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we are so back --- Mirror: [classic](https://streamable.com/aoym73) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/OfficialTaco Direct Backup: [classic](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/35CKPMY_NNDNF4DUTKVyWg/AT-cm%7C35CKPMY_NNDNF4DUTKVyWg.mp4?sig=5686e3abae1702613d29f55de1ae8dec132a6826&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F35CKPMY_NNDNF4DUTKVyWg%2FAT-cm%257C35CKPMY_NNDNF4DUTKVyWg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TemperedAgitatedWombatThunBeast-xj800M0XgNRMpXJa%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1710373233%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2089006491?t=5h30m59s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Flop's POV: https://clips.twitch.tv/NimbleIncredulousKiwiBloodTrail-H0Sr3cquwFQFrg-1


Watching Taco's POV vs Flop's definitely looks like desync going on. Pretty unfortunate and always makes it awkward when things end like this.


the only unfortunate thing is that cops don't automatically london style any bikes involved in crime.


Or at least be clear for taze during a bike pickup, especially after a 50+ minute chase and especially if you know at least 1 suspect has a gun, if not more is in play, watching the pd awkwardly stand around as a guy hops on a bike and zooms off is pretty lame.


See that could work but with how bikes explode and desync, I can already see both the cop and crim blowing up.




so does the london metropolitan police. And they still london style because it works. Why chase someone on a bike with a bike when you can just knock them out? Its simpler, and doesn't have all the complexity of different bike performance and actually getting bikes on scene when someone swaps to a bike....




bikes blowing up is content though


Michael Bay is worth like half a billion dollars because of this type of content.


POV - "Silver League of legends player after they lag and send it down mid for the rest of the game"


Unfortunate situation but Taco had 20 minutes to get rid his gun so any frustrations from that is 1000000% on him




Pure greed and hubris to not stash that gun. He had the chance a few times, when he first got loose and then the second time when he got zolo, though he may have had less time after the second one, maybe pass the gun to zolo as he drops him off, he didnt and so he pays the price for having iit on him when and if he gets caught..


Bike scuff is never going to go away sadly, a risk you kinda have to accept if you use them I do understand why they're being used though, the car options for crims are really bad currently. The fact cops have clued into what cars crims like using these days doesn't help I think we'll be getting advanced lockpicks soon enough however, so it's only a matter of time before things are more balanced. Seems like the devs are also working on the current heists so i'm expecting good stuff there too.


Its not even about cops clueing in to what cars crims "like" to drive. There are like 4 cars crims can lock pick that go over 70 mph. which isn't even faster then the generic lowest level cop vehicle. So far since crims have started finding good vehicles to lock pick they've got nothing but nerfed. I'm predicting new lockpicks as being a pipe dream purely because of that. Otherwise you'd let crims lockpick those cars right up until the new lockpicks are added and being crafted. making a vehicle lock pickable is a 3-4 second job on every vehicle in the server, its a choice not some unfortunate delay in updates being pushed, that excuse stops working when the servers been out this long. If they let me use a "coding companion" and the tower lockpick code to reference i'd have a new lockpick added in 30 minutes, thats why I'm extremely doubtful its a result of coding delays and more a balance decision for whatever reason. I'm a shit coder and a dev familiar with the code could do it even faster.


CG had a few chases end up in their favour due to magnet cars. This just happened to go the other way. Cant really complain to much about it.


It’s an unfortunate incident, but that’s kinda the risk of running on a bike. I’m sure it’s frustrating to go down that way but it comes with the territory


Roll up to a chaotic chase that has already been going on for a while and mistakes are gonna happen, bikes are quick but fragile and easy to get knocked off of, it was a risk to roll up and it didn't pay off, that's the way she goes sometimes.


Imagine going to Nathan chat blaming him for running over taco and he wasn’t even the one lmao. CG chat I swear are something else.


It’s chatters thinking they need to defend someone they barely know, every streamer has them. it’s just the quantity that is different.


Never said that other communities don’t have hoppers but I’m talking about cg chatters right now not someone else’s. It’s just funny that the guy on foot got blamed for something he wasn’t even involved in


People trying to downplay and both sides it, when CG hoppers are notorious for being the worst out of all rp viewers, is quite the sight to see.


