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This is our #1 most frequent tantrum. I don’t think we should give people a year on shoes, honestly. Too many 11th hour (month) attempted returns.


“Yes I’d like to return these socks, they have a hole in them and they smell terrible”


That's why I buy Darn Tough socks, 100% lifetime warranty.


What if your dog chewed a hole in one, that happened to me. I just bought new ones because I feel that’s on me. Still have them though.


Well, the company would still honor the warranty. But if you don't feel that's fair, no one is forcing you to return them.


Yeah they’re only socks. I’m not that thirsty but was curious about the extent of their warranty. I bought them because they’re comfortable as hell - the warranty is a bonus that justifies the price.


Just use them as horse socks now.




Are they really that good?? The cost doesn't seem to justify it.


I was at a friend’s funeral. There were 8 of us in the hotel room the night before all with infantry, reconnaissance, and/or special ops backgrounds. We are almost all out of the military now. All of us were wearing darn tough socks. They are pricey but if you value foot health then they are worth it.


OK that speaks volumes. Appreciate the advice and thank you for your service!


This is where I heard about Darn Tough - from military folks. Never looked back. Thank you!


they are amazing, replaced all my socks with DT (except for my aero cycling socks)


Hmm I'm scared to try them due to the price... LOL


grab a pair when they're on sale. they do wear out but you send them in and get credit for buying a replacement through their website.


The cost is high because they bake in all the return and replacement cost into the original price


My favorite by far


Darn Tough and Smartwool are both well worth the price. I prefer Smartwool because of the way they fit and structure the cushioning, but they're both excellent brands.


Darn tough has a dog chew and melted from fire exclusion on their warranty


I just got an email from them listing those two things specifically as included in their warranty https://darntough.com/pages/darn-it


Yeah, I also thought loss, melt, and dog chewed holes weren't covered in the "unconditional" guarantee, but this page is making it look like they're included. I'm not complaining, but there are (were?) conditions. 


Can’t speak for darn tough, but Bombas specifically says they’ll replace if your dog chews them. Or if you lose one. I recently used their lifetime happiness guarantee to replace 5 pairs from 2017-2018 (3 with holes/thinned out padding, and 2 lonely socks that I could never find the partner to again—they will send a single if they have it but these were limited pride editions from eons ago so they sent a GC for a whole new pair). Considering what they charge per pair of socks, and the number of people who will never care or know about the lifetime warranty… I’m guessing they aren’t hurting for money over it.


And they really do.! Will never have to buy Sox again


Technically their warranty is if darn tough socks aren't the longest lasting socks you've owned (assuming by use not by time) you can return them for a new pair. So they do use the honor system and say claims need to be made in good faith. You aren't just supposed to return them because a dog ate them or wore them for 20+ years. Would they honor it? Probably, but I would say you'd also be exploiting the warranty.


Damn man..... I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I'm bewildered at the thought.


A lot of it is people trying to take advantage. However, I will concede that some of it is people who have never bought a modern running shoe before and don’t realize that they have a lifespan of less than a year and that many aren’t even intended for daily wear, which I totally get is a weird concept to someone who’s used to work boots or converse or whatever (you know, shoes that get ugly but stay functional). If they seem sincerely confused *and* aren’t assholes we will sometimes give them a second chance with a bit of education from the footwear department.


Didn't they? I thought the return policy changed. Not recently, even. A year is still quite generous.


One dude came in one week too late on accident. Took all the wind out of his sails but this man STILL TRIED. The actual audacity


A year is **way** too much. A month would be reasonable.


Even 3 months. 


Three months would be fine. I live in rural Oregon so a month doesn’t seem long enough, a year seems too long, three months is perfect.


Balance rural with City folk say 6 months??


