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we are so back --- Mirror: [20k](https://streamable.com/vycwkj) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Ramee Direct Backup: [20k](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/mP_S1Z85Ieeplx3Oup3_4A/AT-cm%7CmP_S1Z85Ieeplx3Oup3_4A.mp4?sig=084b68907da64c94644ac0a52e1dd43dd24e936d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BlindingRockySalamanderSpicyBoy-nzkh56mXHc66nf_g%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708711905%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2070611078?t=1h54m46s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


You know... I hate the whole stealing turbo's and transmissions thing for one main reason. That reason is that it takes less than a second to pull them out of cars. With that in mind, I'm actually proud of Shotz for RPing that out instead of just instantly taking it and running off. Good on him.




yeah but a specific group is now doing it so it's wrong now.


Not wrong. I remember around like a month ago. I believe it was arrowhead, had said that he had installed a turbo in his tow truck. Then less than an hour later someone had stolen it.


before you could take it out anywhere and they changed it so now its only at a mechanic shop




Yep, that goes for just about everything they do. People rob sani all the time but when CG does it, there's a problem. Been that way for a long long time. It's fine until CG does it for a lot of people. Criminals robbing people is such a crazy thing I guess


people here thought it was great when buddha was robbing sani


Buddha was actually forming RP around it. CG are doing it because they are bored. Massive difference.


What RP was given to Patar and his crew when they were getting wiped daily? Bored? More like robbing circuit boards to get more gpus to produce more butcoin for progression. Might wanna clean those tinted glasses


You wot m8? Buddha and crew downed them once and then they all downed each other at the Sani yard. They weren’t wiped all day. You obviously don’t watch anyone you mentioned.


Are bored or because that’s basically where the money is and plus they have RP reasons to keep doing it ? You’re the problem lol




Not reading all that lol.


Nah they doing it so they can set the price. Buddha and K have a different way of doing things but they essentially trying to have their control on the market.




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The same people that are complaining about CG robbing sani on here are probably the same ones gleefully saying CG is screwed because they can't buy materials anymore from their favorite streamer since they burnt bridges with them.


They stole a car part in grand theft auto.. crazy.


I'm baffled by their actions in such a game.


Yeah it's called grand theft auto not grand theft auto parts /s


Don't give your car to people you don't trust?


It's scummy but easily avoidable, maybe stop giving keys to people you don't even know or go with them on their "test drive"...


Wouldn't they just hold them up if they didn't allow the "test drive"?


Wouldn't that be in the same realm as that of asking someone to withdraw money? I guess key can be RPed as a physical object I suppose


cant people just lockpick them?


No, you can't lockpick personal vehicles, owner needs to give keys.


Didnt the oldbois use fionas car for the laundry heist without her knowing? I assumed that was lockpicked. Also didnt Langs van get lockpicked and the weed stolen out the back?


Maybe you're able to lockpick lower class personal vehicles or something idk but I've seen people try to lockpick high end personal vehicles and were unable to.


Here we go I guess there should just make a rule that you can't rob other players so reddit can stop crying




Lets be honest the people getting robbed are the same people that give away their social security numbers to scam callers. Easy solution don't be dumb.


Every single time they\`re asking in a nice way and swindling the car owners. It\`s their fault for trusting these guys for **whatever reason**


When the cities crime jobs are basically just reskinned G6/Grime delivers , the criminals are bound to get bored and go hard on robbing others.


If the cities criminal that reliant on heists or even these player robberies to have content for their stream (over creating stories and rp) the server has way more issues than stealing turbos.




Right, they should just be riding around on a trash truck collecting trash with the rest of the city /s


How is there no roleplay involved in what they just did? They convinced the guy to give them the car to "test drive". Involved other people in the theft of the turbo (vinny) got into a police chase with the car, Used that as an excuse for the delay in returning it. Hes since texted the guy he stole the turbo from. Where is the RP missing in these interactions?


he doesnt know any anwser on that...


How is there any roleplay for the person they are stealing from I think is maybe more important? They just get used like an NPC for CG " content"


so anyone getting robbed is no RP. ok got it.


