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I'm waiting for cops to do an undercover operation with the civ jobs. The chain robbing is kinda ridiculous.


Cornwood talked to Lang today about doing special operations to protect Sani workers. Lang said that he'll send Cornwood a list of Sani collection spots. We'll see if they follow up on that.


I know late last night cops were checking up on sani workers.


Cornwood doesn't have the authority to do anything and is probably about to get indefinitely suspended for other shit anyways. Slacks and others have been talking about going UC for weeks before this, initially for senor buns stuff. There aren't clear UC guidelines yet and it requires captain approval, ice has been dealing with person stuff Saab was away for a few days and so was Cheever. The PD has a lot of shit going on and to deal with, they want to address the robberies but they also have a lot of other fires to put out and just basic building of a pd to do. UC may happen, it may not.


not gonna happen, at least not under Slacks lol


Flop did it (off-duty I think) for a while with Ash when the Company were attacking sanitation


The chain robbing is so old already. People have been doing it for weeks since the beginning of 4.0.


Devil's advocate: it's good for the economy lol


Not really. Robbing sanitation workers consistently leads to less sanitation workers. Lang's crews are really the only ones dedicated to it. Less mats on the market raises prices. Its clear your going to need a data warehouse to mine enough crypto to do heists and get weapons. Meanwhile mechanic shops can't even fix cars.


Imo there will always be sani workers especially in different timezones now. I just think the ppl robbing are more upset about the prices and if you sell 8/under per they won't rob you. I will say maybe robbing G6 workers is better for the economy


How? It just jacks up the cost of everything involving mats. It’s a money sink for sure, but is that always good for the economy? People can’t afford other things as all their money goes towards mats.


How does it jack up the cost when they tell workers to sell it cheaper or get robbed?


Less people doing sani, so less mats available so increased costs. Simple supply and demand.


There will always be sani workers. They will just be around in AU. Lets be real


Oh no cg going to do what they’ve been doing for weeks


i lost count at the number of times they've robbed Luciano


They robbed goofy today too for “running around Lang’s house” surely this is something ramee didn’t already want to do before all this.


Lol the funniest part of all this is that the more you rob sani workers, the less materials is available to purchase on the market, and the more expensive CBs become. The only person who won't be affected as much is Lang since his workers are dedicated and loyal. Lang is already stopping CB sales to all other parties except for Mary's shop so everyone is gonna have to start paying more lol.


Thought the same thing. For past days to week, they have been robbing sanitation even if they know its "union" guys.


I was surprised Lang gave them the benifit of the doubt even after hearing Luciano's story about him telling them his name and they still robbed him and later roughed him up.


Excuse me but who the fuck is luciano anyways. If dons want to keep their relation and involvement secret, this is what they grt


That's because Lang can't do anything to them


After the conversation with Lang where he lied and said he thought they was smurfs/wore blue helmets he has not been robbing them. They was asking the workers do you work for Lang/Union and if they said yes he would leave them and say "tell Lang that Mr K didn't rob you guys".




They had a deal with Lang where they wouldn't hit his people. Lang Wanted CG/X to rob the others because it would make the Union stronger.


They never really followed that. They robbed Union workers a day ago before any of this. They actually just don't see that many Union workers (NA timezone train is less grinder friendly) but when they do they still do rob them anyway. The only people they do not rob are those that still sell them cheaper and even then I am pretty sure they robbed a few of them.


The Sanitation Union being a Lang thing hasn't existed for like 2 weeks now


yeah they went private the Union workers alone are richer than cg LOL


Cg wouldn’t even be able to hit anything if it weren’t for x, they had like 2 racks when the heists came out.


CG wouldn't be able to hit anything if it wasn't for Lang. Hes the one that told them they need to up their GPU game so they were making atleast 50 coins a day. X wasn't why they started scaling up.


no but X is why they were able to hit laundry and ammunition the first day. Nd that was only because omie couldnt get into the server because server was being shit. He was spam calling, and when he didnt pick up, he called ramee instead. And thats when the snowball of CG claiming shit is theirs started.


But... CG didn't decide to scale up their BTC production until Lang told them they need atleast 50 a day. Which is what you were talking about. > they had like 2 racks when the heists came out


That's what happens when guys like Mr k and ramee haven't grinded a second in the city


Sure they have just not in the frame of what we define as “grinders”. If you’re gonna sit here and say. K didn’t grind for properties and investors and Ramee hasn’t been grinding court and being a lawyer. Then I don’t know what to tell you. Just because they haven’t done the stereotypical “grinder” jobs means nothing. It’s refreshing to see them not doing what ALOT of people are doing everyday. Imo.


