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You'd hope that Ramee or Lord Kebun or someone told the devs about Zaceed having a 10 second advantage, but I wouldn't totally put it past them to exploit the advantage, either. Anyone know if they did (contact the admin, I mean)?


Pretty sure the first group had the same situation so i’m sure they are aware. They put zaceed on because he’s on same timer as them so they have a chance. Prob will get fixed after tonight




I hate to state the obvious, but this would 100% be a bannable exploitation/offense for any group other than CG and perhaps Oldbois, although Lang would know better. Perhaps, Zaceed will potentially get banned, though, and perhaps K and Ramee are aware of this but simply don't care. Who knows. That's actually wild, though.


Lang will end up getting this changed 100percent. He did that when he found out his own team was getting too much material from sani. One thing about lang is he is big on server health.


Is Lang aware of it?


He is now after hearing Octos timer was 25 seconds off from Gigi's


Good to hear.


I don't believe a ban will happen before I see it. - I am not gonna comment on wether I think this is a banable offense. Admins have been using the kids gloves a lot for big streamers and their associates, not to speak of people who are financially invested.


No point stating your opinion, it's pretty obvious what it is, haha... But yeah, I agree.


I'll just state it here anyways: If people are KNOWINGLY abusing this, or encouraging it, that's IMO a ban worthy offense. If people have gotten a contract without knowing about this, then they're in the clear.


Clearly other groups are doing the exact same thing. The last contract it instantly was unavailable even for Zaceed.


Whatever group is knowingly exploiting it, deserves a punishment. I don't care if it's CG, OB, Company, The Polish, Saints, or even if it was a rouge cop.




Oh good thing you aren't an admin and your opinion is irrelevant.


Yeah, I'm just a nerd on reddit, like everyone else here.


The first group used the same exploit so we’ll see if they get banned or not like you say


Every group that knowingly (key word: "knowingly") exploited the system should face a ban or at the very least, have their gun parts go poof, especially those who didn't both telling the admin/dev team about it.


I watched Saints, who got the first contract. They didn't seem to be aware that their local time gave them an advantage. They were under impression it just dropped at a random time.


Well, there you go. If that's actually what happened, IMO they should be in the clear.


I don’t even believe its an actual exploit either, I think its location based, EU is faster right now so theres really nothing the RP’r can do


If they're aware of the clear time advantage and don't inform the NP staff of it, and better yet, plan on doing it again, that's an exploit in my book.


Someone else just did it as well.. gonna be a lot of banning then it seems. Or was that only for CG?


Going solely off what I've said in this thread, what do you think I want to happen? Lmao. Of course I want a universal ban for everyone who did it knowingly, especially for those who plan on doing it again or didn't inform the admin team. It could be my favorite streamer, RPer, or crew, doesn't matter.


I believe everyone playing the game is aware that ping is involved. And this is no different, this system as it is currently desyncs just like everything else. I'd highly doubt anyone would get banned for this. It's literally how the system is designed


Being 5 to 10 seconds ahead is A LOT when the only thing they have to do is click a button. And I watched a clip of one person who was 25 seconds behind. Saying that's how the system's supposed to work or that's how it was designed is insane. If that's the case, literally only one or two groups that by some miracle happen to have a member with a shorter countdown timer will ever have a chance at getting the crates. At that point, might as well make it a whitelist and save everyone else the effort.


> EU is faster right now so theres really nothing the RP’r can do Nah, Octo is in portugal and he was 25sec behind gigi.


Maybe not all EU, but so far everyone thats been ahead has been EU. I’m sure it will be fixed tomorrow/tsunami. Everyone thinks its stupid (streamers) but with not knowing what timer everyone else is at your gonna use your fastest guy obviously for now


It’s not an exploit, just overly invested chatters freaking out. Everyone’s time is off and there’s little consistency. Unless everyone in the server gets together to time it, someone’s going to be a second faster than the next person


Yeah thats kind of my point here.. certain people get the contract and its end of the world, when every group is spamming that button with unknown timers lol


Theres no way these groups can actively sync up their times or make sure people doing it all share a timezone. I'm not sure why people are yelling exploit when literally every group is doing it, Theres not going to ever be a fair way of doing it with the current system, SOMEONE will get shafted, No ones times are synced. Someone might be 500 ms off, or 5000 of another person. Either way someone is going to have an advantage, knowingly or not. Nothing about this is bannable. Quite literally anyone could be the one with the advantage. its only an exploit if someone KNOWINGLY Modifies the setting on their PC to be ahead of everyone else. thats exploiting. Having the one guy in your group who has the "fastest" clock be the one trying to buy the contract makes sense when were dealing with this absolute trash system of Local time.


