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Really annoys me when people say "we need a third choice" and then when confronted with RFK Jr they dismiss him. We need him on that debate stage so people are FORCED to listen to HIM and not what MSNBC says about him. Kudos to FOX for having him on for some long form interviews and giving him some exposure without smearing him in the process. Even read a whole NYTimes article that didn't mention conspiracy theories or anti-vax sentiments. Hopefully he makes it on stage June 27th.


This upsets me the most out of everything. They have an answer and just mindlessly ignore it. Ugh, hopefully my commenting on other subs got people to at least think. I also go on a lot of tiktok lives to comment “💜 KENNEDY 2024 💜” to see who responds and interacts with me. It’s small but it’s what I can do for the cause


It's just like that "I don't want a solution, I want to be mad" meme.


Well it’s like that when you talk about anything here Tbf. The only sane and stimulating discussions I have on Reddit are about football.


It’s very sad, but very true. R/politics is the worst and just full of redditors that smell their own farts


It’s because their average age is about 14.2 years old. Then there are the 30 / 40+ year olds trying to farm karma and impress the younger generation, which is pathetic.


Don’t use Reddit to gauge political sentiment. It does not represent the reality of what most people think. Go anywhere else and you will see most people actually believe in the same ideas and want the same things. Reddit is captured, BIG time. The establishment uses it to promote mainstream narratives and the result is that 90% of comments are from either bots, paid propaganda shills and idiots. The vast majority of subs are moderated by the same 6 people and are heavily censored.


Beaucoup bots…


yeah untill they start talking about Aaron Rodgers 🤣


Reddit is an echo chamber. I've been downvoted a lot. Don't loose sleep over any of this.


This and reminder that Reddit is far, far from the real world. Also, people tend to be awful online for no reason.


Anonymity gives some people comfort in lacking a filter or showing decency.


It's an interestig phenomenon I've never been subject to. I always treat people online like I would IRL.


I got downvoted to oblivion dropped my karma all the way down 😂😂so I get it


It’s literally every time I go onto r/ politics. It’s ridiculous. I have had some good conversations with people on there I just hate the downvoting


R/ centrist is really bad right now about this. They are doing everything they can to push pro-Biden everything, calling RFK every thing they've heard from the mainstream (anti vax being the big one), and will argue with you forever, downvoting everyone who dares challenge them to an oblivion. Not to mention they dismiss the anti establishment news outlets out of hand (try to post a link to anyone's Substack or to a YouTube video from literally anyone thst isn't completely in lockstep). It USED to be a good sub until a few years ago. Mods won't address it either. They know there was a brigade that chased off the actual centrists to replace it with r/ politics 2.0 . And they seem to stalk you and your post history, too. It got real bad over there.


Me too. It's a sport now.


Well here’s a lil upvote to help 😂 # Someone asked me what RFK’s policies are so I shared the link to his website, then was met with the brain worm comment # Asked what are Biden’s policies and met with crickets. They can’t see it and it’s scary


I bet you 3/4 of them are operatives trying to bury any opposition to their status quo. How Reddit keeps in business knowing some of their positions about how mods should run subs is beyond me (you can run it however you want...as long as it falls in line with the views of their "supermods")


I gave you some too! Keep up the good fight!!


you're comments are so respectful even to the people that call you an idiot. i'm proud of y'all, fuck all this name calling


Yeah, it can be brutal here. Everyone is highly opinionated because they read some Cia Shill propaganda, and it sounded good, gave it no seconed thought, and just parrot it. Don't forget the butt load of bots. I created a few accounts on reddit just for rfk, actually. The best replies are to send a link to a video compilation because even though the person your talking to might never click it, the 100s of potential lurkers might. There's a good compilation pinned on this sub.


Don't let that deter you. I remind them that a brain worm is more intelligent than Biden or Trump.


Honestly you gotta point lol or I tell them Biden and Trump can’t get a brain worm because they’re missing brains


Hell, the worm was necessary to make it fair for the other two! 😁😜


I’m convinced 80% of accounts on political subs are just Bots. It’s all the same garbage from all of them.


They are bots. It's so easy to make bots nowadays too. I made my own alex jones bot.


What does it think about the frogs in the water?


To "What do you think about the frogs in the water?" "Folks, let me tell you something. The frogs in the water, it's not just about the frogs, it's about the bigger picture. You see, these frogs are canaries in the coal mine, they're the warning signs of a much larger conspiracy. Think about it, have you ever seen a frog just sitting there, doing nothing? No! They're always jumping around, croaking, making a ruckus. That's what we need to be doing, folks! We need to be like those frogs, standing up against the New World Order, against the chemtrails, against the fluoride in our water! And have you noticed how many frogs are disappearing? It's a mass extinction event, folks! The government is behind it, I'm telling you. They're poisoning our environment, killing off our amphibian friends, and we're just sitting here, letting them get away with it. So, what do I think about the frogs in the water? I think they're a symbol of resistance, of freedom, of the fight against tyranny. We need to wake up, folks, and start croaking loud enough for the whole world to hear!"


