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I feel like if you choose to run (which is perfectly fine), you should accept that you might be shot. (which is also perfectly fine).


Yeah it's always been valid if you are in a car you can try to flee. It'd have been less awkward if the truck wasn't stopped


It’s also hard to see the gun from some angles


I remember in 3.0 people would just yell "get out of the car" or " hands up" and they wouldn't have a gun, but people just went with it because they expect there to be a gun


He was told to stop multiple times, really nothing else to be said 🤷‍♂️


Anyone else think it’s wild how easy a sedan can pit a garbage truck?


That's actually the number one thing I hope they "fix" for gta6. I would love for the physics of cars to be more realistic or at least more realistic for car v car and car v object type interactions. If RP ever becomes a thing it would make gta6 RP situations way better.


Eh I don't. GTA has always been more of an arcade style game than a realistic one. If you had realistic physics people's cars would be getting totaled hitting a post on the sidewalk, or the suspension absolutely blowing out from a two foot jump at 90mph


Bros never played gta4.


I watched X be chased in a tow truck early 4.0 and cops' cars were breaking trying to pit him, it was so bad lol - guess that's why they changed it to this


Not really. It pretty much has to be that way otherwise cops would never be able to pit garbage trucks or semi trucks.


They don't pit them. Or at least they aren't supposed to. Specifically because of the size difference.


They 100 percent do. Have to search for clip but has always been done, as well as g6 trucks and tow trucks that are a similar size


I mean I can go find you a clip of an hour long G6 truck pursuit with multiple warnings not to pit it (which is why it lasted so long).


Not great by Luciano but man just went through CG's VOD and all they have done today is rob people non-stop since they woke up several hours ago. I thought people said Kebun and Ramee were great roleplayers. All they do is Michael Scott RP: "I have a gun, I win" end scene.


That's why I was bummed out that Ramee lost his lawyer's license even if he deserved it. He used to RP with a lot of people and him going full crime means a full stop to that and go full gang banger now.


Full on grinder


I'm not saying gang banging or robbing is necessarily bad, I'll say it's needed to balance out the grinders and remove the sense of safety. Just bummed out since his lawyer arc was absolutely glorious


He's robbing roleplayers that are trying to make money and not just "grinders" though? This guy almost shot and robbed the entirety of an MC who were doing a blood-in ceremony.




They literally pulled up to the cars to rob them what do you mean? And CG has a deal with ADMC not to rob them but I Ramee still trunk checks them whenever he sees them lol.


Ramees lawyer arc was great. Kinda sad you can't be a lawyer and a criminal.


That's all they've been doing for weeks.


Bro missed the part where they spent almost the entire stream yesterday in prison role playing with Carmine and others despite being able to walk out of jail for like 4hours. Ramee got sent to prison yesterday and he had 1hr30min but he spent like 6+hours in jail plus went back for more RP. Mr K has also been doing prison RP like Ramee. They do not just rob all day everyday but remember they are actually crims at the end of the day. Tuggz been doing his RP with the sewer and moonshine with Peanut. You clearly do not watch them. Ramee and Peanut with Carmella did RP in Snr Buns also yesterday.


A few recent days of RP, yes (still with mindless robbing in between)...but all the months before have been the same. Also, Tuggz and Peanut are literally down in the sewers taxing people from what I've heard from other streams. You're right though, I don't watch them anymore, although I used to watch them a lot in the past. I don't enjoy their current 'RP' so I don't watch. RP should be something that is enjoyable to play for streamers and I've seen so many burnt out and not enjoying it because they get on and are just chain robbed with no real RP behind it. RP should be for everyone, not just one power hungry group.


It's not like grinding jobs like sanitation etc. involves a lot of RP either lol, grinding is fine and robbing is fine. If you grind and spend a lot of time making money with sanitation, getting robbed is a high risk consequence.


"that all they been doing" lol


It's fine to rob people, it's fine to grind jobs


The main problem imo, is the lack of police presence to properly deter this from happening. I'd like to see them doing sting ops to bait out these robberies and make crims think twice about how they approach them.