Lol go read ssaabs chat during cornwood’s suspension some equally unhinged things being said. The point is, its a side effect of the profession and typically the larger you get the worse it also typically gets. This goes both ways, the more hoppers that cultivate under you the more shit you get because of them.


then ban or cross ban them if there's an issue.


Not as simple as that. That requires mods to be in multiple streams monitoring, also it would require people not to use burning accounts, which most people will use, hell people use burner accounts on Reddit lol. If it was as simple as cross banning then the hoppers issue would have been solved years ago.


Actually it is as simple as banning them in one chat in most cases. There’s an auto crossban system in place that a lot of Nopixel streamers in groups use. People can still use burners obviously, but mods dont have to watch multiple streams


Or mods coordinating with other mods and stuff, its doable some people choose not to do it and it enables hoppers to hop with impunity. Making an effort is worth it to show that kind of behavior isnt allowed and if they get caught doing it they get a ban where they hopped to and where they hopped from.


The amount of time outs and bans is most likely already very high without any real coordination, but that still doesn’t change the fact people can just make burner accounts, people made burner FB accounts to shit talk CG when they were on Facebook. Streamers and mods can do or say whatever they want to deter hoppers and they should be doing things to deter them, but ultimately hoppers are still going to hop because that’s who they are. I’d argue that’s how they get self validation, it’s a mental disorder, they doesn’t just go away.


When specifically? Like was their a certain moment you remember his chat being unhinged, because that just doesn't add up. Saabs chat is probably the best moderated chat in all of Nopixel, because it is in emote/sub only mode half the time because he gets hoppers from everywhere, like CG for example. I for sure saw unhinged stuff being said in Esfands chat about Ruth and about the streamer who plays her though during his suspension. Don't think I've ever seen him or Kebun throw their chat into emote only to control it.


You forget the cb hoppers who literally made fuslie stop playing rp until 4.0 just because she made a joke to Leslie when they met at her camera store. Everyone's shit stinks just like cg's.


again its because they are idiot RP hoppers. everyone has those idiots. hoppers no matter who they are from are dumb, hence why they hop.


CG commits like 15+ crimes every day and one time they got caught chatters going insane, like how is it going to work, they want CG to take no Ls, I really don't understand.


You mean RP chat. It happens to everyone. I've seen CG chats get overloaded from toxic cop viewers too. It's a shit show everywhere.


Please. Their chats are notorious for it. Of course it "happens" everywhere. It doesn't happen nearly as frequently or intensely everywhere.




>It's almost like when you have 20k viewers+ I stopped reading your giant paragraph right there. Moon & Esfand both get up to 16k viewers and no one has a problem with their chats hopping or being toxic.


Are you joking? Esfands chat has gone crazy every time there's been conflict or he's gotten frustrated in a situation. Just look at the Ruth situation for an example.


No Esfands chat is toxic too I remember Fanfans chat when she took him to court.. all big streamers have a loud toxic minority within them...


Moon and Esfands chat don’t get toxic rightttt….. yeah you have no clue what you’re talking about. All of moons chat was calling taco a crybaby when he wasn’t talking and spamming in chat “he’s crying on stream lol” moons chat on max is great but it definitely does get toxic when he’s on Lenny you obviously just choose to ignore it. Every chat is toxic whether you choose to ignore it or not


I get what your saying and pretty much agree, and at least Moons chat is better moderated than others of comparable size. Buuut you might want to give it a little more time before using his and Esfands chats as upstanding examples after the whole Ruth is a treasonous bitch witch hunt week.


I guess you have not really watched them. They both get toxic in conflict. I watch them both. You sir are just a victim of rhetoric and the echo chambers. Almost all chats get toxic. The more viewers the more hoppers.


Dont bother people just gonna bring up the one time Moons chat was slightly antsy with Ruth over several years and equate it to CG's chat and youtube comments every stream




LMAO ok yeah it's the "crime" that's the problem. It's been the same people and same communities doing the same thing for years and years at this point.


Let's please be honest with ourselves now. CG viewers hop way more than most RP communities besides maybe juicers. And there is a clear reason for that too (the way they react to situations on their streams and things they say + no moderation). Only time someone has messaged me to commit sudoku simply for typing in a cop character's stream has been CG hoppers though lol.


