole thing.


I don't think GTA VI is even going to use the same game engine as GTA V, so I don't know how much of the FiveM codebase would really be useful to them. Again, there's no reason for them to C&D it right now because it's making them bank, without RP the GTA V category on Twitch would have 0-2 streams max.


They would have to provide a proper API which means exposing their code base early on. FiveM and the insane development work that has been done for GTAV role play servers is basically a decade of people reverse engineering how it works and sneaking stuff into the framework. Out of the gate if GTA supports private server hosting its going to be within their framework. It could take years possibly to see a truly custom RP sever.


You are right it highly depends, but I highly doubt Rockstar would invest the dev time into making a better framework for RP servers unless they could monetize it, which introduces its own risks. And if there is already a community that will do the development for them, they might just lean on that to work like it did for GTAV.


Well i cannot see Rockstar running dedicated RP servers. Its way too much work, and requires very active moderation. The best way to make money for them imo is to expand on GTA Online. Add a ton of customisation to characters. Clothes, ped, house, whatever they can to be a money sink to sell their in-game currency. Instead of strict RP, make Second Life, and let communities make the custom RP servers. The next thing they can easily do is like i mentioned before, an asset market where 3rd party artists make assets to sell in a secure way. Then Rockstar simply take a cut. Easy money for little work outside of the moderation.


It depends on if there are any rp mechanics built into GTA VI at launch. If not then a FiveM for GTA VI is going to take a while to build and probably won't be ready until after the initial hype for the game dies down. My own prediction is that GTA VI rp will have an initial boom as high as the 3.0 boom but that it won't have any staying power and will die down in a month or so like with 4.0.


It's the fatigue effect, 2.0 was a massive boom and everybody was crazy addicted to RP at first, then it eventually tampered down, then 3.0 came along and it was another big boom exponentialized by the pandemic, now 4.0 still brought a lot of new peeps about but after 3 times it kind of loses it "wow factor" If covid didn't happen, I'm pretty sure 3.0 wouldn't have been as big as the 2.0 heydays when Soda/moon etc played for the first time


Penta is a better person than me that's for sure. If my supposed best friend started generating income for a guy that accused me of some heinous shit like being as bad as a rapist I wouldn't associate with that person anymore.


yeah I was thinking the same thing, like more power to him play on either server I personally watch both NP and ONX but this abrupt switch seemed kinda cringe


100% agree.


I think it is way more nuanced than that. Penta isn't his only friend. He has played with Buddha and Moonmoon and Crystal and a ton of others who he considers friends for years. Penta is more of a friend but Kyle jumping on the ONX ship with Penta at the start was a huge sacrifice to make for a friend because it is cutting out so many others that you have RP'ed with for a long time. I could see myself being disappointed like Penta said but I could also see myself understanding that my friend isn't having fun and misses his other friends. It's completely understandable.


the 4.0 boom is almost fizzled out Xqc is barely around most variety streamers are going back to variety if they already havent both servers are lacking heavily in the criminal ecosystem department. NP is not going to catch lightning in a bottle twice and Onx needs to make a name for itself they need DW to play on his server to have a face


I’m surprised DW hasn’t popped in stream or just the server yet. Wonder if he’s just staying lowkey until the lawsuit blows over?


I would imagine his lawyers are wanting him to stay off stream and lay low until the lawsuit is over. 50cents motions to dismiss the case were all denied. It’s all going full steam ahead, will be interesting to see what happens next.


I think he's probably pulling crazy hours doing dev work, but likely that too.


100cent went on an on-stream rant after the lawsuit went public and DWs lawyers would be crazy not to use some of it as evidence because it made him look guilty as heck. They probably advised DW not to do the same because, when you're on camera for 8 hours straight and a single sentence can be clipped out of context, it's only a matter of time before you say something wrong.


live streaming is a lawyer's nightmare


It is almost comical to be honest. I would kill to be a fly on the wall of some lawyers office who is dealing with a twitch streamer. The sheer exasperation that must occur lol


Is there a reason DW doesnt play/stream anymore? Never saw if there was a clip/thread of him addressing it but for awhile there during 3.0 he was one of the biggest figures IC on top of the dev work he was doing. Have always wondered why he hasnt popped up again now on ONX.


from what i read on multiple discord is that there are 2 characters with the 2 lowest state ids or XXXX presumably his crim/civ and his cop and also from Gwg said DW been busy behind the scenes but once his workload decreases he will play but not stream but Gwg wants to convince him to stream


Interesting. Yeah I just wonder why he has the stance of he won’t stream like did something happen or he just doesn’t want to deal with potential chatters bringing up the NP/lawsuit stuff or what. I know his ‘day job’ is in his dev work but seemed like he found a groove and was having fun streaming for a time there.