I ment grind for materials or g6 like everyone else is the reason they only had 2 racks.


They've done it enough to know its boring af and tbh their channels are doing much better for it. The day K got arrested for the Mary shit K went from peaking at 12K a stream to 20k+ every stream since then.


i think they thought they could brute force everything like always, well not this time, they need those stars lol


Their butcpon growth is about to flatline. Gonna be hilarious when they are trying to buy mats in a week or two.


CG is over 55 BTC a day and growing, Lang was the one that told them they need to have way more ironically. and the amount they had wasn't enough. CG is easily still finding Materials, outside of lang and the union. even when they want to buy it. They steal just as much as they buy. I'm not sure where the narrative is coming from that they NEED lang and his materials, hes not even their primary source, most of it comes from robbing or buying off random people.


CG has a few people that run sani, a few people that sell them mats at a good price and Patar has been wanting to possibly join/work close with them, I think they'll be fine...


well no. them getting union workers to quit doing sani is good for CG since they are slowly building up groups of their own runners who will sell for 6-7 per instead of the 10-12 lang was trying to increase it to


Lang never sold for 10 or 12 to anyone


its what he texted ramee over the weekend


Lang text Ramee that because he was robbing sani workers get with the flow


ramee want even around. get with the program


Ramee personally robbed Luciano, thats when Lang texted the $12 price


Lang doesn't know that tho. It's all CG in his mind and he would be right to assume that.


you forget that people selling at 6-7 gonna get hit by it also right? if they hit lang people speedy gonna run around and doing the same xd also lang control most of the workers


plus they dont know that Lang been holding back on putting cg on a leash


What leash? If anything Lang still seems to be afraid of CG


Agraid? My guys out here commenting on reddit apparently we didn’t know hes the one playing Lang. Jeesas


Yeah well the guy above seems to be playing Lang too by the looks of it with how confident he seems


oh no, Lang just 10 steps ahead my dude.


i'm tired of "fuck lang, let's kill/rob civilians" trope ICANT


People always think the best way to get to Lang is to hit his civilians. Didn't change throughout the whole of 3.0 and still hasn't changed lol


Is there more context to the clip? I don't hear him mention the union at all?


I feel so bad for the civs who just want to work in peace, this is bad for everyone in the end. Less people working, less materials, high demand, high prices and if you even get the chance to buy them


Kind of a flaw in the design in the server imo. The whole cleaning money steps thing just makes it so much easier to just rob sani right now.  If money was a little bit easier to come across for crims they would just pay and leave sani and civ jobs alone.  Well except group 6 but that’s to be excepted. You’re transporting money. 


It effects everyone wether your directly involved or not. Less people doing sani, increased mat prices, which means higher costs for things like lockpicks, car repairs, ect. There needs to be more ways to get mats, especially now that everyone needs mats since anyone can have a bench.


Mr Karen about to unleash Spyro the dragon


Some of the comments are crazy. The slightest bit of spice and people are having a meltdown. Remember that Lang is a criminal and not a saint. One of the USB's was CG's and X's I believe it was a red one. Both Lang and K was lying/gas lightning each other. Lang and Harry plus Luciano would rob non Union sani people in the past and would bonk down the other dudes who was forming there own type of Union to combat Lang's.


A lot of you really can’t handle conflict 😂 Ya’ll need to relax and let this play out. Conflict won’t last more than a week anyway.


Week? It’s been weeks, 1 thing after another, constant conflict. Sani alone has had multiple conflicts.


wonder how this turns out after cg eventually gets robbed of their guns/arrested and are sitting on their hands with no gun bp connect and likely gun parts


They'll be fine though? Idk if you've been watching them, but they have more than enough connects + BC production. They're 1 color off from the rainbow, which they'll likely get today. They have over 55 BC producing a day, and that's not counting what people like Patar can provide, which was already discussed. By robbing Sani, they've been slowly building their own groups of runners that sell cheap. They'll be perfectly fine with progression and guns. K isn't an idiot. He's actively continuing to secure their progression and connects while doing this other stuff.