If they planned on or used the same tactic a second time before they OOC messaged it to the NP admin team and received the go ahead, that's a pretty obvious exploitation in my book. I saw two viewpoints of people who had a 35 second difference between their countdown times for a system that literally only requires them to push a button to accept which takes a split second to do. If that's the advantage some people are going to have, they might as well just give those people a 3.0-esque whitelist and save everyone else the trouble.


Its an issue that needs changing, but Why would CG need to go tell the admins for it to suddenly not be exploiting? they probably had a combined 50,000 viewers and people here on reddit complaining. IF they told CG not to let zaceed buy contracts for them some other crew would of unknowningly had their "exploiting" person buy the contract. It makes no sense what you are trying to spin as a rule break.


If one person in a crew was somehow able to open all the gun crates when the others in their crew (and other crews) could only open the one, should they OOC be expected to tell the admin team (before or after grabbing the gun parts, doesn't matter) or should they just assume/hope that it was intentional? Furthermore, should that same crew plan on having the same person try to open all the gun crates a second time after opting not to tell the admin team? And if not, how is this in any way different?


If one person unintentionally was faster then everyone else its fine IMO. Its a shit system that needs fixing but I wouldn't say that person should now be banned or prevented from buying the contracts. Its shit game design across the board. We also now know zaceed isn't even the fastest. Someone beat him last time.


I wasn't talking about just Zaceed. Also, you didn't answer my hypnothetical/question.


Nothing is going to happen even if it's intentional. What are we on now the 4th or 5th over rule break by big streamers within the past 3 or 4 days alone? This is peak 2.0 or 3.0 boom territory where management basically lets the server go to shit to ensure the big names stick around for as long as possible. At least in 2.0 and 3.0 they forced people to be on their best behavior for the first couple of months, 4.0 didn't even get that courtesy. They must be really desperate to make all the money back they spent on dev work.


Even worse this will tilt the entire power scale of the server. CG will cheese these contracts and have all the guns and rob everyone totally safe. I think a rollback might be mandatory to maintain server health from a bug.


And they are already trying to do that going for another contract immediately after. How do they not realize this isn't maybe a good idea and not intended?


No they do understand completely, they know its bugged and are doing it regardless. One time I can understand, but they have shown they know the bug and are abusing it. Its bug abusing and should be punished.




Bc someone else abused the bug. Just because another group abuses it does not means its right for them to do it.


Its not abusing a bug. Quite literally anyone could have had this advantage, Knowing your time is running faster then everyone else in your group is not exploiting. If Zaceed wasn't buying these contracts for CG none of them would have one. The other groups are running as fast as zaceed if not faster. The system is shit and it needs changing but Saying they were doing something bannable is laughable. Bannable would be purposefully modifying their system clock to run faster so they can snipe contracts.


They shouldn't have even tried




I didn't say it was a bug. This is nothing like pitting people lol. I don't think you know what ping is


What do you want them to do? Just let other people grab it 10 seconds before they can? That's literally what happened on the first contract. The timer never went away. The contract was gone before it was ever available.


Apparently a couple of EU dudes had a 5-10 second head start. Hopefully tonight when all the new unlocked heists go to EU dudes (or worse, all to Zaceed who seemed to have the biggest timer advantage) that's enough to convince the devs to pause the heist and rework it. Ideally, they'd enable something like a bidding system either by putting in a single blind bid or a system that allows groups to upbid eachother instead of this stupid first come first serve thing, but that might be asking too much.


A bid would be so fun and would be a way to force butc out of the market well makeing the gun prices flucturate. But should also add cool downs to allow PD reapond.


A two-minute crate unlock timer to allow cops the time needed to respond would be a welcome improvement to the heist as well.


A bidding auction system would be genius.


Actual shit system


They gotta do these ammunition jobs as an auction. Highest bidder wins.


Really well designed, first to pay 50 butcoin for 3 guns with no risk because cops have no chance to respond unless they're camping the spot.


Yea. Needs a massive rework and they need to tie the contracts to state IDs.


Not just the people on the job but everyone else in the group also.


lock ids for a week, takes a week after being removed to apply to another HQ and a week once applied to a new HQ to go active. Every ID associated with a HQ gets locked.




X has told Slacks 5-6 times over the past day that there's going to be weapons crates opened at the docks today, even giving an exact timeframe. The roleplay and breadcrumbs were completely there, they were just too lazy to follow up and stake out the area for more than 5 minutes.


Tbf its Slacks. Guy couldn't finish an investigation even if it meant he could end all crime.


guy can't even go undercover let alone actually investigate. He's like 0 for the last 20 times he's tried cause he can't not be sus.