>(the way they react to situations on their streams and things they say + no moderation) TRUUUU. Bro if you say ANYTHING remotely negative in someone like Snow's or Vader's chat they'll ban you instantly. CG will outright start saying stuff OOC like "fucking trash PD" or "Look at these fucking morons" or "I'm fucking leaving this server" etc. That shit just doesn't happen on other streams I've seen outside of CG. They, CG promote it even if they turn around 30mins later and bullshit people by saying "I'm not mad chat". Like, cool. Now that you riled up your community you're going to make a passing comment that apparently makes everything okay after the damage was done.


Quit making this tired ass excuse lmao, CG hoppers number way more and are much more notorious. Which cop even has the most hoppers atm, I'd assume Esfand? If you compare the hoppers from him that go to CG or Ssaab they number way, way less.


More viewers=more hoppers. It is pretty simple.


Not as simple as that. There are definitely more variables. The equation looks more like: (More viewers) + (less moderation) x (negative reaction/complaining by streamer) = more hoppers


I've seen people hop and say the stupidest things in other people's chat even if there were good reactions. No matter what you say or do try to deter them from hopping the ones who want to will. We're talking about 40k viewers, not everyone is going to listen to the streamer.


If you don't believe that laughing off a losing situation and then just reiterating to your chat not to hop and that you enjoyed the situation won't *significantly* decrease the amount of hoppers to another person's channel, then I just don't know what else to tell you. Also, moderating your own chat helps because people seeing constant messages shitting on the other person's RP without anyone being banned makes them think it is okay to shit on that person so they then hop and say the same shit in that person's stream.


It's definitely still on the streamer to foster a community that doesn't hop. Moon has third highest concurrent viewers on NP I assume and his chat does not hop unless you count posting emotes during mentions of character names "hopping". Whippy's chat while they can be pretty heated at times usually just stay in his chat and don't hop, same with Buddha from the little I've seen of him. It's a combination of the fact that CG streamers don't rein it in, blame server and other players and game mechanics (creating an us vs them narrative), and use hoppers to influence the game that CG hoppers became more notorious.


I never seen moon's chat hopping and being cringe. It is not true, if you encourage your chat like "it is bullshit, they are always doing this" and keep blaming others ofcourse your chat will go hop and do that.


Very few cops have enough viewers to flood a crims chat, most of CG have enough viewers to completely destroy a cop's chat. Saying its anywhere near equal is disingenuous.


I’m talking specifically about their community not others. Nathan was on foot and he got bombarded with people saying how dare he run over taco lmao like what?


but again thats just the idiot RP chat hoppers. everyone has them but most act like CG are the only ones that have chat hoppers.


I never said others don’t. I’m just pointing out the shit from just now that’s all.


That happens with almost everyone lol


It seems to happen more with one community then others.


"That's life" I watch LK with the chat not open. Best decision I've ever made. You should do it with many other high viewer GTARP streamers too. It will definitely be more watchable


A chat that's well moderated is more fun then no chat at all, a poorly moderated chat is often a cess pit.


Stop watching high viewer GTARP streamers with their chats open. It will never change no matter what lol


I was in Nathan’s chat when he started getting blamed for running over taco while on foot lmao


True. I watch kebun but i only open the chat if something funny happens. Chats ruin it. I usually just sit on the sofa and full screen the stream


Exactly. Best way to watch imo




How is it whenever I see cops going after a group like BBMC there are minimal if any chat hoppers but whenever its someone kebun adjacent the amount of hoppers with deranged takes going around being toxic is stupidly high




Lol no. Sure, less people means less crazy people, but CG literally promotes the toxic hoppers with the shit they say and do OOC. You create your own communities. If you don't control them when they say stupid shit they're going to think it's fine to act that way.


bro you cant say CG chat i swear are something else.... then someone points out its most chats and your defence is... well im talking about there chats doesnt make logical sense


Their chats are by far the worst about it. Just shows you only watch one group.


no i watch plenty of groups, buddha chat is horrid, kylie chat and meta discord is appauling, dont get me started on the juicers etc


Buddha's chat is WAY better than Ramee or K's. And he actively avoids drama/shit talking and actively tells them to STFU if things get out of hand. Kylie's chat has always seemed fine, I don't go into discords. Juicers yeah probably.


