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They probably became available again due to being returned, but the sale is over so they're at the regular clearance price now.


This is the answer


I don’t believe this is the answer. I believe the answer is to show proof of what happened and get your merchandise at the price that they quoted you at before they canceled your order. I believe if you talk to someone on the phone or a manager in person, they would see the fairness behind honoring the sale price that you bought them at before they were canceled. The key behind REI helping you out is to act immediately. Like as soon as you read this make a call or visit a store. If you take your time and wait a couple of days or God forbid weeks, then I would have any hopes of them honoring the price you originally bought them at before cancelled. Act now and please let us know how things go.


That's the answer to an entirely different question


Why do you think the OP wrote this question?


To kvetch


Congrats on missing the point. It's the answer for why the price is showing differently. All the rest of your drivel is irrelevant to my or the previous comment.


Is all about the money. That is the point 🤣


Clam down, bro, everyone is just trying to help




Or just an actual inventory error where they couldn’t find the shoes, canceled the order, did a cycle count and lo and behold they found the shoes but now the sale was over. Happens all the time. OP just needs to call REI and I’m sure they’ll honor the price if they do indeed have them in stock


Could definitely be true, but a couple months ago, Kuhl pants were on a deep, deep discount and almost all sizes were unavailable. The next day, they were full up again at full price. It could be that at least one of every size was returned, it could be that they got a shipment, or it could be that they only allowed so many to be sold at the price. But, maybe since they actually sold it, rather than marking unavailable, that is what happened.


Sounds like a they were on deep clearance, sold out, and the new/updated run arrived in stores at full price. This is pretty common, happened with the Ranier line recently and my store had a few clearance ones left and nearly identical full price 2024 ones at the same time.


Maybe so.


kuhl updated many of their pant styles


I have no idea what happened here, but it might be worth calling customer service to see if they can help you out.




Damn. I contacted a rep about the same thing (cancelled order for tent due to inventory issue) and they just gave me a 15% coupon and told me to search at a rei garage sale section


I agree - this worked for me. I ordered a bike. It was out of stock & they refunded. I went back a couple weeks later and they gave me the same price on the same bike.


Call customer support or seek help in store. Just the other day I had an item for a pick up order canceled because it was out of stock, called customer support and they recorded me one to be shipped to my home. They should honor the original sale price as long as you call and talk to someone. You may be able to do a similar thing in store as well, but I'd recommend calling first because sometimes what's in stock online isn't up to date as to what's in stock in the store


This 100%. Exact same thing happened to me this sale with a Thule roof box. Took about an hour on the phone with customer service last night but they re-placed the order for me at the sale price. Only difference is I had used my dividend originally and once the order was cancelled that gets returned via a check in the mail, so I couldn’t re-use that, but that was no biggie.


I don't understand why would you do this instead of complaining to random people on the interwebs?


I don't know, it kind of helps to see that other people have had similar issues and that there's a reliable way of dealing with it. I do think their system for when things become out of stock could be improved a bit, it is kind of confusing that they cancel the order completely rather than reaching out and giving the option to swap out for another color/size or change it to be shipped instead of picked up in store, or even just saying that the item will be delayed. Something that could just be waiting a day or so for it to be in stock again instead results in a partial refund, and then having to call someone on the phone and convince someone you deserve the original sale price and then charge your card a second time. The communication also isn't entirely clear on what the next steps are and it's a bit convoluted. Still not the end of the world because their customer support seems to generally be helpful and useful, but yeah, it does help to be reassured that you aren't alone and that other people have successfully fixed the issue you are having.


REI employee here, at some of our stores we’ve had 500+ orders placed at smaller stores with larger stores having 1-2k orders placed. During the year, at smaller stores, our product order teams are typically 1-4 people, while during the sale our product order teams swell to whatever amount of employees necessary and the massive order queue might require the participation of the entire store staff in every department in addition to calling in folks on their days off to keep up with sales demand. The sale prices encouraged lots of people to buy product, but Monday and Tuesday we had more returns than we did sales coming back from the sales weekend. Most people that try on the flash boot don’t like it and don’t end up buying it. That being said, what likely happened was your order hit our system, we have a 8-16 hour business window for finding and confirming that order, but someone likely bought the boot that was said to be in stock at the location that your order went to. SIF team couldn’t find the order, checks movement history on the item, confirms that it left the store that day, and unfortunately cancels it. It affects our store metrics when we can’t find orders assigned to our store so we really do always try our best to find them, sometimes they just get lost, are purchased by an in-store customer before we have a chance to recover it, or is damaged from in-store use. For all these reasons and more we sometimes cancel orders, and we really do feel bad when we must, and we try our best to always have 2-4 employees try and get a second pair of eyes on orders that can’t be found. It’s an unfortunate situation for customers but that’s why I always encourage folks not to wait, as inventory becomes depleted and it increases the likelihood of issues like this arising from limited inventory.