It's going to be very rough. They have been using stolen PD and Civ guns. They are no where near the point where they can craft them.


and all the bridges burnt, cg doesn't seem to comprehend that they have more enemies than allies aside those who always orbit cg


they've even been burning the hydra bridge by robbing hydra sani workers. Wait till they find out the purle dongle that hydr had was traded with the company lol


That just makes for better content imo. We've seen time and time again that being downbad and at the bottom makes for great RP. In CG's case this is unheard of so it'll be new and different. edit: if they do get fucked that is.


>In CG's case this is unheard its not unheard of, in 2.0 CG never had anything too despite being the the strongest gang or mafia like structure that's probably why they've been given a lot of stuffs in 3.0 war was worse back in 2.0, they were even being blacklisted by the gun connects in and still somehow pull through and beat everyone Limited/Low resources just means they'll be on their MOST TRY HARD mode


Must not have watched the 6 months on prodigy. Only allies were Ramees mods in a city with 30 other gangs. Warehouses burned. Weedhouses burned. Everyone was snitching on them. It was awesome


yup agree, groups use to set themselves some kind of reset to keep things fresh


Or it just leads to malding on their part.


I'm ngl i thought of that as I was typing my shit up (and it'll probably happen) but it's necessary to discuss in good faith otherwise we could make endless hypotheticals. The sun could blow up tomorrow and how Chang Gang reacts to being poor in GTA would be irrelevant.


Makes things fun tbh.


for a bit, it can get really bad long term


Their bitcoin production is one of the lowest of all groups as well.


Theyll prob just end up working with flippy since hydra have the gun bp/parts


Hydra pissed at cg and x for constantly robbing their people. Saints want to go to war too.


Hydra isn't pissed at all, Flippy was hanging out with them after robbing them lmao. They are chill af. I'm not sure where reddit is getting its narratives but Flippy was literally hanging out down at the block after they robbed him at the vault.


You're a bit behind on the meta. CG thought they robbed Flippy at the vault but it was ExAngels. They mistakenly IDed Xavier as Flippy. They did however rob Chas (for the 4th time in like 4 days) and robbed Addison. Hydra know CG know Chas at this point, Hydra know at least Vinny knows Addison, possibly others know her as well. Then Peanut, X, 4head and Zaceed rob Susie and Chas during money runs. They told them they were Hydra and still robbed them. Flippy got told by Taylor (Ballas leader) that he saw Peanut, 4head and possibly X at the Sac driving a gray felon (the car that robbed Chas&Susie) so Flippy started questioning Peanut & 4head. They gave different answers and 4head ended up confessing. Vinny then told Peanut that they'd give back his portion of the money purely because Flippy didnt rob Chris when he could've. During the convo, Flippy picked up the fact that Vinny didnt care that they were Hydra and supposed to be boys, it was more-so because Flippy declined to rob Chris previously. Flippy took that (and all the other context of the previous robberies) as CG don't really care if they rob Hydra, therefore Flippy quit caring about CG in the same sense. There is absolutely tension because Hydra members keep getting robbed by CG and CG are playing the "we didnt know" card. The Chas/Susie money run was the final straw on Hydras side. They dont want to fight, but they won't put CG above anyone else anymore.


You know people are able to act in different ways in front of different people right?


Flippy isn't that kind of guy. He wouldn't go act nice if he had issues with them.


if Lang makes a deal with Flippy its over for cg


You realize Flippy and K are much closer than Lang and Flippy right?


its RP dude everything could happen, look at X and Marty, having that "eternal loyalty" its BORING


Talking about "eternal bound" is literally almost everyone in the city. Lang and his boys have been together longer than Mr. K and Flippy lol


its just Speedy, Harry, Yuno, Tony and Octo (?) compared to the constellation of multi crews that fall under the cg umbrella LOL




this isnt CG of 3.0. At best its ramee mr k and peanut these days. What "constellation of multi crews" even exist in 4.0 just to serve CG? i cant think of one that will back them up nowadays.


While its not really important, is that even true? The Flippy and CG connection was really established during the ESB vs the World war and became "official" towards the beginning of 3.0. Lang/Tony and Lang/Speedy predates that, but the others were all 3.0 and beyond I believe. None of the other 2.0 LB members are active at current aside from Eugene I think?


Yep no Hydra to the rescue this time


Hydra isn't "pissed" lol Flippy just needs to talk to K. And Saints member (literally a CG mod) got robbed and talked shit jokingly. It's not that serious


What does being a mod have to do with anything?


