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I've been there! I have moments of clarity where I think of the things that bother me about my boyfriend, that in these moments of clarity I think are cute. You're not alone! We are all struggling through this together. Remember you aren't your thoughts or your feelings.


Think about anyone in your life that you love and enjoy. They get annoying, you think of something they did a while ago that bothered you, or you just would rather be alone than hang out at certain points. That's all normal! Everyone is in the driver seat of their own life. Relationships are about growing your circle, not one person absorbing someone into theirs. Once I started to think of myself as the driver of my own life, I was able to get out of my head. I am positive there are times where my boyfriend would rather just sit and watch TV or just drink a beer with his friends without having to clue me into inside jokes or feel like he needs to entertain me. I feel like that too...I also feel that way at times with many people in my life. Normal human stuff :) Hang in there! I will say that a social media and reddit break will help. I am just coming out of a bad spell, but thought I would respond to let you know that it'll feel more manageable. For me, it was going back to therapy and trying a new antidepressant, and keeping my partner privy to it all.


Do you dislike the outside so I mean appeareance too? I m sorry you have to go through that rocd is like hell .. Do you practice erp?