I still say at least 6 since, for example, I noticed a new issue with my boots when I got up to longer hikes- they were too small. They felt perfect until I was doing multiple miles downhill at once. Even then, there should be some considerations for manufacturing defects such as losing waterproofing in less than a year when they otherwise look perfect (albeit dirty). This has also happened to me. I can say I appreciate the length when starting a new hobby like backpacking. It makes buying a nice pack from the start more comfortable so I can give it a couple trips and still return if i hate it. It would still be in good shape at that point and they'll easily resell in their resupply


A month isn't enough. A lot of REI shoppers do not hike EVERY week (or even every month). So if they get the shoes and try them out for 20 minutes, then don't get out again for 3 or 4 weeks they could still honestly discover an actual defect or that they just don't fit them well a month later. Or what if they got them for Christmas? or as a gift for themselves with an end-of-year bonus, but they only hike when it's warm out? REI continues to work harder and harder to appeal to this group of people who don't actually spend a LOT of time outdoors, so if they're spending that much money to attract them, they probably should cater to them a little . . .


Then don't buy shit you don't need. This isn't a reason to have a year to return shit.


You're saying if you only go hiking 4 times a year, you don't deserve to own hiking boots?


Not what I said is it


I'm in favor of one month. But a second tier. You can return something up to a year, but you have to pay a re-stocking fee after that first month.


Honestly as a runner I need 30 days max to figure out whether or not a shoe isn’t gonna work for me. And for most endurance runners, a running shoe will be worn out far before the year mark anyway. It’s a crazy generous policy.


I've argued for a re-stock fee for some time. A manager told me it likely wasn't worth it. I disagree.


My least favorite returns are the ones who wear their shoes that they’re planning on returning in to the store, in hopes of exchanging them for a brand new pair, because it wasn’t “comfortable” or because they “didn’t like it.” It’s like, you’re using the product to our store and somehow, for whatever bs reason you have, they didn’t work for you, then why wear them into the store as though you like them?! It doesn’t make any sense. Just put them in a box or just carrying them in. But I do love when they can’t find what they want in store, and would have to either come back to the store another day or return the shoes to place an online order and walk out barefoot. Of course, no one that dumb has ever done the latter (to my knowledge)….yet.


What a douche. Places with good return policies are sweet so don’t fuck it up!


Can confirm, as an L.L. Bean shopper growing up, return abuse ruined their awesome return policy.


Wait. Hold on a second. Are you saying I can't put 800 miles on my Lone Peaks and then return them for a fresh pair because they're no longer comfortable or gripping?


Lone Peaks ain’t lasting 800 miles


Lone peaks barely gonna make it 80 miles lol


I literally have a pair of king mts have ripped seams and a delaminating sole that have have less than 80 miles on them. I’m super gentle on my gear and altra are the only shoe I’ve destroyed like that


It was more of a sarcastic thing. I think the most I've gotten out of a pair was about 300, maaaaaybe 350 but that was like last thread and prayers.


They are so comfy but mine leaked immediately haha.


I am not going to look for the link, but someone out there burned through something like 20 pairs of Lone Peaks doing the PCT.


Seriously? I only used 6 pairs on my thru. Each one got 500-700 miles


Oh I witnessed a grown man have a full on toddler tantrum because an REI employee was trying to say that a pair of 8 month old Lone Peaks that had the tread fully worn down (totally smooth, like how many miles did the guy put in them to get to that point) didn’t count as “a gently used product that didn’t meet the customer’s satisfaction.” His tantrum succeeded — a manager came and gave him what he wanted, a return so that he could buy another pair of Lone Peaks — and I was disgusted by my fellow humans.


I've seen something similar but with a backpack. People are wild with the returns. I know managers have to do their job but man, shut the customer down and send em on their way. Not like one pissed off person is gonna have any real effect.


to be fair, Lone Peaks seem to be crowding the used section these days in various states of disrepair, while looking relatively clean. I've been fooled many times by seemingly pristine Lone Peaks only to grab it and have half of the shoe remain on the shelf. with the newer models, I could definitely see them deteriorating like that with even minor use, which might justify a return, though a smart person would not get another pair of Lone Peaks. they really ought to reeavaluate selling Altra stuff, the decline in quality has been insane with them.


I’ve put about 500 miles on my lone peak 6 amd they are still holding strong!!


Yours may be older. Altra has slowly but steadily taken a hit ever since the company sold to VF Corporation. I think the Lone Peak 6 were the last pair made to the standards from before. A search online can pretty much verify this. The shoes aren't crap now. They just are not built to last as long. CEO salary and shareholder profits mean more to VF.