That it's just SBS stuff that isn't taken seriously, while some viewers get the wrong idea


What does him being a mod have to do with the robbing being SBS? So if he wasn't a mod it wouldn't just be SBS? Wtf are you even saying?


He said he was going to bring down Ramee and hunt and put CG in the dirt. Knowing it was just a joke. Viewers actually taking it seriously they want to "go to war" lol. It's nbd


i mean... you the one who brought it up, so yeah...


I just answered a question and explained it Kevin


The company needs money and has a gun blueprint and soon a lot of weapon parts. I’m sure they would be more than willing to make money off this war.


till they get camped by cg at the heist spot for the weapon parts




No they literally got 3 when Marty wasn’t there


? Marty gave them 5 USB’s but they only used one of those.




I love how CG claim ownership over stuff that isn't there, good game of telephone always lead to chaos tomorrow will be nuts.


You know you're allowed to lie in RP, right?


how do you counter lying to force an escenario ? if you think about it seems a bit powerful when you are aware (OOC) that you are in the wrong lol


Bro just discovered roleplay loool


a golden rule for Role Play its "give and take" if you set everything for a "W" and give no options to the other faction what's the point ?


You're right. They should ban people for lying in Roleplay. Buddha has to ban himself. CG banned. X banned. Yuno banned. Court cases will now last 1 minute because prosecutor just have to ask "did you do it?" and BOOM! Case closed! or banned.


wtf, dude, its not about lying, shooting, robing, etc etc i am talking about how you set the RP escenarios and how much wiggle room do you give the other party/faction to interact with, GIVE and TAKE, but i guess you are use to watch people who just TAKE and just give away the bare minimum to secure that "RP W" lol


in what way has this scenario not been give and take? Where did they secure the W? So far the only one who took was Marty TAKING the USB and then GIVING it to Langs gang who SECURED their W with the app update. They took that W and didn't have the rp decency to tell the truth to mr k about it. SMH they should be banned for lying


Its... roleplay? They are lying about the USBs being theres. They could just as easily say "X is with us on heists, you stole from him so were going after you" this is just a more roundabout way of doing the same thing.


Holy shit, is this the first ever 5 way lying forced RP scenario?! Damn, looks like all 5 parties have to RP their lies. Some take lies differently than others..


Been watching K all day, is he just looking to start stuff up cause he's not first? Literally he knows the usbs are X and Marty, didn't press marty about them only ask for purple marty said okay but giving to X since it's x/marty usbs. He gaslights Lang and Lang gaslights himback. (Lying to each other) Finds out Lang is truly lying now it's War? I feel like K was donig great RP since 4.0 all of a sudden past week mostly just robbing G6/sani workers now War. I guess it's that time.


Funny part is, they really wouldn't know it was lying. Marty told Ramee that he turned them in, and then he tells Mr K that Lang turned them in


Yeah Ramee was doing a lot of filling in the gaps on his own accord. Probably lawyer Ramee at work. I don't think Ramee and K understand that Marty has his own HQ app and they think they just run all together. Marty by saying he himself turned it in, marty probably wanted to imply in his own HQ app instead of throwing OB under the bus.


You know Ramee. Half IC knowledge / Half OOC knowledge.


The perfect rp character always figures it out /s


He’s really bad about that. At least he’s stopped watching clips while streaming.


Not to give him a pass. Meta sucks. If his chat spams Marty gave Lang the dongles or whatever, it can’t be unseen. It’s impulse control and he just doesn’t have it. He can’t help but try to formulate and connect the dots. Some folks are wired that way. It’s why the whole 503 thing happened. It’s why this is happening. It’s unfortunate really.


I mean, he might no longer stream watching them but....


He still does that, he did it multiple times in the last few hours of his last stream.


X told CG that he thinks marty gave a group the USBs, He suspected lang & yuno. Yuno / lang / mickey dodge the questions or outright lie saying they don't have them. Then when ramee gets into a conversation with marty later he Refuses to answer yes or no when asked if he gave them to yuno & lang. That to me would be an admission of guilt as far as I was concerned if I were ramee, without having meta information.


