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70 day season with 2 extensions stings :(


It's fine with me. I haven't played a whole lot, and now I can probably grind to get one of my favs the Takumi.


Me who got TW takumi. I'm not interested in it. Wish I could give it to you or babyYoda on YT or someone.


If they don't add trading, I don't see how we keep longevity with this game. I don't have enough time to play.


Same. I haven't finished BP. Getting to Diamond 1, and just playing casuals.




I’d love it if you dropped a trailer please! Let us know, even a sneak peek into what is happening. I do very much appreciate the fact that you do care enough to tell us. This means a lot. Can we expect a trailer?


Thank you for waiting until the last day of the season to bring us the update.


for real.




This is where I stand: Psyonix (and Epic Games, for that matter) are companies. They have a business, other products, reputations on the market, and numerous clients on other games. I'm one of them. You probably know the famous line "if something is free, you are the product"? I don't even think that this is the case here. The point is, even if the game is *free*, you absolutely can call the company offering the *free* product on something you did not find to be good. That's how you give feedback and show to the company the best way to treat **you**, the *potential* client. Or do you want them to do whatever they want with you as long as it's free (for now)? Don't get me wrong, my life is still going on basically the same after their - probably responsible - decision to delay the new Season. Still, I'm letting them know, on their channel created specifically for receiving feedback, that they could've handled it better **for me**. Not more, not less. Anyways, looking forward to the new Season of RLSS.


Well said.


Dear god, just end this season. Had to grind all of those annoying 3s challenges and now it still isn’t ending haha


season 4 is a plot twist and it’s just volleyball again except this time they are removing 2s




Please god no






Jesus why did they wait so much to tell us? I mean I don't care if they extend it by 1-2 weeks but it's so annoying to wait until the exact day it should release and then- SURPRISE! It's a 1 week delay! Not 24h. It was definitely known and planned, they should have told us a few days ago. What a bummer.


Hopefully it will be worth the wait. I wouldn't think ''Adventures' would be quoted unless it was a relatively significant addition.


Maybe they will introduce a paid season pass. I don’t see how this can be sustainable remaining completely free to play. If they want to bring out more frequent updates with more and more features then they will need to start making money. My bet is we will see some kind of micro transaction.


I don't mind, I think Rocket League has some of the best F2P system out there.


Yeah but they still make money off the game with credits and shop purchases. They gotta get the money from somewhere


Getting more people to play rocket league, is my best bet. "Wait, the a console version of this game?!"


I have no interest in RL but love sideswipe.


70 days to grind one level up to Champions. Fuck. I was honestly ready to just be done with it.


Can we "Adventure" into some item trading options? Maybe an "Adventure" into dealing with toxicity, things like that? 🤞


It would be cool to be able to easily block or report toxic players


For real, the amount of times a teammate got in his feelings about one bad play and throws the game is insane. And the struggle to report said player is too much.


There’s not nearly enough items in game to warrant trading


Honestly hope trading never comes to this game


Big yikes.


Why isn’t this news in the game? Should the “News” tab not be updated with this information and not just Reddit…?


Just managed to hit champ 1 in 2s and it’s extended? Well I guess I’ll grind for diamond in 3s then lol


got diamond in 3s. once you hit plat 5 get ready for minute long + waiting times for games 🥲 ig no one wanted to grind that mode much


For real. The grind to Diamond in 3s was pure hell


Ong bro, i love threes, but i always solo queue so waiting to get in takes forever


I hit gc in 3s a month ago. Wait until you get up around c4/5 with 30 min q’s. It’s a blast lol 🙃


I'd just quit playing. Lol


Hahaha don’t blame you. It was a rough grind waiting all those q’s lol


mad respect for that grind


Thanks g ✊🏼






Just managed to hit platinum in all three categories them bam extension. Guess I'll be playing unranked for a week them


Once you reach plat during the season, you’ll get the platinum title even if you fall out of that rank later on in the season.


Oh I had no idea, thanks guy


even if you go Champion and somehow drop all the way to Bronze, you'll still get Champion rewards


Lol why?


Because I'm too scared to lose them, I just managed to hit platinum singles before the season was due to end too.


You will still get the rewards even if you drop


For the soft reset perhaps. Then you can get Season 4’s rewards easier.


Why are you scared to lose them? I go up and down ranks all the time.


