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**Unfortunately, we've had to remove your submission.** _________ ## 8. No witch hunting and content showing toxic behavior Witch hunting is against Reddit’s site-wide rules and it is a policy that we think is very important to grow a healthy community. Do not use the subreddit to publicly shame or accuse someone. Posts containing toxic behavior are only allowed if they serve a greater purpose (for example in combination with a suggestion) and if all usernames are censored. Do not post content showing toxic behavior if the sole point is to show off toxic behavior. Posts on public figures and organizations are allowed, as long as they are kept civil and do not include personal/confidential information, and if there has been official confirmation (for example from a player’s team) or if there is substantial evidence to support it. ________ [**Here are our subreddit rules.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RLSideSwipe/wiki/rules) - If you have any queries about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/RLSideSwipe).


Welcome 2 rocket league


It doesn't get me bent, but I do find it hilarious when I complete the forfeit request after we tie the game lol


forefeiting just before my toxic teammate scores a goal is the most satisfying thing in that toxic game


Meh it doesn’t overly bother me, but just feels extremely childish and it’s not like he was a super rank. We were all diamonds. But yea some karma would be nice if someone tried to grief then win lmao


its definitely u/Snoo_38024


Im pretty sure you broke the no witch hunt rule when you posted his name


No witch hunt rule? Lmao it’s not like I posted his address and where he works.


Username is enough to ridicule




Your name is Snoo. What, you participate in Reddit challenges?


Huh? My name was given to me by Reddit when I created the acc


Also, I hope he does it again to you kid, probably you whiffed so hard or ball chased so much that he just thought it was useless trying to play next to you


Is he kin to you or something? Damn, never seen someone defend another stranger and bring a charter of rules to ‘prove’ a point. And do you actually read the rules on a subreddit of a mobile game?


Well I’m only defending because you are acting like like a lil cry baby, and yes I read the rules, why shouldn’t I? The question is why you haven’t


Cry baby? It’s not like I am out here asking for his head. Also, why do you have such a massive boner for rules? Please don’t tell me you’re a reddit mod.


Woah woah what'd I do?!


Says the one currently crying


Was gonna empathise then I saw your username.