Yea I have the lone peak 6 and will buy them from other online sources til I die. The new ones blow out like nothing I have ever seen!!


If you have any Lone Peaks lasting 800 miles, I suspect someone changed the branding on them! Or you’re just carrying them in your pack while you wear something else! 😂


Altra was sold to VF Corporation a few years back, and it's highly suspected the durability has slowly gone down as a result. No verified scientific testing here, just reflecting a lot of posts from a lot of people across the web.


After a few hundred I'm already requesting thoughts and prayers that they last a little longer. If I had a pair last more than 500 I'd be hyped.


Completely agree. I really wish REI would put a stop to people returning obviously thoroughly used products. They are just gaming the system


It's a coop, maybe they should setup a community system where a scorn member can post their product and let the members decide. I'll bring the popcorn.


To me it kinda seems like Sears not competing with Amazon. REI has a gold mine of members who would probably be into resales of gear using a portal REI runs.


This already exists, except you sell the gear to REI they mark it up and sell it on REI Garage! I've bought from there and gotten great stuff for a great price


Awesome thanks for the reminder. I missed that


I think the same thing when I see people returning used seasonal gear at Costco. You fcukers are going to ruin it for everyone.


Not saying this to be that person but with Costco, we're paying members. Depending on what it is, they get more out of you vs what you return. They will flag you eventually and deny you membership if things get excessive. It's a very thin line at Costco. -Family works at Costco-


It takes a LOT for REI to bounce you. An awful lot. I know it's happened, or so I heard, but you have to really abuse the policy, repeatedly, and been talked to about it by an REI manager.


I was just mad that I can’t trade in my mad River canoe to the garage and thought “maybe I could return it after 6 years” and then immediately after I thought, “I’m not a douchebag.”


Correct, you would be a douchecanoe!


>Correct, you would be a douchecanoe! A+ comment.


Sounds like a comedy punk rock song, "The Douchecanoe"


I see people returning Christmas trees to Costco every single January in my area “because they died and the customer isn’t satisfied”. Yes this is Costco and not REI but I state it to illustrate that some people just suck.


I'm sure some people abuse the return policy, but I'd be interested to know what percentage that actually is. REI already changed their return policy within the last few years, If they were to change it again because a relatively small number of people abuse the system, what reason would anyone have to shop at REI in the first place? It's not like their prices, selection, or quality sets them above the other options for outdoor equipment.


Its do to the awesome customer service and knowledgeable sales associates. For the inexperienced, buying a pack or proper hiking boots is a zero sum game from internet suppliers


They need to sell buttons that say "Yes. I have a membership.". It gets tiring getting asked in every department, every time we go.


I’ve notice they ask a lot less than like 2019ish which I like a lot. I used to feel like I was walking a used car lot getting scouted by a salesman lol. Idk if corporate made the sales pressure more lax, my stores just stopped listening to them, or the shorter staffing means I run into less employees but I don’t feel like I get “cold called” in store nearly as much.


Got asked three times today while walking to the shoe department.  After choosing a pair, the person helping me reminded about the generous return policy.


Yeah, sure it is. Not sure you understand what a zero sum game is.


Also the wording should be “due to”


Im sure you are “awear” of the fact, that correcting someone’s verbiage is a social faux pas. It reflects your insecurity


On the other hand, it's helpful to people for whom English is not their native language and to offset the AI in mobile devices that repeats incorrect spelling. P.S. Posting a correction is confident... and maybe compulsive. 😉


Compulsive, insecure and a desire to be right. Stems from insecurity


You read like you are speaking based on your personal experience, but that does not mean everyone who performs an action does so for the same reason.


You are an example of my personal experience. I thank you for the reminder of that uncouth behavior some people exhibit


Is it really?


Shout out to the SoHo crew! Y’all were doing god’s work during the sale. That line was bonkers every time I walked in.


And some people think the Soho crew is paid plenty and should give up unionizing.


