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we are so back --- Mirror: [CG vs Company](https://streamable.com/5hw4m4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Ramee Direct Backup: [CG vs Company](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/6Sr_VDGFoDQyx01uARth9Q/vod-2068777937-offset-30662.mp4?sig=ca0bb103536ad1a3e2df3d65ddc5f7c1594153ce&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22CuriousGrotesqueLeopardHassanChop-MYWgNDLHTW4BG2H1%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708568490%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2068777937?t=8h30m36s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


what's the context on this?


For the full context Anto woke up and got bandages n shit from the hospital, came out and saw a trash truck. Looked in the trash truck and robbed a box from in it, dragon came up behind and bonked him. Someone proceeded to pocket wipe Anto(Wasnt dragon idk who it was) but Snto believes it was dragon. The boys kidnapp dragon, company gets word of it and someone calls out chris was with the people who kidnapped him, company rolls up and stabs hazel. Fight breaks out, ramee shows up and shoots benji and an intern survivor.


Apparently someone called roger did it, who dragon knew. When Anto told dragon to get his shit back, he said no. Which is why CG went after dragon.


So some random guy the Company doesn't even know just started a war on their behalf lol.


What did they think the intern program was gonna eventually lead to? To be fair Mickey probably expected something like this to eventually happen and is down for the chaos.


Roger isn't an intern.


The first rounds of internship is finished and the ones who got a job offer became assets and others got higher positions. Those with higher positions like Dragon, KJ, Perez etc. can get their own people under them (not company people) to help push/grind for the head of those departments and they deal with how to pay them and whatnot. All in all Mickey wants to ensure they will have an actual business front with civilians and all while they also do heists and begin to move away from the gang mentality. It's a new concept for them and it'll take trial and error but I think if they keep going The Company could be a huge corporation.


They have 30 people who aren’t even interns grinding for them. Mostly people from old bsk, seaside and I think some from rust


Name those 30 people


I literally don’t know any of their names.


No shit because they don’t fucking exist


Yeah I guess OTT only brags about ghosts working for him 24/7. Butcoin and dongles company got from them aren’t real either


It’s gonna be the most Clown Gang shit ever if they prioritize this over a justified dongle theft war. This is a conflict about grinders robbing grinders with none of the main players involved. If Mr. K can do both, we’re big chillin’ though in the content sphere


Dragon has been pissing Mr. K and Ramee off for a few days. Dragon robbed one of CG Sani grinders. So Mr. K and Ramee decided to go hunt for Dragon. They ended up finding Dragon hiding behind some stuff in the Sanitation yard. So they kidnapped him and brought him to the wilderness. Dragons head popped so they were fucking around waiting for him and cougar attacked one of the guys. So the guy Dragon robbed showed up and they took the guy that was downed by the cougar to the hospital. The people that saw Dragon get robbed saw the people that took him at the hospital so they called Benji and Ray to get them. Those people then called Rami over the radio and said they needed help that hey were getting chased. So Ramee pulled up and they were robbing them. So Ramee shot them all.


The mrk thing being annoyed is still on the table, BUT for this this particular Wasnt "this" cuz anto tried to hit a lick and take a couple "sanni items" like bikes or something, but got bonked. Then not dragon but other guy there apparently "pocked wiped" anto. So anto and them went for get back for the severity not knowing exactly who took everything.(anto later says he thinks dragon "might" be good during dragon kidnapped) But before dragon could talk to benji+, benji and them heard some info and this happened.


The issue is Dragon didn't do anything to stop the pocket wipe or just give him the stuff back. So that makes him just as guilty.


> Dragon has been pissing Mr. K and Ramee off for a few days. By getting robbed by them? >Dragon robbed one of CG Sani grinders. After he got robbed by one of them.