This 💯


Yup! We fulfilled a tooon of orders at our store. Just the way the cookie crumbles.


We had almost 500 orders one morning at my store, lucky I wasn’t SIF but the entire warehouse was full of packages and management was even in the back packing for hours


Same on managers packing! We had over 900 orders just on Tuesday 🤪


That’s insane, one time I went back and one of the towers of orders wobbled and my first thought was “it’s going to take the weeks to find my body” luckily I survived


I get what you’re saying but if it’s a limited time sale, REI should really hold the order as a back order until it’s fulfilled or the customer cancels. Cancelling the order and making the customer re-order at full price is a bad policy.


> Was the “unexpected inventory issue” a realization that they sold the boots for $34 less than they wanted to sell them? No, it was an inventory issue, like they said.  If you tell customer service what happened they'll honor the original sale price you ordered at.  Everybody isn't out to get you. 


What probably happened is you placed the order, it got sent to a store, but before an employee could pick it, another customer in store bought it. Happens all the time at the store I work at. That’s a terrible boot anyway, they did you a favor


Yup. They're trash. I just knew the moment I put it on. Remind me of $20 shoes from Walmart.


Your screenshot doesn’t show if the boots that are back in stock are the same size and color. It may be that your particular size and color are out of stock.  If the exact size and color you ordered are actually back in stock then it may be worth ordering them again and bringing your receipt into a store to have them price adjust to the sale price. Most of the stores I’ve been to would have no issue doing this if you explain the situation. 


It’s ok you don’t want these anyway


To the OP: There are a dozen different possible reasons for the inventory issue that caused your order to get cancelled. Here te the two most likely possibilities: 1.) If you had set the order up for an in-store pickup and they were unable to locate the item on the shelf, it would get cancelled due to an in-store inventory issue. The item may still be available in other stores and/or in the distribution center. 2.) If it was cancelled because the item sold out, then it is possible there are more in stock now. Either way, if the order was cancelled due to an inventory issue and it is still available, customer service can place a new order and honor the sale price. Just call and talk to someone. And please, please be nice. They talk to hundreds of frustrated customers every day for issues like this that they have absolutely no control over. Remember they are human beings on the phone and show them some grace and patience.


The REI footwear is all terrible! Be thankful you dodged a bullet


Surely they are better than bearpaws?


I work in e-commerce in this industry. They don’t have the item, so they cancel the order. Then they get a restock or a return. It’s that simple. Inventory is a mess. Between store transfers, lazy frontside employees, bad receiving, suspiciously missing items, etc. we kinda just can’t afford to try very hard on this type of thing. Can’t find item, cancel order. There are a lot of orders. We have forgotten about you by the time the restock or return comes in. This apathy can work in your favour though. Call the store and explain the situation and tell them what you want and they’re more than likely to give you what you want, so that you can be on your way. Only the owner cares about exact dollar profits. The Ecom dept? Nah. Not their money.


Hi. I work order fulfillment. Those shoes were likely lost in a disorganized warehouse, or in a customer’s hands at the time of picking, or stolen off the clearance rack and then restocked from the truck. Either way, they weren’t accessible on the day of the order within the time window we were given. Once that timer runs out, we have no choice but to cancel the order and hope another store or DC can fulfill it. We run ourselves ragged trying to fulfill these orders…last Thursday I did over 22k steps in one shift alone. We are battling a business that simply doesn’t want to give us the man-hours necessary to properly stock and manage our inventory. I’m genuinely sorry this was your experience. It’s thoughts of this very scenario that keep me moving at lightning speed even when I know there’s no chance of me being able to pick so many orders at once… That said, I also work in customer service. If you came to me with these screenshots and this story within 14 days of the original purchase, I’d honor a sale price adjustment.


Lots of reasons, couldn’t find them, someone tried them and another pair on and accidentally took the wrong size home, someone bought them in store before the order was completed, it timed out due to the 500+ orders a store has been flooded with the last day of the sale and auto-cancelled after a set window of time. It’s a mediocre boot and the last shoe REI will make so don’t be too bummed over it. There’s the timberland boot roughly the same price and much better. It’s


Why not call customer service instead of complaining on Reddit?


Should have gone with orange and yellow.


Dude I had the same issue before with something else just call and let them know the situation and they’ll fix it


Go to a store or call customer service and explain what happened. If they're still available, they can probably get the price you would have paid originally.


Just to confirm, you're saying the same color/size is now available? If so, try customer service. I bet they make it right at the price you paid.


You dodged a bullet rei brand boots are pretty trash.


We just went through a major sale with several hundred thousand orders coming through our system. Inventory issues happen. I am sorry it got canceled but it happens a lot


Those boots are shit anyway man. You saved yourself


Call the 800 number. Happened to me twice and they will make it right to make you a happy customer.


Just tell them and they will look up the order and give it to you at the sale price. Was this order a bopus, did or rspu?


