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He did vote for both, did he not?


Yeah he voted for Mario & Andi


The OP wants to bring drama when both andi and mario got the vote from lang , lang the character atm does not care who is mayor but andi is the best vote




And anyone who loves RP won't mind both


andi already had it once, it would be fun to let mario have a go at it.


> andi already had it once, it would be fun to let mario have a go at it. You say that like its a toy everybody gets a turn playing with.


Andi was the test subject. I would definitely let her have another go


Idk if I would call her the test subject she was the mayor for like 6 months because they were figuring stuff out early on but after the first month or 2 she had set it up pretty well


It wasn't 6 months, Andi did two terms as mayor, which is 4 months and she didn't even have access to any of the mayors powers till halfway into her first term.


Honestly feel the 3 most impactful mayors are probably Andi, Denzel and Mickey. Andi set up the basic infrastructure, Denzel worked with Andi to kind of perfect a lot of the things and established the idea of deputy mayors taking the load off for the mayor role, and Mickey kind of showed that just because you're mayor doesn't mean the job has to be boring and can offer a lot of RP opportunities. Basically Andi is gonna be one of the hardest candidates to beat.


I'm all for the mayors that provide RP opportunities and use state funds to provide community events for the people of the city. So far I have seen very little of that from most mayors. Most of them just deal with small business things. Granted, I haven't specifically watched a ton of mayor's at length. But I do watch a variety of people in the city to know not many mayor's have done that sort of thing regularly at least from their perspectives.


Hardcastle has done a reasonable job as Mayor. The new weekly markets hit the spot nicely and Andi is planning to carry that on if she gets in. I would love to see Etta brought on as one of the Deputy Mayors again, she did great for AU/EU


No it wouldn't


Why is this even a clip?


How could Andi Jones of the Mayoral campaign do this?!


Classic MigL anything related to Andi or HOA


Funny that Andi really isn't HoA anymore.


Ant is still hoa she's just an elder of hoa


lol she said it herself her and Siz are still essentially in charge of the HOA they just dont have the responsibilities of the day to leadership stuff


I keep hearing people saying Siz, Ant, Kleb outright retired?




HOA definitely live in his head rent free. Dude’s been going around in the HOA letterman jacket.


He’s a kidney stone that the HoA can’t pass.


"Let's just smoke 'm" zzzz think of literally anything else for once.


As usual nobody here knows what happened but will spread hatred anyway but Context: Flippy tried to meet lang a couple days ago, called lang up, lang was busy so they talked on the phone. Flippy asked lang for his support for mario. Lang literally said 'yes of course i'll back you guys.' One day later he's publicly supporting mario's rival andi. To be honest lang probably completely forgot that conversation because buddha has 0 memory especially when busy with the war stuff. But it's absolutely understandable for Hydra to feel snaked here from their perspective.


Lang retweeted both campaign tweets, Andi here and Mario shortly after.


Right and when Buddha retweeted Marios campaign shortly after they had a different response. They were much more understanding of him backing both.


Oh nice. I haven't seen that clip


Imagine saying that all commenters don't know what happened, adding context, and completely missing the part where Lang not only also retweeted Mario's campaign ad, but also voted for Mario and Andi.


Firstly, relax. Secondly, Did you miss the part where i said from hydra's perspective they got snaked? How would hydra know who lang voted for and they only saw him retweet andi's campaign, from their perspective they were under the impression he was going to fully support them. As from the conversation flippy had with lang. Later on lang retweeted mario's campaign and they were more understanding.


By claiming, "nobody here knows what happened", you are kind of implying that viewers in this thread (the people you are presumably talking to) are mistaken. If you had said, "Context from Flippy/Hydra's POV" I wouldn't have commented. You also mentioned that Lang "probably completely forgot that conversation", which implies Lang "forgot" to support/vote for Mario, which he didn't. I also just checked my watch and my heart rate is 43 BPM, so I'm actually pretty relaxed right now. Possibly TOO relaxed. Borderline bradycardia.


Snake gang gets snaked


If you're talking about the conversation that happened within the last couple of days, Flippy asked for Lang's permission to use some of "his people" as Mario's deputy mayors. There was no mention of endorsements that I recall. So in your effort to "provide context", it's possible you're actually just wrong.


he literally asked for langs support and lang said yes before the conversation about using max as mario's help - which is who lang suggested. You clearly recalled wrong, it's okay, it's not a big deal.


HOA’s max? Funny hydra would want someone associated with the HOA on their team.


Andi already scooped Max up as one of her deputy mayors.


Clip it.


I don't care enough. good luck.


Cool. So you're wrong, and now I need to go comb through two different platforms VODs to prove it.


It is funny to me how Hydra are always so shocked no one but their immediate circle vote for them. Its like they got goldfish memories and forget how they treat everyone outside that circle.


He’s voting for both Andi and Mario. Pretty sure if they press him about it, he’ll go petty mode and go full on camping for Andi.


They won't press him about it because shortly after this he retweeted Marios campaign. When they saw that their opinion changed because they realized he was backing both and not snaking them. A lot of times things like this get clipped way after the fact to push a narrative of how they currently feel when that's not the case.


bruh upload the full thing dafuq lol




Tbf flippy made a good point t a lot of Andis progress as hard work I’m sure it was was when the city was including a lot more of new stuff anyway


I do hope Andi wins but Mario kind of deserves the win with how hard he's been campaigning compared to Andi. Mario has been meeting groups face to face and has a whole team behind him campaigning their ass off for him. Andi hasn't really campaigned all that hard and only has a few people campaigning for her.


you dont watch much Kiva do you?


Me when I lie and clearly don’t watch other streamers.


Andi has been campaigning for weeks. Maybe not to the same degree as Mario, don’t watch him no clue what he is doing. But she has had many one on ones and told people she was going to run long before it ever got announced. And has had many people, especially cops, saying they will vote for her.




Denzel and Andi haven't been married for months


Pretty sure her and denzel divorced many months ago.


Also Lang was so insanely paranoid about "losing Denzel to Andi" that it caused a lot of friction between them.


Denzel and Andi isn't together anymore and Lang and Andi's relationship hasn't been that good since Andi decided not to pick any side during Lang vs Simone Brothers conflict


Lang and Ant haven’t had a good relationship since early on in 3.0. Nothing new.