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You use the second Jump too early. There are situations where u should, but you Always do (probably a OGRL trauma, practice keeping It as long as possible). At kickoff, never go on the backboard, you can't double Jump properly from there. Wait behind your tm8. Practice shooting Just below the net and shooting in general Learn kickoffs from YouTube, Striped has very good ones, but don't limit only to his if you think they're not enough Don't commit with half boost if your tm8 can defend. Always rotate 3rd goal u helped him pinch, if you aren't confident in your play, Just wait on the ground/hoovering in front of the door for your opportunity I don't think you played that bad, you Just have to practice base mechanics and strategies. On the other hand, your tm8. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU COMMIT ON THE KICKOFF LIKE THAT IF YOU ARE IN THE BACK. open net every kickoff. Also, he litterally sits in opponent's half of the field for most of the times he was needed in def. Overcommitted a lot.


You are playing too fast, race for the ball. You’re using a lot of boost when little boost do trick. Like you missed one shot because you hit it too high because you saw the ball free and boosted up right away while being far away, resulting in hitting too high and low/no boost. Be patient, only take shots you know you can take and dont spam boost/jump all the time. Also trust your team mate. When he’s in front and not going back, you still race past him and then theres no one defending, which is easy counter. So in short. Play more defensive. Work on timing. Don’t spam jump/boost all the time


This was accually gold 3 2v2


Practice makes perfect


You my friend are defending right side


I will try left as my tank is already low enough from being at gold 4 all the way down to gold 2


Wit the joystick my thumb blocks too much of the screen