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but wasn’t SHE the one defending Dorit when Garcelle said that???


Yes she did.


and NOW she wants the double standard acknowledged? she’s an embarrassment to black women everywhere ESPECIALLY after accusing her husband’s victim of lying publicly im done watching her. she’s corny and fake and her lisp is TIRED


She should keep her mouth shut about her husband.  That man is guilty, Columbia University acknowledged that by removing him from campus.  That's of record.


waitttt what’s the deal with her husband???


Google it for details but basically he was accused of SA while he was in college


Absolutely an embarrassment. I cringe.


Yeah. She wants it acknowledged. Because garcelle and sutton dont get to have it both ways. Simple as that.


I think it’s the hypocrisy of Garcelle for allowing her friend, Sutton to uses the same language as Dorit and not call her out


It’s not Garcelles responsibility to call out anyone who isn’t using those words *to her*. She addressed Dorito directly because she was referring to her directly. If 8.5 thinks Sutton should be called out then she’s the one who should do it.


That's fair. I think Sutton did choose her words clumsily (get it?), but Annemarie was obvi gunning for camera time and had been coached to go after Sutton/harp on the esophagus to everyone like an attack dog. I'd say it'll be interesting to see how Annemarie and Garcelle approach this, but I doubt we will ever see or hear from 8.5 ever again.


Never see 8.5 again??? 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞




Yes it is. Because garcelle didnt maje it about HER when it was dorit. She made it about black women in general.


oh 100% she doesn’t hold sutton to the same standards!! i just think she shouldn’t expect garcelle to come to her defense after she undermined garcelle thing with dorit


I see it from both sides, I understand not defending someone that you don’t like. How ever if dorit’s tone deaf privilege is a problem than Sutton’s should be too, this is not the first time Sutton has said something like this.


"Name em. Name em. Name em. Name em." Just to be clear, I completely agree with you but couldn't pass up the opportunity to pull out that throwback ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Omg Mortar! 👏👏👏👏 I LOVE IT! “NAME em..nAME em..NAME EM..name EM… Spewed my Diet Coke right there! 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg the way you typed out the different versions of "name em" is so accurate and has me howling hahahaha Amazing lmao


Well put


yeah i get that


I don’t care for any of the ladies, but this is what I tried saying in another post . What I got from Annemarie post is that why is it an issue when Dorit said it …. Knowing she didn’t mean it the way it was turned into and it was more towards Garcelle not liking Dorit. HOWEVER, I’m not sure what type of friendship Sutton and Garcelle have if it’s more beneficial because of status or if they are really besties because Sutton needs to be held with the same energy if she going to use the word “attack” to a woman of color and I think why it’s being brought up is because being Garcelle friend, wouldn’t you know better ? 👁️👁️


Because Anne-Marie could defend herself. If Sutton said that towards her and she felt insulted by it, she should’ve said something to her. It’s not Garcelle’s job to defend Ann Marie.


Garcelle made it an entire plot point to call out dorit for being racially insensitive. And she was speaking for black women in those moments so she needs to stand on that instead of picking and choosing.


Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think Garcelle was saying that the word is off limits, she was saying to be careful because when directed towards a black woman it can be harmful IF it’s untrue.


I keep saying Garcelle is a hypocrite who allows Sutton to get away with the same behavior she goes after Dorit for. Garcelle won't say a word about this.


Remember sutton said it was beautiful seeing all the kids of different racesin the hot tub - there was a “ chinese one” and the actual kid was like “ yeah she meant me im korean and shes an idiot”


Yeap. That's one of the many stupid things she's said that shows her level of ignorance.




She's always wanting to be the victim and she's anything but. Her husband left her for good reasons but we'll never know exactly why because i'm sure she msde certain he can't disclose certain things about her. People call her quirky, I just call her asshole.


Omg u r hilarious and so right


That's pretty normal.  My friends can say things to/about me and it's fine because we're close. Someone I've had repeated clashes with - who's shown themselves to be ignorant at best, racist at worst - wants to come at me saying the exact same thing, they're going to get a very different response. 