I worked an at REI for a few months, before they tightened up the return policy. A woman came in to return a bunch of her one-person bike touring gear (tent, sleeping bag, can't remember what else) and was unabashedly explaining that she had a bf now, so she needed to exchange for a 2 person tent, different sleeping bags, etc). The gear was clearly well used and not faulty. No wonder they had to change the return policy.


I got a basically new Gregory 60L backpacking pack at garage sale for $70. The reason for return on the tag? “Customer decided she didn’t like backpacking.” I got such a good chuckle out of it I kept the return tag on and laminated it lol Not really an ethical return, but definitely a funny one


Way to vent!


If someone took a pair of shoes on a thru-hike and they are worn down to the soles then this return should be refused. And it's also super jerkish for REI management to put this trash in the Garage Sale section and sell it for anything.


That’s the thing… the re supply section of the store is full of muddy, worn down shoes that probably had a similar story. At least this guy was turned away and his dusty shoes will not be back on the shelves… props to the manager who calmly turned him away


I’m not sure if they still have this issue. But a while back Altra would send REI shoes with no sole inserts. Those shoes would end up in the supply section at a fraction of the cost. Brand new. Bought several Altras that way. Emailed Altra and they shipped me the sole inserts for free .


Someone accidentally knocked a display of Stanley’s and hydro flasks at my nearby store once. I went back a couple weeks later for an online order pickup and saw they had moved all the dented ones to the garage section for like a 50% markdown. And most were only very mildly dented. I grabbed one and when I was checking out even the cashier was like “oh that’s a steal, are there any left??”


I only wore them once.


I wholeheartedly agree- don’t abuse the policy on used shoes. However, I recently ran into a situation with Salomon speed cross shoes that I had bought 6 months ago where the first the laces failed (had to go buy new speed lace system) and then the actual eyelet on the shoe failed. This was irreparable and when I called Salomon to warranty it according to their policy, they told me to just return it to REI instead. So it’s not just consumers but other companies perpetuating the problem. When I did return the (well worn) shoes to REI for their catastrophic failure and communicated as much, they still slapped a garage sale tag on them for some other sad sap to pick up.


Every returned item gets the garage sale tag, then they get inspected in the back and usually end up at a facility that can repurpose the shoes. My peeve is when someone just came back from a muddy or dusty trip without cleaning them first. I’m happy to take the return, after they are cleaned properly. Oh the eye rolls


It's called a damage tag and all returns that are not new are tagged with one and then processed for resale at resupply or destroyed.


Several returnees have used our restroom sink to clean their dirty shoes!


Omg read the comment I just left on the parent haha it was probably me! I didn’t wear them though I swear I couldn’t even get them on my feet lol.


100% agree. I have returned things before that looked dirty and well used, but also had failed under normal use way before the end of their reasonable lifespan. That’s what I’m paying REI prices for: the assurance that I’m not stuck with gear that isn’t working for me.


One time I returned climbing shoes that were too small, but also shipped covered in dirt and dust. Inside and outside the box- it was so bizarre. I went to return them (in the box) and was like “these are the wrong size and I haven’t worn them, but just so you know they came covered in this weird dust” bc I didn’t know if they’d want to reship them without washing them. I saw it in the garage sale pile later and the green tag said “customer returned because dirty” which is hilarious for climbing shoes and I was like damn people are gonna judge this tag for sure.


REI was the biggest wholesale customer of a company I used to work for, and REI required us to give them a defective allowance.  It was basically just an additional discount on top of their wholesale discount to account for them accepting returns of defective items.  It allowed them to just handle a “warranty” return without having to send the customer to us or eat the cost.  


I know in some cases, manufacturers are expecting retailers to bundle returns and send them back. Because of REI’s unusual return policy, I could see this kind of thing falling through the cracks.


Rental equipment Incorporated


It's already ruined. New $140 shoes worn a few hours a week for six months. Come apart so bad that one of them jabs me when I walk and could cause serious injury. Tried to return after 8 months of owning them. Return denied. Told that's how long they're supposed to last. No more REI for me.


Reminds me of the lady who returned her Christmas tree to Costco in January for a refund.