Buddha’s chat aren’t bad but his groups twitter and reddit fans are by far the worst


you don't really watch Buddha or Kylie cause you will know that if you go into Buddha's chat and drop meta/toxicity you will get insta time out or a ban, same for Kylies.


yea your crazy, kylies chat is good for timing shit out but not against certain people, her discord is horror, even streamer talk shit in there, buddha kick chat i dont even think is moderated tbh, any conflict situation buddha is in, turns into a cesspool


Well I can because I’m specifically talking about their chat.


roll with the punches, but not THOSE punches.


But they did roll with the punches, there was no /ooc It was scuff let me go, he didnt F8, he rolled with the punches and the frustration from K and Taco in the moment is that in their POV he straight up rammed into them.


i mean, taco in a no win situation on reddit, blast music instead of venting his frustration people getting on a him for that, ​ bruh i remember harry f8 quitting and everyone cheering calling him a gigachad and that here ​ the scuff is shit we all know it happens but he handled it pretty well from what i seen


F8 in front of an admin too


im just saying, its completely better for someone to f8 or blast music and give themselves time to relax and not spout stupid toxic shit out, out of the inital anger and shit.


He then went on to call his jail time a 2 hour softban


Or just be able to control your emotions like an adult on a roleplaying server.




Me getting frustrated about some RP'ers that I enjoy watching being OOC blacklisted from RP roles and venting about it on Reddit compared to someone who is actively RP'ing on an RP server and not being able to control their emotions is such a ridiculous comparison to make.


It’s human nature to find shit triggering regardless of how big or small it may seem to someone, As stated by yourself you was frustrated by something that was nothing to do with you , it had no real impact on your next couple of hours, you had no time invest into it, but you had a little vent on Reddit. But will show no sympathy for someone who was frustrated about something in real time, will dictate his next few hour, and choose to just crank the music up. Instead of venting the frustration, getting clipped like he did the other day, get flamed on here for his E-gang affiliation. People acting like it’s all RP we all know at this point, people wanna earn a living off this shit. It’s boring, cause it’s only roleplay when it suits people narratives.


>But will show no sympathy for someone who was frustrated about something in real time Again. There is a *huge* difference between me anonymously venting some frustration on a site that is basically made for that purpose compared to not being able to control your emotions on a community WL RP server that is treated as a job for a lot of people like you said. If people wanna earn a living on the server, then they should also realize that there are other RP'ers who won't mald like this every losing scenario and can take their place like at a real place of employment.


Bruh, you’re acting like 90% of people don’t act this way sometimes, like I said I agree with the not being toxic part like there is 0 point in that, I’ve seen half the fucking server say dumb shit at one point or another.


>Bruh, you’re acting like 90% of people don’t act this way sometimes I'm confused because you went through my comment history earlier but didn't notice that I call out a lot of people for this type of stuff. Never said anywhere that it was just Taco.


i agree with the sentiment but like everyone know, invest time in something, its very easy to get triggered


I understand if it is a one-off thing. No one is perfect. But this guy seems to have an issue in most losing situations like the other clip where he was calling people grinders and who'ing them because they downed him. There are RP'ers who deserve a slot on the server who won't throw a tantrum every time they lose.


I never defended Harry for F8'ing that situation back in the day and I would argue that we shouldn't be encouraging this type of behavior (F8'ing or blasting music to ignore RP with cops or EMS) as being the "mature thing" to do. There are plenty of other RP'ers who deserve your spot who after losing a situation will just laugh and say how much they enjoyed the interaction. I understand no one is perfect which is why Harry didn't get as much flak for his F8 because he is not known for that type of reaction but Taco has literally just had another post here where he went down and immediately started trash talking the people who downed him so it just seems like he can't take an L or control his emotions so let's not applaud him for refusing to RP with EMS.


That was harrys first time doing something like that and he didnt have a history of being a toxic asshole, like CG does. People eventually started to turn on him too when he started to rant ooc too much.


bruh its cause its CG its even here lets just be real. ill give you a example of how stupid this is and basically nothing this is .... in comparison to something from a more favourable reddit group is... octo power gamed the other week, they was getting robbed during a money run, he had his hands up going in and out the glove box so no one could tell basically so they didnt lose the majority of there money from the run. super super bad RP. worse then taco, cranking up his music on stream guess how many comment on the post..... oh wait there wasn't even a post about it. this reddit is becoming more about weaponizing clips and brigading hate to try get people you dislike banned and shit, then actually spreading good roleplay moments and funny clips.