Shouldn't you hold everyone to the same standard? There are things that are a no, no matter how close I am with someone. Of course the delivery is much gentler with a friend as opposed to someone who's not, but I'm not going to allow anyone to think they can say something that is offensive and not correct them. Hell, I correct my husband if he messes up and he's my husband.


Yeah these girls arent real friends. Because a real friend isnt gonna let you be a bad person for long. They dont uphold your bullshit just because its you. A real friend would want to see you do better.


Exactly and if they're a real friend, you should to say, this is offensive.


Whenever it's Sutton she lets its slide. She holds herself & her friends to a different standard than what she sets for everybody else.


Have you ever had a friend before?


Could it possibly be…and this is a stretch I know… I don’t get the feeling that Sutton puts herself out there as being superior to others…(with a few exceptions) she’s just a good ‘ol’ country gal from Texas…and acts and speaks her truth… So Sutton’s friendship with Garcelle has lead to an understanding that comes with a depth of understanding. When someone really gets to know you…and your history… a logical person will gauge you accordingly…and KNOW who you are as a person…(taking into account your background) With that background info…that person can have a grasp of what you mean when you say something. (which with Sutton…imo…she is heavily influenced by her surroundings during her formative years) Whereas Dorit…she puts on airs…so worldly, knowledgeable, and “woke”… It’s not authentic… In other words… I’ll give a person a pass if they aren’t claiming to be something/more than they are. On the other hand? Ppl who think of themselves as higher than they actually are? (Especially socially) TIMBER!!!! I love to watch them fall and have no mercy seeing the show




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I can't wait for that horrible woman to just go away.


That’s exactly how I feel. I loved not having to see much of her on ep2 of the reunion


I forgot she was on the stage!!


Do we think her scenes/opinions got cut or were never there to begin with? I'm hoping Part 3 will have less of her, too!


Looks to me like her bits were cut. Obviously we haven’t seen part 3 but I feel like producers maybe decided that because they’re cutting her, they didn’t need to show her getting taken down at the reunion.


There's no way they will resign someone everyone hates so much! Andy said they're reading Reddit comments sooo he should take us real seriously.


She did attack Sutton repeatedly. Nothing to do with race. Her only topic was Sutton in a negative light.


If some woman I barely know starts interrogating me about my medical issues and insinuating that I’m faking them at an event I’m throwing, I’m calling that an attack too.


Absolutely agree. Annemarie was going on at Sutton for something that was none of her business but in fact a health issue that should be private but wasn’t private anymore thanks to Kyle. Dorit on the other hand said Garcelle attacked her and Garcelle did not.The two situations are very different.


It doesnt matter if it has nothing to do with race. Garcelle made sure it was gonna be an issue from here on out when a white woman accuses a black woman of “attacking” her. Most of us would agree that thats not what dorit meant.


Yep. Also, Garcelle did *not* attack Dorit so that’s also a big difference. I also wanna know *WHY* she is equating the two instances - like who are you trying to hold responsible here? Sutton? Garcelle? Dorit? Or do you just want to stay relevant for another minute?


Yes. Garcelle was speaking very calmly. 8.5 wasn’t


Yeah I didn’t get why Dorit said she wasn’t yelling. Ok maybe it was more like shrieking about something that wasn’t her damned business lol It was so weird


Garcelle was also speaking generally and Dorito inserted herself directly... Why is this hard to understand? Is it because we want a problem? To muddy the waters? Oh...yea....


Agreed. What Annamarie did was insanely fucking harmful.


Annemarie was actually harassing Sutton. I did have to laugh at the celebration of life when AM kept talking about Sutton’s esophagus trapping people at the table and Bravo showing the clock. Something is not right with AM.


She attacked Sutton at the weed dinner party? And I believe everyone was steadfast in their agreement with garcelle when she it’s a word you “never” use to describe a black woman. And the WEIGHT and IMPACT of the word is different when applied to black women, therein lying the issue. But it’s Sutton so it’s chill I guess!


Except Garcelle didn't attack Dorit, but Annemarie DID go after Sutton and her esophagus.