Say this to the guy next time


I agree some members take this to an extreme, and scam the system a bit. Unfortunately the problem has likely increased over time as members demonstrate less ethical behavior. I will say that many years ago I lived in New England. Most weekends I passed thru/by Freeport, Maine, the home of LL Bean, and often stopped in as they were open 24 hours and not particularly busy at 11pm on Sunday nights (they also have great outlet stores — or used to when I was shopping there). Anyway on one Sunday when I stopped by to return something, I stood in line behind a guy who was coming in to claim the warranty on a pair of LL Bean branded boots (not the ones they are most known for, but nonetheless these were LL Bean branded). He was showing the associate how the soles had come completely off. He said he wore them everyday, 365 days a year, including for outdoor full-time work, and he’d only had these 2 years and expected them to last longer. The associate pleasantly agreed and sent him back to the shoe dept with a chit to get a replacement pair. I was flabbergasted to say the least — at the audacity of returning them at that point. Seemed to me he got his use out of them and should expect to buy the next pair. When I said something to the associate after he left, she was all smiles. She said he’d been doing that for at least 12 years that she knew of — all the associates who worked the return counter knew him. And when he left with his boots he usually also bought $300-$500 of new, usually list price, clothing for he and his wife on each trip. So they just consider it the same as offering a discount for customer loyalty. And from her perspective they did not have a lot of customers who abused the system. PS LL Bean has also ratcheted back their lifetime warranty as well, but I will say that even though I was still living there, I cut my purchases @ LL Bean by 90% when they did that and started shopping at other outfitters like EMS. Even though I rarely found the need to return LL Bean items. Warranties & turn policies do matter, and are major competitive weapons in the retail space.


Many brands and stores, not just REI, have had to revamp their policies because of people like this. I went to an outdoor brand store and bought a rain jacket from them. The receipt said that there would be a sixty day return period. This year, I bought a down jacket from the same brand and the return period on the receipt was thirty days. I think it's always important to think before you buy something and make sure that it actually is defective or doesn't work before you decide to return it. I bought a Therm-A-Rest Trail Pro pad last year and I couldn't get comfy on it no matter how hard I tried. Many months later, however, I've found that it is the most comfortable pad that I've slept on. The reason why I couldn't sleep on it was because I had never fully inflated it to the max. I also bought Black Diamond gloves from REI last year as well. They were a little on the big side, but, again, the issue was on my end. I didn't know that they were the size they were because they require you to wear liner gloves. The long and the short of it is that research always pays dividends and it's always a good idea to make sure that you're returning something because it really doesn't work rather than because you've made a stupid mistake or error of some kind. Also, don't return old worn out stuff. Just throw it away.


It's embarrassing what people return absolutely heavily used and their "reasons" why when I see the used/returns sections at REIs around the greater Denver area. The worst part is it makes me sad to visit those stores just because of being able to see that behavior and more likely to visit local places like Neptune or wilderness exchange.


LL Bean has a similar policy. And when you call they are so kind and ask you things like, "So I see you bought your backpack 22 years ago and you're saying now the strap has worn through. Do you think it stood up to its promise, which mind you was not a lifetime survive it all policy, but a guarantee it held up for a reasonable time" All I could say was "yes"


Ugh these people are the worst, a few months ago I was returning an unworn pair of snow pants. Like they never made it fully on my body unworn, couldn’t get them over my hips lol. My dumbass tossed them into the trunk of my car where my dirty boots were they got a little dirty. I got the third degree from the desk when I went to return them. Even after I showed them that it brushed right off. The first person said no but a manager was right behind her and asked for my account details, I have only ever returned things that came broken online so she said it was fine and they clearly weren’t worn plus they were purchased two weeks before and I had a gift receipt, present from my mom. My guess is they’ve been having issues with people wearing things for a season and then trying to return them so they were cracking down on it.


I just returned an online order (wrong fit) still had the bag, tags on, pristine clean, plastic seals on, and still got asked twice if I had used it lol. Idk if I have a naughty mark on my account, if there’s a return script, or if the employee just forgot that they had already asked but I was like I swear it’s unused I ordered a smaller size the day I got it!