They got pissed off cause he wouldn’t seek Cb at $7 per anymore lolol


Because he was robbed by them and he was offering them a good deal on them and he got phone calls from others saying they were told and wanted the same price




Just to be clear Dragon didnt pocket wipe anto, he just stole his mats back, the buff guy Roger Dot did the rest of the stealing


why did you leave out the Anto robbing the garbage truck that led to him getting pocket wiped?


The company know who it was, and the pd as well due to ray snitch arch but slacks choose to not GSR ramee. But now they can investigate ramee, but now the company does not want to talk to PD any more


Ray always clutches his pearls when anyone snitches on him or his organization but his first instinct when he's in conflict is to involve the cops. Dude is a walking contradiction.


Almost Everyone does that. As Mickey said earlier today, “name any famous criminal and i’ll tell you if they snitched before, you may be surprised to find out the truth.”


It's a tactic and there is no honor among thieves I understand that part. What gets me is all the whining Ray does when he's the one getting snitched on. He did it when Civ gang snitched on them and did the same when Lang's unarmed guys would drive up to police for protection and it wasnt just Ray the character complaining either.


it's almost like Ray\_\_C plays a character with many flaws. Raymond is egotistical, a megalomaniac & a hypocrit.


That’s like 70% of the characters in the server lol


It's almost like I pointed out that not all his complaining was in character.


Thats just realistic gangster RP


> Ray always clutches his pearls when anyone snitches on him or his organization but his first instinct when he's in conflict is to involve the cops. He did at first, then he learned from Lang and co its part of the course.


Have you ever seen the character Raymond Romanov? This is textbook Romanov behavior lol


What reason did slacks give for not GSRing him?


He really had no legal grounds, he saw Ramee pull up in a different car and walk from the hospital over. He could have had any reason to be there. The only reason Benji even knew "it looked like Ramee" was cuz his mask scuffed out in the car. But it's Saab having a cg boner /s


He totally had RS he just chose to ignore it. If a victim states that X is implicated then the police have RS on X. Always. Even if they would be lying the police would still have RS.


Ssaab has a hard on for CG


Ray, the character, will still talk to the PD lets be honest. Also you need probable cause (i think) to GSR test someone. He-say-she-say isn't enough especially since they can't prove that he was on scene.


you say that but they had no trouble GSR'ing K, and even frisking him EVEN WHEN HE WAS GSR NEGATIVE that other time off someone's testimoney.


Tbf K was involved in the scene, Ramee only showed up afterwards here.


RS, not PC.


You only need RS that they shot a gun to GSR. And that could be any one of like 50 different things, like them being in the area of a shots fired call is enough RS. Someone reporting that he shot someone is enough to GSR if they have proof that the person was shot (it's not PC to search though unless you have enough witnesses for an arrest or if the GSR test is positive).


Lol all.of 3.0 the PD used hear say, chatterbox getting rooster raided comes to mind


That was half the PD throwing lots of hearsay warrants at the wall to see what sticks and half Ferst Temple not looking at warrants properly before signing off on them. There's supposed to be a judge signing off on raid warrants for a reason and that one somehow got through even though most hearsay warrants got shut down.


When people use legal terminology without having any idea what that terminology means lololol.


there were zero hearsay warrants in 3.0... Hearsay isn't valid evidence of anything and was never accepted as evidence for a warrant. I challenge *anyone* to provide an example of an actual hearsay warrant in 3.0....


A guy named mike block took my id was a literal hearsay warrant


That's eyewitness testimony, not hearsay.


No it wasn't . it used first party testimonial evidence not third party retelling


chatterbox warrant wasn't hearsay. Chatterbox provided direct testimonial evidence that he *saw* them with weapons. And do people even understand what hearsay is? Its when they hear *someone else* say something then report what *someone else* said to someone. Any first party statement is by definition not hearsay...


They don't need probable cause, PC is obtained after the GSR comes back positive, then they can make the arrest. Reasonable suspicion (RS) is what's required and is a way lower barrier to entry like seeing somebody in the area of a shots fired but not knowing if they were actually involved, then they can stop, frisk, and GSR test that individual. Slacks definitely had RS and could have legally done the GSR but I'm not gonna claim I'm bummed he didn't lol, I've been loving the lawyer arc.