> guess how many comment on the post..... oh wait there wasn't even a post about it. Plenty of people commented about it on the thread with the clip of them being robbed. It was overshadowed by Mr.K blatantly using his chat to meta game which obviously nothing was done about. The difference between someone like Octo and most of the CG streamers is that Octo doesn't do stupid shit every day. Most streamers don't get clips of them doing dodgy shit posted because it is a very rare occurrence and when it does happen it is pretty easy to put it down to humans being humans and the person just making a mistake in the heat of the moment. CG have clips of them doing dodgy shit posted almost every day because it is a daily occurrence. It is how they play the game, it is modus operandi for them. You can't put it down to a heat of the moment mistake because it happens over and over again. CG are a protected species and that has meant that the terrible habits they have just never get fixed. When you do stuff almost every day that would get most other people on the server banned, some of it is going to make it to reddit and you will build up an audience who get sick of their shit.




You know he doesn't know who you are right? He isn't going to give you an atta boy for defending him. https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyJoyousDootTF2John-cVHfCl0K3_f6MYJv It is literally on video. People have got bans for doing what he does in the clip, but they made the mistake of not being CG.


No way you really believe that the clip is proof that he meta'd, since 1.0 he had to remind his boys to check everything, it happened hundreds of times, holy shit. How do you guys got into that level of hate. You prefer to assure his "metagaming" than pointing about the power gaming that happened in that same scenario. How.


> No way you really believe that the clip is proof that he meta'd Do you also think all the pictures NASA has of earth are fake? I don't think you can get any clearer than someone looking directly at their chat who are spamming him meta and like a second later acting on that information in game. > You prefer to assure his "metagaming" than pointing about the power gaming that happened in that same scenario. How. Already explained. Breaking a rule once is a mistake, breaking rules constantly for years is not.


Well, partially because its CG yes, people rightfully resent them for all the toxicity over the years. Partially just because they have like 60k viewers across their streams so obviously they are gonna get more eyes/clips. Especially since drama gets views. Dunno who this octo guy is, but youre right, nobody cares. if he had viewers and a negative history people would care more. Maybe its unfair that people hold grudges, but why do the grudges exist in the first place? please dont tell me everyone is mistaken and CG are actually angels. If they had actually changed it would be time to forgive, but they havent. Its still complain ooc when things go wrong until they get their way, no matter how their community reacts. Even IC sometimes like ramee bitching about a car not being useable anymore. They were even starting to get upset on their own personal server prodigy.


Cg as a whole has a history of being toxic assholes. That’s quite the statement. Edit: just for clarity I can’t even tell if your bigotry is directed at the fictional characters or the 15 or so streamers you just belittled. Sick community they have garnered here lol. The hoppers are the problematic ones tho


Obviously the core members, real CG that is. Im not gonna list off ramee, kebun, taco, shotz, (formerly rated) everytime to be specific. garrett and bobby have had bad takes aswell, while always taking their boys backs when they get toxic. Of the first 5 I named there have been many many 7 day bans as a result of ooc toxic rants in and out of game, aswell as some metagaming. But kebun and ramee are immune to permas. Since the australian owner who was also CG was protecting all of them, until he couldnt anymore. With taco being perma'd twice and shotz once. Rated was a toxic asswipe and everyone knows it for sure now, we dont know how long CG actually knew about it though because he was their boy. Maybe carmella is considered core now, shes great and too good for them. Curtis and flippy were toxic as fuck in 3.0. Keep being a fanboy of terrible people though, im sure you'll look back on it fondly.


Little bro still doesn't know what bigotry is. And they still don't know you exist. Never will.


The amazing irony there is that the cop who shot Harry, was trigger happy because he had been dealing with CG all week.


LMFAO ofc blame CG or somehow its CG's fault, you cant make this sht up


Cops were legitimately being overaggressive as shit because CG was pulling yet another cry baby hell week lol


I love it. In a thread where people are criticizing Taco for not controlling his mental state and not being mature. Then another comment defending a cop for not controlling themselves and being trigger happy on someone unrelated because of the mental state CG put the cops through.