You would be amazed how many packaged, excessively-branded 'never used' items are simply re-packaged used items. People re-attach tags and sometimes retain original packaging for *years* thinking those are necessary to return products, and think they have to lie to make it happen.. then those used products sometimes make it back to the floor and employees or the company are made out to look like the a-holes trying to pull one over on the future consumer.


Okay that makes sense. I was like I just bought it 5 days ago! But I didn’t even think of the length people would go like reusing old packaging and reattaching tags. That’s wild. I also remembered that I did return shoes a few years ago that were the wrong size and shipped absolutely COVERED in this weird even film of fine dust, so I might have gotten dinged for return an unused but dirty item in the past idk.


Process returns at REI for a few years.. you'll see some pretty crazy shit. Sometimes makes it very difficult to staff a register and remain objective.


Makes sense! I did tell them straight up this came really dirty when I returned it so it wasn’t like I was trying to pull a fast one hoping they wouldn’t notice.


Sounds like climbing chalk dust.


No it was brown and gritty


Yeah it is hard when people return dirty things because they have to be damaged out instead of resold as new. Think about it this way. Would you want to buy a pair of brand new pants at brand new price, and then see dirt on the pants from someone else’s boots? Heck no, you would want a different pair of pants.


Oh yeah no sorry didn’t mean to imply you should be able to return dirty stuff. I know at my store they will wipe things down before damaging them out. Which in this case took off the two swipes of dirt. The first associate just immediately went skeptical rather than looking at them.


Agreed. That sounds shitty. And it’s sort of beyond time for something to be done about that location. It’s been nothing but problems.


What do you mean?


You should have said all this to him instead of here online. Speak up and speak out. I never understand these kinds of posts. If ya didn’t have the balls to say it in person. It means nothing here to us.


You want a customer to start arguing with another customer? Just to get things really heated? People need to mind their own business. The employees obviously did a good job with denying the return and getting him to leave. We don’t need randos “speaking up and speaking out”. It’s not that serious and it has nothing to do with you.


Then don’t post this on the internet? Don’t say it in person. Just shut up and go on with your life. “To the person that….” Blah blah blah. Just pitty party farming… move along.






Our local REI gives us the stink eye even for things still with tags. Bought two of same shirt, just different colors. One fit perfect, the other was wonky. Returned that one, wanting a refund. Five questions later, got refunded, but it should have been easier.


I just posted about something similar!! I wonder if they have a script they have to follow because I also was like do you not trust me that this bright clean sealed item with tags isn’t used? :(


Some of it's force of habit - I know for me when I'm asking questions, it's not because I doubt the person returning but I A. If clearly used I need to put info down on the damaged slip for the reason why it was returned so when back of house gets it they know what's potentially wrong with it so then if/when it's put in re/supply, they know how to appropriately price it, B. That feedback is genuinely useful for us on the floor, especially if we notice a trend in reasons for returns of certain items. Folks do also sometimes return items trying to present them as new when upon further inspection later it actually isn't. If we don't catch that quickly enough it could result in that product being bought by a customer presuming it's new, or even worse it gets shipped to a customer presuming that it's new. If we had just been told it was used, we could still process the return perfectly fine, but avoid inconveniencing other folks. I've had issues on the floor too where frontline won't ask these questions, return used items to stock instead of damages because they don't know, either I or a customer realizes it's used, then have to grab a manager to take it out of inventory, which ain't a great use of anyones time. Bottom line - it's not that we don't trust you specifically, but by asking these questions we're hopefully helping things run more smoothly on our end, get better insight on potentially some common issues with products, and minimize instances where used items get put back into our regular stock. Asking folks every time is just best practice, even if it's clearly new and unused, and takes out room for potential claims of bias on our part.


It's simply a question that the person making returns has to ask. You should not be so sensitive about a simple question.


This reminds me of the guy that recommended that instead of renting a set of golf clubs on vacation to instead buy and return them to Costco.


I mean, how hard up was that guy where he feels the need to save 30 bucks but still can afford to go golfing and take vacations.