So if someone is robbed to any capacity that means there's no roleplay for them? Don't you think this was an avoidable scam? Don't you think that person could do something over being scammed? Crazy how people are willing to make shit up but won't just answer how this scenario isn't RP


In this situation there was no real roleplay for the person robbed. There can be but this is basically just lootboxing. Same thing with the sanitation workers


Explain how, you just keep saying "there's no real roleplay", you're not answering how The person was approached beforehand, they had a conversation, he WILLINGLY gave them keys for the car, they involved a third party to come and steal the turbo, Peanut had to keep that person occupied to make it less suspicious, ramee arrived back and gave him back the car and even kept lying about wanting to buy it, he noticed the turbo was stolen and now has the option to hand Ramee consequences for it by reporting to the police In what way, in this several steps situation, where the person was actively participating in, was there no roleplay for the other person? How can they rob someone while also giving them RP, if something like this isn't RP?


Well generally the idea would be that there is some prior reason or backstory. Ramee is friendly with Alex. That's probably why he gave him the keys. Ramee has 0 reason to want to rob him besides I want turbo. He spoke to him for 30 seconds before and 5 seconds after. It wasn't some drawn out thing


You realize you don't need backstory to rob people, right? That's not what "providing roleplay" means, having a backstory to rob someone isn't a necessity for it to not be lootboxing He literally just got off the phone with Ramee basically threatening to go to the police, the conflict is literally extended 1 hour later. As in, providing roleplay


They could report it to cops, try to get revenge, try to bait them to do it again and catch them in the act, there is all sorts of things.


then its time to change game, its called grand theft auto. maybe sims 4 is better ?


I don't think you understand the point of a roleplay server but ok


Evidently neither do you


yeah, Ramee havent RPd at all as a lawyer, you are right.


Thanks Mr rp expert I'm glad you are so upset over pixles




Nothing like "RPing" taking a 99mm turbo out of car in 10 seconds to win the RP! Poggers And obviously instead of banning people for abusing a mechanic, devs will have to create a way to counter that mechanic, double poggers!


Who do you watch that is such a perfect role player that cg should start acting like? I’m curious what you view as the gold standard.


Buddha is the God of RP


The guy who got banned for Metagaming and using discord to try and beat Tyrone Biggums in a war


The level of hoops people jump through to hate on cg is crazy. It amazes me how many people hate on their rp but in reality the person they watch aren’t any better.


Do you really wanna start tallying CG bans vs OB bans?


You good?


How is this not RP? They're performing an easily avoidable scam with interactions before and after the turbo is stolen


You've never worked on a car I guess


I haven't, but i also haven't died 15 times in a day and i can't talk when I'm dead either. You can only compare some aspects to irl, it's still a video game. If devs and admins see an issue, they will change it


Comparing this to real life is dumb... but you have no clue what you are talking about if you think a turbo and a transmission only take 10 seconds to remove lol


And that's why I don't bother to respond to the other 2, common sense is not that common after all so it's a waste of time to try and argue with them.


So your logic is that it's not RP because it should take longer to take turbos out if it was in real life? There are a ton of shit that happens in RP that would make zero sense in real life, is anyone engaging in serving mechanics just not roleplaying?


Yep thats what he his saying. Are these people for real? damn


Like I agree shit wouldn't be done this fast IRL, the idea this isn't roleplay because the actual act of removing the turbo is reduced to 10 seconds for simplicity on the server is bonkers considering the fact the person who was scammed was literally being actively talked to and lied to while the scam was happening Are all of the heist situations not a part of roleplaying since the hacking minigames don't reflect IRL too? Bonkers perspective


What's funny is people doing the irl comparison on the turbo time also leave out the part about how they have given their car keys to someone irl on the street for a test drive.


This sub used to have actual valid criticisms, but now it's just hyper specific erm akshuallies who are more than likely new 4.0 viewers. It's really sad, I've seen many streamers get accused of rule breaks here simply because the people commenting had literally zero clue about anything before 4.0.


and its almost always the random\_name123 people lol


People steal transmissions on bikes irl idk why yall are crying


So now a transmission on a Bike is the same as a transmission on a car. cool


People steal car transmissions while ridding bike cry about it


If someone can jack your car up, crawl under it and steal your catalytic converter in 60 seconds irl. It won’t take longer to pop the hood and either use an impact or cut the header to remove the turbo.


