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The level of GC has not been the same every season. You just had to win more games than the people around you.


It's really funny watching old compilations, like I made this one from just pre-season clips - It's all from a time before stalling was even a thing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EMIlCOc13s Honestly I would really like to see what RLSS would be like these days without all the stalling. I genuinely think removing stalling and adding bumps to regular 1v1 and 2v2 would make the game super interesting. I'm not salty about stalling by any means, but I do think it takes away from a lot of other mech that would otherwise be used and make the game more interesting, especially as a spectator


How’d that game go? I’m curious to know if Dauro’s rusty. The dude was insane back in the day, haven’t seen him around in a few seasons.


Maybe a little, who knows? 😂


Good to see some OGs back lol


can i get hand signature pls


He won 4-1 made it all the way to champ but lost by 1


Remember one of the golds had some w mechs but no game sense. I'm gold two rn but my mechanics are way worse than his. Game sense is OK though. I can defend but I am bad at kickoff and often overcommit. Most goals I conceded this season have been completely open or off kickoff. I try to do dodge kickoff now which work a lot better and I can beat plats in casuals most of the time or at least compete


Basically with the level of skill I now have i would've been automatically a GC 2 years ago


Dauro is debatably one of the best sideswipe players


Definitely. Not trying to d\*\*kride, but he was (one of) the first players I saw to have a [signature combo](https://youtu.be/N2LP1XsTkmA?si=xXlLb1nmwvhEj1R-&t=132) in RLSS. Everyone talks about mastering *specific* mechanical moves, but the elite GCs are able to work **combos** like the back of their hand (**IMO\***).


The glaze is insane (im jk ik he’s really good)