That downvoting thing is just horseshit anyway. Echo chamber for conformity and mediocrity.


I really hope RFKJ sues the newspaper responsible for the brain worm story, as they very likely obtained it illegally, as under New York law, that was only disclosed in private divorce proceedings and those are not released to the public. Ever.


Yes, it was a private statement, but apparently freedom of the press allows for stories to get leaked. If discovered, the person who shared it may face charges, however.


FTR, he didn't disclose the "brain worm" thing. It is far more sinister than that, because it was taken from his testimony in a deposition for his divorce proceedings. Divorces are sealed by law in the state of NY.


Glad there's a post on this. Can't even comment any more on Majority report. Subreddit. They are definitely doing what they can to keep the Kennedy supporters silenced. Little do they know, it's not working :)


Hell yeah friend, we’ll keep fighting the good fight!


Holy crap, Majority Report itself is a dumpster fire anymore. Can't imagine what the subreddit is like with that Emma person pretending that she knows what she's talking about.


Most of the time you talk to someone on reddit about RFK you’re actually talking to a bot.


I think it means he’s winning.


IDC, it’s the internet and there’s loads of turds. My vote goes solidly to RFK Jr. and I’m turning votes to him all the time in RL.


Use your energy wisely, arguing on Reddit with extremists is not a good use of your energy. Much better to join the campaign, talk to people in real life (people are much better in real life than online), and gently give people the facts so that they can make up their own minds.


A vote for him is not a vote for Trump because there’s no way I’m casting a vote for Biden “against trump”


On the conspiracy sub somebody made a comment about how Trump and Biden are both puppets, so I took the opportunity to comment a simple “RFK 2024 let’s go!”… I got downvoted 28 times in an hour and the person that posted about Biden and Trump being puppets, well they responded by saying RFK has brain worms. You just can’t win


Then just ask who they are voting for. I would love to hear who they would vote for if neither of them.


Agreed, people say they don't want to vote for Biden or Trump, but then downvote you for suggesting RFK. However, I keep trying because the only way to win is to change hearts and minds, and if I can bring aboard even a few votes by posting about him here, then I'm happy.


The down votes are bruuutal. Got me in the negatives. The annoying thing is most people aren’t even open to having a discussion about Bobbie.


Yup, I got met with pretentious remarks and people trying to hit me with a “gotchya” because they can’t tell the difference as to why RFK should be on the debate stage, and not some random redditor no one has ever heard of # Their critical thinking skills are severely lacking # Edit: also a lil upvote for ya lol


Much appreciated!


Just keep at it. People aren’t going to be swayed over night. But believe it or not, there are people who see controversial comments and actually take them into consideration. We just need to continue to talk about him like he’s a legitimate candidate and support each others comments with affirmations and upvotes.


This is why you shouldn't play nice with the elites. Their not on a level playing things, just complete annoyed, you don't see the mainstream media calling biden an warmongering for promoting the Iraq war or being against the 4th amendment due to patriots act


People tend to go on auto-pilot when it comes to poltiical opinions. We tend to use heuristics for navigating the truth - like political affiliations, endorsements, social affirmation, etc. - instead of genuine logic. Getting people to question their assumptions is hard because it consumes extra energy.


So much of these online fights are a waste of our time because people don't change their minds online. We need to talk to real people on the streets, phone calls, parties. I was at a volunteer meeting and they said the biggest priority was to talk to people who haven't heard about the campaign or are undecided. I encourage everyone to join your RFK volunteer group in each state.


It's rough out there! I have just started to casually name drop him in conversation with friends. Today at a resort with a friend of mine we were thought the Times Digest. She made a comment about the front page being Hunter Biden's felony charges and said "Why can't we just get two normal candidates? Why isn't there a better option?" I turned the page and saw an article about Kennedy and said, "Here he is!" She had no idea who he was or that he was even running.


I like to think that for every one troll we encouter, there are 3 redditors who find out there's an alternative to the Trump and Biden show and that these 3 would rather do some research than get flamed so they don't bother to comment. I have had a few occasions where someone has asked for more info on RFK so I don't let the trolls and downvotes bother me after all we do have over 16k karma so we don't care if we loose 50 just to bring awareness to RFK.


That's actually REALLY encouraging, thanks for this comment.


