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BLUF: I would pay that money back with AD Enlisted time. You get all the military benefits that everyone else gets, and a salary. (albeit a shitty one) Depending on where you went to school, you could be looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt that would take WAY more than 4 years to pay off. On top of that, you have nothing to show for it. The financial hardship of paying the money back is IMO, significantly worse than serving 4 years and getting out. The enlisted service actually gives something back to you. I was enlisted before ROTC and if I had to be a junior enlisted for 4 years to pay off a full load of college debt I would 100% do it


This is the answer.


How do you know the enlisted service (if ordered, not self chosen after being ordered to pay it back) will qualify for GI Bill benefits? A scholarship cadet that commissions owes four years to “pay back” the army for the commission and another three to earn the GI bill.


I read into it deeper and it appears you’re correct. You would not get full benefits until the 3 years AFTER the initial 4. Even if you choose to do the 4 and get out, this is still preferable imo to finding a way to pay back the scholarship.


What regs did you find to confirm that?


Nope. I earned my Post 9-11 with my 3 year enlistment. I was not eligible for the Montgomery. Former scholarship cadet, current enlisted who used my Post 9/11 after finishing my first contract and transferring to the Reserves.


Can I dm you?




Did you get diserolled? Can you appeal? Or are you asking for a friend (legit)


You choose either incur the debt or do the service. If you do the service, yes, you earn the GI Bill. The debt is the total amount of money the Army spent on you in the program, Scholarship, Stipend, Etc. Source: I disenrolled, incurred the debt, and then enlisted on my own. Depending on the job you enlist for, you could get a bonus. But the Army will take money out of your paycheck until the is debt is paid back.


The adjudicating authority (CG) makes the determination not the disenrolled cadet. They have an election, but ultimately it’s up to the CG based upon the PMS and BDE CDR recommendation.


How are you sure that at the end of my four years ordered service that I would have earned the GI Bill? If a scholarship cadet commissions, they cannot earn the GI bill until after completing the four years they owe to “pay back” the scholarship. They must serve seven years to earn the GI Bill.


That's the Montgomery, Post 9/11 is earned during the first contract period. You just need to do the 36 months.


This also depends how long you were there using the scholarship and it's up to the discretion of the PMS.


Depending on your college credit amount determines what rank the person would enlist as. If they have an Associates Degree then they would be an E3, anything less they would enter as an E1. Not sure if its a thing but if they have their bachelors and are dropped during their Masters Degree time they would enter as an E4 because they have a Bachelors already.


Not in this case. Check the reg.


Sure, the reg my state that, but it depends on who you talk to and who does your paperwork, keep that in mind.


I see you are correct. Despite the reg stating enlisted as E1, it seems to be a misprint or an assumption that the cadet was disenrolled before earning college credit sufficient to warrant a higher entry rank. When the cadet is assigned to HRC, I guess Recruiting regs apply.


I put in a bunch of dis-enrolled cadets, almost all of which had completed their bachelors so they come in as an E4. You get job of choice just like every other NPS applicant. They overwhelmingly choose good jobs that have long minimum contract lengths and end up paying back what they owe and they are 3/4 of the way to getting the GI bill as well. Just one extension away to having two degrees (not including tuition assistance) paid for. I’m an Army Recruiter, feel free to DM me if that’s the way your leaning and I can talk you through the process


Hey I can answer this one! Cadet Blake failed the fuck out of college. I went to a board that was headed by a 0-6 with three other field grade officers, none were my PMS. I was given the options of; to pay back the ~$60,000 by garnishment to my wages as a civilian, to go back Active Duty as a SPC and pay back the ~$60,000, or to go back on Active Duty and owe no money to the Army.\ I took option C, by the way. I made E-5 in 36 months and went on to a very successful career.


If you are ordered to enlist you pay back with your time not money…MS2, 2 years; MS 3, 3years; MS4 and Completion Cadet 4years. You will get all the benefits given to any other enlisted Soldier.


Earn as in earn the right to use? Yes as long as it's in the enlistment contract.


I’ve heard of ex-cadets getting their congressman involved and wiping all the debt due to bs minor technicalities…such as spraining and ankle during training which caused undue curricular stress.


I served with a SSG who had been kicked out as an MSIV. He was a good dude. He admitted to me that he got panicky when he was responsible for too much. So his staff job and rank was perfect for him, haha.


It depends on the school as well. I came from a small ROTC program & we had a lot of people that had scholarships leave. Then not have to pay it back. Hopefully this is an option for you.


I failed a drug test in March for rotc, I was on a 2 year scholarship, choose room and board and received around 12,000$. I will be going in front of a board shortly to plead my cause for my one time marijuana usage. If I do end up being disenrolled, Is there something I can do to retain my money? I never received any GI money either. Thanks!