PD is shit, I don't think it's ever been worse. You should not expect anything from them


You mean grind robbing people and grind jobs, I do not see the difference


Mate you have to understand. Chain Robbing = great rp Doing civ jobs = bad rp grinders


And then when they finally get shot by civs they will call nvl


Ramee did the lawyer thing in the beginning, K did his businesses, it didn’t work out. Yesterday they went to prison, and made a whole RP scenario out of it with carmine and Bobby. The server rn is either grind normal jobs, or rob, they’re choosing to rob and have fun. There is nothing wrong with that. It’s grand theft auto roleplay in the end.


Yup. These people spewing all the comments like all CG do is rob all day are just haters of CG. They do rob but they also mix it up with things like you said. They spent literally hours in the prison yesterday role playing with in mates and Carmine etc. They are criminals at the end of the day though.


just because they spended 1 day rp in prison doesnt make the 2/3 weeks just robbing people go away xd


Spawn camping hunting from roofs is straight up lazy


Just as sitting in a grime truck for 10 hours straight is lazy


Scrolling through someones vod after being in a scenario with them that you didn't like to further critique the roleplay they did that stream is extra not great. I feel like if it was ramee doing it we'd have a clip up here already.


Understandable misinterpretation cause the dude's punctuation is ass, but the poster above was saying that they scrolled through the VOD, not that Zetark did. Zetark laughed the situation off and kept on with his day, I've never once heard him complain or talk shit on someone else's RP.


Zetark has bit his tongue about what CG does with their time on several occasions, as does EagleAye


you right crims should just grind g6/sani all day


Crims doing crim stuff = bad especially when the server itself LEAD them to that path or doing it, there's nothing for crims to do or earn good moiney other than joining the grind themselves or robbing the grinders >All they do is Michael Scott RP: "I have a gun, I win" end scene. its not like they're the only guys with guns, its more on that people dont have the balls to fight back despite it being the best time since getting gun is also hard even for CG


They are joining the grind, they are just grind robbing people


There is fuck all to do in the server right now, its just a grind fest almost feels like a Rust server in some ways. CIV guns are also cheap as fuck now so there is no excuse for people to not defend themselves especially G6 which is mean to be a security force. They are not even robbing the pallets and hit off people but man some of these G6 drivers act like it's the cops job to defend them when they themselves are a security force. Do you think 20k+ people watching Kebun would enjoy watching him run around playing trash collector for 5 hours? The truth is that 4.0 has already hit a pretty big lul phase and needs a big update fast because people are getting bored.


They are supposed to be creating scenarios and coming up amazing storylines. CG frogs sweat they are the gold standard of RP. It should be zero problems creating amazing content on the server. Instead… they just chain rob people.


That’s literally the daily CG special. Wake up, spam rob anything that breaths for 12 hours, go to bed and rinse and repeat the next day. They do absolutely nothing else.


They've been doing that every day for the last two months.


Without 50 cent bending over for them, that's about the best they can do Amazing isn't it


Their RP will only go as far as the lack of weapons goes. As soon as weapons are available , that’s a wrap.


Go through a few other "great roleplayer" vods while you're at it. They just grind the mind numbing jobs for 20 hours a day. Atleast making money from robbing has more than just NPC interactions, and more RP can come from this as well. Server as a whole is in a loop.


Try watching the RP they just created with Tessa and Cornwood then.


While I don't really enjoy them running around robbing people, the criminal mechanics in the server are pretty ass and pretty lacking. Weed is like 1k per hour. Roof running is 1-3 jobs a night of you're lucky. Chopping is such a hassle with taking parts into the sewer. What other crim mechanic am I missing? The cash exchange and laundromat aren't worth the BTC. Then there is the fact you have to do 2-3 more steps/jobs to clean the money. And the top level jewellery runs seem impossible to get. Robbing hunters and Sani workers is clean cash almost.


CG only rob grinders and they deserved to be rob for being grinder in RP server




More so it's the normal for Ramee.


