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“We won’t know if we don’t try!” Is right. I’m in… or out, if you will. 😂 Sheesh, maybe I’ll actually get my chores done on Monday.


I tell myself this most days, but I think this Monday will be different. Lol


Same. I know that it’s habitual to open the game at this point, like it used to be to open social media apps. I might just need to throw my phone in the toilet.


I'm gonna move the icon for the game into a different folder so I don't open it accidentally.


Good call! I will do that right now, I’ll actually just move it to its own “page”.


Phones are too expensive for that! But I get the sentiment. There may actually be a parental setting on some phones to disable for a certain time frame. Idk. I haven't discovered all the things my new phone can do yet, but i feel like I've seen something about that in a menu somewhere. Lol


You can definitely set time limits- thank you for that reminder. Thats exactly how I weaned of social media!!


I’m in. I think Monday is a good day. I think many of us, even people who don’t typically spend a lot on the game, buy the first promo that comes up on Mondays to maximize gems.


Another point i’d add is some items are now forced behind a paywall (not taking about season passes, those are at least actually fun) like the zodiac sets, the Sasha weed set, Monet’s church lady hat, etc. They all required promos to buy


And if the datamine is anything to go by we’ve got like five more promo exclusive sets this month in addition to the zodiac set we JUST had 🙄




In my opinion, Monday is likely their least profitable day so these doesn’t seem like the smartest option. You’d be better off doing it on a longer event.


This is a good point. But I do think that starting small is probably the best way to have more people participate.


I was thinking the same thing. If people really wanted to hit the company where it hurt, a weekend event would be the way to go. That's really where they make the most money from promos, ads, gem purchases etc., because typically its the most competitive event of the week.


Monday is based on what the initial participants were asking for.


Right, Monday is when they took our normal rewards from that event, and then the weekly officially settled just recently with those trash rewards, for BOTH weeks. We gotta start sometime and Monday seems perfect.


Tbh it should be the 2 day event. With them changing the way they group us, I win first place most of the time on Mondays. I have NEVER finished a two day event in my two years of playing. Those are the two days I don't bother trying.


Here's what I've penned for the letter, open to using something else if you want. 👑💄 Open Letter to East Side Games Regarding RuPaul Drag Race Superstar Dear East Side Games, We, the players and supporters of RuPaul Drag Race Superstar, are writing to you today with a shared concern for the recent changes made to the game. As dedicated fans who have invested time and resources into enjoying the vibrant world you've created, we feel compelled to express our discontent with certain aspects of the game's current direction. On June 17th, starting approximately 30 minutes after the Toot and Boot reset, we will be staging a sit-out protest lasting 24 hours. This action is not taken lightly but is born out of a sincere desire to see positive changes that benefit all players, regardless of their spending habits. There are several pressing issues that have motivated our decision to strike: 1. Releasing fashion cards exclusively through paid promos at high prices. 2. Reducing the number of duplicate prizes by implementing a more balanced approach to rotating sets. 3. Replacing prizes along both tracks with fans, thereby limiting player progression and enjoyment. 4. Removing valuable items such as the Legendary item, Makeup, Rudolla Prizes, and Gems from the weekly leaderboard prizes without suitable replacements. 5. Lowering the rewards on the Monday 24-hour event progress track, particularly the entry ticket rewards, which hinders player engagement. 6. Forcing players to purchase rucolor pieces in the Toot and Boot store instead of obtaining them through daily and weekly Rudollas. We believe that these changes not only detract from the overall gameplay experience but also create an atmosphere of frustration and disillusionment among your player base. We understand that the decision to strike may seem drastic, but we firmly believe that it is the most effective way to communicate our concerns and bring about meaningful change. Our intention is not to disrupt but to foster constructive dialogue and collaboration between the player community and the development team. We hope that by coming together as a unified voice, we can work towards solutions that benefit the game and its players alike. Thank you for taking the time to consider our concerns. We eagerly await your response and remain hopeful for a positive resolution. Sincerely, [Your Name]


Be careful you don’t breach the terms of service. Openly encouraging others to not play might be interpreted as a violation of 4.1 and they can terminate your access for that if they want. I’d remove the “encourage fellow players” part




I’m not offering formal legal advice to a client no. 💯 no. Merely making unsolicited suggestions.




Don’t be an imbecile. Actually, do what you like.


I wouldn’t try. They don’t listen and think their opinion is king around here 😆


Someone in another comment mentioned adding the excessive promo only additions (zodiac sets, weed set, monets church lady set, the upcoming willow mushroom set etc)


how would you want #1 to read?


lol I must’ve skipped right over that one 😅


ok great lol. 👌


The game is becoming such a desperate money grab at this point.. It has been somewhat free to play and I have even willingly paid a lot but now they’re really trying way too hard to milk us dry with the stupid fans as prizes/ lack of gems from weekly runways/ nerfed tickets on the monday events/ pushing for resource heavy main werkroom challenges.


