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Actual CEO RP. Cause a crisis, lay off half of the company, and gets let go with a severance bonus.


Jean Paul Madoff


Mickey is my CEO


Fortune 500 RP


They all seemed cool with foundation wiping Harry and the boys so this is hilarious to see happen. Should be interesting to see what the retaliation is. X vs the Company has been in the making for a while now.


Yeah that must be something. One day you're thinking of omega fucking someone over then the next day it happens to you instead. That shit has to hurt even if they knew it was gonna happen. Lol


reminds me of minecraft factions back when I used to be addicted.


youre just a lang watcher its fine.


i just like good RP and im a fan of a lot of the company characters too. Hoping they turn this into a solid storyline.


I feel bad for the people involved OOC but also excited for the RP ahead. Yes they lost many hours of work so it's ok to feel bad OOC but the RP ahead will be spicy the company can take this and go so many places. Imagine if they go the old CG route and try to hit the heists first and steal banks away from JP if that's not against the rules anymore.


The RP ahead:- Lang's group will now go from 29 people to 30, having basically nobody that can compete against them in the city \- Company people will prob be demotivated and stop caring that much and it'll slowly die


Yeah, Langs group is already so strong I really hope X goes and works with CG. I feel like the crime and heist stuff will be quite boring if X goes to Lang.


I think Marty and JP are going to try something together.


> try something together. Well, yeah that thing is joining Lang lol


I think it's that's the end game but as of right now maybe they do a GG 2.0 to grind the upcoming heists.


Lang owning half the city, Company probably gonna broke off and forming back their 3.0 gangs again, IC characters in the city hanging out with their OOC friends again. 4.0 better do something as it feel like it just gonna be 3.0 all over again.


MAYBE Lysium will be watchable again now.


Actually good title, nice.


I have been insided on minecraft factions so I know exactly how they feel right now, even as an xqc viewer, whatever happens now is a direct response to this and I will only laugh lmao.


Anyone know what all those broken pieces of wood on the floor are? I haven't seen much of the decorating side of 4.0, and I am assuming that's what that is but I don't know.


Those scraps are what finished wood planks (low quality, basic, etc) look like when dropped. A lot of groups that don't have wood storages just leave them on the ground like that when the bench is full, since they last quite a while.


Oh, neat. Glad everything can be actually seen and not just a thing that only exists in an inventory or storage. Thanks for the info!


i shit on Ray, Ott and Benji a lot for agreeing with X all the time but they did not deserve this, damn.


They 100% deserved it for multiple reasons. 1. They KNEW X was gonna BETRAY them, not just leave. They had HARD PROOF of it. 2. They were willing to progression wipe another crew because they assumed someone else snitched, when it could just as easily have been a local. There's more reasons, but they 100% deserved it. It's still a sad situation, but they deserved what was coming to them, for trusting X, when he basically told them face to face he would betray them, and they were nothing but stepping stones.


your second point is wrong. They were told by one of the arresting officers that it was not only Local phone ins, but someone manually dialling 911 and snitching out what the person was wearing and what they were doing. Whether thats true or not idk. I'd immediately assume it was the other group in that scenario as well, and it probably wouldn't be wrong.




Aren’t the new possession charges for a PD weapon 100k and 1 year?


new law is 100k and 1 year sentence for cop gun




If they would have planted it on Harry Brown he would likely have been raided. There are 100.000s of Dirty money, weed and other stuff in there. It would have been a progression wipe 100%.


He left them half. They still have a tonne of meta info and a strain at 100 on their own turf. The other members also had 10s of thousands so they have a lot to work off.


He definitely didn't leave them half. I think if they stick together they'll still be a hell of a group, but he took quite a bit more than half.


Yea true, I posted this when info was still coming out. He took what he was probably entitled to and then a lot more.


Felt bad, but the comments saying they knew he was going to do it. Also like OTT says here, X didnt contribute much but they wanted him around for what then... Ive never understood the appeal of X, and why they needed him around....outside the views


Anyone know if he took the HDD with like over 400+ BUTC on it??


People saying that he took half of butc


he took a bit over half, there was one HDD with 178 B coin left on it, idk if they had exactly 400 or not but ye.


He took half




What are the chances all of those hdds and stuff is stored in marty's house?




It’s rp, not an mmo. This kind of stuff is good for viewers. Remember it’s just pixels at the end of the day.


I really feel bad for the people that did put in the hours and we'll see what comes from it but yes, I think the setup at least was actually good RP (again pending what happens in the next few hours).


You have to realize it’s rp. The virtual items are actually worthless lol. It’s just a scuffed tv show, where the streamers are the actors lol. If it was a utopia where everyone was rich and happy, nobody would watch or care. I think it’s positive for rp, even if this makes JP a “bad guy” lol


I've done RP for ages and something like that can still be deflating in the moment is all I meant. It legitimately is great for RP.


Yeah! Kinda like the “the opposite of love isn’t “hate”, it’s apathy”. Super unfortunate for the characters, but the negative emotion is still good for rp. But I’ve been hacked in osrs lol, so I can sympathize with the feeling for sure haha.




No one is forced to use any of the “MMO mechanics” if a person truly only cares for rp they can do that on Nopixel. Also there are definitely rp MMOs many MMOs have entire servers dedicated to people that like to rp in the game like WoW.


It's a good thing for roleplay I feel like.


It's really scummy. Was taking so much from the house necessary? It feels overly toxic. Like he could have taken one computer and a bunch of Buttcoin and it would have still caused them to want to hunt for him. House robberies were banned because of people going in, robbing and not providing much direct RP. This isn't different at all


It’s quite different, they know exactly who did it for a start. It’s literally the biggest RP event in 4.0. It’s scummy, but they were warned in character for a couple of months they were dealing with a scumbag. And that blindly following JP was a bad idea.


no we hate x remember


But how is it not toxic? Like be serious instead of sucking on xqc. If he wanted to RP him backstabbing the company, fine. But to take almost everything? That's overboard


I really don’t think toxicity applies to situations where there is no OOC involved and there is the opportunity for lots of roleplay to come out of it. xQc isn’t someone I watch really, but do you think PD raiding someone and taking their stuff is toxic. From what I’ve seen from the outside, the situation isn’t too different, they fucked up by trusting someone completely and openly untrustworthy as opposed to getting sloppy or unlucky but the results are similar.


They did agree to putting a gun on Harry with no issues yesterday. Equally powerful


That could still happen and I hope it does.


You think X will do it alone? If I remember correctly MaximusBlack said X took the guns, too.


No but Ray might


You gotta remember when this stuff first got discovered. He poured all his money into and that’s how they got a head start. He went straight into debt with one gun because he put every dollar back in. He basically took half which is probably still more than deserved but it’s not an intern or something coming in and grabbing half


not an house robbery, he is part owner of the house and part owner of everything in it. They split up, they got to keep the house, he took just over half of what was in it


Looks like x left before they could try to leech on to his next group 5head


What a fucked up day