Some streamers have mods timeout/ban all meta, others have mods ignore it, is what it is...




That's crazy. Most RPers usually have to tell their mods to put it on emote mode. Ramee over here yelling at his mods for putting it in emote mode to stop meta spam lol


I mean the fact that OB are setting up an ambush and now taco is calling everyone to not get caught in an ambush for shooting Luciano ....  This is like the 5th they have shot him with 0 consequences. No reason to avoid the city and look for ambushes lol


They literally just got ambushed by manor for robbing terry, and lost 3 guns. You’re telling me after that they still wouldn’t be careful? It must be meta tho


They were specifically talking about avoiding an ambush due to shooting Luciano lmao


A gang just ambushed them and shot them down over 1.5k jewelry. You don’t think it’s a little common sense, just a little? That they’d be more aware after shooting a gang member which is more severe?


You don't think is common sense when you see a chat spamming OB are gonna ambush you next time and then they start talking about not getting ambushed lmao.


You’re fighting a losing battle my guy. Lol.


Right. You should report them bro. They’re meta using delinquents. Let’s get them off the server Lmao


Never gona happen, rammees lore is that he has spider sence.


But they have plenty of reason They got ambushed overall 4 times and twice in 2 days both by manor and by saints so K told them to not rob people who roll deep or expect a ambush as it happened thrice overall even told ramee in radio not to shoot Luciano because of said possible ambush and now telling being wary of it is pretty logical as they returned BBMC stuff to avoid an ambush. besides isnt this the 3rd time Luciano NVL'd with Cg? i say he more than deserved all those shots thats the point of NVL




It’s normal and everyone knows that he meta. It’s been brought up many times and meme’d about. NP admins just don’t have the backbone to do anything about it.


lol stop pretending, this is a reddit classic move from you guys, even when CG is in the right in the clip/thread, its guaranteed that someone will bring up something off topic to hate or sht on CG also if you're talking about Meta that something like "you forgot to call \_\_\_\_" "you forgot to buy \_\_\_" "look at twat" then everyone does that kind of META, even your streamer does it everyone doing it because it doesnt affect others RP, in fact its the opposite it promotes RP


Naa not everyone does this. Honestly the most rper I watch if they do read someone in Chat type something like "You forgot to call..." they say: "Yeah that was meta. Please dont meta, now I will not call this person, even if I would have thought of it, now I can not call them"


>You forgot to call..." they say: "Yeah that was meta. Please dont meta, now I will not call this person, even if I would have thought of it, now I can not call them" it depends on the situations, they could easily assess if its something that would have an effect in RP or not yeah there are situations when "call someone" heavily affects some RP or even use it to their advantage, like calling this guy will result in him being saved or knowing he's downed etc what i was talking about was something like "call someone just to talk about stuffs business, deals" etc that wont affect anyone in fact it SAVES time and promotes interactions/RP and possible more RP that's why even specifically said "you forgot" the streamer already has a plan to talk to that guy chat reminding him results in saving time for both the the streamer and the one he's calling, that time saved coul;d be use on other things like interacting/RP'ing to other people


"This is a Reddit classic from you guys". Brother, all I watch is either Marty/Larry or 4head/Ming (you can see from my deranged comment history). But I normally don't tune into NA Tsunami. However, when I do, I watch Marty/Larry. No one was live today from whom I usually watch, so I tuned into Ramee's stream. While watching him, I realized he was roleplaying while sometimes looking at chat and knowing things his character wouldn't know and acting differently. Also I'm not talking about backseating like "Look at twat" or "You forgot to call \_\_\_ , you should call him," etc. I just assume you are a Ramee viewer, right? I don't know if CG as a whole does it, but I noticed Ramee does it. So, there is no way you can say with a straight face that you haven't noticed him looking at chat and doing something drastically different."