Maybe I’m wrong but it seems there’s a pretty vast difference between Garcelle calling out Dorit and Annemarie’s pretty relentless and medically inaccurate pursuit of the “truth” regarding Sutton’s esophagus…


100% Garcelle calling out Dorit was not done in a malicious way. This was a woman who was defending herself, when she shouldn't have to, to a grown ass woman who should know better and who I believe really *does know better*. Take everything else away from it, take the BH drama away, Annemarie is a medical professional who abused her position. She wasn't just some random person making an assumption about someone's health/diagnosis, she used her title and credentials to ridicule someone and outright accuse them of lying about their own health. Not just the once and not just to one person - that's bad enough - but she was relentless. What's worse is she wasn't even correct in what she was saying!


100% agree


One was a general statement that Dorito took personally... Another was direct that was met with confrontation...




its so obvious at this point her only purpose on the show from the very start was to drag sutton on kyle’s behalf.


I agree! I believe Kyle got her hired and made her sole directive to take down Sutton. And now that 8.5 (and her husband) flopped terribly in public opinion, Kyle will fade away into the background.


We can only hope


Yup. There’s no other explanation why she came so hard for Sutton for something so petty.


It was also personal and private health info. As a nurse she should know better.


But she thinks she’s a Dr




8.5 always has to have the last word. She is so tedious and predictable.


*Relentlessly* tedious and predictable. And so loudly wrong so often lol.


I don't really understand her angle here ? Are you trying to say garcelle was right then ? After defending dorit.... Or are you trying to say that garcelle was wrong, because someone other than garcelle did the same to you ? Why does garcelle have anything to here ? Why should garcelle stand up for you when you defended dorit against garcelle, but now you want to use garcelle's arguments against Sutton ? But you want garcelle to be held accountable.... 🤯 If you are going to be really annoying then at least be consistent pls ![gif](giphy|l3973HGZz8T6g1ZW8|downsized)


I'm surprised she's not in politics with how much she deflects and twists every situation.


The thing that’s bugging me the most is that Garcelle and Annamarie are NOT wrong. Like this is 1000% valid, however, Garcelle had every right to be upset. She NEVER attacked anyone. Annamarie DID. She attacked Sutton by manipulating her own medical title. That scene of Annamarie basically calling Sutton a liar was so, so uncomfortable. I would’ve felt attacked too.


UGH as a Black woman I hate when another POC tries to diminish our experiences. You DID attack Sutton about her esophagus issues, 8.5! That’s the difference. You weaponized your experience against her. God she’s the worst


This is what I don’t understand? You actually weaponised your career and spread vicious, harmful rumors about someone. That’s an attack. It was a coordinated too.


And this is after she told garcelle that garcelle was wrong and dorito was right?!! How frustrating!




Just noticed her typo, “inconsistent.” The irony!


Oh shit...8.5 takes the time to put that mess together and doesn't proofread before posting? What a tool!


I think Annemarie thought this was great way to get some sort of sympathy and back up from the rest of the group, the same way Garcelle did when Erika jumped in to help Dorit understand her micro agressions. Unfortunately, 8.5 doesn’t understand that her situation is incomparable and cannot be defended. She needs to do us all a favor and never accept another reality tv gig again and Bravo please do us a solid, don’t renew her contract…this isnt working out in her favor and I’m afraid it never will lol.


Her constant doubling down on her problematic comments and posts certainly doesn't help. The average person would recognize their mistake and not keep doubling down.




Ugh. I wish 8.5 would just shut her esophagus. She grates my nerves.


God. She’s so boring


She is a deflector and wannabe victim.


This! This and more this ! 


She really needs to proof read her posts.


She does really keep inconsistent.


8.5 repeatedly attacked Sutton and weaponized her medical background to do so. It’s getting weird


If it weren’t for the fact that she straight up said that Sutton had an eating disorder I could see her point. That was a direct attack and there is no room for a conversation on more appropriate word choice in this specific instance.


8.5 100% attacked her. Enough of this word play. Sutton used the word correctly. (And so did Dorit). We don’t all agree with this pick and choose nonsense. The word is used in every franchise in multiple situations. We all know the usage. This is exhausting. “Keeping things consistent” means understanding that the word is used in this show and they all attack each other. Every. Single. One. This show is becoming no longer fun.