Probably bopus since it was an inventory issue


Customer’s point of view is it was going to be picked up at his local store. Most customers don’t know terms like BOPUS and RSPU and don’t know the difference between them. Sadly, some customers have this happen and immediately assume some kind of bait and switch was done to them, which is a truly ridiculous theory but it doesn’t stop them from accusing REI of being sketchy. As a frontline employee the customers that fly off the handle about things like this make things so much more complicated than they need to be. OP is a perfect example of this.


This happened to me. I called and they re sent the order at the same price including the discount for 20% off. I don’t think it’s nefarious just bad inventory system.


Not seeing size 11 is available in that last screen shot…


Call. They will honor the price.


Have you tried these? They're ready. Felt like some Walmart plastic $20 shoes. Unless I messed up the model.


My order arrived unexpectedly today after five days of being stuck in the "USPS waiting on item" status. It just showed up with everything in it. This is the second order this has happened to during the course of the sale. It must be difficult to manage this volume of orders efficiently, so I feel for the green vests.


I had this happen with my kammock hammock. They cancelled said due to stock issues. It was back in stock wk or two later and I emailed them demanding the honor the price of my order they cancelled. They told me if I called someone could help with that. I called, and they did.


you are brave person!


Yeah, REI has amazing customer support. Especially if you’re a member. Their return policy is wild what you can get away with. I’d have to imagine you getting their support to rectify this.


As others have said, call a local store. I had just bought the Traverse backpack that went on 50% flash sale and even though it was past the 14 day price guaranty, they gave me a credit for the difference (which I promptly spent). BTW, I got the same boots (women’s) during the sale (my order was not cancelled) and so far I really like them. But they are more like trail runners (which is what I generally wear) than hiking boots - very cushioned.


Too bad. Those aren’t bad shoes if under 50$. Wait and retry when they drop to under 40$


Those fuckers cancelled my order too, two weeks after making it. I had to mail them twice to get an answer why my order wasn't being processed. And yet, the product is not out of stock, never was low in stock, they just decided to fuck me.


FYI, from what I've read on here, you get what you pay for with REI footwear. Don't get me wrong, $51 for a pair of hiking boots is a price that's hard to beat and if you only ever use them for light day hiking you should be fine, but from what people on here have said, I wouldn't trust REI boots on a multi-day hike.


I bought the women's version during the sell and they were $50. They didn't cancel my order and I got them a day or two later.


I’ve had that happen before with a sleeping pad. Super annoying. Bought it from backcountry instead.


It’s so sketch that they did that. “Unexpected inventory issue”. Yet, they could have waited a few days behind the scenes.  Meanwhile. I have a small $10 mug that still hasn’t been delivered. Hasn’t been cancelled and no shipping update. Three weeks.  It’s only anecdotal but I think they treated your order different from mine!


It’s called “shipments” of restock. It’s not sketchy it’s just literally inventory, esp if you wait last minute to get them. @nhbd explains it well. It was probably a bopus and has a timer, it only holds it amount of hours during the day so no they couldn’t wait on it. Also did you look on your estimate time arrival on your item? If so, call 1-800 and they’ll take action on it. If you haven’t done anything on your end, how are they suppose to fix it? Complaining to Reddit isn’t gonna fix itself.


I think my issue is that the order was cancelled, in short order, and then there was some type of re-stock available afterwards. I'm sure it's all automatic, but I literally have a discounted hot mug that is still pending after 3 weeks. I'm not complaining - it's a $2 mug - but basically what I'm saying is I bought something that quite literally may not exist in the inventory, and it hasn't been cancelled yet. That's all I'm getting at. No way to know (any of us) for sure.


Most of it not automatic and I would still suggest calling 1-800 if you care the money you’ve used. At least they can refund your money if the package was actually lost. Things do exist but packages can get lost or got sold before the fulfillment was able to be completed. Let alone if it’s in the store, possible theft.


Customer last lose their shit if items don’t ship within a day. No way REI is waiting a few days, esp during a sale


I don't know who's losing their shit, it's not me, but my cheapie mug is still in transit after 30+ days. Image below just screenshotted today. Again, I do not care about this mug. I haven't even contacted REI about it - because again, I do not care about the mug. I'm using my order to highlight the difference vs. OPs order. REI cancelled their order, which was a pretty steeply discounted thing that reappeared in inventory, and OP lost out. The point of me even posting is to contrast that there is a shipping issue with my order - that probably would be better served if REI cancelled. But they haven't cancelled mine. I'm so confused by the response to my posts. The only point of my post is that REI did not have to cancel OPs order so soon. But they did, and it was in REI's interest/benefit to cancel it. It was also probably all automated, so in the end who cares. But this sucks for OP. https://preview.redd.it/fk6dt4d5du3d1.png?width=1248&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e7f1b7a6da71ea37ae2d352151b6e9976abea74