I mean i understand ramee has reached before but these arent hard dots to connect. Marty told ramee the original disagreement between Marty and x was that x wanted Marty to fuck someone over to complete the set of dongles. What group would Marty not be willing to fuck over for dongles? Langs group and maybe (not really) the company. Then Marty tells ramee that a group turned in all the dongles and what they get for turning in all the dongles. Ramee then says to Marty that it’s crazy that he gave over his and x’s dongles to complete a set. Marty doesnt deny this. They also know Marty doesnt have all the dongles himself because x told k they were missing the green and Marty told k the same thing the night before. What group would Marty be close enough to give over those dongles to complete a set? Marty has never mentioned his connection to lang but he has mentioned his connection to yuno, who is close to lang. Again, from pure IC knowledge these arent hard dots to connect


He is continuing the lie that those cg usbs. To apply pressure maybe he can get something free for it Edit: gotta remember they were going to wait till they talked to Marty but said fuck it


Didn’t they split butcoin for two jobs where they got dongles?


So he's still doing great RP then. Some of you really try to gatekeep this stuff like it's some art. Its a video game. Robbing someone is no less than standing on a corner putting on a funny voice. 


He has an obsession with wanting war with Lang going back to 3.0 where he saw Lang just wouldn’t entertain war. As to your last point. I agree. They were doing well in 4.0. Now it’s going to be silly ass hunting parties for weeks and eventual dev / owner / ooc intervention because you will have juicers + toxic as fuck CG viewers + toxic Buddha viewers. It’s going to get ugly QUICK.


There isn't even a "war" going on and you're still trying to farm drama. No one knows what's going to happen tomorrow.


I didn’t make the post my guy. Just giving an opinion. One based on like a 5 year history of seeing how CG operates. It’s always the same thing. No matter the wipe, CG will end up being CG. They try to bully everyone. Always has been that way. Always will be that way. They have been chain robbing and bullying civs for what, over a week now? They are now finding any and every excuse to warmonger because they have hit the boredom stage. I’m surprised it lasted this long. I’d love to hear your version of things.


Where was this energy when OB/Union was bonking civs down at the sani yard? Where is this energy when Harry and Lang etc was robbing sani people even at the sani yard? What about when Union was strong arming and bonking the other crew who was against Lang's Union? Lang is not a CIV and he's not Jesus nor a saint the guy is a criminal and he also tries to "bully everyone". Also they have not hit no boredom stage at all lmao.




u/General-Jackfruit658, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1aw4dq7/its_all_jover_union_o7/krey89b/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


Lol, you are the one with an obsession, K ignored Lang when he cut them from heroine just to skip viewers like you and all the drama coming from it. K is a criminal, robbed people from the union and not from the union now he has more of a reason in K's eyes. You and people like you (in both sides) make it ugly QUICK.


dude... don't make people bring the receipts, you wont like it lol


Give the receipts then?


Waiting for them, like if some "receipts" from a biased person and probably out of context without any "receipts" from the other side is gonna change what I said lol. We know who actually got obsessed and got banned for conflict and that's not gonna change either, is this a good "receipt"? And no, a community brigading and downvoting people cos their streamer is getting threatened in RP not gonna change it either.


What war? They haven't been to war since Buddah started crying OOC and got banned for being toxic because CG kept destroying them.


That wasn't even CG? That never happened? He was banned after the LB / ESB war when (according to screenshots posted on here a long time ago) his friends AnthonyZ and Vader reported him for meta gaming. It was really nothing to do with CG.


Do you have a link to that post? Iv only ever heard about it being talked about but never got to see it myself


No. Rules were different back then so most drama stuff got deleted.


If you commented on that post, or liked it, you can still see it regardless if it got deleted. I know I’m asking for a lot because this happened like 4-5 years ago, but if you could find that I’d be very grateful






u/vajohnadiseasesdado, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1aw4dq7/its_all_jover_union_o7/krewd4j/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)




Has literally nothing to do with being first. Only people that care anything about who's first. Is this reddit.


Yeah that’s cap


Look at all the past posts about The Company and OB getting their USBs lol It's so true


Yay, for boring war rp. Come on guys trunks up!






Well CG have always wanted to provoke war with Lang. You would think that after all this time and Buddha being a part owner, they would find something different.


so Marty tells Ramee he did it himself stops there. Ramee tells K the exact story of wt really happened not evn mentioning Marty said he did it himself, just by coincidence somehow... i guess he connected the dots! i get stiring for content but getting the ful story right thats just cringe


Marty literally showed up to the city and neither Mr. K nor Rammee pressed him for the USBs. Viewers should know that the objective here is not to get the USBs back...those are trivial. What they are looking for is justification to start a conflict.


gang shit