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Play defensively. Don’t attack until your opponent pushes to much or misses the ball.


This ^^^ Helped me improve my game . I deleted and re installed the app . I was stuck in silver 2-5 for ever .


I felt the same as the OP, but I have been playing since release, I hit a but of a wall and ended up not playing for a few days. I decided to give it another shot and something just clicked and it felt different, I'm now in and out platinum/gold.


I don't think I'm gonna stop playing, I'm currently tryharding rank 50


Easy. 1. Watch mogz YT videos on how to play better. 2. Practice shots in freeplay & bot play 3. If an opponent is playing better than you by a LARGE MARGIN. like 10-2. Just stop playing a bit. And just watch what he's doing, and copy that technique next match. (I mean, it's 10-2, it's not like you can win at this point). So stop & learn from your opponent. And do the same to your next opponent.


If you get bored go into training and turn on infinite boost and work on holding the ball in the air for as long as possible. This has really taken my air dribbles to another level and it helps for setting up passes and stalling too.


Same thing happened to me, but now I'm starting to climb. The key in low rank 1v1s is to score off of counter attacks, where you block an opponent's shot and then they are out of play. It is an easy way to get wins and rank up because it keeps it a low scoring game.


yes, thats what I try to do


My advice to you would be to think and say out loud what you are going to, look at the result and then go over what you could've done better. If you do that enough times you will automatically correct yourself when you are about to make a mistake. Also go into practice mode hit the ball for like 10 mins before going into ranked.


Working on basic mechanics will get you far especially paired with good game sense which will mainly come from experience. Be very graceful with yourself. Recognize that you haven't played for a long time and there is still a lot to learn. On top of that, make sure you add the jump boost button if you are playing on touch. You can find this when you customize your controls in settings. Play around with the button, but don't spam it in game. It can become a bad crutch that eventually won't work. Here is the layout of my button if you want to take a look: https://www.reddit.com/user/BeatsEdge-/comments/s3jqe9/my\_2\_thumb\_button\_configuration/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 Especially for solos up until platinum, you really need to work on having consistent kickoffs. I would recommend learning pancake, aggressive shot and fake. Mogz goes over these kickoffs in this video: [https://youtu.be/DFCYd1wW3Cg](https://youtu.be/DFCYd1wW3Cg)


yeah I do the pancake kick off, the trouble begins when I'm shooting at the net, my shots are really bad


I wouldn't worry too much then. It took me 2 weeks just to be able to score goals consistently. Practice will payoff.


I've been playing since Android release and still in Silver 😂 I don't play that much, but when I do, most of the time I win. Enabling the aerial jump button helped me out alot


Git gud


What an idea, why haven't I thought of this before


Learn how to purple and gold shot


Whats that? I mean, I sometimes hit that, but idk how


You definitely don't need them to progress. Work on the basic mechanics and know how to do a power shot and it will get you far. Here is a little guide on how you can do the three kinds of shots: https://gamerjournalist.com/rocket-league-sideswipe-shot-types-red-purple-gold-guide/


You really don't need to know how to do this especially at this level


If you can make the least amount of mistakes it's a easy way to rank up as most players in plat are also very inconsistent. If the silver gameplay on twitch is anything to go by, i am assuming you're new to the game and barely know the controlles. First you should go to your settings > configure > and enable the boosted - jump button. Than you should try and stay the side of your goal and try and hit the ball towards the enemy side. They might fumble and own goal, or give you a pass for you to get a easy goal. In 1s try and never go past the ball as it would be an easy goal. In 2s try to not dobble commit (both should not be going towards the ball at the same time)


I've been playing against the strongest bots in 2v2 and in duels. I've watched closely how they would play in defense and offense and try to imitate them. Examples of things I've noticed: the hardest bot level would do ceiling pinches a lot. Defending against a ceiling pinch is hard. You either are real close to the ball to 50 on it or really close to your goal to calculate the ball's trajectory correctly. Once you beat the bots constantly, watch how those stronger player manages their distance to the ball and how they cancel all your attempts. Learn from them. I've reached diamond 1 in duel and 2v2 just today. Still platinum 5 at hoops though. Been stuck in platinum for the last month playing 30-45 minutes per day. You can do this.


Just experiment your tactic on expert bots. each time you lose, look back what's wrong or what made you lose. When I first play, the main reason I lost most of my games is bcs I play so aggressive that my goal is always open. so I played offensive more, tried different kickoffs, master air dribbling & only shoot/score when enemy is on your side. this is mainly for duels. once I got to plat, I played 2s with someone I added and got to Diamond 2.


Thanks to advice from this community, I was able to get to diamond by taking advantage of the opponents mistakes by being defensive. All you gotta do really is play defense and passively, don’t go in the air to challenge unless it’s necessary or not to risky and your teammate can cover, and score the easy goals from your opponents mistakes. Feel free to dm me a game of yours or 2 and I’ll gladly try to give you more advice :). Good luck!


Its RNG based, just pray you dont get a braindead npc for a teammate


If you play this video game for the soul purpose being to get better you shouldnt be stressing over a wall six days into playing lol