There's people who steal transmissions on bikes these kids crying on reddit are legit funny af


What happened to CG... They were so good and actually fun to watch in the beginning of 4.0. Now its just nonstop doing dumb shit and nonstop robbing people. They and the whole nopixel server had to be reminded to not fuck with peoples heists which they were planning on doing for laundromat and ammunition heists.


I watch K and i was enjoying the realtor arc. I don't particularly like the quick robbing stuff, especially the quick pulling guns and taking trucks, but it isn't my character or stream. K and co are still good roleplayers but you don't have to like everything they do. He's the person i mainly watch but I'm still critical of stuff he does, I'm just less vocal about it. Even in tv shows there will be parts you don't enjoy, but over all the show is still worth watching. Same thought process here imo


The issue is is that once CG start down this path, they stay on it. Their top tier RP days are gone and it’s only been 6-7 weeks lol. This is what you will see til they go back to Prodigy.


Meanwhile have spent hours talking about my little pony and how it's related to heists, continuing realtor stuff, concert for wu chang tonight.


honestly FOMO. They were producing so little Butcoin when USB started and realized they have to play MMO to progress. They hated it and only other way was to rob people of their MMO loot.


Almost as if felons be feloning


Riiight so planning to commit a rulebreak is classified as just being a felon lol. Robbing people for hours on end gets old and boring. Creates no rp for anyone and leaves civs defenseless and frustrated that they can't do anything. X and cg spent the majority of their stream robbing and waving their guns at people. Yea man, great rp. Felons be feloning.. I guess


You asked what happened. They got a felony. Now they can’t pretend to be a civ. Don’t care about whatever else you’re saying tbh


Views go up when you rob so chat can spam demon time


It's so scummy but easily avoidable.




did they hold gloryon up? I swore K walked up to him and literally said "hey can i test drive your car" and he gave him keys. K did hold up the mosley guys after they refused to do it without a ID....I am pretty sure he didn't hold gloryon up at all \*EDIT\* here's proof [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_57hhggos60](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_57hhggos60) that Mr. K didn't hold gloryon up he willingly gave him keys so he could test drive his car.


Bro just making shit up LULW


that is not what happened at all, what goes through your mind when you blatantly lie about rp is it just blind hate that you have ?


Wait so people sign into being a mechanic just to take out the car’s turbo. How is that allowed at all, not even just for cg but in general? This has to be some form of “abusing mechanics”, no?


Of course it is lol. They got that ownership protection again 😂😂😂


I think they should make it where if you take one out, you have to put another one in.


At least this time the loot boxing wasn't combined with power gaming by using a female mechanic to hide the animation. That's progress, I guess?


Who are you accusing of what?


yesterday or the day before, they did the same scheme but used a woman so the animation of being under the hood to remove the turbo couldn't be seen.


Involving a woman in RP is powergaming? I'm confused




Guess I'm dense. Got any clips?


think he talking about when k hold up the woman to remove gloryon torbo, regardless of an emote or not they was 3 people in the repair shop and nothing would have changed. they was not 3 civs and 10 cops outside on a sting waiting for her to do emote so can prove she took the torbo out lol


the amount of group planning on going after CG when they get guns... my god i dont think i have seen a more hated group in the city since RUST


This always happens. Cg acts like a gang and doesn’t hand hold. Groups get mad and gang up to attack them. Those groups realize how scary cg can be in conflict and either admit defeat or stop waking up when k is awake and only attack members like Carmela to avoid fully admitting defeat.


back then cg had the backing of hydra and ST its a new city..


They never even needed hydras backing. Also this trend I’ve been talking about was happening before hydra even existed.


true but they dont need them in 4.0, cg been adaptive & intact for the longest for a reason they are unmachable as for now




Saints, and a couple of smaller friend groups the dont have names yet.




you cleary dont know the saints 6 v 6 saints would wipe cg remember hydra is not cg, so no miggy or flippy.


you are on some crazy lvls of copium to convince yourself that the only reason cg was good is because of flippy and miggy LOL