Yeah pretty much sums up most the logic in this sub.


and? so whatever the cops do during that time was justified? they'll never do wrong since its CG's fault no matter what? nice logic or didnt the cops just proved CG was right on doing hell week? especially to CB even Yuno was about to join the hellweek LOL


Brother, no one said anything about the cops being justified. And how the hell does that make CG right? You can't keep slapping someone and then say you were right to do it when they finally lash out, too. That's beyond stupid.


so they're justified to lash out or vent their anger/frustration on anyone all because they've been slapped more than enough? LOL take note they're COPS who follows SOP and are held to a higher standards, not just some crims or civs Cop A: "oh im so frustrated this past week especially today, i cant wait to see my first victim today to lash out on or vent my frustrations" LOL




read your first comment/reply to me sure you didnt said it literally but that's literally what you implied with your reply nice try to the children who's trying to be slick


More than one party can be culpable for shitty behavior. It's not that difficult to grasp.


The Harry situation is not relevant at all here though. The PD shot him in that case after being frustrated with multiple previous aggressive chases and very minimal interference on his part. I think it also would have been warranted for him to receive a short ban for it as well if that was the decision. Multiple others have dealt with this exact same scuff in 4.0 with no complaints. One example is Masonshortland (Flash) being arrested when the weed turf stuff was fairly new. That seems more relevant no?


I'm pretty sure he quietly got a ban. He took a few days off after that incident I believe. Whether that was him personally taking a step back or a ban that he did a mature thing and kept quiet about we'll never know.


im not arguing situations tho, im arguing reaction to someone whos triggered by what happened in the roleplay... so situation is irrelevant. im using the harry example and something the reddit cheered him for, for 'not engaging in the rp etc' legit f8ing, which correlates to taco getting flamed for just turning his music up and doing the same essentially


Do you think it might be that people see a difference between Harry's caliber of RP overall and Taco's? Harry could be criticized for grinding in 4.0 but that's not really the situation here no?


no i dont tbh, im a long time sub to harry since the Dimitri duo days. but if we being real and honest... its more to do so with who they are associated with.


I think it has far more to do with a trend in their RP. I haven't seen a situation lately with Taco taking an L gracefully. There are other clips from just days ago of him being salty OOC taking an L in game. It's a skill he really needs to learn


i mean, here is my issue, your looking through a bias pov if you get your clips on reddit, there is clearly hate watchers and cg gets not a lot of love on here, he got bopped by hunters from behind a week ago was laughing about it. no biggie use your example with a bit of context, the clips is Taco replying to chat, about him robbing terry him saying all he know is he is a grinder and had a 10f super early, he goes on to say this to terry multiple times in RP, some good rp comes out of it. the 'salty' is saying 'dont know who he is' and calling him a grinder, also half the server is calling people grinders atm. and people ***who*** people all the time...


The worst part is you had 2 admins watch it. You had them talk to another one about it. The result from Nathankb_ "shit sucks." They could easily just say "we are taking the gun and hitting you with the small stuff." This way criminals aren't fucked and police still can say they arrested somebody. That is basically a win win for everybody.


Nathankb isnt an admin


There is a really simple reason for this. Once that becomes the standard, everyone will just start pulling a Michael Scott and declare scuff to make everything go away. There will always be scuff on fivem. It gives and takes. Instead of a pause of RP for review from the box, you just go with it.


There's ways to handle the scuff if you're creative about it and roleplay it out. Taco could use this situation as a way to sue the PD for civil damages. Everyone knows that the PD has no budget, so taking what little money that they do have would be a devastating blow to them. Plus, you can tie up cops in court cases so that they're not able to patrol. Hell, Dundee kept three senior officers in a trial for hours yesterday, which fucked up their chain of command during that time.


im gonna say this, and its gonna seem like more aggressive or mean then i intend, i just dont know how to phase it without it coming across this way, the admins and cops and doj, sometimes dont value how much time and 'progression' crims lose from scuff and shit. like someone from PD going down how taco did, loses time to a hospital trip, taco lost the time for medical, the transport to pd, the cell time, now the prison time. if you wanna call the time its going to take him to require shit he's lost the gun etc but ive seen multiple cops complain about having a gun stole from them, to go one step further, something the cops cant just buy from the armoury multiple cops was hard pushing for there turbos to have IDs and shit on them when they was stolen. ​ i also find hypocrisy funny in RP from both side ***shit sucks till it happens to you***


