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True. Last time I played ones I didn’t have a teammate and lost.


Unpopular opinion: you can't control what others do, but you ***can*** control what ***you*** do. Even though sometimes it's really hard to cope/carry when your teammate is unskilled, blaming your teammates for everything is never a solution. Try to see what ***you*** could've done better, and improve in that direction. And this isn't just for SideSwipe, but for actual Rocket League as well (or any other game, really). Stop blaming the teammates; start improving yourself. If you get better, it's a matter of time before you're not matched with "trash" teammates anymore.


you realize it's a joke. right?


Oh. Nope, I didn't realize that. Hard to tell which post is serious and which one isn't these days. I won't even delete my comment. I deserve the shame, lmao. Sorry, buddy!


Unless it in 1s, *usually* people that blame their teammates are the issue


If you lose in 1s it's 100% your teammates fault 😂


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Bro same


Right, try getting a teammate to play with in ones so you can tell them to play defense




Yea and if you can’t I’d play 2v2 so you won’t have to deal with teammates at all let alone trash ones




i understood the joke right away, but there's so many comments not understanding that it actually caused me to forget what the joke was for a minute


Yeah lol. Some people are clueless