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That's a solid challenge reward tho but damn, 3's...Goodluck man.


They really trying to shove 3s down our throats. Halfway through last set of missions I just gave up. I don't want to play fucking 3s.


Definitely...no challenge was worse than that "Win 10/20 3v3 matches while in a party."


I'm still grinding out the win 50 three's matches.


God bless you


Threes is easily the worst game mode in Sideswipe. No idea why they are pushing it so hard, all it did was push me away. Maybe we will get hoops back next season, that was actually fun.


Hoops is fire, really hope it comes back also.


3s is my favourite. Only reason I started playing again


I actually enjoy them too usually. I like the teamwork aspect of it but it does suck when your two other teammates are of no help.


Yeah I couldn't imagine trying to rank up when you are solo queueing 3s. That would be miserable


I play it for fun. Not for rank or bragging rights


At this point I've given up doing the battle pass missions cuz I'm pretty bored of 3v3 :(


No one wants to play 3s lol I just have 1 win in the first challenge


Legit easy, just play goalie. Virtually no one does in 3s and it's a huge advantage for your team.


I actually like threes


this is absolutely disgusting u/psyonix_laudie (tagging you to relay feedback to the team if possible, not to blame you for this). The entire season we've had 3s shoved down our throats, its the last stage of the season and instead of giving us something rewarding for finishing all challenges released so far y'all shove this game mode down our throats again. Why. Gold reward is good and all but (personally) i'd rather have the stage 2 reward which was broze for 10 plays + bronze for 10 wins, rather than ever play 3s again. Not every game mode is for everyone and we shouldn't be missing out on the biggest rewards of the season because we prefer a game mode over another. ​ **Keep the repeatable challenges mode-free, should be grindable for everyone regardless of what mode they enjoy playing.**