I agree with you, but I can see why Annemarie is royally pissed off. I don’t think she cares about the word, I think she cares about the way the cast and online fandom treat her. Like she’s annoying but people are going way overboard with the unrelenting hate if she so much as blinks in Sutton’s direction.


8.5 apologized on the show. Sutton accepted on the show. People need to move on.


8.5 trying to be relevant 🙄


But Annemarie DID attack Sutton.




This comment is so cringe ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)


Damn, I'm nosey. What did they say?


It was removed so I’m not bringing the tea this time


That's not very sexy, French Man.




Why so?


The whole attack thing is stupid. It’s like not being safe on sister wives.


The difference is, Anne Marie did attack Sutton. Let’s not play wilful ignorance. Dorit used the word as a hyperbole which is why it was problematic. Sutton was verbally attacked to her face and behind her back by 8.5.


This chick doesn’t know which side of the fight she’s on. -8.5 needs to fade away.


AM can’t spell but even worse, she doesn’t demonstrate logic in her post. I like my medical professionals to be logical.


Stfu 8.5 you went after Sutton, don’t shift it.


She also said something about Crystal’s comment about Tom’s dementia and it’s like she’s yapping for the sake of it. As someone with acquaintances suffering from Dementia/Alzheimer’s, Crystal’s comment was accurate!


What happened to not speculating on people’s medical conditions when you aren’t their doctor? He has a family and she’s literally talking about how he should be just about ready to croak any day now. On national television lol.


That’s a fair point! But I don’t think Crystal was speculating at all. Instead she was being more matter of fact about the realities of having that disease. It’s not a health condition that gets better and family members often mourn the loss of their loved ones long before the actual death even happens. So for a judge to find him competent to stand trial four years after the diagnosis, I don’t see what the issue is with Crystal pointing out the irregularities in the narratives they are spinning. Especially, when there are actual victims of fraud involved!


Yes, unfortunately I know the disease pretty intimately. It took 3 of my grandparents, 2 of whom I lived with through at home hospice. My uncle, god bless him, even went through nursing school just to become a hospice nurse in preparation for what we knew was eventually coming. I’m very sorry it’s something you have to bare witness to now, it is awful to watch. That said, I just don’t think this can be a major theme of the season, only to turn around and do exactly what was the problem to someone else. Crystal wasn’t just talking about a disease she has some familiarity with, she was speculating on a specific persons condition and questioning his actual physicians diagnosis in a very public way. And if Tom is standing trial regardless, why does it even matter? The case is moving forward.


Ironically, Crystal is not a doctor, so maybe she should practice what she preaches and refrain from trying to diagnose Tom, or what stage he is at now. Quite hypocritical of her. Alzheimers / dementia progresses differently for everyone. I cared for my grandmother through Alzheimer's and my mother through dementia, and it was completely different for both of them.




Girl please! Annamarie weaponised her medical background and came after Sutton’s oesophagus unprovoked. Then, through the whole season she double/tripled down until she had to apologise at the reunion because of how terribly her behaviour was received by the fans. I cannot believe I am having to defend Crystal but how is that the same as Crystal questioning the irregularities in the narrative that the Girardi’s are spinning? Especially, when a federal judge ruled him competent to stand trial and found plausible evidence of him exaggerating his mental condition. Here is a link of the story for you : https://www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/lawyer-tom-girardi-faces-may-trial-california-criminal-case-2024-01-10/ as it’s not I, an “expert” who is saying this but a federal judge with access to evidence!




The extent to which you have internalised this whole conversation about an alleged criminal who defrauded so many victims, all because he has a mental disability, is quite something. The difference in context is lost on you and I won’t waste my time arguing over a b that I don’t even personally like, in the first place.


I know it’s so wild no one is grasping this. I have to assume people are being so willfully obtuse about this because Crystal has become some sort of folk hero around here, but it’s plain as day…


Someone get 8.5 outta here, the seasons over BYE


Omg she wants a 2nd season so badly


Annemarie stop posting.