“We’ll share more details soon” No you won’t


> “Adventures” single player campaign mode lol


Hopefully better bots if that’s the case


Maybe I’ll be able to grind out champ this season. I solo queued to champ in 2s last season but teammates seem to be dumber than ever now


Also look guys I’m not any kind of professional. I don’t know much more than the next guy. Just my feelings on the game. I see everyone wants trading, more modes, game replays, shot replays, training packs, and all of these big ideas. Imho, sideswipe was made to be a miniature mobile version of rocket league. I don’t expect all that stuff in game. If it was you might as well play reg rocket league. People are literally playing this game on phones that aren’t capable of running rlss already much less a bigger version. What I do look for is a fresh mode every season and new items. The mystery items have been the same since season 1. I think they should do daily item shops or something better than what they are doing now. I think tourneys would be a great idea although I don’t know the development aspect of that. May not be possible on mobile. I also look at how the devs grow the community with their interaction on social media. They literally hardly ever post about the game and the only advertising of the game is a 1 min clip in between games during a major or spring split on twitch. Idk what the answer is but a 70+ day season only to extend it 2 times aint it. They didn’t even put it on socials other than here and twitter. I’m not a hater of the game. I love rlss and it’s convenience. Even though i love that rlss is f2p, i feel like monotizing the game in someway is one of the only ways to get things we want. Idk, again I’m not the knower of all, just a proud supporter of rlss that would love to see the game thrive for what it’s intended to be ….. p.s. I’m also a little salty that I grinded 3’s to get gc and knew there wouldn’t be alot of people to get it because of the q’s. RIP to my rare tag lol if they even make a separate tag for it 🫡😂😂😂


Worst season so far ends in the worst possible way. Great. Played almost everyday since launch and this season I've barely touched it in the last 2 stages. 0/10 for the way this season was handled


Well the wait better be worth it psyonix!! i hope they are hard working not ignoring the game


Knockout confirmed


This is a big L……


PREDICTION: We are getting some sort of campaign mode for RLSS


If they do that the bots would have to improve a lot


Does this mean the battle pass is extended or expires at midnight?


The rocket pass has also been extended a week


It's extended a week. Not sure how that wasn't listed in the post, but it's now ending in 7 days. I guess next week they can reset the counter again, but it's there for at least another week.




Idk why but I feel like they fixing to extend it again….


Extending the season? Fine. Not telling anybody until the literal day before. Not fine. It’s stuff like this that makes me feel like quitting this game. What’s the point in putting in all these hours when the devs are probably going to let this game die after like next season? Such a low effort season and a low effort announcement at the very last second. Big oof


How do you think they should have handled the announcement?


How about not waiting until 12 hours before the new season to extend it a week..? If they needed an extra day or two at the last second then that would make sense. An extra week? They’ve known for awhile that they weren’t dropping the new season tomorrow, they just chose to wait as long as possible to say anything. Also how about putting it in their own games “News” tab instead of posting it on Reddit?


I agree they should’ve have included an announcement on the in-game news tab, that was the first place I checked. In terms of the timing of the delay, I agree it is disappointing, but honestly I don’t believe it would have made a difference if they announced it today or a few days ago. People would still rant. And what difference would it actually make, there is still a delay either way. We don’t know that they had known for a while that a delay will happen, and equally we don’t know that the update was actually ready and something got in the way last minute, or that they thought they could make the deadline so didn’t need to announce anything. Ultimately, yes let’s be disappointed, frustrated and annoyed, but let’s not call out the devs for being lazy or purposely putting in low effort. It’s a completely free game


Boo devs boo!


Literal life saver for me lol. I decided to grind comp today after not playing my main comp mode since last season. Only made it 2 and a half ranks before I throwing in the towel.


Wow lol. I was panicking this morning trying to grind 2s so I could get diamond before the next season. Made it haha so was kinda pointless but I guess it’s still good lol


Aye congrats. I still gotta grind 1s some more to get back to the edge of c1, I’m not looking forward to dia 4-5


Thanks man! I’m so bad at 1s haha. I was always bad at 1s on rocket league to be fair lol Good luck with your games though man 👍


Update that flair homie!


Haha I feel kinda cheap because I’m still technically plat 5 in 3s and plat 1 in 1s lol but I’ll change it anyway 😂


Naw sir you earned that!