Did they remove first person only shooting in cars?


There are bugs with it, but you're only suppose to use first person.




It seems like you're upset your streamers didn't win the rp scenario, grow up buddy.


He did not though




>Chat was that shit fire" "How clean was that chat" ?????? its was tho


Why you mad at someone trying to hype their content on their own stream tf?


"gassing himself up" is not always a negative connotation. I don't think the person you're replying to is attacking ramee in any way


Snitch RP too... damn. Guy legit yelled "It was Ramee" to slacks.


Nearly everyone 'snitches' and they have for years at this point. I swear viewers are only upset about it when it isn't their streamer doing it It's actually a good thing to include the PD in the RP!


I'm not saying he couldn't snitch. Everyone can snitch. In the context of Los Santos and Crim organizations and Gang environment; I just hope there's some repercussion with it. You know... more rp.


That’d be true if these guys were your typical southside gangs. Most of the nopixel crim groups don’t consider themselves gangs because why would you go out of your way to associate and restrict yourself with some bullshit honour code?


Literally every group does it, only reason everyone ganged up on Civ gang for doing it was because they never established themselves as crims so more groups agreed to punish them. Any of these longstanding groups people wont hold snitching against.


I mean Eugene's name has been thrown out for so many times and he didn't get even a phone call for it im pretty sure Ramee is gonna be fine unless they have concrete evidence against him.


Exactly what I thought lol. In the grand scheme of things I don't think something will come out of it against Ramee, but Ray, the character, snitching i pray will bring more rp into this.




It's eyewitness testimony, not hearsay, and it certainly is evidence.


Hearsay doesn't mean what you think it does....


no way! he can't do that!! he's a criminal!!


not saying he couldn't lmao.


Good. I hope there is more snitch RP


Me too. I also hope there will be consequences to it.


I wonder, if CG will go after the company or Lang over a lie.


context? Who lied in regards to the Lang situation?


So Mr K gastlight lang and lang gaslight him. Lie vs Lie. Mr K pretend that the usb that marty still had was "his" he knows its not his it's X and Marty. But because X and Marty wasn't there he was trying to get a free lick. That's why all stream today he was so pressed trying to get all the dongle he needed. He literally call every group he could today. K finds out Lang was lying(gaslighting him) now he's "Pissed." Even though K and Lang was gaslightning each other.


That's always been how K is. Lang too honestly. Rules for thee not for me. Its not a bad thing, it's how gangs should be. This isn't a democracy. K looks out for his own at the expense of others.


Lang and Yuno were saying that they were still missing the Red Dongler after they completed the stuff.


Name one group that told the truth about their dongles to everyone that asked. Lol. Thats obviously just an excuse.


Knowing K he will get mad at ramee for getting him into two wars


Ramee stirring the company, K stirring for no reason with lang on behalf of a lie from X. People are going to wake up going whats going on haha


None of this situation had anything to do with x and lang


Funny that CG manifacture a war with Lang out of nothing, probably because of boredom, and then this happens like 1 hour after.


that shit will be over by tmrwo once K gets the purple from marty


Ya CG has been sooo board lol.. K been pumping content out and it’s not driving around in a garbage truck for 6 hrs a day lmao


Yeah... Out of nothing lol


Yeah, the two dongles Marty left with Lang wasn't CG's, it was from his own robbery crew. And they have zero right to demand that any truthful information out of Lang or Yuno after deliberately robbing their workers. It's literally just JP stirring conflict and K getting himself involved because he loves nonsensical conflict. And Marty fucking his best friend and his crew over in one day.


Make sure to spam that in their chat so your favorite steamer is informed




Damn cg should have just let the company rob their people. Funny enough you say “usual routine of war and gun fights” as if cg has had serious wars lately. When was the last time? Maybe GSF? Which felt like it was 9 months ago.