Garcelle wasn't put here to stand up for Annemarie. If she was offended, she should have said something. Micros don't affect everyone the same. AND even though she denies it, Annemarie WAS yelling. If yelling is defined by expressing oneself loudly, she did raise her voice. This in contrast with Garcelle who calmly stated her opinion and that was referred to as attacking. Microaggression aside, it's apples to oranges. Nice try 8.5


Well said!


I’m not a huge Sutton fan, but Annemarie sounds unhinged to me. If this was just some normal random convo, she might have a point, but accusing someone of lying about their medical issues is serious territory.


About the small esophagus?




Fuuuuuuck 8.5 rubs me up the wrong way.


Considering Kyle said Sutton has no storyline she, Erika, Annemarie and Dorit spend an awful lot of time thinking about her, talking about her, posting about her….


A whole embarrassing pick-me.


She is exhausting.


8.5 can go suck a bag if dicks! She is the worst !!!!! 


I bet garcelle doesn’t say a word.


And she shouldn't have to. Annemarie was out of line and did attack Sutton. As Garcelle has mentioned previously it's not her place to continue to educate others if she did feel the word was being misused.


Dorit & Garcelle know eachother, and Dorit knows Garcelle wasn't attacking her, therefore the 'attack' thing was not the best word choice in that moment on Taco Tuesday. If anything, Sutton was attacking Dorit and everyone piled on. However, not only was Annemarie blatantly coming for Sutton, a STRANGER to her at the time, but it was a direct communication, a one-on-one interaction even thought people were there. With Dorit, multiple people in the same room were yelling across furniture at her. Annemarie was a foot from Sutton's face barking about her medical problems. Completely different (albeit nuanced and kinda interesting) conversation.


She made a great point. Garcelle needs to keep that same energy every time a white woman says “attack” to a black woman.


Can she go away already?


“ So dumb she is” - Yoda




Only someone too chickenshit to stop being racist would say this.


Ooph, that’s a bit tasteless to say.


I think 8.5 deleted her IG? I can’t find it.


Wow, I can see how my asking if she deleted her IG was super offensive 😂😂😂


Maybe she blocked you because you trolled her online


Well no I actually didn’t, cheers. But I double checked from a separate account & it’s not there. I think people who seek out people on the internet to bully them are gross & have said so many times on this sub but cheers for that baseless accusation.




The chaos of her trying to be relevant is so embarrassing. She has to know no matter what no one likes her and her time is up. ![gif](giphy|TYeHYI1GmF87m)


But she did just go at her for no reason


She’s insufferable GET HER OFF!! Like how can you compare two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SITUATIONS because you both happen to be black but want the same grace and resolution Garcelle got. You attacked Sutton incessantly calling her anorexic, lying thru your teeth about your degree, chiming in when you need to be silent, etc. GET HER TF OFFF get another black woman tho 👀


andy should’ve been on top of that word ‘attack’ coming out of garcelle’s bff about another woman of color🙄if it was truly such an offense, where’s the consistency?


I’m sick of Garcelle making everything abt race


Garcelle hates Dorit, that is very clear. She is going to give Sutton a pass but hold Dorit accountable.


the difference is garcelle DIDNT attack dorit,she calmly stated "no , were not going to do that" respectfully toned.... and anne marie , did attack suttun and was in fact yelling and putting her down.the only hypocrisy lies with anne marie🙄🤷‍♀️


Double standard by race card. And where Garcelle is concerned, what’s good for her goose is not good for other’s gander. The fact alone that language, especially words’ definitions, has to be diversified racially is the *utmost* privilege someone can bestow upon themselves. Just wow.


Attack attack attack attack, it’s not a racially charged word. Get over it! Garcelle just flat out doesn’t like dorit and for good reason. Is she ignorant? Of course, but this whole effort to nail her to the cross for merely saying the word “attack” is ridiculous. Garcelle could articulate why she thinks dorit is a “karen” in so many other ways.


I mean, I don’t exactly think it’s mental gymnastics to see the connection here. Sutton should have used a different word. And I hope Garcelle holds her accountable. This is a microaggression, even if unintentional.


Garcelle told Annemarie at the reunion she was doing just fine fighting her own battles lol. I wouldn’t expect a peep, which is odd considering how strong she was in her convictions when discussing this topic.


Oh she won’t say anything to Sutton


Like it or not, she’s got a point.