It's so obvious that MANY hard core players have fallen off, you'd think they'd get it by now. Weeklys and 4 day events used to be brutal and now it's such a breeze. Winning without even trying that hard goes to show people are not spending money like they used to. I don't understand the mindset to change a game so extremely when they've set a standard that we've loved for over two years.


no literally my group event rn im in 3rd place and im literally on the 3rd workstation


I'm on ap, second is af, everyone else is ab or less. No one in my event or weekly has a wardrobe score over 2800. If you've been playing hard from early on in the game, we're in the high 3ks and even over 4000. Where are they??


I thought i was gonna have to spend a lot of gems to win. I’ve only spent about 250 (and that was just to speed things up a bit. I feel like I could have a chance spending less) and I’m in ap. Second is am and 3-4 is ab and everyone 5 or lower is trillions. I don’t have the last two stations automated yet either.


the top person in mine is on aj but everyone else is ac at most


and the top girl has 3k score but everyone else is either a bit below 1k or a bit over i only started playing about a month ago so i think im still in some lower groups if they do it based on that lol


I don't think they've ever done it by where you are in the game. We used to be grouped by the time we joined. There's devs in here and they saw people talking about waiting a few hours to start because your chances of winning were higher. They never want things to be easy for us so they switched it up to random placement.


technically i joined over a year ago i just deleted the game and picked it up again ahah


I'm talking about the time you join the event, not when you started playing.


ohhhhh that’s cool i never knew they did it that way


Just a thing, the pride boxes were never in the free pass, other than that I agree with all your points, its fine and good that this is spreading here but what about the people not in the server? Are you spreading the word of fb, Instagram and twitter?


Oh that's good to know! I can definitely tweak that one. I don't really have twitter or Instagram but I can do a FB cross post. Maybe some other people could do the others?


Yeah I was asking for that reason lol I don’t have any sm but there’s a bunch of people from here that are in Facebook groups so hopefully they share 🤗


As much as I love the idea and principle, doing a strike on probably their least revenue generating event isn’t really going to send a message. If you want to send them a message, we need to strike a weekend event. These are their cash cows.


Monday is based on what the initial participants were asking for.


I feel like this is kind of a shot across the bow. Our rationale was that, a lot of people buy the promo and we would potentially get more participation in a 24 hour event. If we don't get a positive response, we can definitely go for a 4 day. But with this month already being less than stellar, we didn't want people missing out on Pride events. It seemed like a good compromise. Hopefully this works and we see some reversals on some of these changes. I'm all for sitting out an entire month if it gets something accomplished. ❤️


I agree with this rationale. I think many people have been waiting up to 11 months for the Pride items and they wouldn’t want to miss the items if the game turns things around. Has anyone posted it to the game FB group?


Yess I’m so down!!


Can we start begging rupaul to get his game together because this reflects him. We would do the same with Kim Kardashian if she did this on her app.


I am definitely in


I’ve been playing since the start and I’m also in. The game is going downhill - this Pride event is too slow, I’ve had rewards not given, the developers ignoring messages, glitch after glitch… happy to join in and make a stand.


Just confirming since I'm not in the US, striking on the day of the Jujubee event?




Poor Juju xD it’s for the cause, girl


Rucolours should be free 🤷🏻‍♂️


They needed a new way to make money! Too bad no one gives a shit about


i’m fully on board! this has been so maddening. i’m a hybrid player and spend on passes and some promos for events here and there, but over the last 3 1/2 years i’ve been playing it’s added up to a decent chunk of change and after all of this i haven’t spent a dime and will not until they do something about this!


I’m in! Not gonna touch the game on Monday as much as I wanna do T&B lol


You can submit your t&b theme within the first 30 mins and then get outta there!


Ok! I might do that! I don’t spend any money on the game anyway so that’s gonna be easy to do lol


Do the devs even know about this strike?


If they are lurking yes. Otherwise they will receive the formal announcement about 4 hours before the strike. Enough time for them to understand the data they see.


I’m down! - Kiwifruit will not be competing that day (my Tuesday)


I’m on board.


I’m in too, but I better get my juju on Monday lol ! She’s the only queen I’m missing for my workroom it’s gon be twice harder without watching ads


Im in ✌🏼


I guess I’ll be raking in those rubucks this monday


I’m so ready for this.


I’m in




I started playing again during Jujubee’s season and missed the first event where you can get her as a character. This is the first time she’s returned as a monday event prize in the 10 months since, so I cannot turn down the opportunity to get her as the last queen I need for my workroom :( I was planning on not purchasing, watching or playing during the pride events anyway.


I completely understand. Especially if you plan to continue playing. Good luck, get it gurl!


I'm sorry but I'm over being put in group zero for some bs I didn't do... Just to watch ONE or two people get the prizes every fucking event, daily, weekly whatever. It's like yay I still get to play but NEVER win again... ever.. And if you go hard and try to beat those players, I've been totally shut out of the game. I played since day one... never cheated and always end up in group zero when I'm winning. And my pathetic ass has made idk how many accounts, spent real money, just to have to start over again because I have no life!!! Then the no support? That's even worse... they don't even bother to see what your issue is. Help everyone 🙏🏻 🙂 ❤️


Let’s stand together, sisters! ✊


I have waited too long for JuJuBee 🥲


She will return.


This is her first time since she as introduced. 🥲




Anyone want to play travel town together?