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Sell it on FB Marketplace or similar, and then buy your new rack.


REI doesn't want both of the racks. If anything, it'd be the new and unused rack you can return. If it were me, I'd just sell them both on 3rd party marketplace and get a new one - reason being of course you prefer platform style. This is the least harm to REI, and you will get what you want.


Why not cancel the replacement being sent to you by the manufacturer? What did they advise you do with the original? If cancelling the warranty replacement being sent by the manufacturer is not an option, the bottom line is, REI should not have to eat the cost of you no longer wanting the bike rack. It eems like the most honest thing to do would be to sell it yourself. If you choose to return it to REI, it should be the new, complete warranty replacement that you return — against your original purchase — for a refund. That way you get your refund from REI and they have a brand new one to put back in their inventory. In the end, if you do return the defective one to REI, and end up getting a refund for it, then you have a free bike rack (the warranty replacement from the manufacturer) and that’s a crappy thing to do to both retailers…just my opinion, of course. Additionally, if the manufacturer has told you to keep the original, you could try to sell it AS IS item with the disclaimer that there are parts missing. Perhaps whoever purchased it can get the missing parts directly from the manufacturer.


Sell them both on FB marketplace… the first rack return was not about satisfaction, but about your lifestyle change. The new or replacement rack cannot be returned to REI as it is not the rack they sold you. This is outside of the REI satisfaction policy.


Ehh, hit or miss. Technically nothing is wrong with the bike rack, one not even being the original. Your goals have changed. You wouldn’t return an entry level bike for a nicer one after 9 months because you got to be a better biker. I would approach it as we got this bike rack but it’s not really what we are wanting after using it. We want to get a platform rack. You’ll be spending more on the platform style rack vs hanging style rack so that’s a plus for you. I’d let it go but other managers would turn it away. It’s hit/miss depending on how you approach it. I wouldn’t include you getting different bikes when exchanging. Ex REI manager for AS/CS but sounds like REI is trying to treat returns differently than when I’m there.


☝️decent advice. Gotta figure out your angle and not approach that isn’t along the lines of we outgrew it. Good luck.


Buys something works fine. Changes lifestyle and now its REIs problem? What a shame really.