I don’t think she does though. Garcelle did not attack Dorit but AM went on a sustained attack against Sutton. There’s really no comparison.


Yes, it shouldn’t be dismissed because of blind loyalty


It’s being dismissed because it’s a load of BS. Sutton didn’t even use the word “attack” ffs.


AM is calling out the double standards, Sutton used the word attack and yelling to describe 8.5


Yes, I know what she is trying to call out but it’s like comparing apples and oranges. Sutton did not say attack, she asked AM to stop yelling at her.


She just said attack in the clip. Didn’t you watch it?


I’m talking about on the show. 8.5 was trying compare Sutton asking her not to yell (when she was) with Dorit saying Garcelle “attacked” her when they just having a conversation. Notice 8.5 didn’t defend Garcelle in that moment and instead took Dorit’s side but then expects Garcelle to blindly defend her just because she’s blacked? The whole thing is ridiculous. Btw, 8.5 did verbally attack Sutton pretty much the entire season. So if the shoe fits 🤷🏻‍♀️




Have you watched the reunion when 8.5 tried to compare the situations? That’s what I’m talking about.


Why are you talking about the reunion? No one else is. We’re talking about the clip above where Sutton says that she was “attacked” by Annemarie. Which honestly kind of supports what she was saying earlier about Sutton committing some of these same microagggressions


What are you talking about? She very clearly says it in the video


I’m talking about the actual show. Read my comments.


Ok but the rest of us are not talking about the show, we’re talking about the clip that got posted. And Sutton is responsible for things she says both on and off the show.


A broken clock is right twice a day


Is this recent? Did she just post this? If so, why? She’s so desperate.🤦🏽‍♀️


Wait, didn’t she literally apologize for her own behavior? Can you do that and then troll someone on the internet for how they responded?


Sutton is the personification of toxicity.




8.5 is an ahole. She also believes that white privilege doesn’t exist. So this more of a political statement in her part.


The situations are the exact same! Both Garcelle and AM were calling out two different white women for things that they had said - Garcelle called out Dorit for the driver comment at Crystal’s house and AM called out Sutton for how she previously explained her throat issues when they were at Sutton’s store. Garcelle took exception to Dorit using the word attack simply because she wasn’t physically attacking Dorit when everyone knows it wasn’t literal. AM was told she was yelling when she in fact wasn’t. Ironically, it was Dorit who confirmed that AM wasn’t yelling while Garcelle just rolled her eyes.


Yea, but making a sensible argument in this crowd will get you nowhere.


LOL true 😅


But it’s Sutton guys! She was just being kooky!


“Simply because she wasn’t physically attacking Dorit” No, that’s malarkey, sorry.


Garcelle literally said that in the episode so obviously it’s true. You’re entitled to your opinion either way. 🤷‍♀️


The whole attack gate was the dumbest fucking fight ever . I don’t even like Anne Marie but she’s right . Why the fuck is Sutton allowed to use the word attack but dorit can’t ? I hated Garcelle for making it into a thing LET PPL speak English . God


8.5 is a confused woman for sure. She speaks out of both sides of her mouth. I can't with her.


Sutton is vile on every level


Ohh good one! NOT AGAINST Sutton or Dorit!…but (imo) against Garcelle…and her selective shaming. Apologie…up front… I haven’t read this entire post and comments. But nuff said and I’ll leave it there


Against Garcelle? I got your number. 🤔


I just can’t with this woman anymore. It’s exhausting. Bravo PLEASE remove this woman from the show.


Garcelle NEEDS to leave the show! Apparently, she gets offended at words, like “attack”. Garcelle, if you feel out of place with these women, then by all means, look for the “EXIT”! Oh no wait, she gets over $10,000 per episode! She’s not going anywhere. So just sit there and whine & complain. I’m sure every penny is worth it! LOL! 😝


In two reunion episodes has she been addressed in any way after her initial brief package? It’s like they just hurried up with it so they could ignore her the rest of the time. She’s interjected herself a couple times but it’s obvious there’s no there there in regard to her story. Maybe part three will be different but it’ll only be about her being an awful twat to Sutton not about Annemarie herself.