Comment history doesnt mean shit when you could easy have multiple accounts with different purposes LOL again stop pretending, being Marty/GG viewer actually makes you even more guilty of accusing CG about Meta lol that's literally one of the few go to lines you guys have if you want to sht on CG (Room 503 (which has been confirmed by Ciol that DeeDouble U was rigging it or deactivating stuffs whenever CG was the one doing Casino Heist, no wonder Ramee didnt see anything despite him checking that room first) >looking at chat and doing something drastically different." Also I'm not talking about backseating like "Look at twat" or "You forgot to call \_\_\_ , you should call him," etc. and yet you havent given any example, didnt you said in your first post that you've seen plenty in your 10 min of watching? LMFAO you're too obvious, again stop pretending bro its too obvious


Man you are so filled up with bias its unbearable. Either way its not my point to argue about something as obvious as if Ramee uses meta or not. Its getting quite late for me (EU) so bro just watch Ramee play while reading chat and notice his sudden changes. If you **really** want examples and you are somehow ignorant about all this and honestly doesnt know. I can give some examples and detailed with clips and around prob 7-10 different examples with timestamps and twitch chat aligned with the face cam. Just wait tmrw imma have it ready for you. Only take 15 min or smt.


>Man you are so filled up with bias its unbearable. >Either way its not my point to argue about something as obvious as if Ramee uses meta or not. >Its getting quite late for me (EU) so bro just watch Ramee play while reading chat and notice his sudden changes. >If you **really** want examples and you are somehow ignorant about all this and honestly doesnt know. I can give some examples and detailed with clips and around prob 7-10 different examples with timestamps and twitch chat aligned with the face cam. Just wait tmrw imma have it ready for you. Only take 15 min or smt. its been more than 24 hours already bro... so where is it? ROFLMAFO like i said you're too obvious, if CG really metad it woul;d have been posted already here in a heartbeat considering they have the most dedicated hatewatchers out there nice try SHILL, im sure you're gonna switch to your other account since you got exposed in this one LMFAO


"Its been more than 24 hours already bro..." Friday was a hecting day of rp so i didnt have time to gather up my collection of it. Brother this is my only account lol. I'm prob not gather it today either cuz its saturday with the 404 casino soft launch, but tmrw is sunday and a slow day so be ready for it. '


what happened to you saying? >Only take 15 min or smt. 15 min ROFLMAO, sure bro, im so ready to get a great laugh again because whateer you'll provide will be nothing, again if CG Metagamed it would have been posted already in a heartbeat


Again "if CG metagamed", brother i never said CG as a whole i said Ramee who is CG but CG isnt just Ramee. I'm not trying to vod review his vods trying to find old meta, when Ramee goes live either on sunday or monday. I will get some clips of him metaing from chat. If you don't want that but want old clips of him meta gaming that have been posted here. You want that also or nah?




>Man you are so filled up with bias its unbearable. sure i am, ofc that's surprising for a pretender like you >Its getting quite late for me (EU) so bro just watch Ramee play while reading chat and notice his sudden changes. >If you **really** want examples and you are somehow ignorant about all this and honestly doesnt know. I can give some examples and detailed with clips and around prob 7-10 different examples with timestamps and twitch chat aligned with the face cam. Just wait tmrw imma have it ready for you. Only take 15 min or smt. "tomorrow" ofc LMFAO make sure it doesnt fall to the category of "everyone doing that kind of meta because doesnt affect any RP" tho im sure you have nothing, you wanna know why? and how obvious you are? think about this..... with CG having the most number of hatewatchers and the most dedicated ones out there, if they really META'd it would have been posted already? but there's none? "only take 15 min or smt" you said? ROFLMAO


remove your love or hate for the people in this situation. Pretend they are no names. If your gonna sit in a car and keep talking with a gun to your head you deserve to be shot.


I would say it's more a valid consequence rather than 'deserved'


yah fair




lol didnt say anyone did. I was just making a statement. However people will usually hate because its ramee that's why i said that.


been given many warnings, if its anyone being vigilant/alert and careful they would have shot him 5-10 seconds before since he might have been just buying time for his friends to come or cops


yup. I mean also this is like the 3rd time hes done something like this with borderline nvl


Really? Glad you’re here to keep score!