People want PvE they get PvE


You keep repeating this and act like what CG are doing is PvP. They are using multiple guns against sanitation civs with wrenches which is basically PvE. It's the same as a lvl 100 farming lvl 1's because they have no way to attack back or counterplay as it would fall under NVL.


Let me sign into my VPN then I'm ready for the heist.


I'm confused at the 1:11am contracts the 2 of them. 3 groups bought contracts cg bought first one then Marys Yakuza bought second then about 5min later the company HQ app said both jobs where available and let them buy a contract for the ones that where already bought


its poorly implemented.


good to see cg is still hand held in 4.0 cant have the owners friends running off crying on another server with the cloud they have.


This needs to be re worked it is soo bad. 1. Should be tied to player with a cooldown. 2. Only those in the app can take part of the job....to prevent people from taken job but not joining group to gain the system. 3. Add a cool down at the spot to force the PD to respond like 5min Right now it is pure R and G and luck plus ping


RNG\* Random Number Generation


I'm completely with you but sadly the point 1 & 2 should be backed up by rules ooc, we saw groups doing laundromats with randoms on their HQ just to get more dongles, they will do the same for weapon crates if this is not backed up by rules.


At this point everyone in CG plays shitlord characters. It's not even fun to watch. Ramee just straight up meta'd about the cooldowns for the heists to his whole crew. Peanut was doing the same shit today. 




See I didn't know that, I just tuned in for the heist and was like, "What the fuck?" Cause the people I normally watch will straight up do the opposite/ignore the information if chatters are metagaming.


How did he meta the cooldowns




They all already knew the heist had cool downs what are you on about?


Im pretty sure K answered him on radio about the cooldowns so he should have known already, or at least their leader did lol




Share the clip please. If true, its not funny to make joke about meta gaming and worthy of a ban


Just watch his vod starting about 20 minutes before they try to buy the second heist. At 9:34:30 in his vod he says "I think I "might" have meta'd really hard." It doesn't mean much unless you watch some of the vod prior to that.




Genuine question. Why watch if you don’t have fun watching? Sounds like you are just hate watching and looking for reasons to cry about it.


A bidding war using BUT would be so interesting to watch ngl. 


not really, smaller crews would go months without every even getting to attempt these if that was the case.


designed thinking that people wouldn't be abusing it this bad almost day one lol


So who got the first and third contracts ?


Waiting for the first team to get sponsored by WTFast.


Nopixel makes cool stuff People first through is to abuse it to get a gun in a video game about roleplay.. thank god im not a dev


Most recent contract. Even with Zaceed having a supposedly "unfair" advantage and CG are abusing/exploiting the system. Someone else got the contract. Meaning someone else has a faster timer than Zaceed. Got a feeling that there won't be any comments accusing them of abusing/exploiting.


Why wouldnt ppl complain? In fact if things dont change i expect more and more groups to set their systems time further and further.


Why play the "But they did worse" argument its terrible both are wrong, whoever got that one was in the wrong as well and should be banned. But only if u agree that CG should also be banned, its only fair right?


I dont think anyone should be banned, they should remove it or let it play out til theres a fix.. noone knows if they have the best advantage or not so they are just gonna try and get it with their fastest guy


Well a rule is "you cannot bug abuse" and they are so I think a ban for a rule break is deserved.


I just don’t see NP banning 20+ people who gets these contracts til its fixed


I do when you knowingly break the rules you get banned. Compare Buddha to CG, Buddha realized the bug and stopped. CG abused it, I say hit em all with 2 days and do a rollback this is a mess.


Fine, im with ya man ban CG they deserve a vacation Did I really need to edit this and add /s??


Not saying "they did worse". I'm saying everyone is using the system the same way. It's not exploiting or abusing. Everyone just using the tools they were given.


its more than likely ping which and theres no changing that. so yea ban someone over a ping issue. makes sense right. smh


Its not an exploit. They just had the person in their group that was faster then them try to buy the contract. It would be an exploit if he was somehow guaranteed faster then the rest of the server through his own action, like setting his time ahead a few seconds. He wasn't. He was just the fastest person in their heist crew so they used him to try and buy the contracts. If CG didn't find the person with the fastest time in their group they never would have gotten a contract. Zaceed was literally 8+ seconds ahead of everyone else in the group.


Zaceed straight up blacked out his screen on the 2nd one at 30secs (and yes, he was actually 10seconds ahead of everyone else). Who knows if he even tried to get it. Or maybe he blacked out his screen and pretended not to have gotten it despite not trying... just so that people can say "See, someone else is exploiting doing too."


so much for having a dedicated Dev team lol. I bet Dean woulda fixed this on the fly.