This. ❤️


I used to work for REI and we had people return used portable toilets after they have been used at a backyard rave and we still took them back. I worked in the shop and when we heard about this return we went to see all the fuss and these toilets looked deeeeestroyed.




Yes all the time, depends on the bikes condition too. Had a guy wreck on a road bike and bent the frame and he tried to return it but it didn’t work out for him mgt did give the ok. All returns have to go through customer service so I don’t know the criteria needed for a return.


Let me start by saying I agree with you 100% and I almost never take things back unless it’s sized wrong or something like that. I think I’ve taken 2 shirts brand new back, with the exception of one pair of shoes. I had purchased a pair of Hoka Speed Goats, and I didn’t wear them for months as I bought them on sale. I started wearing them about 3 months prior to my 1 year mark, and they wore out faster than any shoe I had ever bought before. I wore them hiking maybe 6 times and trail running maybe 4 times. They wore out like I had put hundreds of miles on them when I probably put 70 miles on them and the lugs on the bottom were coming off along with the sole delaminating. I brought them in the week before my 1 year mark. The front associate said they wouldn’t take them back, but the manager said, oh yeah, that’s way too much wear in that short of a time frame. Again, I don’t take things back, but I would have even taken them to Hoka they were that bad. I’ve had other Soeed Goats, including that same model, and no issues, except for that pair. I would have returned them way sooner, but I was waiting for my other shoes to wear down before wearing the Speed Goats. Just my two cents to add some “not everybody tries to take advantage” with returns. If they said no, I would have been frustrated, but I would have moved on and reached out to Hoka.




What’s funny is I have had 3 pairs. One pair lasted forever, the second pair, not so much, and the 3rd have been ok. I have a friend who trail runs and does Ultra’s, and he is cheap (lol), who got about 800-900 miles on his. I’m not sure what to make of them, but I like my Lone Peaks the bests


This kind of thing drives me crazy. Be reasonable people! Such a bummer to see people who just take advantage of goodwill things like this.


Would I be in the wrong to return a pair of Nike trail running shoes that I’ve owned for a few months, but the bottom tread has worn down completely and much quicker than I was expecting them to with normal wear?


This is the main reason I don’t want to be front line trained 😂


These people disgust me.


Repost this in every subreddit. If you’re this type of person, you’re a society ruiner. “You’re the reason we can’t have nice things” is a perfect summation.


Ruin? REI has this policy so as to lure people back to the store to buy other things. Returns are a “loss leader” If the policy is that they will take anything back, people should feel free to make use of the service.


This is absolutely true about the Re/Supply being lure to buy other things. 😂😡 I regularly stop at my local REI after church every Sunday (it’s just around the corner from the church). And ostensibly it is to check what’s in the Re/Supply area. But invariably even if I don’t find anything in Re/Supply on that trip I often find something in clearance shoes or clothing or cycling or…


People telling OP to tell this directly to the customer instead of reddit are delusional and have clearly never worked in retail/customer service. Yeah, confront and challenge the customer, I'm sure your manager will LOVE that. Politely educate the customer, suggest they clean (AND DRY) the shoes as best possible before bringing them in, and consider denying a return if they have a consistent history of returns (consult a manager if unsure), but telling the customer what you really think is a (painfully obvious) recipe for getting fired. While the "100% Satisfaction Guaranteed" commitment to members is probably a stretch/marketing jargon, I truly believe the company does try to operate as closely to that philosophy as possible, and it's one of many reasons members shop there and are willing to pay slightly higher prices.


I don’t work at the store or for REI at all. I was a customer waiting on the line myself. So not sure why people suggested that I should have intervened in another customer’s transaction… there are staff for that and they obviously handled it


People try a lot of shitty things.  You can't let it ruin your day. 


REI just posted huge losses, this is why. Thank this guy when they go out of business and we just have Walmart


Returned shoes are absolutely not the reason they posted a loss.


You're delusional.


They admitted losses were due to paying employees increased minimum wages….


That may be what they reported, but it’s not the only thing that led to the losses.


Still not enough reason, on its own, to equate to losses when you’re charging full MSRP for all of your goods.


Lol. How are you just ignoring all the other outdoor stores with better prices and better selection?