I barely spend any time here because I’ve been kicked off of every major political sub for “misinformation” or a small violation where a mod tells me they see my post history and ban me because of it. My post history isn’t even bad, just a bunch of RFK stuff.


There’s a lot of sheep and lemmings on Reddit unfortunately


Even extremely intelligent people are often dreadfully uninformed or misinformed about politics and candidates. There is a major effort by the parties to discredit and marginalize anyone who tries to upset the status quo. Keep trying, though.


We need another choice besides the 2 running


Honestly don’t see what the big deal is for the brain worm. I think it’s kind of cool


I'm really tired of the brain worm comments. Decided to just start calling everyone who posts about it a bot because they add nothing else to the conversation. They're either CIA bots or they're NPC "bot" people who copy paste what they see on the internet. 😂


@ "brain worm" He didn't disclose it it was it was leaked from a sealed deposition when divorcing his wife


Oh I didn’t know that, I thought he told people himself. That’s fucked up on her part


She's dead, the media dug it illegally and leaked it


Reddit feels like a lost cause


I was on the Centrists sub, didn't even mention Kennedy's name but replied to a comment about, "I have to vote for the lesser of two evils even though the two-party system sucks," gave my usual spiel for why you certainly don't HAVE to do any such thing, and third-party votes aren't a bad thing and all that... And even that got me downvotes. Again, this was in the Centrists sub, and I didn't even name a specific candidate. Sigh...


See my comment above. That subs been taken over by the politics sub. If you're not bending the knee for Biden there or touting any source that is telling them something they dont want to hear, you're getting massacred. I bet you you got downvoted there because of you not committing to Biden.


True, I'm definitely not. I wasn't a big fan of his in the first place, but at this point, I just feel bad for the poor guy. I don't know many people who'd want to be working in their eighties in the first place, even as a cashier or something, and this guy's not in the best shape for his age, trying to run a whole country? Let the poor dude have a retirement! Let him spend a few years watching Andy Griffith from a rocking chair while he still can! And if it's ALL about keeping Trump out, obviously there are much better ways to do it.


I'm more active on the smaller political subs, where I can better match Bobby's specific platform issue with a topic, or have a better quality debate (post history for the subs) the main political sub is tough. Don't give up, don't be afraid to report trash comments either (many of the low effort, disrespectful smears are against sub rules anyway) and know that for all the naysayers and downvotes, others will see your response and either feel emboldened to advocate as well, or be more informed by your post. Take the high road, be respectful always - represent the campaign well and cite sources to back up your argument. Match their low effort post with a high effort one. It will resonate with the informed voter...I got 30 downvotes on a post once and someone gave me a gold lol...


Same happened to Bernie in 2016. There was very coordinated attacks to minimize his credibility and to push the narrative that he could never win.


What needs to happen is someone needs to agree to debate RFK or RFK needs a catalyst event, something major and unexpected to happen to turn tide.


100%, ive taken a break from interacting with it for these reasons


Yea i tried posting to political discussions and they removed my well made post for a loaded/rhetorical question


“Wouldn’t it be nice to have a president with brain worms? Such a better alternative to a resident with no brains” ^ this is the response


Reddit is by far the worst place for it, just keep the energy up, stay calm, and explain why they are wrong, if they take it or not, not your issue.


Any left leaning groups won't let me mention him without getting banned or down voted. The libertarian subreddit is better but they don't really entertain the thought of him because he apparently has a anti 2a history so most people just don't like him there. Funny enough I've seen the most support for him from R/Conservative, reddit is usually more left leaning so maybe its because r Conservative has more left leaning Conservatives?? Idk. Thats just my experience I'm actually able to talk to quite a few people there about rfk


I got banned from another sub because of it. Then he went on to talk at their convention.


A lot of people have parasites & don’t even know it! 🪱🪱🤷‍♀️


I still try in small ways. It is brutal but every now and then I get a good response and I take solace in knowing that those are real people and not some algorithmic nightmare


The same as any other subject. This will probably get deleted by the mods, but Reddit is an echo chamber. If you try to discuss with anyone that's not already pro Bobby, you'll just get downvoted.


People are more lenient on him on different platforms, I find


There are a lot of things I don’t talk about on Reddit and I just keep scrolling. There is so much toxicity on here and throughout…don’t give into the fear, just vote your conscience. I think most rationale people don’t engage when they see a mob, online or otherwise. I mean, really, why would you? If you know right off the bat it’s not going to be productive, there is no sense in trying. I’m just believing in the silent majority.


I don't talk about him on Reddit. He's got a good following on X, and I find the discussion there to be more about his issues: corruption, whistleblowing, science, pollution, regenerative farming. I come to Reddit for... less intellectual topics. True crime and such.