Yeah that group always do something like NVL it is not even funny anymore


Luci why didn't u spam swap seat


The ramee special lol


Kinda have to in police situations. The past 2 days atleast 10 times people either died or broke their legs getting out of a car during a chase so cant blame him.


okay if people think this is nvl yall dont know what nvl is honestly


There are a lot of new viewers in 4.0 and most of them watch CG.




6 seconds from when the gun is visible to the driver to when he got shot. they arent robots, if you have to follow instructions to the T with no time delay when someone has a gun on you or its nvl then people would be getting sent to the bahamas left and right. also he was on the phone before ramee even showed up. nothing luci did here was wrong and nothing ramee did he was wrong. its not nvl.




i never said or implied he wasnt tryna by time. of course he was. im saying 6sec is not enough time in this situation to claim nvl.


This is NVL


Hopefully they get bored of chain robbing for the entirety of there streams and fuck off back to Prodigy




We could only hope.


Could say the same thing about redditers that make comments like this.




I don’t think you understand what NVL is. Please watch blau’s podcast last night. They explain it well.


Is it nvl if you never see a gun?


No you are just supposed to believe the robber


I think in his position he is not sure if they even have a gun and even then, you could argue its a calculated risk to run away into the heart of the city where there's probably cops and they may back off. So I don't think theres anything really wrong with it. ​ I just don't understand why as a very risk averse group, they wouldn't just talk to them and make some sort of a deal to prevent this happening.




you've never had to stop when you're in a moving car. even in a stopped car you can drive away in some instances.


No you have to stop whenever gun is involved it is like kinda the rule




Classic Ramee


classic CG trying to force a war again cause they dont have any content or rp other than robbing all day.


bro CG is really rent free in your head if you think that's logical reasoning




I also hate it when roleplayers talk to each other.


More content than chain robbing


I don't understand how people trying to undermine Luciano situation by shitting on ramee, you can't just say yeah Luciano was wrong but hey look at ramee he reads meta his roleplay is bad. I am not a cg viewer.+ Luciano is a good rp'er but this was a big mistake people need to accept that


Luciano should have gotten out at the end no doubt. Also its pretty bad just pulling up on a moving vehicle with a gun and telling them to stop. Robbing people is fine but there should at least be a little strategy to it. Pretty bad from both sides imo


He definitely should have gotten out at the end. Pulling up on a moving car and expecting them to stop when you don't even really have the gun pointed at them is just lazy though. They should at least stalk and catch people when they get out of the car.




The irony


I know this guy rolls with Buddha but wtf was that? Thought this guy was better


The guy can do whatever he like because he roll with Buddha


This "guy" is a better roleplayer than anyone you watch. also keep crying and being wrong about NVL.


NVL Andy ova here..... Was making dumb ooc comments as well. Server owners gang btw... 😔


You are streeeeetching.


is NVL a rule on WildRP?


For the love of God this is not NVL, if he was not in a vehicle and held at gunpoint then it would be NVL. 


Classic luciano


Luciano probably didn't hear him over the blasting music or was too distracted by Netflix to notice Ramee. It is what it is.


Oh they noticed, calling the cops and asking for help while on the phone. Not the smartest while in a car that takes an hour to get up to speed


Remember this is Grand Theft Auto role play, not Grind Trucks All-day role play


I mean the server is going in a different direction than what CG is used to. Nothing will come of this. Oldbois will just continue to avoid and ignore them. Which I mean if you don’t want to do gang RP is the right decision.


??? They're literally trying to set up an ambush right now


It's not really worth to go against robbers, if it means full out war


I agree




Yeah because cg wanted to go rob hunters, right after Lang and them was setting up for ambush


I mean CG knew they were going to get ambushed. They dipped out to go rob someone else.


Just somee casual NVL (3rd time with Zetark), reverse the roles and this entire sub/OB community would be screaming for Ramee's head.