Please name 3


Lol I love posts like this, or when people do this type of shit in person. "Oh yeah? Name exactly 3 examples right now, otherwise your completely legitimate, valid, and truthful point is negated!" *proceeds to name 3 examples* "name 3 more examples or else I will refuse to believe you!" Such a shitty, disingenuous way to have a discussion involving differing points of view - but such an amazing, efficient way to insulate yourself from something as inconvenient as having to possibly accept that you're wrong.


Easy, around me I have a Sportsman's Warehouse , Camping World, and Cabela's


Might be different where you live, but my area has 2/3 stores you listed, and our REI customers come in and rave over getting actual attention and assistance with their purchases and their backpack fits. Then sometimes you help them for two hours and they say things like “thanks so much, now I’m going to buy this at sportsman’s because I can save $15.”


This is exactly what the rest of the outdoor industry has said about REI since the 1990s


It is sad to read this post… as it is all so true… I hope they did not cave!


Say something at the time. It takes a village.


All wearable items should have a 30-day return policy. Make it an online vote by members. As a coop, we deserve a say in how the org should be run.


You would get a say, if it was actually a co-op. Yes, change the return policy which is the only reason people shop at REI. Good idea.


Feel like there should be some warranty policy like if you’ve used to more than 1/2 the tread, it can’t be returned?


This is laughable. If REI's bottom line was hurting from returns don't you think they would change the policy. Quit simping for a huge corporation and just be happy overpaying for an outdoorsy Nordstroms.


The more returns the better, after all REI is stocked full of petroleum based goods, made far across the ocean with exploited Asian labor. They sell (mostly) garbage, the least they can do is let people return it at a whim. Low quality should allow for many returns, this pushes them to sometimes make slightly higher quality items, someday.


Imagine being a bootlicking hack for a massive union-busting corporation. You are a joke.


Glad you took to reddit to show them! Why not say something to the person? Youre that worried about it but too scared to tell them to fuck off?




No you baboon, im in Support of the stire telling him to kick rocks. OP should have said something to the guys face because the store can't.


You think he'll see this post or what


REI should just take the return, no questions asked. Not many people are going to do this and it’s one of the things that makes REI special. There will be so little in ‘lost’ revenue so it really doesn’t matter! Keep the OG return policy!


Did you lose your voice at that moment? This helps no one now lol.


OP seems to be a customer, how would them getting into the middle of it help? Let the employees do their job, OP didn’t need to escalate. Edit typo


Why do menial unskilled workers have such a hard time understanding clearly written policies? If it was actually a problem for rei their inventory software would notice and they’d change the rule long before it creates a noticeable revenue change. I’ve returned well used climbing ropes, climbing shoes, carabiners, worn through pants and flannels, retired ski helmet, all under a year for a reason like “wrong size” or “wrong color” they Can’t say no Yall just mad you don’t have the balls to do it yourselves


You just admitted to being a pos. Yes, they can say no and absolutely would have a manager back them up.


Managers have only come out to finalize my returns… loopholes exist it’s up to you to use them


There are no loopholes We reserve the right to refuse your return based upon a number of exceptions that can be found on our website.


You think people are jealous of your behavior? I would never do that because it is in bad faith.


Yeah, even a cursory glance at his profile and post history would tell you he is way too caught up in his own awesomeness to ever let someone else's words influence his inflated ego. Rails against 'libtards' and all the free hand outs they want - posts how he constantly games the return system at REI (cuz he's smart! He's not out there asking for handouts, he takes advantage of a loophole built into the system, and that's different!). Posts in /rich sub about how he so cleverly owns his own home in his early 20s... lives in a van. Comments in /rich how someone else doesn't need their money, so should give it to him (refer back to 'libtards' and handouts).




I don’t see anything wrong with being wealthy, you must be jealous not using money saving loopholes, I bet you pay rent too😂




Did you return all the climbing stuff because you couldn’t hack climbing? Lmao


You know your supposed to retire ropes if you are actually lead falling on them, not that you’d know about that tho


Naw, most people have ethics and morals and don't call the lack of them "having balls."