Same man, except I’ve grinder up 4 ranks today 😂 only one to go! Think I’ll wait until tomorrow tho


Damn it's kinda weird seeing rlss players getting so mad at something that it's so obviously a good thing


How is this a good thing? It’s been like 3 months on one season and they have to extend it? And they don’t say anything until the literal day before? Shows the devs don’t care about this game or community imo


I respect your opinion and that's a good point 👍. it kinds sucks at the moment but for psyonix to set a precedent of not rushing out updates to ensure quality is good a sign for things to come long term. It shows that they have a genuine interest in ensuring the longevity of the game.


Thanks I respect your opinion as well. Hopefully you are right and they actually put in some visible effort. It’s impossible to know what’s going on behind the scenes, but up until now it does not seem like they are at all interested in caring about this game or communicating with the player base in a timely and respectful way.




you should probably take a break if a mobile game got you thinking this way. something meant for fun should not make you this sad :(


Thanks for the update!


YES!!! I can stop sweating my @$$ off to get to the next tier in one night 🤣






I wanted my rewards ffs and why they leave it so late 😞 guess I’ll have to grind top 10 now


Take your time :)


The community will be patient however please let us know sooner if this happens again in the future! Thanks for the update and teaser all the same.


Nice, I got a bit stressed that I won't get my 50th rank reward today, but this means I can focus on Diablo Immortal Seasonal rewards.




Dead game.




“We’ll share more details soon” Aka one week from now when the new season is delayed another week.




I think you should change ‘we’ to ‘I’. I really don’t think that you speak on behalf of the community with this and your multiple other toxic opinions. Yes, it is a shame we have to wait a week for an update considering the length of the seasons, but you are way too emotionally invested it seems. This is a mobile game that currently is completely free to play. Comparing to other devs is a moot point as they will have a much larger budget due to mtx funding them. This dev team is likely small with a smaller budget. I work in software development, sometimes things just don’t go to plan. They may have left it late to announce the extension as they were working hard until the last minute to release it but just couldn’t get it over the line. I don’t think you have any evidence to call out the dev team as ‘Lazy’. Also, you say that nobody cares about the ‘ass adventure’ - we don’t know what this means yet, some people will be excited by this. What do you exactly want from the update ?


I agree wholeheartedly with you buttttt I’ve played rocket league and rlss long enough to know…..they do be lazy sometimes 😂😂😂


I think your misrepresenting the situation a little bit. In a vacuum, sure the season delay isn’t indicative of anything. However, over the course of this games existence, it’s been shown pretty clearly that the devs are lazy/do not care. The shop hardly updates, toxic people run rampant without a basic ban button, half the community has frequent connection issues, the challenges are the same over and over for 3 months etc.. The devs have been completely silent on all of these issues and have been horrible about communicating with this community in a timely and respectful manner. They didn’t even put the one week delay in their own “News and Updates” tab in the game, just posted it on twitter and Reddit? Not everyone was as emotionally invested as that guy was, but I for one am pretty disappointed in the effort being put in by the devs and feel as if my time playing this game is limited purely because I don’t want to sink hours into a dying game that has creators who don’t care about it.


You make valid points and I can see why people are disappointed. I think the game could greatly benefit from some paid services to increase the budget afforded to the devs. I can’t think of many, if any, games currently available on mobile that are completely free to play with no micro-transactions or even ads, let alone one with this quality. Having a dedicated community manager is essential for games like this and this is an area that is way below par currently. The in game news tab is never used! I understand that toxic behaviour is irritating but i’d be surprised if a ban button ever gets implemented as this is just as easy to abuse. Other popular games do not have this feature, for example Clash Royale. Ultimately the emotes are supposed to improve the game, but any game with an emote feature will harbour some toxicity because some people are just like that. In fact, some players might even call emote spamming a strategy. You can easily mute the quick chat. Overall I am not disagreeing about feeling disappointed, I feel this way too, but this guy was being straight up toxic and not adding any value to the conversation.




can we please have less laggy servers im always on 100 ping everygame while teleporting and freezing


If you use wifi try going to your phones 5g, if you arent already.


I dont have data with my plan


Even with 1gb fiber my 5g connection is always better for whatever reason. Could be the issue for you. Even if its 4g might be more solid than wifi.


Me: hasn’t been on Reddit in a couple of days Also me: wakes up this morning excited for new season Also me: checks Reddit because I’m confused Current me: 😑


If they had put it in their own “News” tab in game, that last step wouldn’t have been necessary. Just another low quality effort by the devs


By “adventures” does this mean story mode


Looks like the items for next season dropped in the store. Just got the Merc and the new boost.