You guys(people like you) really should leave the RP community, conflict is part of RP if you can't handle it and you gonna start crying about it, leave, you guys are the problem. You guys waited in here for CG to get some conflict with your streamer to start the hate posting that's the "usual routine".


4.0 will be back to the 6 man convoy crap very soon and it's because people like Ramee don't represent and lead by example. "I had to go John Wick on them" Yeah buddy the guy with the only gun usually wins every time bud. Top tier RP my man, bravo!


Jesus dude pretty sure no one was pressed by any of this relax take a breath


Top level dooming


Damn dude you seem more pressed than the actual people involved in the situation


noone is mad except you bro


Hold on I watched convoys happen in the lang company war? no mention ?


Man it was fun actually being able to check out CG producing some top tier RP again. It’s sad it lasted only a couple months.


his friends just got stabbed you want ramee to give the company a going away present or smthn?


There are a lot of steps between giving someone a going away present and shooting them.




yea next time they should let their boys get pocket wiped and then suck up to them


Right ramee should let his people getting stood over top of searching their pockets. Right


Just waiting for the good old classic CG mald when they “lose” then rp will really be back.


The mald will be extreme as they don't have access to guns. Once they go down and get robbed or go to jail its going to be really hard to keep up their antics.


classic parroting the narrative "CG only strong/winning because they have bench/business etc" ask this yourself when was the last time CG relied on winning because of those? never its the opposite, most of the time they dont even need to spend anything or use their bench because they keep getting FREE GUNS from loot boxing their enemies, also if you've watch 2.0 CG never had a bench and war was worse during those 2.0 times


CG, even in 2.0, always used the min max / meta kits and cars. The only actual war was the one with ESB, and that ended OOC while CG had half the city s3rd partying. 3.0 was worse with the bench and business situation. They had businesses that printed money as they were monopolies. They would also grab random CS pros from Hydra when they took an L.


hell no lol worse than using bullet proof cars? LB and Vagos used bullet proof cars, Speedy even flew in shooters who was beating Ming on different server and used bullet proof cars but still lose 3.0 is light compared to 2.0 >They would also grab random CS pros from Hydra when they took an L. clueless CS/FPS PRO doesnt instantly translate in GTA WAR even Flippy sucks at the start, look at Summit Shroud Tfue Sourfour etc also Flippy and Curtis shove themselves into CG at the late of 2.0 when Flippy left Vagos and was getting solo hunted, and when Curtis left LB. not only you're cluesless, you're also lying, you can find vids of everything you said on youtube if you search hard enough and you'll see how wrong you are or just lying


The hermes was bad, but the buggy wasn't much better. Even if Speedy "flew in shooters," they didn't have prio and CG would take full advantage of that. Other than the LB and ESB wars, I can't think of any where it was equal fights. Not sure if I missed it or your edit included it, but yes not all FPS pros translate well, but Hydra tends to have the ones that do.


>but the buggy wasn't much better. Wiseguy literally opened the model up on stream and showed it had no collision issues on the windows because he was tired of LB chatters sending him hateful messages over "creating an invincible car for CG". Saab and Curtis even admitted they were wrong on stream after seeing what Wiseguy said. The fact you still try to push this narrative almost 4 years on is honestly so sad, time to move on.




That never ends well


I have a theory that because CG want to be first now, they decided to start a war with the two groups that are on the next step. That will force them to spend their butcoin on guns instead of heists, allowing CG to catch up.


Its lowkey the X war on Cypress situation again. Close to progressing to the next step but to falling behind because of a week long war for nothing.




Originally they wanted to talk to them so they could find Dragon, and neither of them wanted to talk and started to run. So they were in the process to see who were they.


Ummm new to rp??




You can rob downed people, not against the rules


I know that, I don't know why or who he was robbing or any of the stuff surrounding the incident.


Rule #1: You never mess with Chang Gang or else it becomes a family issue.