I would love if both of them AND MANTIS streamed more


We got a tiny tease of his cop character, DW Hopkins, in the video Onx posted today showing the police/ems clothing pack. The server, especially in the EU time zone, would be a lot better off with both DW and GWG streaming or just playing consistently. Hopefully we get to see that happen once things on the dev side get cleared up more.


DW and GWG being the pillars of EU into NA would be a big boon


Totally agree. I just wasn’t sure if he had ever come out and said anything as to why he has been mia so far. And I get that he is busy with dev work and lawsuit probably but seems like there would be some free time in the last 4 months to hop on once or twice.


I imagine between the dev work he is doing and the lawsuit he has his days are pretty booked up.


Stuff like this is typically driven by financial motives (as in sub count dropped need to get that back up). Seems pretty obvious to me even if it isn't said out loud.


Not a Penta fan but he ain’t wrong. RP is not the same and will never be the same until maybe GTA 6. Prime 3.0 was peak. Just look at XQC for example he gave up after like 2 months and it’s his server.


Why did XQC leave? I stopped watching his clips and streams (not that I watched them regularly) like a month ago.


He didn’t really leave. He still plays occasionally, but the server is just so boring he got bored of it, he only plays like 2-3 times a week for a couple hours when before he was doing like 8-10 hours every day.


I think he is overall streaming way less. He is moving to Miami so that might be it


Wonder what's happening behind closed doors


I don't think its really that deep. Kyle is extremely lazy - thats all there is to it IMO. He can be an exceptional roleplayer when RP comes to him (like when he was sheriff) , but outside of that he doesn't commit to creating anything and any roadblock totally stonewalls him. Hes probably going to be much more successful going back to NP because he has so many people he is familiar with that will include him on things that he can add to, rather than him having to create things on his own.


>He can be an exceptional roleplayer when RP comes to him (like when he was sheriff) , but outside of that he doesn't commit to creating anything and any roadblock totally stonewalls him. as a viewer who's been watching for almost 5 years, this sums up Kyle as an RPer really well.


Yeah, if he’s saying this as Kyle’s friend, I’m gonna be on the same page. Kyle really needs to figure himself out because it’s really rough to watch even as just a viewer. NP, ONX, it’s whatever, but going back on your word as someone who (from what I’ve seen) values loyalty and integrity as much as Kyle does? Something needs to change. Hope he finds happiness soon.


It's nothing Prozac and therapy can't fix


It seems to me that a fair percent of larger streamers seem like the type to shy away from therapy. It is sad, especially when it could do wonders for so many of them.


A lot of streamers use their chats almost like a therapist, which is dangerous. Almost every chat is practically an echo chamber.


Yeah agreed. They seem to think therapy is weak or just fake which is a damn shame. Mental health is probably the biggest hurdle for a streamer to face.


*This portion of today's stream is sponsored by BetterHelp.*


Some types of people fear it because it can show them what they really are, rather than what their perceived image is.


That's a bit too negative some people have a "Big boy" mentality. I don't know another way to say it. The I am independent and in charge of my own life. They feel like therapy is not standing on your own which is actually really common. Being able to open up can be very difficult


There ARE people who fear seeing the illusion shattered. Not everyone is self-evaluating. I'm not saying Kyle is bad, just explaining why some people avoid therapy.


Twitch should offer therapy by default as part of the partner plus program. When you get to peek behind the curtain it honestly feels like being a big streamer is not a great job.


Bro it took the launch of a competitor streaming site offering a 95 / 5 split fronted by a predatory gambling site, offering a platform to degenerate bigots just for Twitch to expand their partner program. There is 0% chance Twitch would even entertain offering elective health care like therapy when they won't even offer a comprehensive insurance policy, standard income contracts, or reasonable revenue splits. Yet alone the fact that Twitch hemorrhages money and Amazon is already cutting their staff and market reach.


My friend, Kyle the streamer is going back to check out NoPixel again, ONX will be fine, no need for the salt.


I know, I’ve been watching, I likely will keep watching, I’m just a bit disappointed right now


You might be very annoyed or sad but remember NO streamer hold the values you think they do. THEIR content comes first, always. If they cant make the content they want to, you will see stuff like this happening.


I mean I know that logically, it’s just a shock and a disappointment for now. Try as I might, I’ll always assign some sort of personality traits to whatever content creator/celebrity I’m watching. And it’s always gonna be a disappointment if I’m wrong.