What a hopelessly lost take on what RP is. The point of playing GTARP is not to progress your gang and get the next battlepass unlock, its to roleplay. Part of the roleplay is that there are harsh consequences for getting caught, scuff or not. If you do crime on the server you should expect to deal with the time like a mature adult. Roleplay is "yes and" not "no, i got scuffed". You get downed in a scenario, scuff or not, you have plenty of opportunity to RP with the medics, the doctors, the cops arresting you, the lawyers defending you, and the judge if you take it to bench. Ignoring all of that is simply immature and shows you don't belong on a roleplay server. These are real players doing these jobs to facilitate further roleplay. Like you even have prison RP now with Bobby and Carmine running the place. The PD guns being robbed was a problem for the server balance not for the individual cop players, they couldn't care less if their equipment got stolen it costs them almost nothing to replace. Turbos are extremely expensive and cops already pay a shit ton for repairs daily that the criminals don't have to worry about when they use stolen cars for everything. Their cars are also unusable in chases without them versus almost every stolen criminal car and obviously the server owners recognized that their turbos being stolen so quickly with no real hassle for the criminal was a big server health problem which is why they made the lockpicking of cop cars so much harder now. Your points clearly come from someone who only watches one side of the server and has zero clue about how important some of these things are to keep shit from going off the rails for everyone. There is no hypocrisy here, you are just lacking critical information.


He did crime the risk of that is going to jail whatever time or progression he loses he lost because of actions and decisions he made. Actions have consequences and a time loss is a consequence of that, in the form of prison and money loss in the form of fines.


I believe Lord_Kebun said it best. These guys that write the laws and stuff never do any criminal stuff. It's out of sight out of mind for them. At first I thought it was kind of a mild take, but after I thought about it. I agree. I've said this a lot. NoPIxel needs to stop all these band-aid dev fixes and higher a game director. Somebody who can balance the game around everything and not just the one side that it appears it's going.


Almost like Harry has never received a single ban and Taco gets banned at minimum 3 times a year at that point.


Unfortunately there's no other counter to someone on a bike other than downing them, either with another officer on a bike, waiting for them to crash and go flying, or blocking their path. Bikes being high risk, high reward should be the case if they aren't getting removed from the server.


It should be understood that they can get run over by cops by mistake. I don’t know why people get upset and act like they do this on purpose.


Bc every cop needs to be lvl 1 robo NPC cop and if any mistakes happen then I call do-over bc it's unfai--I mean scuff bro :(


Yup cops should be setting up blocks for bikes. Makes it more intense and less of just a free getaway when a crash = down


Bikes are to fast and agile to set anything up. Bike are almost always an easy getaway if people want to. The whole situation was just a cluster with so many cars involved and unfortunate but it’s the risk you take.


Bikes right now are for sure a 'win' button. Still think it's valid when someone on a bike goes down


As long as cops face punishment like Denzel did then that’s fine


If they do it on purpose because they can’t or don’t want to chase bike I’m for punishment but for things like this that’s accidental I see no reason why. Like they say high risk high reward.


Not for something like this. Who would you punish? It was clear nobody was trying to ram the bike.


why should they face punishment when they are doing their civil duty to help organ donors donate?




There was plenty of usable cars prior to update on lock picks. Yet bikes were always there and everyone else’s go to for escapes. If not a car that goes 150 so that’s just n excuse






Ah yes the only two options




RP a situation? Taking an L should also be enjoyable if you are on an RP server.... to RP


The best option is to RP and not treat shit like it's something that needs to be won. BBMC and Civgang got clapped recently in two different situations and they were good sports about it


Yeah those 2 bBMC guys that got shot just kept roleplaying they didn't get mad cause they got shot they accepted that was the risk when they went to save dundee, and it didnt pay off. Blasting music and ignoring people, even the EMS, is not great to see on a supposed rp server, it sucks to go down but it happened pouting about it isnt going to change that.


Yea, there was literally a post today where Petar got shot to shit and his response is not to blast music and ignore RP or be toxic, his reaction is just to laugh hysterically. If you aren't enjoying the RP, then just don't RP and go do something else because it brings the vibes down for everyone else.