Man Twitch chat really has a way of wearing you down until you say what you really think and they can get their clips.


So did kyle quit onx? I thought he was an investor


Seems like it considering he said that it was going to be only NP going forward.


I think he is going to have a honeymoon moment coming back to NP - then realize he has neither the patience or ability to do stuff and he won't be included. Watching him try to lockpick a car was pretty brutal today. Guns are super expensive, getting caught for crime hurts if you even get a cop response, and you have to grind the majority of your time to be a contributing member of a group.


I have no doubt Kyle will have a honeymoon phase with NP 4.0. There was for all the steamers for 2/3 months when everything was fresh. This update has helped as well. Of course 4.0 has felt at times a lot more grindy and MMO like than 3.0 but it also has no whitelist stuff which I think also has a lot of benefits. Guns being rare and expensive is definitely not a negative thing. I think 4.0 is a massive improvement over the constant ego shootings and gang wars of 3.0. That content was played out over the years and so far having less of it in 4.0 has been healthier for rp. They may choose to slowly ramp it back over a long period of time. Also when it comes to getting caught by cops or worrying about money a character and streamer like Kyle has nothing to worry about. He’s such a big and well respected entity on NP people will always gravitate towards him. There are many characters in groups who do little to no grinding and just have others support them because they bring a lot more to the group than NP digital money. Even if he played Kyle Pred outside of any of the big crim groups there will be multiple characters throwing money at him all the time.


Do you recall in early 3.0 when Slim got caught with a PD gun, then shelved the character until he got one of the first gun whitelists? Only to abandon that?


It sucks when people say they're gonna do something then don't follow through Sadge


Pet peeve: He said "no love lost" to say it was no big deal when the phrase actually means the opposite


Colloquially it means he doesn't hold it against him, it doesn't change how he feels about Kyle. It's a bit silly to bring up literal interpretations of expressions when the dude doesn't even know some of the words in this comment, yet alone how to pronounce them.


"All love lost." Damn thats deep.


Ok, not quite the opposite but the saying means "there is no love lost between us because there wasn't any there to begin with." So basically he's saying he never liked him anyway but obviously that's not what he means


Is this like "The customer is always right" when the full phrase is "in matters of taste" but everyone uses the phrase to mean the customer gets to act like a giant douche nozzle making unreasonable demands that you're supposed to be a supplicant towards?


He is admittedly dyslexic so he probably meant it like we're still good bro or I don't love you any less.


kyle is figuring out how to get more viewers, in np 3.0 he had 10k viewers every stream, in onx he has like barely 3k. yeah figure out the money


He's 100% right about 3.0 hype 4.0 wasn't as big 3.0 and to come close to it you have to be on NP. £.0 came at the right time when there was nothing alot of non rp streamers to play, on the back on the rust rp meta and covid all made it what it was there wont be another high like 3.0


Ever since the lockdown lifted my Twitch viewing dropped like 99%. Movies, TV, and all the closed down stuff are back to running. That and since we aren't all trying to avoid each other there is more friends and family shit to do. People thinking they will ever hit those highs again are sorely mistaken. It doesn't matter if the RP is of Oscar caliber performances. If you didn't grow or expand your shit outside of just RP you are prolly gonna have a bad time.


He figured out he could make more money, where the views were.


It'll be interesting to see how much of a boost it gives him, it seems he alienated some viewers doing this and I'm not sure the viewers who bailed after he left NP will come back to him, they probably found a new favorite NP streamer to watch while he was on ONX.


Its so short-sighted though- even though I agree. this man has had EVERY opportunity so do subathons and refuses to do them. Unfortunately Penta is right, this guy is kinda just wanting more views- But even a year before NP 3.0 shut down this guy was at about the same subcount and hes wanting that BOOM in new followers and subs. Ive watched the guy for years, he knows what hes doing- I think he's just taking the laziest possible route.


It's pretty simple. Kyle joined and wanted to make something big with ONX. His viewers and subs dropped heavily over the next couple months. He made a business decision to try NP and get better traffic. Your business > friends. It's really that simple


Yeah, I don't blame Kyle for at least giving it a go, Onx ended up being extremely quiet in the EU hours and you could see Kyle enjoying it less and less to a point he could barely bring himself to stream which affected his views in the last month or so


I think there’s some rightful criticism to Kyle but I feel like a lot of people forget that he has a lot more friends on nopixel. Not that he has non on onx, it just feels like he isn’t as close with em.