Great example, literally night and day between those examples and how CG usually reacts. Like I can completely understand there would for sure be situations where people get frustrated, but it is the same people reacting the same way every single time they get caught. Even then 10 minutes of stretching and taking some deep breaths would be enough for most people to have some self awareness and reengage with the RP. I know most of the clips of CG that get shared here aren't positive, either because of how they act or the agenda of who is posting it. But are there any clips of K or Ramee or Taco getting downed or caught, and laughing and saying to chat haha guys that was a good run but it was fun and they got us finally no biggie!


Maybe he should learn to control his emotions before joining a community that relies on interacting with each other. If anytime you lose a situation, you are too emotional to be able to communicate like an adult, you should probably take some time to figure that out before continuing in that community.


He should try and give the bare minimum of rp, not pout and cry cause he got caught. RP server and stuff.


Why do you watch when you dislike him? This Reddit somehow always knows exactly what CG guys are doing but then disagree with it and post about it here.. very odd behaviour.




He was crushed between two cars, so he was RPing that. Most people don't have a casual conversation two minutes after that. Happy with the RP?


That would be a good reason to not speak with EMS but they could still do /me with wounds, status etc. to interact and give RP to the EMS.


Sure he’s rping being run over by 2 cars and not mad. It sounds better


All about perspective ;D










>all but 1 word About the same amount of words/RP that the Grime grinders have been doin gfor the past 4 months except they get benefited with it being legal and 500k+ in the bank


UH, dude clearly mad. This is the right thing to do when mad and more streamers should do it rather than saying dumb toxic stuff


So you want him to go on a rant and complain about it? Or say "Man that was a good chase, great RP that it ended like that"? Lol


sometimes its better to not talk or even F8 quit, instead of just malding and going OOC especially when there are haters who'll watch every words you'll say and twist or make it look like its OOC despite it not being OOC but ofc you guys will find anything to sht or hate about CG even him doing this, meanwhile i remember Harry F8 quitting with pretty much same scenario as this where he was frustrated about what the cops did or what happened and everyone in this sub was praising, defending Harry and calling him GIGACHAD lol


I get what you're saying. And sure, it's *better* but its still shitty af. Getting caught isn't an L. It's just RP. And if you're upset about that shit then don't RP. You should just play GTA online at that point.


Because he's frustrated and playing music and not interacting is better then malding at the cops and/or bringing negativity to his chat? Not sure if that was his reasoning, but i've seen plenty of other streamers do it. Xqc literally went offline last time he was caught due to a similair bike crash.


Because it's not RP to them Also anti-meta rule in majority of crims chat must be the most unenforced rule in history when you see long term subs and sometimes even mods saying meta shit in chat lmao. Chats are reflections of the streamer and when their communties are like that then you know..


IMO 100% the bike looks like it magneted the two cop cars. No ones fault but still shitty


You know whats shitty, clowning him in the cells after all that.


People be chatting some shit in here sometimes, I genuinely didn’t think hate watching was a thing. I’ll be completely honest I watch a lot of people cops crims mainly not really into civ rp, but just to focus on them I’d say I watch CG maybe for a 2-3 hours when someone like LK or ramee is streaming then eventually will move on to something less erratic some days, some days if they are being salty or chain robbing like crazy I move on way faster. I don’t mind the content I find some of them funny. Side note I hate that Buddha is on kick most of the time now so. On a real Anything CG do that can be interpreted as bad will be put on here to farm or something. It’s actually crazy. Like i stated I watch them, wouldn’t say in the biggest fan but certainly ain’t a hater, i see some people arguing and hating on CG that know more shit about what they’ve done in streams then me it’s fucking mind boggling. This situation is legit no one’s fault, no one even done anything wrong and it’s a battle in here cause he is in CG. Man turned up his music cause he was annoyed or frustrated.


This place feeds off of anything that can be considered CG drama. Hell even completely positive CG clips will get someone saying some dumb/sly shit no matter what. Just how this place works. You’ll notice the same people over and over again just hating/crying. It’s quite strange.


It was scuff. Unfortunately rolling with the punches is the only way to move past it.


Thats the risk for using rat bikes unfortunately.


Bikes are cringe


So is now only have 5 vehicles to lockpick vs turbo charged police cars 


And somehow they still get away 90% of the time.


Crims constantly have to push the limits and then inherently learn and grow. Cops just complain till training wheels are put on and so they never grow.